Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 112 The Terrified Crocodile

Chapter 112 The Terrified Crocodile
The sudden roar instantly shook the spirits of the passionate gamblers in the rain banquet.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, wanting to see who had the guts to make trouble here.

Then, they saw an astonishing figure.

"That's... His Majesty Cobra!?"

Some residents of Alabasta instantly recognized Cobra's identity, their eyes widened, and they subconsciously hid the chips in their hands behind their backs, looking at Cobra in bewilderment.

After all, not long ago, His Majesty Cobra, who loved the people like a son, was still opposing the establishment of this casino...

He even delivered an anti-gambling speech in Yudi himself.

As a result, the people under his leadership turned around and came to increase the performance of the casino.

This feeling is like being bumped into by the class teacher in an Internet cafe after the college entrance examination. He is obviously not restrained at all, but he is inexplicably afraid.

Fortunately, His Majesty Cobra didn't seem to come to grab the bets, but instead walked straight to the management area inside the casino.

"This... His Majesty Cobra, what can I do for you?"

A casino worker walked over bravely, trying to stop Cobra who was trespassing.

But before he got close, he was stopped by a big rough hand.

Gaca stared at him fiercely with the predatory eyes of a hyena:
"Tell you and your colleagues how far you can go!"

"Here for a while... maybe a war will start!"


Jiaka's voice didn't restrain himself, and the face of the gambler who was a little closer turned extremely pale in an instant.

Go to war! ?Who to fight! ?

Could it be that His Majesty the King's objection to the establishment of the casino is invalid, and he is going to directly level the place! ?

There was a sudden commotion in the casino, and more and more people packed up their things and started to walk out.

When they came outside the casino, they suddenly found...

A large number of soldiers have surrounded the casino and are organizing the evacuation of nearby Alabastas.

"It's over, the casino will be gone!"

All the gamblers froze, but quickly left this place of right and wrong.

at the same time.

The staff members who were stopped by Gaca also froze.

He opened his mouth, glanced at Cobra's gloomy face, and finally said nothing.

He just bowed slightly to salute, and then hurried towards his colleagues.

They are just a group of ordinary people working in casinos, but there is no need to fight against their own king just because of a job.

Within a few minutes, the entire lobby of the casino was completely empty, and everyone walked away.

"Crocodile, are you still planning to come out!?"

Cobra's eyes were deep, and he looked at the working area behind the casino again.

Although he doesn't know where Crocodile is, according to the intelligence, he is definitely in this casino now! ! !
Coupled with the surveillance phone bugs everywhere in this casino, he believed that Crocodile already knew of his arrival.

as predicted.

Just at this time!
A gust of wind swept across the sky and gravel suddenly appeared not far in front of Cobra.

The gravel flew, gradually forming the appearance of a person.

It is the Shichibukai called out by Cobra - Crocodile!

"Your Majesty King Cobra, it's just a casino, you don't need to come here again and again to find fault?"

With an arrogant and domineering face, Crocodile shook the golden hook on his arm, and looked at Cobra with a smirk.

With that appearance, it was as if he had never put the other party in his eyes.


He had already noticed the situation outside through the monitoring phone bug, but he actually had a bad idea in his heart.

And in the next second.

Cobra stepped forward abruptly, not paying any attention to the strength gap of the person in front of him, and said bluntly:
"No more pretense! Crocodile!!!"

"We already know about the deeds you did!!!"

"You dare to use the people of Alabasta as your tools to seek power and usurp the throne, it is simply unforgivable!!!"

Peng! ! !
Cobra, who was extremely angry, suddenly took out a musket from his arms, and shot Crocodile in the head.

The strong smell of gunpowder is tangy.

The pitch-black lead bullet pierced the air, like Cobra's anger, and suddenly hit between Crocodile's eyebrows.

As if he didn't react, the bullet shot into his brain without any resistance.

The arrogant smile still hangs on Crocodile's face, but a deep, dark round hole has appeared on his forehead.

"Dead... dead?"

Icarem beside Cobra wiped his eyes in disbelief.

The world famous big pirate...

That's it?

Bell and Gaka on the side also looked at a loss.

They were all ready to fight to the death, but the enemy was shot by His Majesty the King.

Isn't this a bit too simple?

However, just as their thoughts flashed, Crocodile, who was shot in the forehead, suddenly spoke like a normal person:
"Hey hey hey~"

"Cheat... a corpse!" Ikalem was shocked!
Along with Crocodile's hoarse voice, a gloomy aura suddenly rushed towards the four of Cobra.

