Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 107 The Second Mission

Chapter 107 The First Mission (Ask for a Monthly Ticket!!!)

"a wise decision!"

Meow Meow grinned, took out a Poké Ball and handed it to Karina.

As the Royal Sanjia of the Kalos area, the power of the Pokémon race, the Firefox, is naturally impeccable.

What's more, the fire fox that Miaomiao chose for Karina also has extraordinary talents that don't belong to Pikachu.

As long as Karina continues to use her strengths and trade a lot...

In time, she and her Firefox would definitely become bigwigs on the sensational side.

"Then next, it's my turn!"

After Karina completed the transaction, Crowe immediately pushed his eyes, showed a gentleman's smile, and walked forward excitedly.

Before Meow Meow could speak, Crowe was the first to say excitedly:

"Master Miaomiao, please help me exchange all the remaining treasures in the cabin into points!!!"

"no problem!"

Miaomiao, who had already smelled the smell of treasure in the cabin, was not surprised by today's three consecutive transactions.

With a wave of hands and a smile, the last bit of treasure left in Baiji Braque disappeared instantly.

And Crowe has also become the biggest winner of this trip to Hyde!

【VIP level: 2】

【VIP experience: 4425/10000】

【Current points: 4025】

Seeing the extra 4000 points in his account, Crowe was so excited that he wanted to jump up and shout.

But when he noticed the gazes of the younger brothers around him, he immediately suppressed the instinct in his body that didn't fit his image.

Putting away the mobile phone Rotom that no longer had to pay the rent, he slowly let out a long sigh of relief and stabilized his emotions.


A bright white light flashed across his clear glasses.

Thinking back two months ago, he was still worrying about the hundreds of millions of Baileys...

But now, he can actually have such a huge sum of money!
What does this show! ?

Doesn't that just mean...

As long as the thighs are chosen well, follow-up blessings are indispensable!
Miss Nami and the thigh of the revolutionary army, he must hold it tight!

"Captain Crowe, congratulations on becoming a VIP2 member of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce, so what kind of products do you plan to buy next?"

Miaomiao laughed and took a step forward, pointing to the tablet Rotom floating in the air, revealing the mall interface and asked.

"Purchasing goods..."

When it came to business, Crowe immediately raised his head, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Speaking of...

4000 points, in fact, can already help him do a lot of things!

Whether it is buying a powerful Pokémon or buying a few Pokémon with outstanding talents, it seems to be a good choice.

However, at the moment of being questioned by Miaomiao, Crowe suddenly fell into deep thought.

Rather than changing to a more powerful or talented Pokémon, what he actually hopes now is...

Help your cool leopard become stronger!
After more than a month of contact, he can say with certainty...

Between the trainer and the Pokémon, there is definitely a special power that helps the Pokémon become stronger!

This is not his imagination, but the conclusion that Crowe speculated based on the performance and growth of Nami and Pikachu during this period!
He even specifically consulted Nami's Ba Dahu for this.

Although he didn't get an affirmative answer, from Ba Dahu's mouth, he did hear some legends about the bond story between trainers and Pokémon.

And Ba Dahu once said that even Pikachu's progress speed is a bit unexpected.

After that, Crona's brain far surpassed that of ordinary people immediately deduced an answer...

That is the bond between the trainer and Pokémon, which can make Pokémon stronger!

He even had a premonition that in the future world, those trainers who can truly stand on top of the world must be those trainers who have mastered this fettering power!
After thinking for a moment, Crowe's eyes instantly became firm. He looked at Miaomiao and said politely:
"Master Meow, may I ask..."

"If I want to improve the potential of Cool Leopard, what do I need to pay?"

Even though he thought it was unbelievable, Crowe gave up the seemingly more correct choice and decided to throw all his wealth on Kubao.

I only hope that he, a trainer who is not good at words, can make Kubao feel the bond between them in this way.

"Improvement potential?"

Meow Meow's expression was stunned for a moment, apparently he didn't expect Crowe to ask such a question.

