Chapter 111 Suicune
The materials of 300 billion Baileys just turned into nothingness where Cobra couldn't see it.

But he didn't feel bad.

Because Cobra knew that the money spent was just another way to accompany him.

"6W points!"

Looking at his own information interface, Cobra's breathing suddenly stagnated.

Thinking that the drought problem that has plagued Alabasta for hundreds or even thousands of years is about to be solved in his own hands, he couldn't help but flush and couldn't hold back his inner joy.

"Master Dimensional Merchant, can you please guide me, how many adult slow beasts and how many juvenile slow beasts should I buy?"

Because it is not clear how effective the Slowly Beast's moves are, Cobra took the initiative to seek help from Lin Luo.

He believed that a great businessman would not be stingy with this little help.

And as his first VIP5 member's request, Lin Luo certainly couldn't refuse.

He smiled slightly and replied:

"According to the current national conditions in Alabasta, 15 dumb beasts that can release the ability to pray for rain are enough to ensure that all cities can have sufficient precipitation..."

"For the remaining points, you can exchange them for 40 juvenile slow-witted beasts."

"15 adults are 3W points, 40 juveniles are 2W points, eh!?"

Cobra was taken aback for a moment.

He raised his head and asked Lin Luo curiously: "In this case, it needs to consume a total of 5 points, right, Lord Lin Luo?"


Lin Luo pondered for a moment, then smiled and said:

"You want to ask, why didn't you spend all the points, right?"

Cobra didn't answer, but nodded with a puzzled face.

Now that so many points have been redeemed, he is of course ready to do it in one step.

Even if 1 points are kept in the account, it will not be of any help to him or Alabasta.

It's better to exchange it into a slow beast to speed up the oasis plan of the Kingdom of Alabasta.


Facing Cobra's doubts, Lin Luo just smiled lightly, waved his hands and said:

"Don't worry, Your Majesty Cobra!"

"Don't you wonder why the abnormal weather in Alabasta appears so frequently recently?"


Cobra was taken aback again.

Speaking of which, this year's drought in the Kingdom of Alabasta is indeed faster than before, and its scope is wider.

Originally, Cobra thought that the country had bad luck and caught up with the era of bad weather...

But now hearing Lin Luo's words, his heart trembled suddenly, and he quickly looked at Lin Luo impatiently, with a look of vigilance in his eyes.

"Could it be that there is something hidden here? Master Lin Luo!?"

"Hmm..." Lin Luo nodded again and murmured.

Without waiting for Cobra to ask again, he explained directly:

"You must be familiar with the name Crocodile, right?"


Cobra's eyes widened for a moment.

Not only is this name not unfamiliar to him, it is better to say that it is too familiar.

The King of the Seven Martial Seas——Crocodile, nicknamed "Sand Crocodile" by people, was once a powerful pirate in the new world, but was defeated in the contest with the Whitebeard Pirates and withdrew from the stage of the new world .

Just in time.

Agents of the world government contacted Crocodile and offered him an invitation to form [King Xia Qiwuhai]...

The frustrated Crocodile did not hesitate, and went directly from a well-known big pirate to a "running dog" of the world government.

And just half a year ago, Cobra approached the world government and navy specifically because of the Crocodile matter.

Because that big pirate with the endorsement of the world government wants to open a large casino in their place! ! !

Of course, Cobra would not allow such a dangerous person to appear in his kingdom.


The world government seems to be determined to protect the Qiwuhai, and has repeatedly rejected Cobra's appeals.

During this period of appeal, Crocodile also successfully built a huge casino in the Alabasta rainy land.

Now that half a year has passed, this casino has been operating diligently and legally.

Crocodile not only did not cause trouble in Alabasta, but also repeatedly defeated the pirates who made trouble in the rainy land, and because of this, he gained a huge voice among the people, and was faintly called a "hero".

This made Cobra think that he misunderstood Crocodile's character.

Over time, he also acquiesced to Crocodile's [hero] identity.

But now when Lin Luo suddenly mentioned his name, Cobra suddenly had a bad thought in his heart.

Could it be...

All these disasters this year are actually related to Crocodile! ?
Although Cobra didn't say what was in his heart, his trembling eyes had already exposed his inner voice.

Lin Luo nodded, with an unchanging smile on his face, and said:
"That's right! Just as you thought!"

"The reason why the Kingdom of Alabasta experienced abnormal drought this year is actually Crocodile's secret tricks!"

"This...why is this? Why did he do this!?"

Cobra was puzzled, his face full of doubts.

