Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 110 No. 1 VIP5

Chapter 110 The First VIP5 (Ask for a Monthly Pass!!!)
"What did you say!?"

Cobra's eyes widened suddenly, even under the influence of superpowers, his heart couldn't help but get excited.

As a qualified king, what Cobra must do every day is to read the major official newspapers.

He has also heard about the news of the dimensional businessman.

It's just because the East China Sea is too far away from the great route, it's like two worlds.

Coupled with the panic for a while, Cobra didn't even recognize Lin Luo.

But through Lin Luo's words, coupled with the stimulation just now...

At this moment, he instantly recognized Lin Luo's identity.

"You, you are the dimensional businessman from Donghai!?"

Cobra stretched out his trembling arms and pointed at Lin Luo, and shouted in disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, he added another sentence in his heart:
Manipulate mysterious creatures to defeat the mysterious man of the admiral!

Although in this sea, there have been different opinions on the authenticity of the other world and the dimensional merchant.

But Lin Luo's ability to defeat the admiral terrified everyone, and no one dared to underestimate it!
As a descendant of one of the 20 kings, Cobra has a deeper understanding of admirals than ordinary people.


That is a title that can only be awarded to those who have at least the strength of the island-destroying level.

And the terrifying power that can defeat the admiral is not something he can resist with his own power.

The more you know, the more you fear.

At this moment, Cobra couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

Fortunately, my negative emotions were controlled by the other party, otherwise I would have been too scared to speak now.

At this time, he thought of what Lin Luo said just now, his mood changed instantly, and he said excitedly:

"Sorry, Mr. Dimensional Merchant, I was too excited just now."

After rectifying his mood, he continued to ask:
"Excuse me, is the transaction you just said true?"

"That is, a deal that can turn the desert into an oasis!"

Because he knew how powerful Lin Luo was, Cobra was extremely cautious.

"of course."

Lin Luo smiled kindly, and said indifferently:
"It's just turning a desert into an oasis, which is not a big deal."

As long as you have enough money, you can say anything.

Lin Luo added with a smile in his heart.

Just now, he has checked the treasury of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

It has to be said that the Kingdom of Alabasta deserves to be one of the twenty kingdoms.

Although the financial resources and strength of the Neferutalili family may not be as rich as the Tianlong people...

But when Lin Luo asked the system, the system marked a shockingly high price of 30 points for the entire treasury!
In other words, the value of the financial reserves in this palace alone is as high as 300 billion Berries!
Lin Luo seriously suspected that if Cobra hadn't devoted himself to the people and spent a lot of financial resources to help the people live a happier life, the money might have increased by more than 5 or 6 times!
After all, Alabasta, as one of the twenty kingdoms, does not have the troubles of heavenly gold that make the ordinary government members suffer.

And the other side.

After hearing Lin Luo's answer, Cobra couldn't help but smiled wryly.

no big deal?
The Neferutali family has been working on rectifying the harsh environment in the Kingdom of Alabasta since hundreds of years ago...

Countless manpower and material resources have accumulated, but it has only reached the point where it is today.

Even so, they have to spend countless thoughts every year to help those hardest-hit areas far from the coast.

Thinking of the descriptions of the dimensional merchants in the newspapers, and the methods Lin Luo had used since his appearance, Cobra only thought for a few seconds before he believed in the authenticity of the dimensional merchants.

He immediately excitedly said:

"Master Dimensional Merchant, as long as I can improve the harsh environment of the Alabasta Kingdom, I swear in the name of the Alabasta Kingdom King and Neferutari Patriarch..."

"I will do my best to repay you!!!"

In order to seize this possible opportunity, Cobra took the initiative to initiate an oath to express his attitude.

However, facing his upright appearance, Lin Luo just smiled lightly.

"Don't be so excited, Your Majesty Cobra."

"I said, this is just a very common thing."

Lin Luo snapped his fingers lightly.

All of a sudden!
A mysterious force invaded Cobra's brain, making him seem to be teleported, and a desolate town suddenly appeared in front of him.

This small town is very desolate, the ground is extremely dry and full of cracks.

All the villagers in the town are also pale and thin, looking very painful.

"Where is this, here, is there also a drought?"

Seeing everything in front of him, Cobra was taken aback suddenly, and frowned slightly.

Even in Alabasta, it has been many years since an area with such a severe drought has been seen.

And at this moment, in Cobra's sight...

Not far from the town, a group of strange creatures suddenly appeared and were slowly approaching the town.

They have a pink body and are fat. There are two small pupils in the round and big eye sockets, making their gaze very dull.

It looks silly and dull, giving Cobra a feeling of not being very smart.

And in fact.