A gloomy look surged out of his eyes.

Murderous, boiling.

"Who... told you!?"

Crocodile asked in a deep voice.

But that voice didn't look like he was looking for an answer at all, but more like the calm before the storm.

Crocodile at this time is indeed extremely angry!
After planning for so long, the nearly perfect plan was discovered by Cobra when it was just started!
This is totally unreasonable!

At this moment, Robin suddenly appeared in Crocodile's heart.


Robin has been under his surveillance all the time, and she has no chance, let alone the need, to inform Cobra of this!
But in the entire Baroque Works, except for her, no one else knew all about his plans.

Countless questions lingered in his heart, but more of them were anger after the plan was exposed.

The wound on his forehead turned into yellow sand and began to heal gradually.

Dang bang~
The bullet was squeezed out of the wound by the gravel and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

He suddenly took a step forward, with gravel swirling around him.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter who it is!"

"Since the matter has been brought to light, then I have no choice but to..."

"Arrest you all, and then ask me what I want to know!"

He planned so much, in fact, for the secrets guarded by the Neferutali clan!
Originally, he wanted to be gentle and resourceful to get everything he wanted...

But now, since the plan was exposed, he can only return to his old job, arrest Cobra, and then interrogate what he wants to know little by little!

Call ~
A whirlwind mixed with grains of sand suddenly appeared in Crocodile's palm.


With a loud shout, the small whirlwind in his hand suddenly turned into a large sandstorm, sweeping towards Cobra and his party.

As an ability user of the natural sand fruit, Crocodile has the ability to manipulate sand at will!

And this island full of wind and sand seems to exist for him!
The place where the sandstorm passed turned into a barren wasteland, the floor was flying, and the tables and chairs were blown up by the hurricane, and finally shattered into powder under the impact of countless sand and gravel.

Under the violent wind and sand, the casino began to crumble!
"Be careful, Your Majesty!"

The storm that broke in was completely beyond the expectation of the three people except Cobra.

The loyal Icarem hurried to Cobra, trying to protect the powerless Cobra.


Facing the intruding sandstorm, Cobra just smiled and didn't care.

"Relax, Icarem!"

Pulling away Icarem in front of him, he comforted him.

Immediately afterwards, he took out a water-blue poke ball from his hand, and pointed at the open space in front of him:
"Come out, Suicune!"

"Use Wind Rising!!!"

As the voice fell, a dreamy figure suddenly appeared in front of Cobra, with star-like water droplets lingering around his azure blue body, as if animals from the heavens in mythology descended on the human world.


From Suicune's throat, there was a sound like howling a wolf or a roar like a lion.

During the seven days of getting along, Cobra has established a certain relationship with Suicune, and even got acquainted with Suicune's fighting style.

Not to mention how close it is, but commanding a battle is still no problem!

Suicune's eyes flashed.

A ferocious hurricane rose out of nowhere and hit the sandstorm directly.

The two hurricanes collided together, but dissipated instantly at the same time.


Crocodile frowned, staring at Suicune in front of Cobra with a heavy expression.

I started to wonder:
"Alabasta, when did you have such power!?"

But at this moment, Cobra stepped forward and laughed loudly:
"Crocodile, today's Alabasta is no longer the country that you can bully!"

"Just let you know..."

"The gift I got from the dimensional merchant!!!"

"Suijun, use the wave of water!"

Cobra ordered abruptly.

All of a sudden!
A large number of blue water splashes suddenly appeared in front of Suicune, and then gradually gathered to form a rippling water polo.

Crocodile, who heard Cobra's words, suddenly paused.

Dimensional businessman?

Isn't that the news protagonist who appeared in Donghai a month ago?

Because he has been busy seizing power and building momentum recently, he has not paid attention to Donghai's affairs for a while.

Now when Cobra reminded him, he immediately recalled it.

But just when he wanted to recall more information, Suicune didn't intend to give him more time to think.

In the blink of an eye...

In front of Suicune, the wave of water that contained powerful power seemed to grow exponentially, instantly becoming huge!


With the sound of Suicune's exclusive cry, the wave of water rushed out instantly.

"What the hell is this!?"

Seeing the undulations of water that suddenly became extremely terrifying after being stunned for a moment, Kroc Dalton was startled, turned into an element, and flew to the roof of the casino.

And the next second.

boom! ! !
The wave of water hit the position where Crocodile was before, and instantly shattered, like waves on the sea, rushing towards the surroundings.

The terrifying waves completely washed away the casino, and rushed towards a further distance.

