Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 113 The Last Wave of Water

Chapter 113 The Last Wave of Water
In the high sky of the rainy land, two hurricane-like figures galloped rapidly above the roof.

A figure glowed with the color of yellow sand, with gravel lingering all over his body, and a flash of blue aura, as if possessed by a god.

Suicune, who was chasing Crocodile, soon came to the desert east of the rain city.

One person and one beast ran for half an hour, until there was no sign of human existence within a few kilometers...

The two sides stopped in a tacit understanding and landed in the middle of the desert.

The venomous sun released a blazing light, leaving a desperate heat on the sand.

Just as Suicune fell into the sand, steaming mist appeared from his limbs that were stepping on the steam.

Under this natural power, even a race of beasts as powerful as Suicune would still be affected to some extent.

"I didn't expect you to dare to come here!"

The dust all over the sky quickly condensed and turned into the appearance of Crocodile.

He looked vigilant, but he didn't give up his arrogance all along, and looked at Suicune opposite him complicatedly.

How can a person who dares to cut a white beard be afraid of a water-spraying monster.


However, facing Crocodile's provocation, Suicune just sneered and let out a low cry, showing an even more arrogant expression than Crocodile.

As one of the three holy beast races, it has had a halo of glory since its birth, and its own character is naturally extremely proud.

Not to mention Crocodile, even his trainer Cobra, it actually looks down on him a bit.

If the Pokémon world hadn't been destroyed, how could it have fallen to this end.

There was a silent tremor in his heart, and then a hint of anger appeared in Suicune's eyes, and he stared straight at Crocodile.

That look is like saying:
"Stop talking nonsense! If you want to fight, then fight!"


A large amount of water vapor was released from Shui-kun's body, and was instantly atomized under the scorching sun, forming a floating mist, which set off his azure blue body even more mysteriously.

Waves of water!

Without unnecessary nonsense, a huge water ball reappeared in front of Suicune in the blink of an eye.

Dreamlike fluctuations flicker in the water polo.

Feeling the coolness blowing towards his face, Crocodile's heart was also instantly chilled!
How could the water system ability released by the opponent be so powerful in such a hot desert! ?
Before he had time to think more, he quickly waved his hand to elementalize his body, and then suddenly waved it towards the ground.

"Desert Sword!!!"

Under the power of the rustling fruit, a huge blade made of gravel suddenly appeared in front of Crocodile, and slashed down on the wave of water with all its strength.

boom! ! !
The water ball with wave power collided with the sand blade.

The blue water was quickly absorbed by the yellow sand, and the size of the water polo shrunk visible to the naked eye.

And the sand soaked by water is gradually passivated, gradually losing its original power.

Seeing the blocked water fluctuations, Crocodile's worried face immediately calmed down, and the corners of his mouth raised, returning to his previous arrogant smile.

"In the desert, I'm invincible!" he said to Suicune.

As long as he has an infinite supply of sand, he can activate the fruit ability an unlimited number of times.

As long as there is sand, he can absorb all the water.


The opponent can fill the entire desert!
At this moment, Crocodile thought he was sure of winning.

But when he looked at Suicune, he only saw those indifferent eyes that he knew nothing about.

Without any answer, the same wave of water reappeared and rushed towards him.


Crocodile made fun of himself, his face froze, and the power of sand control suddenly gathered in his hands again.

"It's useless! No matter how many attacks you release, you will be swallowed by the desolate desert!!!"

As he spoke, his palm slapped the ground suddenly.

A huge sand wave soared into the sky, like a tsunami, pounced on the waves of the water.

As Crocodile said, although the wave of water crushed the tsunami-like sand waves, at the same time, all the moisture in the attack was completely absorbed by the dry sand.


Suicune roared in a low voice, as if he was irritated by Crocodile.

A blue light flashed.

A wave of water condensed again.


Compared with the previous ones, the scale of the water fluctuations this time is a bit terrifying! ! !
As if fighting desperately, a large amount of water system energy was injected into the water polo...

