Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 109 The Kingdom of Alabasta

Chapter 109 The Kingdom of Alabasta

Shortly after.

Lin Luo, who was far away on the great route, put down the call from Kojiro, with a gratified smile on his face, and secretly praised:
"Kojiro and the others are really surprisingly easy to use!"

Even he didn't expect that the revolutionary army could be used to fight against the Kingdom of Goa, thus arousing the bond between Luffy and Quacking Frog.

But this also has a lot to do with his not meeting the revolutionary army.

After all, many times, excellent ideas often come from a flash of inspiration.

Now Lin Luo is looking forward to the scene of the revolutionary army attacking the Kingdom of Goa.

Compared to others, he knows...

The Kingdom of Goa, which is the hometown of the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Dragon, and the second leader, Sabo!
Now Sabo is still in a state of amnesia, and I don't know if he will restore his original memory when he sees Luffy.

As for the 5% discount Lin Luo promised...

This is actually his support for the revolutionary army in itself!
Based on Lin Luo's understanding of the revolutionary army, if he really wants to occupy the Kingdom of Goa, it will take six months...

Direct full force, unparalleled mode, within a week, enough to occupy the entire Kingdom of Goa.

But what is really difficult is after the occupation of Goa Kingdom.

At that time, whether it is the navy of the East China Sea or the power of the world government, they will be like the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of the revolutionary army.

And this 5% discount is exactly Lin Luo's help to the revolutionary army!
"When the revolutionary army and the navy fight, I can make a lot of money again!"

Imagining the future scene, the corners of Lin Luo's mouth could not help but rise.

He originally intended to support some forces to fight against a dominant world government and create more trading opportunities.

After all, the faction system is also an essential part of the game!

And the revolutionary army that suddenly appeared in Lin Luo's sight at this time can just play an important role in it.

Compared with the erratic and infighting pirate camp, the revolutionary army camp will undoubtedly be more popular with players.

Whether it is a 5% discount for a limited time, or fighting against the unequal rule of the world government, it will attract a large number of traders to join the revolutionary army camp.

by that time……

Maybe the Revolutionary Army can really fight against the World Government Chamber!

A good show will be staged in the East China Sea soon.

"The world is getting more and more interesting!"

Lin Luo grinned.

With a dodge, he suddenly came from a different space to the top of the Howling Whale King, which is 1000 meters above the sea level.

Looking at the vast continent ahead, the excitement on his face became more and more persistent.

"Speaking of which, I didn't expect to accumulate so many points so quickly."

"If this trip to Alabasta goes well, it seems to be a good choice to build an elf center here!"

"It's just that Alabasta is full of deserts. What kind of elf center should we use?"

For this kind of place that involves appearance and face, Lin Luo has always been striving for perfection.

"Forget it, let's see what's going on in this country first, and then make a decision!"

Call ~
A sea breeze mixed with yellow sand blows by.

And Lin Luo's figure also disappeared quietly in the wind.

The giant Howler Whale consciously sank slowly to the bottom of the sea so as not to frighten passing ships.



at the same time.

Inside the palace of Alabasta.

As a descendant of the [-] kings who overthrew the "Great Kingdom" together - Neferutari Cobra was sitting in front of the desk at this time, looking at the memorial in front of him seriously.

For a room that is only used to correct memorials, the area of ​​this study is undoubtedly huge.

In the empty room, there is a desk that looks simple but is inlaid with gold.

The walls of the room are cut in half from off-white marble as a whole, and are carved on top of it by skilled craftsmen in the kingdom.

All kinds of exquisite patterns and textures can be described in four characters: carved beams and painted buildings.

In the very center of the room, there is a small round table.

There are two red plush plush chairs on the left and right sides of the round table, and there are all kinds of delicious fruits on the table.

From the decoration style of this study, it is not difficult to see that Alabasta is a country with a long history of cultural heritage.


At this time, Cobra looked at the memorial in front of him with a worried face, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily pursed.

"Strange, why did the drought come so early this year? Could it be another year of severe drought this year?"

The good king, who was concerned about the country and the people, let out a long sigh with some sadness.

"Just in case, we must prepare in advance this year. First mobilize part of the water resources from Juba and send it to the east."

After thinking about it, he took out the quill next to him and started writing on it.

Although this may be unfair to Oasis Yuba, at least it can guarantee that no one will die of thirst due to drought this year!
And just when Cobra was mourning for his own difficult and difficult country.

Opposite him, a strange voice suddenly appeared.


"Even if you mobilize Juba's water resources, you still can't solve the drought problem in Alabasta."

"After all, the reason for this problem is in the sky!"


The quill that was writing smoothly stopped suddenly, drawing a zigzag straight line on the paper.

Cobra raised his head in horror, and suddenly found not far in front of him...

Beside the round table he used to rest, a young man with extraordinary temperament was sitting leisurely on a chair, eating the fruit on the table.

Seeing Lin Luo who suddenly appeared, Cobra subconsciously wanted to press the phone bug in his arms to send a signal to his guards.

As for why someone would enter his study room silently...

It doesn't matter anymore!
It's important to save your life first!
But just as Cobra stretched out his hand to his bosom, a magical and powerful force suddenly stopped him, as if a big hand was holding his arm tightly, making him unable to move at all.

Lin Luo smiled lightly, and stood up while eating the fruit.

"There is no need to get excited, Your Majesty Cobra."

"I'm here to help you!"

The faint voice seemed to have some kind of magical power, and after entering Cobra's ears, it immediately calmed down his panic about being broken into.

It's just that although the fear in his heart was no longer there, it made Cobra more vigilant.

He knew very well that his emotions had been controlled by the person opposite him, but he couldn't panic at all, instead he asked very calmly:
"who are you?"

"What about me?"

Lin Luo picked up the apple-shaped fruit in his hand that tasted like a combination of watermelon and pineapple, put it near his mouth and took another bite.

Not to mention, the fruits grown in this desert are surprisingly delicious!

It was more delicious than any fruit Lin Luo had eaten in the East China Sea.

After eating the fruit in two or three bites, Lin Luo reached out and pulled out a newspaper that was pressed on the top and bottom of the desk, and then clicked on the headlines:

"It's a pity. After collecting so much news about me, I didn't recognize me."

"King Cobra, I am a little disappointed in you."

Lin Luo stared directly at Cobra, a mysterious and mighty aura suddenly rose behind Lin Luo, slowly guarding behind him like a demon, and staring at Cobra.

A strand of cold sweat suddenly left Cobra's forehead.

But just when he was about to be unable to tell whether this was reality or an illusion, Lin Luo changed his mind and immediately laughed and said:
"just kidding!"

With a slightly positive expression, Lin Luo continued:
"Presumably His Majesty Cobra should have heard about my rumors..."

"As you think in your heart at this time, I am the dimensional businessman from the Ten Thousand Worlds Chamber of Commerce."

"I heard that you're in some trouble, so I'm here to make a deal with you~"

"A deal?"

Cobra showed a puzzled look.

Lin Luo continued to step forward, and the smile on his face became more and more kind.

"That's right, a deal!"


"A transaction that can turn the deserted Alabasta territory into an oasis!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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