At the same time, Suicune's eyes flashed.

A mysterious water wave barrier instantly protected the four of Cobra to prevent them from being impacted by the wave of water flowing backwards.

The water flow with the power of waves collided with the wall, cracking it effortlessly.

With one blow, the gigantic casino that had taken months to build began to crumble.

And this was originally one of the purposes of Cobra's coming here today.

In the good Alabasta Kingdom, how could there be such a harmful building as a casino!
Gambling will only plunge one's own people into boundless pain and abyss.

I, Cobra, swear that I will live forever against gambling and drugs!
boom! ! !
As the load-bearing wall broke, the entire casino finally couldn't bear the load and fell down in an instant.

The scene is so spectacular!

"Damn it!"

Crocodile roared angrily when he saw that the casino he managed so carefully closed down like this.

With a wave of his hand, a large gravel knife appeared, cutting a big hole in the roof where his wound fell.

And he also took advantage of the situation and flew out of the hole.

Smoke and dust billowed all over the sky, covering the entire area.

Fortunately, the people living around the casino were also taken to a safe place by the soldiers of the Kingdom of Alabasta early on.

Otherwise, the dust from the collapse of the casino alone would be enough for these ordinary people to suffer for a while.



In the basement of the casino.

Looking at the surveillance video that has become a mess, Robin was taken aback for a moment, and a confused look flashed in his eyes.

She wasn't feeling sorry for the casino.

Although she had put a lot of effort into this casino, Robin acted like an outsider from the beginning to the end. After finishing what she was supposed to do, she stopped paying any attention.

What really confused her was the words Cobra just yelled.

"Dimensional businessman?" Robin murmured.

If it's true what Cobra said...

If the sudden power comes from a dimensional businessman, doesn't that mean...

What the newspapers said before is true! ?
Robin shuddered.

In other words, the matter of resurrecting the dead, the matter of resurrecting the dead, is very likely to be true! ?

Messy thoughts flashed quickly in her mind.

The rumbling sound of the collapse above her head disturbed her mind like a reminder.

Robin's eyes flickered, and he glanced at the escape passage in the basement inexplicably.

Originally, she wanted to end her sad life here, but the four characters of Dimensional Merchant seemed to give her the strength to live again.

After thinking about it, Robin gracefully stood up from the chair and smiled charmingly.

"Live on, maybe a miracle will really happen!"

As if persuading himself, the voice fell, and Robin walked into the escape route.



"Suicune, use Tailwind."

In the smoke and dust that filled the sky, Cobra's voice came again.

The next moment, a gust of wind appeared out of thin air again, like an eraser in a drawing board, blowing away all the smoke and dust in front of him, revealing the dilapidated wreckage of the casino.

At the same time, it also revealed Crocodile, who set off himself with a sandstorm in mid-air.

But at this time, his face was already very ugly, and he stared at the figure of Suicune below him with fear in his eyes.

The power of wind and water seems to have been specially chosen to deal with him.

Recalling Suicune's blow just now, Crocodile realized instantly...

The opponent's strength is not inferior to his own.

With his ability to rustle fruit, if he touches so much water, don't even think about it...

In the next battle, he will have no power to fight back!
"No! Even if we want to fight, the battlefield must not be here!"

A thought flashed through Crocodile's mind instantly.

Although Alabasta is a desert country, cities are still made of rocks.

In the city, there is not much sand that can supplement Crocodile's ability.

"Go to the desert! In the desert, there is still power to fight!"

The battle-tested Crocodile instantly came up with a countermeasure.

After glancing at Suicune again, he instantly turned his whole body into elements, and quickly rushed out of the city.

At the same time, Cobra and the others also discovered the traces of Crocodile.

"Your Majesty, he is going to escape!!!"

Icarem looked overjoyed, and pointed to the abnormal sand city in the sky.


Cobra groaned, nodded, then looked at Suicune and said:
"Sui-kun, I'll leave it to you!"

Now that the showdown has been chosen, it is of course impossible for Cobra to allow Crocodile to continue its activities in Alabasta.

Either run away or die!
A strong man hiding in the dark can cause too much harm!

He is so big that a king like him can't afford it at all!

"Oh~ (Don't worry! The prestige of the Three Holy Beasts is not just blown out!)"

Suicune called out confidently.

Immediately, as if there was a whirlwind under his feet, he jumped up high, and disappeared from everyone's sight in two or three strokes.

A chasing battle between water and sand is about to be staged in the territory of Alabasta.

(End of this chapter)

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