Within ten seconds, a water polo with a diameter of nearly [-] meters appeared in the desert.

The sun shines straight through the huge water sphere, reflecting a soft shimmer on the ground, which flickers with the water waves.

Seeing Suicune's contemptuous eyes in mid-air, Crocodile's face froze suddenly.


Accompanied by a roar that shook the sky, the huge water polo crashed down and charged towards Crocodile's position.

"Are you kidding me!?" Crocodile murmured twitchingly.

The next second, his body trembled suddenly, and he quickly used all his strength to slap his hands on the ground.

Boom...! ! !
In an instant, the desert is like a sea with layers of waves, which is frightening.

"Dune Shield!!!"

Under the control of Crocodile, the flat sand suddenly formed a huge wall and slowly rose.

Crocodile lowered his head and gritted his teeth, pouring all the strength into his body.

Finally, the huge high wall blocked in front of him before the wave of water fell.

Peng--! ! !
Just at the moment when the water polo touched the sand wall, there was a terrifying impact sound.

The sound turned into a substantial force, and with a mighty impact force, it surged out, rolling up terrifying sandstorms in all directions.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be divided into two parts.

Part of it is rough waves, part of it is firm yellow sand!

Even Cobra, who was comforting the civilians in the rain, could feel the tremor of the ground at this moment.

When he raised his head, he suddenly saw in the distant sky, the diffuse sand curtain that blocked the sun!

"Cough! Cough cough!!!"

After half a sound, there was a sudden coughing sound from behind the desert.

A figure slowly emerged from the slightly damp sand on the ground, and Crocodile, who had de-elementized, suddenly knelt on one knee and half on the wet desert, panting heavily, as if he was about to suffocate.


On the other side, Suicune also landed slowly, and his face became tired visible to the naked eye.

Obviously, the attack just now is a bit difficult even for it which is already level 62.


A burst of dry laughter suddenly came from Crocodile's throat.

He stood up abruptly, condensing a piece of gravel in front of him while waving his hands, lingering around his body.

Pointing at Suicune, he laughed presumptuously and said:

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

"Useless! Useless!!! As long as you are in this desert, all your attacks will be swallowed by this greedy desert!!!"

"You! It is impossible to defeat me!!!"

Crocodile laughed out loud.

After receiving Suicune's full blow with his own hands, his heart that had been silent for a long time suddenly became agitated again miraculously.

how many years?

How many years have passed! ?
Ever since he was defeated by Whitebeard, he no longer had the heroism he once galloped in the New World.

Maybe it's a realization of your own lack of potential, or maybe it's an obsession with pursuing things outside.

Crocodile did not expect that he could feel the restlessness of the blood and the carnival of emotions again.

"Now that your attack is over, next..."

"It's my turn!!!"

Crocodile's expression froze, a small tornado of sandstone suddenly condensed between his hands, and then he sent it forward suddenly!
"Heavy Shalan!!!"

The tornado of sand and rocks that came out of his hand fell into the sand and expanded rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, the sandstone tornado grew to 10 meters, and swept towards Suicune with terrifying power.

But at this moment, Crocodile's expression suddenly froze.

Because the sandstorm tornado that he had exhausted with all his strength should have been able to grow to tens of meters in his estimation, at least it would have to scrape the ground into a deep pit several meters away.

But at this time, the sandstorm tornado, after blowing up the gravel on the surface, did not make any achievements!
Crocker Dalton looked down and suddenly found that the gravel on the ground was already wet and condensed by water.


A bad thought suddenly arose in his heart.

But on the opposite side of Crocodile, facing the stormy wind and sand coming from the sky, Suicune closed his eyes early, as if he didn't know anything, perfectly interpreting what it means to not change his face when Mount Tai collapses in front of him!
At the same time, around Suicune's body, a blue light suddenly appeared.

