Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 108 Team Tasks

Chapter 108 Team Tasks

Sabo froze for a moment, and looked at Kojiro curiously.

"What kind of mission is it?"

"It's very simple!" Kojiro smiled slightly and replied:
"I just want you and the revolutionary army behind you to change an old and decaying country like the Hyde Kingdom!"

The tablet Rotom suddenly flew in front of Sabo, and a dialog box popped up on the lit screen.

[Team Mission: Liberate Goya]

[Task content: The children of nobles are still nobles, and the children of commoners are just commoners. The eternal class has created an unchanging world. 】

[Task requirements: To overthrow the decadent regime of Goya Kingdom in the East China Sea, and establish a new regime of freedom, equality, democracy and harmony. 】

[Mission time: within 6 months of taking over the mission. 】

[Task Reward: Within 6 months after the establishment of the regime, all members of the team who complete the task will enjoy a 5% discount on all products of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce. 】


Looking at the task content that appeared on the top of the screen, at this moment, not to mention Sabo, even Nami and the others who came to the side were stunned for an instant!
The mission of the dimensional businessman is to overthrow the state power! ?
Don't look at Nami and the others who just assassinated a king a few days ago and liberated the slave trade, which seems to have dealt a serious blow to Hyde Kingdom.

but in fact……

This is nothing compared to overthrowing the regime of a country!
A regime accepted by the world government cannot be overthrown so easily!

You know, the Kingdom of Goya is one of the largest large kingdoms in the East China Sea.

Even the Tianlong people who are far away in Mariejoa will come here to travel and have fun occasionally.

It can be seen how popular its reputation is.

To overthrow the regime of such a country is not as simple as assassinating a king.

Coupled with the subsequent requirement to establish an independent regime, it has completely exceeded the current capabilities of the revolutionary army.

Especially after the establishment of the regime, the revolutionary army is equivalent to coming from the shadows to the bright side.

At that time, what they have to face will be the entire force of the world government and navy!

This is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the current revolutionary army!

Sabo's eyes flashed, and his eyes were fixed on the last message on the screen.

Task reward, within 6 months, that is, within half a year, all members of the team who complete the task will enjoy a 5% discount on all products of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce.

If only there were a few more Pokémon as powerful as Miss Nami's Pikachu in the Revolutionary Army...

Then even if the army of the world government arrives, it may not be without the power to fight!
What's more, whether it is the four emperors of the new world or the pirates who are about to move on the great route, they will distract most of the energy of the world government and navy.

For so many years, the revolutionary army has survived in these cracks.

The difference is that the previous base camp was in the dark, but in the future, it may have to be moved to the light.

After thinking about it for a long time, Sabo did not give an answer immediately, after all, this is not a decision that he, the captain of the special operations team, can make.

He looked up at Kojiro, and said slowly:

"Mr. Kojiro, can you please wait a moment, I need to communicate with the leader before making a decision."


Kojiro responded with a polite smile, and was not curious about Sabo's behavior.

Compared to Sabo's full face of thinking at this moment, the new members of the revolutionary army who were following him had already written the word "excitement" on their faces at this moment!

5% off trade items! ?

Nami, who had just finished trading, was extremely excited when she saw the reward for this mission...

I can't wait to travel to the Revolutionary Army to complete the task, and then directly enjoy the preferential treatment of the task reward.

In this way, she can easily revive Belmel and buy more resources for Pikachu.

Looking at Sabo who walked aside to communicate with the dragon with a phone bug, Nami really wanted to go over and tell them the benefits of completing the task.


She just joined the Revolutionary Army, so she really doesn't have the qualifications to decide such an important matter.

We can only hope that the leader of the revolutionary army can take a long-term view.

Nami thought hopefully.

And at this moment, Miaomiao and Musashi on the side were also full of doubts, and hurried to Kojiro's side, and said in surprise:
"Kojiro, what's going on with you?? You've never told us this before?" Musashi asked hurriedly, with a slightly panicked tone.

On the other hand, Miao Miao, who had a thoughtful look in her eyes, seemed to realize something, and asked Kojiro curiously:
"Could it want to use the Revolutionary Army to disrupt the Kingdom of Goa, and then create an environment where Monkey D. Luffy can fetter the plan?!"

"Those who know me, meow meow!" Kojiro nodded in relief, then moved closer to the two of them, muttering in a low voice:

"You don't know, this revolutionary army is not a simple third-rate gang!"

Because of their different division of labor, Kojiro has a much deeper understanding of the world of One Piece than Musashi and Meow!
Compared to the step-by-step boss Lin Luo who is somewhat salty...

Kojiro obviously did a lot of homework on promoting transactions and the evolution of bonds.

He is well aware of the composition of the Revolutionary Army and what it is doing...

It is also very clear that once the revolutionary army agrees to come down and occupy the Kingdom of Goa, it is bound to set off a bloody war in the Kingdom of Goa, a member of the government!

And this is exactly what Kojiro wants to see!
After briefly introducing the role of the Revolutionary Army in the Pirate World, Kojiro immediately showed a smug smile on his face when he saw the two compatriots who were suddenly enlightened. He slapped his chest and continued to explain:
"Once the Goa Kingdom goes to war, the environment in the kingdom will inevitably be complicated, which just provides an excellent environment for the growth of Luffy, the kid!"

Kojiro's voice fell, and immediately attracted the target of Miaomiao and Musashi.

The two stared at Kojiro in disbelief.

After a while, Musashi murmured:
"My dear! Kojiro, when did you become so smart!?"

If this plan can really allow that kid Luffy to successfully master the power of bondage evolution...

Kojiro is simply indispensable! ! !
You clearly agreed to be funny characters together, but you secretly read books and went to college...

How embarrassing is this for me! ! !

Looking at Kojiro, and then at Meow Meow, Musashi instantly felt that his status in the team might be in jeopardy.

At the very least, my IQ seems to be somewhat behind these two guys!



Regardless of Musashi's reflections.

After half an hour of Sabo's phone call with Ryuu, he finally put down the phone bug, came to Kojiro with a dignified expression, and said seriously:
"Mr. Kojiro, after the unanimous discussion between the leaders and the senior leaders of the Revolutionary Army, we have decided..."

"Take this task!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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