As Crocodile Shichibukai, even if he really caused chaos in the Kingdom of Alabasta, he only received some warnings.

Cobra couldn't figure out why he wanted to destroy Alabasta's weather and environment and people's lives.

Faced with these questions in his heart, he had no choice but to turn his attention to Lin Luo again.

And Lin Lu did not disappoint him, and immediately told the truth about the whole matter.

"Why do it?"

The smile on Lin Luo's face did not change, as if he was telling a very ordinary story, he said:
"It's simple! Because he wants to seize power in this country!"

"He uses a lot of dancing powder in the hope that there will be more droughts in the Alabasta kingdom, so that the citizens of this country will lose confidence in you and a huge riot will occur!"

"And he can use this as a [hero] to kill you and take over this country in an open and honest manner..."

"And the secrets that this country guards!!!"

Call ~
At the end, Lin Luo narrowed his eyes suddenly.

all of a sudden.

A gust of wind appeared out of nowhere in the study, blowing Cobra's clothes flapping, and at the same time bringing him a terrifying coolness like an extremely cold abyss.

"Crocodile, he is destroying this country!!!"

Cobra suddenly clenched his fists and looked at Lin Luo in shock.

However, Lin Luo just shrugged slightly, and said in a flat tone:

"What does it matter to him whether the country is destroyed or not?"

"As long as he can get what he wants, that's enough."

"Your Majesty Cobra..."

The corner of Lin Luo's mouth was hooked up, revealing a smile that seemed to be indifferent to everything in the world, and said calmly:
"you need to know……"

"In the face of powerful power, everything is meaningless!"


After Lin Luo's words fell, Cobra lowered his head suddenly in silence.

How could he, as the king of a country, not understand such a simple truth?

If he also had power, how could he seek help from the World Government and the Navy in desperation, but in the end he could only be rejected!

Compared with those ordinary people, his desire for power is stronger.

Thinking of those people who were in dire straits due to the drought, Cobra clenched his fists tightly.

"If only I could have power..."

"If I have the strength too..."


Cobra was in a daze again, the hatred in his eyes gradually subsided, and turned full of surprise.

"There is such a thing as power? Does he really not have it!?"

A strange thought flashed by.

Cobra raised his head suddenly, thinking of what Lin Luo just said.

In an instant, he realized it in an instant!

"Lord Lin Luo, may I ask, with my 1 point reserves, can I exchange for a Pokémon that can fight Crocodile!?"

"of course can!"

Lin Luo justifiably chuckled, as if he had never taken the so-called Crocodile seriously.

And Cobra, who was inspired by Lin Luo, also breathed a sigh of relief, immediately smiled knowingly, and said:

"That's great!"

"Then I have decided, Lord Lin Luo!"

Cobra's eyes flickered.

"For my 6W points, I need to buy 15 adult slow-witted beasts, 40 juvenile slow-witted beasts, and one..."

"The Pokémon that can defeat Crocodile!!!"

"a wise decision!"

Lin Luo smiled and waved, and immediately sent the information of a Pokémon that had been prepared to the virtual screen.

【Pokémon: Suicune】

[Attribute: Water]

[Characteristic: Sense of oppression (gives mental pressure to the enemy, making it difficult for the enemy to attack)]

【Level: 62】

[Price: 1W Points]

"Pokémon... Suicune?"

Seeing the Pokémon Cobra introduced by Master Linluo, he was shocked.

His eyes flickered and he stared at the Pokémon on the screen.

That lithe figure and the blue and white patterns set off the beauty of a Pokémon to the extreme!
And around the neck is a streamer that is as clean as the wind, and there is a huge aqua blue gem decoration on the top of the head, which seems to indicate that this Pokémon has the power to control wind and water!

Even just looking at the picture on the screen, Cobra can feel a sense of majesty everywhere from this Pokémon.

"This is no ordinary Pokémon!"

Feeling the Pokémon with completely different aura from Slowmon, Cobra said firmly.

And this is actually a gift from Lin Luo to the first VIP5 customer...

An incarnation of the North Wind known as the Three Holy Beasts—Shui Jun...

exchange conditions!
Although this Suicune is only a relatively weak existence in the Suicune clan, its strength is only dozens of times stronger than that of Xiaohao in the animation...

But it has completely inherited the exclusive power of the Suicune family - purifying water sources and walking on the wind!

And you can know by referring to Luffy's fight against Crocodile...

When Shui Jun fights Lao Sha, he absolutely doesn't even need to use the armed color domineering, it's just the water-type skills!
Combined with the current situation in the Kingdom of Alabasta...