Even through layers of gravel, it is still clearly visible!
Moves - Meditation!
An auxiliary ability to quickly recover energy and improve the power of attribute moves by letting go of yourself!

In just a few seconds, Suicune just finished releasing the huge water wave, and the empty energy bar increased by a large amount again.

The corners of its mouth suddenly rose.

The fatigue and anger just now were nothing but its means to paralyze Crocodile.

The purpose is to prevent the arrogant him from discovering the abnormalities under the sand layer.

The ability to obtain infinite power in the desert is indeed difficult enough.

Suicune is sure that if it continues to fight like this today, it will be the one that exhausts its physical strength first.


It's not just the water wave skill! ! !
Absolute zero! ! !

Suicune suddenly jumped long into the sky, changed his usual elegant form, and suddenly opened his mouth wide, revealing his bared fangs.

Huh~! ! !

A white mist of sparkling star spots suddenly spewed out from Suicune's mouth, and spread out at a terrifying speed.

The air instantly became dense.

The place where the white mist passed, even the hot desert, instantly became extremely cold.

The temperature plummeted!
"This is!!?"

Feeling the biting chill coming from his body, Crocodile's complexion instantly became panicked.

But Suicune, who had been prepared for a long time, didn't give him any chance to escape at all, and countless cold air rushed into the sand under his feet in an instant.

At this time, the water in the sand, because it was absorbed by the surrounding desert, just spread to a level with the best ratio of range and humidity.

When the extremely cold air descended, the several kilometers of sandy land under Crocodile's feet was frozen instantly.

"Aww~ (In this way, you won't have any sand to use!)"

Suicune grinned, but closed his eyes again, activated the super move meditation, and recovered his own energy.

Next, just get rid of Crocodile before the ice melts!

Not good!
At this moment, Crocodile finally noticed something was wrong.

Seeing that water-blue ripples appeared around Suicune's body again, although he didn't know what it was, years of experience told him...

At this time, his situation is very bad.

Turning his eyes, Crocodile shook his teeth, and instantly elementalized his body, trying to escape from the frozen area.


Because of the too cold air, his elementalization speed actually slowed down.

Even though it was only a split second late, Suicune just caught this split second!
Magical powers! ! !

Suicune, who was in meditation, suddenly opened his eyes, emitting a bright flash.

All of a sudden!
The mysterious power of the super energy system suddenly descended on Crocodile, and immediately slammed it heavily onto the land of ice sand.

Although he was elementalized, he was not harmed, but his escape behavior was caught by Suicune!

A light blue shadow flashed past, and Suicune, who was tens of meters away from Crocodile, suddenly rushed in front of him.


Crocodile yelled frantically, and a desert sword appeared in his hand again, attacking Suicune.


Frozen Teeth! ! !
The teeth that were shining with azure blue suddenly bit the desert sword.

A layer of white ice crystals instantly froze it, extending along the blade to Crocodile's arm.


Crocodile broke off the elementalized arm impatiently, and retreated quickly to prevent the rapidly spreading harmful ice from freezing his body.


Suicune let out a half-smile, as if mocking his timidity.

But at this moment, Crocodile is no longer in the mood to play tricks with Suicune!
He looked around, looking for a route of escape.

But it's a pity...

Suicune no longer intends to give him any more chances.

The familiar water waves condensed in front of him again.

In the blink of an eye, a huge rippling water polo condensed in front of it, aiming at Crocodile!
Crocodile, who seemed to have seen his own defeat, became quiet at this moment.

He silently watched the water polo attack in front of him, and even the thought of running away became extremely weak.

Are you going to lose?

Crocodile asked himself in his heart.

Defeated in the new world, lost his partner, joined Qiwuhai, accidentally obtained information from Hades, and thought about the plan to seize power...

Decades of experience echoed in Crocodile's mind like a revolving lantern.

He suddenly laughed wildly:
"Chi chi chi chi..."


Crocodile raised his head to the sky, through the water polo that was getting closer, he yelled loudly:
"Cobra!!! I haven't lost yet!!!"