Their behavior is indeed a bit strange.

I saw them slowly approaching the village, stepping on the dry and uneven ground, their bodies ups and downs in a daze, but they didn't know to choose the gentler road next to them.

Under Cobra's watchful eye, the group of pink creatures finally came to the center of the town.

Under the curious gazes of the townspeople, the leading pink creature suddenly opened its mouth.

As if taking the lead, the rest of the pink creatures also opened their dumb mouths one by one and looked towards the sky.

next second.

A scene that made Cobra's heart tremble greatly appeared.

I saw that in the cloudless and sunny sky, an incomparably thick dark cloud suddenly appeared at an unknown time, directly covering the entire sky.

Dark clouds overwhelmed the city, and the air instantly became humid.

Immediately afterwards, a huge drop of rain fell suddenly, fell to the ground, and scattered into countless tiny drops of water.

Without any warning, the silent heavy rain poured down instantly.

In the small town, the expressions of the villagers fluctuated violently within a few seconds, from dull, to awakened, to overjoyed!
One after another, thin villagers came out of their homes, weeping and knelt on the ground, enjoying the irrigation of the water of life, while worshiping the group of pink creatures.

"This...what the hell is going on..."

"Why, in such a dry weather, it suddenly rained!?"

Cobra muttered puzzledly.

Everything that happened in front of him was completely beyond his comprehension.

He stretched out his hand in amazement, wanting to catch a drop of rain.

But the rainwater passed straight through his palm, as if saying to him: This is not your world.

Suddenly, Lin Luo's figure appeared in the rain, walking in front of Cobra from blurry to clear, with a smile like a boy next door on his face.

"This is Pokémon's water-type move—praying for rain."

He answered Cobra's question and said:

"Those cute little guys you just saw are a kind of Pokémon called Slowly."

"This sudden timely rain was formed because they released the rain-prayer move."

"Pray for rain?"

After hearing Lin Luo's explanation, Cobra's eyes instantly focused on the group of dumb beasts, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

The Pokémon that can make the sky rain! ?

This made him instantly think of a magical item in the Kingdom of Alabasta that also has the effect of praying for rain-dancing powder.

It's just that the working principle of dancing powder is to quickly condense the water vapor in the surrounding area, thus forming the phenomenon of rain.

Once rain is created in this way, it will cause drought in the surrounding area.

So just a few years ago, dancing powder was strictly prohibited by Cobra, and it was not allowed to be used in the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Could it be that these Pokémon also have the same ability! ?

If so...

Thinking of this, Cobra's heart sank.

"Do not worry!"

At this moment, as if he had guessed what Cobra was thinking, Lin Luo suddenly answered him:
"The rain you see now is all created by the energy that belongs to Pokémon in the slow-witted beast."

"This kind of rain will not only have no impact on the surrounding environment, but will have a positive impact on the local environment because of the characteristics of Pokémon itself."

"Pokémon is a treasure in nature!"

Lin Luo brags about his products without reservation.

That confident posture and expression immediately convinced Cobra.

"Treasures of nature?"

Cobra was taken aback for a moment, and immediately looked at Lin Luo, his eyes full of seriousness and anticipation.

"Master Dimensional Merchant, can I buy these Pokémon from you!?"

If this is the case, then the harsh environment in Alabasta may really be improved!

It seemed that he was a little afraid of expecting too much and causing despair, Cobra asked again:
"With these Pokémon called Slowdowns, will Alabasta become an oasis too!?"

"of course."

Lin Luo nodded with a smile.

"The merchants of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce have no habit of deceiving consumers!"

Although it's a bit self-proclaimed, but Lin Luo has never deceived anyone along the way.

he just...

It is to let consumers take a few more detours and reduce the burden of money.

For example, the green caterpillar of the Kingdom of Coaster, such as the King Carp of the Navy...

And, although the mall has enough water resources to easily submerge Alabasta, Ke Linluo chose a more harmonious sales method.

He is not a farmer with three fists, and he does not need to be a porter of nature.

Selling the Pokémon in the system is the real meaning of his trip.

Sure enough, after receiving Lin Luo's affirmative answer, Cobra immediately asked with great anticipation:
"Excuse me, how should I trade with you!?"

At this moment, he couldn't wait to see the pink dumb beast.

A Pokémon that can make heavy rain will be of great significance to the drought-prone Alabasta Kingdom.

Lin Luo smiled lightly, didn't say anything, but snapped his fingers, and then instilled the knowledge about trading into Cobra's mind.


A screen of suitable size suddenly appeared in front of Cobra.