But immediately, he withdrew his laughing expression and gave Crowe a serious look.

"This man is not an ordinary person." Miaomiao thought for a while, but still shook her head gently:

"I'm sorry, Captain Crowe, with your current VIP level, you can't increase the eligibility to purchase Pokémon's potential."

Is it difficult to increase the potential of Pokémon?
Actually not.

For example, Miaomiao herself had just been boosted by Lin Luo's potential not long ago.


The channel to increase potential is not through system items, but through Lin Luo's consumption of points.

In Lin Luo's setting, only traders with a VIP level of 5 or above are eligible for such DIY transactions.

Only in this way can traders see a more distant future without affecting the rescue of Pokémon.

"Is that so..."

Crowe, who received a negative answer from Meow Meow, was slightly disappointed.

But Miaomiao's next sentence surprised him again.


"Although the potential cannot be improved for the time being, there is another way to avoid the potential and directly increase the strength of Pokémon."

"What!? Really!?"

Crowe was overjoyed when he heard this.

"Of course." Miaomiao nodded, and as she waved her hand, several item information appeared on the tablet Rotom:

【Strength Enhancement Capsule】

[Effect: After use, it improves the strength of Pokémon's limbs and explosive power. 】

【Price: 500 points】

[Purchase requirements: VIP2 or above]

【Speed ​​Enhancement Capsule】

[Effect: Improve movement speed and body sensitivity. 】

【Price: 500 points】

[Purchase requirements: VIP2 or above]

【Physical Enhancement Capsule】



This is a kind of strengthening item for Pokémon developed by an unofficial organization in the Pokémon world.

Originally, these capsules had some side effects, and the price was not so expensive.

But after Lin Luo saw these capsules, he immediately found a business opportunity. He used a small amount of points to cancel the side effects of the capsules, and then added a little more price to sell them to traders.

Although these capsules can increase the strength of Pokémon, it is not comparable to the cost performance of directly buying Pokémon.

But Lin Luo believes that props that can surpass the potential and directly enhance the strength of Pokémon will definitely become hot-selling products! ! !

And there are actually many such practical props in the system.

It's a pity that Lin Lu's trading business has just started, and traders are focusing more on powerful Pokémon, so that these props have not been widely promoted.


Seeing the expression on Ke Luo's face, Meow Miao suddenly laughed in her heart.

"It seems that someone is finally going to discover the value of these props!"

"In this way, I will definitely be praised by Lord Lin Luo!?"

Unknowingly, the little tail behind Meow Miao began to wag happily.



After learning about the effects of the enhanced capsules, Crowe finally chose to purchase 2 strength, 2 speed, and 2 stamina enhancement capsules, spending a total of 3000 points.

In addition, he purchased daily training supplies and training props worth 1000 points.

As for why you have to buy so many daily necessities...

This is actually a little thought of Crowe himself.

If you want to hug Nami's thigh tightly, it's useless to just say it with your mouth.

During this trip to Hyde, apart from letting my younger brother run errands, I didn't play any key role at all, but on the contrary, I got the biggest benefit.

Plus Ba Dahu's special guidance to Cool Leopard this month.

If he keeps all the harvest in this way, it will more or less affect the relationship between him and Nami.

And for this...

Crowe deliberately decided to take the initiative to bear the daily training consumption of this team.

For auxiliary training props such as energy cubes, he not only bought the favorite flavor of evil-type Pokémon, but also bought large quantities of flavors of electricity-type and fire-type Pokémon.


This is his way of life!



In less than an hour, a huge transaction finally came to an end.

Nami gained stronger strength, Karina gained the identity of a trainer, and Crowe hugged the thigh in front of him...

They all have a bright future!
This is simply Qin Shihuang touching the switch - winning numb!

"OK! Now that the transaction is over, we are going to find the next trader."

Kojiro tossed his broken hair gracefully, and made a farewell gesture.

But right now.

Sabo, who had been watching for a long time, suddenly reached out to stop the Rockets trio who were about to leave, and said with a slightly apologetic face:
"Sorry, three adults!"