Lin Luo judged that this Suicune is definitely the most suitable Pokémon for Cobra! ! !
He smiled inwardly.

Lin Luo took out 55 Pokéballs containing the dumb beasts with a wave of his hand, put them neatly on the desk, and immediately asked knowingly:

"How is it, Your Majesty Cobra? Have you decided to buy this Suicune?"


Without the slightest hesitation, Cobra nodded emphatically.

"Lord Lin Luo, I want this Pokémon!"

At this moment, Cobra was completely attracted by the kingly aura of Suicune.

In his opinion, this is definitely the most suitable Pokémon for him!
With a flash of white light, Cobra's account points were instantly cleared.

But in his hand, there was a special water-type elf ball.

"Suicune, Crocodile..."

Shortly after……

In the study room that was empty except for him, Cobra stared at the map of the Kingdom of Alabasta on the desk, and muttered to himself:
"I will not let anyone hurt the people of Alabasta any more!!!"

Cobra slapped the table, suddenly picked up the phone bug in his hand, and said to him:
"Icarem, immediately notify Jaca and Bell to help me investigate something!!!"



"The great route is really full of vitality everywhere!"

Lin Luo, who was floating invisibly above the palace, showed a naughty smile while stroking the fluff on the big tail of Ibrahimovic in his arms.

Although I had expected the great route with constant battles, but not long after entering, the points reserve broke a new high...

This is indeed what Lin Luo did not expect.

Looking at the nearly 30 points in the account, his heart was filled with joy!

Without hesitation, Lin Luo immediately took out 10W points, purchased a large amount of waveguide power and superpowers, and injected them into his body.

Just like what he said to Cobra, strength is the most important thing in the great route!
Immediately afterwards, he used 10W points to strengthen his physical body!
In Rotom's energy assessment, his level has reached level 120!
Wreak havoc at the rank of admiral with one hand!
From this moment on, Lin Luo can confidently declare...

In this pirate world, no one will ever be his opponent!

Not even if Im came.

Because at this moment, he can clearly feel that the world is rejecting him.

This also shows that his power is about to exceed the range that Pirate World can carry.

"It seems that before you decide to go to the new world, you can't easily strengthen yourself!"

Lin Luo smiled and murmured.

But it doesn't matter, the strength of level 120 is enough for him to rule the world!

Looking at the remaining 10W points in the system, Lin Luo's figure flashed, and he suddenly came to the sky above Crocodile's casino "Rain Banquet".

"Since Cobra is so powerful, then I will sell you face. After you defeat Lao Sha, I will earn his money again!"

Lin Luo smiled silently, and then entered the different space.

Originally, before arriving in Alabasta, he wanted to balance the combat power of the two sides and create conflicts.

But now Cobra has directly contributed so many points to himself, so that Lin Luo didn't know how to spend these points for a while.

The desire to consume is reduced, and the motivation to work hard to make money will naturally decrease.

Lin Luo, who returned to the different space, directly materialized a bottle of fat house happy water, while observing the situation of the rain banquet, while watching the TV in the Pokémon world.

"What a comfortable day~"

Lin Luo said with emotion from the bottom of his heart.



Time flies by like a horse.

In the blink of an eye, seven days later.

Rain Land, the largest casino rain banquet in the Kingdom of Alabasta, welcomed several special guests on this day.

Cobra walked into the casino without any cover.

Followed behind him were Alabasta Kingdom Guard Captain Ikalem, Alabasta Kingdom Guard Adjutant Beka and Gal.

As soon as I stepped into the gate of the Rain Banquet, an incomparably cool feeling suddenly struck.

But it made Cobra's hand holding the Suicune Pokéball even heavier.

The Kingdom of Alabasta at this time is far from being as down and out as it appeared in the plot.

As the respected king of this country, Cobra has a strong ruling power over the kingdom.

After several days of investigation, they quickly discovered the recent travel trends of Crocodile and his baroque studio.

He didn't think about it in this direction before...

But as soon as he found the slightest sign, he immediately pulled out the conspiracy of the Baroque Work Agency that had been hidden for a long time!

As Lin Luo said...

They are actually using dancing fans to nibble away at a few dry cities that are not rich in water resources, causing frequent water crises in the local area!


It turned out that some people fought and even killed people just because of a bottle of water!

Unknowingly, Crocodile made such a good kingdom into this.

If it weren't for the appearance of the dimensional merchant, Cobra couldn't have imagined what this country would become in the future.

Anger was burning in his eyes.

He yelled loudly at the inside of Yuyan:

"I order you as King of Alabasta!"

"Come out and die!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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