I saw the attribute interface of a slow-witted beast appearing above:
【Pokémon: Slowpoke】

[Attributes: water, super energy]

[Characteristic: Slow (will not be affected by the ability to control emotions)]

【Level: 42】

【Price: 2000 points】

"2000 points!?"

Cobra was taken aback, and quickly calculated in his heart:
"50 Baileys are equivalent to 1 point, 2000 points, doesn't that mean that a dumb beast costs 10 billion Baileys!?"

This price immediately startled Cobra.

But after thinking about it, if it can really solve the problem of the harsh environment of the Kingdom of Alabasta, a billion Baileys does not seem to be very expensive.

But after all, he was too shy.

Even though he has so much money in his treasury, compared to Alabasta, which has a huge land area, the money is really nothing.

In the end, Cobra ruthlessly gritted his teeth and looked directly at Lin Luo:
"Lord Lin Luo, please redeem 4 points for me!"

4W points, that is, 200 billion Baileys, that is to say, you can buy 20 slow-witted beasts.

He plans to send these slow-witted beasts to the drought-stricken areas of the Kingdom of Alabasta first to ease the safety of the people in the hard-hit areas.

200 billion Baileys, if it can be exchanged for the good weather of the people of Alabasta, then everything is worth it!
However, when he thought that the dimensional merchant would readily accept his request, Lin Luo unexpectedly interrupted his desire to recharge.

Lin Luo smiled lightly and said:

"Don't worry, Your Majesty Cobra."

Following the sound of a snap of fingers, the property interface of several slow-witted beasts suddenly appeared on the screen in front of Cobra.

However, the dumb beasts that appeared this time are all below level 10, and the price has changed from 2000 points just now to about 500 points.

"This is..." Cobra looked at Lin Luo in puzzlement.

"This is also a dull beast!"

Lin Luo explained:
"It's just that these are dumb beasts that haven't learned the rain-prayer move yet."

After all, Lin Luo waved his hand again, and materialized a juvenile dumb beast in front of Cobra, and continued:

"Pokémon is a magical species."

"As they continue to grow, some methods of using moves will naturally appear in their memory."

"Praying for rain is a skill that will only be mastered by the dull beasts when their strength reaches a certain level."

"The dumb beasts you see now are potential stocks that have potential and are qualified to master the skill of praying for rain within a year."

Having said all that, Cobra certainly understood what Lin Luo meant by releasing the two interfaces.

"You mean, I should buy some slow-witted beasts that have already mastered the skill of praying for rain, and then buy some cheap slow-witted beasts to maximize the use of points, right!?"

"Don't you think this is more conducive to the development of Alabasta?"

Lin Luo asked back with a smile.

"..." Cobra was silent for a moment, but his eyes kept flickering.

After a while, he nodded emphatically, with gratitude in his eyes.

The thought of keeping 100 billion Pele as a back-up was instantly forgotten by him.

Cobra opened the mouth and said:

"Thank you, Master Dimensional Merchant, for your reminder!!!"

"Please help me, my lord, to exchange all the supplies in the treasury... into points!"

"Sooner or later, I will definitely make the sky of Alabasta Kingdom full of dark clouds!!!"


Lin Luo, who always felt something strange, was slightly stunned.

But seeing Cobra, who was chased by 100 billion Baileys after a few words from himself, he smiled knowingly:

"no problem!"

Lin Luo burst into laughter in his heart.

Three sentences, let Cobra spend [-] billion more, I am indeed the world's most proficient dimensional businessman in human nature! ! !

As materials worth 300 billion Baileys disappeared out of thin air, 30 more points were added to Lin Luo's system account! ! !
Although 6 of them belonged to Cobra, only 24 points were enough for Lin Luo to exchange Gulardo and Kyoka!
"Sure enough, the great route is the place to make a fortune!"

Thinking about the tens of millions of Pele's deals at every turn when he was in the East China Sea, Lin Luo sighed sincerely.

【Nefirutari Cobra】

【VIP level: 5】

【VIP experience: 60000/100000】

【Current points: 60000】

Looking at Cobra's peak attribute panel since his debut, Lin Luo couldn't help thinking.

6W points are actually enough for Cobra to exchange for a Pokémon whose strength does not belong to the general level.

With such strength, he is even qualified to compete for next year's Pokémon League Conference.


The money is taken from the people, so it should continue to be used for the people.

Of course, there are ways to use it for the people as well.

A mysterious smile appeared on Lin Luo's face.

For the sake of you recharging so many points for me at one time, I will give you a little extra treat...

With a thought, Lin Luo began to search the system in his mind.

 Thanks to Jingyu, What I want to go without shoes, Yi Jun, え Hades, Concubine Xiaoshi, Yuan Wang Yuan Fang 00 for their monthly support! ! !
  Thanks! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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