Sabo directly used the honorific title, giving the Rockets trio the greatest respect.

The Rockets trio also immediately looked at Sabo, showing curiosity.

Miaomiao didn't smell a trace of money on Saab's body, so it was very sure that the man in front of him was now a person whose entire net worth couldn't even scrape together 50 Baileys.

In fact, Miaomiao did not wrong Saab.

Who told him to let Klar use all the money he brought this time to help the refugees.

In addition, he grew up in the Revolutionary Army and had no personal property at all, so he was judged by Miaomiao as a "useless person" and then ignored by the trio.

But despite this, Sabo, who had just talked with Long on the phone, couldn't just watch the dimensional businessman slip away from his eyes.

He stepped forward quickly, introduced himself and said:

"I'm sorry to take up a little time for the three of you. I'm Sabo, the captain of the Revolutionary Army's East China Sea Special Operations Team."

"Your Excellency Long, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, wanted to ask a few adults about something through me."

"May I ask the three of you, what are the conditions to become a trader? Or, how do we non-traders become a trader?"

"How to become a trader?"

Musashi turned his head, glanced at Sabo with a smile in his eyes, and opened his mouth to answer:
"It's simple."

"The Wanjie Chamber of Commerce protects the diversity of the world, and in order to promote the growth of this diversity..."

"What we need is - the power to change the world!"

At this moment, a mysterious light flashed in Musashi's eyes.

In order to make herself more dignified at this time, she secretly used super powers to deify her image in everyone's minds.

I saw her solemnly looking at everyone, as if she was telling the rise and fall of a great existence, and said softly:
"No matter what kind of world it is, it needs the power to change!"

"Standing will only accelerate the decline of the world!"


"Traders must be the ones who have the courage to face fate and take actions to break the inherent fate!"

With that said, Musashi took a step forward, exuding a majestic aura, and continued:

"We are very fortunate that the world is full of such people!"

"It is precisely because of this that the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce specially sent the three of us here to assist Lord Lin Luo, so that this world can make more changes."

After the words fell, Musashi looked straight at Sabo with mysterious eyes.

She had a hunch that Sabo, who would ask this question, would not be satisfied with just getting this official answer.

This is the directness of women.

"Do you have the courage to face fate?"

as predicted.

Sabo lowered his head and muttered something, but immediately raised his head:

"Then, Miss Musashi, do I have the qualifications?"

He really didn't know whether what he was doing now was his inherent destiny, or he was breaking his own destiny.


"You are qualified, and you are more qualified than ordinary traders!"

Musashi's voice froze slightly, and an imperceptible smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

She has detected Sabo's true strength with superpowers, and she knows very well that as long as Sabo has the heart, it will be a matter of time before he becomes a trader.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have talked so much with a poor BB.

It's all about developing potential customers.

And Sabo, who heard Musashi's answer, really showed a faint smile on his face, as if he was happy that he was on the right path.

In any case, after Musashi's answer, he had a bottom line in his mind.

He immediately thanked:

"Thank you very much Miss Musashi for your answer, I will continue to work hard!"

"I look forward to it!"

Musashi showed a beautiful smile, looked past Sabo, and glanced at the other members of the Crowe Pirates.

That expression seemed to say "You all have a chance to become a trader", which made everyone's hearts tremble instantly.

But just when Musashi was about to say goodbye again, a hand she was very familiar with blocked her again.

Kojiro suddenly walked up to Sabo from the steps of the King Carp submarine, and asked with a kind smile:

"Sorry to bother you."

"Mr. Sabo, you just said that you are a member of the Revolutionary Army...isn't that right?"

"No... that's right!"

Sabo replied inexplicably, looking at Kojiro curiously.

Kojiro smiled happily:
"Sure enough, I didn't hear wrong."

"The Revolutionary Army should be the revolutionary organization determined to overthrow the brutal regimes everywhere?"

"I just have a task here, which is very suitable for you to complete!"

 Thank you for your support! ! !

  Thanks to X1a and Sasai for their monthly pass support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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