"I didn't lose to you!!! I didn't lose to anyone!!!"

"I just……"

"I lost to fate..."

boom! ! !
The huge wave of water bombarded down, making a loud bang!
Terrible waves surged towards the Western Zhou Dynasty.

The frozen desert began to collapse, and a huge hole appeared.

Around the pothole, countless chasm-like cracks appeared at the same time.

The whole scene is like the end of the world, a time of terror!
But soon, these cracks were submerged by the waves again, forming tiny, beautiful ice flowers.

The last wave of water hit Crocodile directly.

He, who was restrained by the water, had no way to dodge under this violent blow, and was hit squarely.

Life and death do not know.



The abnormality lasted for more than a minute.

When Suicune fell to the ground again, everything was settled.

The venomous sun shines on the desert again.

The frozen desert melted quickly, exuding the source of life in pieces, but it was snatched away by the surrounding dry desert.

"Wow? (Where are people?)"

Suicune carefully inspected the depths of the pothole, but he couldn't find Crocodile after searching for a long time.

"Oh, (It's weird, can he still escape under such an attack?)"

Because he didn't have any detection ability, Suicune, who searched for nothing, could only shake his head in the end, and gave up searching.

After all, the current it has very little physical strength left.

To be on the safe side, let's go back first.


Suicune's head hurts at the thought of going back to that bad old man Cobra.

"Aw!!! (I want a beautiful, pure girl to be my trainer!!!)"

After letting out a wail like Erha, Suicune ran towards the direction of the rainy ground with gusts of wind blowing under his feet.



Half an hour later, under the action of wind and sand, everything here was back to normal.

And at this moment, a huge crocodile walked like flying in the desert like walking on flat ground, and came to the area where the battle had just been fought.

On the body of the crocodile, however, was a woman with a curvy figure and slender, straight legs.

Robin opened a corner of the parasol, took out a piece of paper that seemed to be about to burn out, and looked in the direction.

I saw her stretch out her jade finger, pointing to a location several hundred meters away from the last wave of water just now, and said:

"Banana crocodile, get out of here!"

"We... came to pick up the boss and go home!"

There is a mysterious smile on the beautiful face.

It has to be said that Crocodile's reputation is not rumored.

Even in the situation just now, before he was about to lose consciousness, he manipulated the smashed but not soaked gravel, transported his body to the lower part of the sand layer, and escaped from Suicune one by one. Make up.

This is already his Qi Wuhai, the last stubborn!
Soon, under the full force of the banana crocodile, Crocodile, who was buried more than ten meters deep in the ground, was rescued by Robin.

"Cough cough..."

Crocodile, who was already covered in blood, spat out a mouthful of sand, glanced at Robin, looked up to the sky inexplicably, and said with a smile:
"I really didn't expect that in the end, you, the son of a devil who has betrayed countless people, will be relied on to save me."

"What are you talking about, boss!" Robin looked at Crocodile with a dissatisfied expression.

"Feel sorry……"

The weak Crocodile smiled indifferently:
"I'm used to mocking you, it's because I missed you before."

"No," Robin shook his head and said with a smile:

"Who said I was..."

"Come to save you!"


A pair of cold Hailoushi handcuffs were handcuffed on Crocodile's weak hands.

Under the glare of the sun, Crocodile looked stunned...

And Robin's beautiful smile like a flower.

 Thanks for the support of the monthly pass of Time and Space Calling, Codename Xuxie, Orange Cutting Cucumber, Riding Shark East China Sea! ! !

  This version of the sand crocodile is a little bit stronger, it should be as depraved as before the plot started three years ago...

  After all, according to the state of Luffy when he fought, in fact, the first wave of water should be disarmed.

  The 55-year-old character in the pirate world, who confronts Brother Ming and Hawkeye head-on, and cuts Akainu in half with one move, still needs to be given some face.

(End of this chapter)

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