Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 114 Transaction is sacred

Chapter 114 Transaction is sacred

"Nicole Robin, you... what are you doing!?"

Feeling the sudden weakness in his body, Crocodile was instantly furious, and looked at Robin dumbfounded.

But he, who didn't have much physical strength because of the defeat, is now even more affected by Hailoushi...

Let alone resisting, even raising his head and glancing at Robin at this moment would make his decision extremely difficult.

This beautiful woman with a smiling face like a flower, in Crocodile's blurred vision at this time, is simply a flower devil in the form of a coquettish violet!
It looks beautiful, but it is full of thoughts of "eating people"!

In the face of Crocodile's questioning, Robin showed a standard black-bellied smile, and comforted him with a smile:

"Don't worry, boss!"

"You took me in when I was most helpless, and no matter what, I would never sell you to the black market."

While speaking, Robin once again put the stone shackles on Crocodile's feet to ensure that he has no resistance.


black market?

Crocodile looked at the Hailoushi handcuffs on his hands, but cold sweat was streaming from his forehead.

Although his reward order in the navy has been frozen because he became Qiwuhai...

But in the black market, his forehead is worth at least several hundred million Baileys.

It is said that women have to listen backwards!
Robin said no, doesn't that mean...

I never thought that it would fall into the hands of this woman!
Crocodile blamed himself extremely, regretting that he had not cultivated one or two loyal lieutenants.

On the other side, after imprisoning Crocodile's whole body, Robin waved one hand.

In an instant, one arm after another suddenly extended from the banana alligator's back, grabbed Crocodile by the collar, and dragged him directly to the back seat.

Immediately afterwards, from the side of the banana crocodile, one arm after another grew like a ladder.

Robin stepped on his arms and gracefully climbed onto the main seat of the banana alligator.

"Cough cough..."

In the back seat, Crocodile, who had regained some strength, sat up with difficulty and looked at Robin in front of him with unusually gloomy eyes.

A scholar can be killed but cannot be humiliated, he would rather die directly under Suicune's attack than be so insulted by a woman he looked down on before.

"What the hell do you want to do!?"

Crocodile suppressed the anger in his heart and asked in a low voice.


As if Robin didn't hear his voice, he suddenly waved his hand again, summoning a sky-reaching arm, and on the uppermost arm, an eye materialized.

Robin, who has the ability of Huahua fruit, can manifest any part of the body wherever he can see.

This is a very convenient and easy-to-use ability regardless of sneak attack or investigation.

Soon, in Robin's sight, a burst of billowing smoke appeared from the direction of the rain.

Although the distance is far away, Robin still guessed it in an instant...

She murmured softly:

"I didn't expect the soldiers in Alabasta to move so quickly?"

Instead, she turned her head to look at Crocodile, revealing a mysterious smile.

"It seems that this is not a good place to talk, boss."

"In this case, let's find a place where no one is around, and then talk in detail!"


Crocodile showed a stunned expression.

But the huge banana crocodile turned around, and quickly left the place with its webbed feet as if walking flat on the sand.



Shortly after.

In an inconspicuous cave in the desert of Alabasta.

Crocodile was thrown deep into the hole by an arm that appeared out of nowhere, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

"Damn! Damn woman!"

Crocodile, who fell to the ground, was self-reliant and forced himself to sit up.

Endless anger burst out of his eyes.

His dignity has been severely insulted!
"What the hell do you want to do!?"

Crocodile roared angrily.

At this moment, he even felt that being sold on the black market was better than being insulted by Robin here.


Facing his anger, Robin just smiled lightly and walked over slowly.

"Take it easy, boss."

She whispered:

"I just want to talk to you about my salary for the past few years."


Crocodile looked taken aback.

Immediately, an inexplicable shame and anger appeared on his face.

"You brought me here just for such a boring thing!?"


Robin smiled lightly, shook his head slightly, and said slowly:
"It's not boring at all."

"After all, every laborer who works hard should be paid accordingly."


Crocodile spat lightly. Although he didn't know what nonsense Robin was talking about, he still said:

"As long as you untie these two chains, you can have as much money as you want!"

The appearance of Suicune caught him off guard, and his plan to occupy the kingdom of Alabasta came to nothing.

Next, he has to plan for his future.

But this premise is...

Robin, the "betrayal" family, was able to let himself go.

However, what Crocodile did not expect was...

After hearing his words, Robin's eyes suddenly brightened up.


She showed an incomparably bright smile, as if hearing great good news.

Crocodile was taken aback by this, and he didn't know what Robin was asking.

After all, in his impression, Nicole Robin is not a greedy person.

"What really?" He didn't know why.

Robin repeated: "As long as you let go of the boss, you will transfer all the assets under your name to me!"

Crocodile: ? ? ?

I always feel that today's Robin is very strange!
But now that his own life is in the hands of the other party, what else can Crocodile say?

He bowed his head.


"As long as you don't play other tricks, let me go obediently!"

"I can give you all my money!"


Robin stood up abruptly, smiling extremely beautifully.

"That's what you said! It's a deal?"

"..." Although he didn't know what happened, it seemed that Robin really planned to let him go, Crocodile nodded immediately:
"A word is settled!"

As soon as the voice fell, two arms suddenly appeared from Crocodile's body, took the key thrown by Robin, and released the sea tower stone shackles that imprisoned Crocodile.

"Your current assets are all mine!"

Robin smiled mysteriously, his eyes narrowed into a half-moon shape.


Crocodile gave her a strange look.

After feeling the weakness in his body disappear, he stood up slowly, his brows furrowed.

What the hell is this woman doing?

Although Robin used to have a very black-bellied and eccentric character, the operation of her suddenly tying herself up today and then loosening it inexplicably was really hard for him to understand.

In the end, Crocodile could only attribute everything to Robin's black belly outburst, and wanted to spoof his own boss.

Although this behavior is very hateful, but for the sake of Robin saving himself from the desert, Crocodile decided to let her go.

"Don't do such boring things in the future!"

Crocodile squinted angrily, then tightened the fur coat on his body, and said:

"The plan has changed, and Cobra has obtained powerful power from the dimensional merchant!"

"Alabasta is no longer safe. Hurry up and organize the people from Baroque Works to gather at the backup base."

"No problem, boss."

Robin smiled happily, and immediately asked:

"However, boss, you just said that you will give up all the assets to me!"

"That is to say..."

"From now on, I will be the boss of Baroque Works!"

"You, if you want to stay in the Baroque Work Agency, you will call me the boss in the future!"

"Huh?" Crocodile was taken aback for a moment, then sneered:
"Okay! You do it and you do it!"

Anyway, in the face of absolute strength, he really didn't believe that Robin could play tricks.


Unexpectedly, the moment his voice fell, Robin took a step back suddenly, and immediately asked Void respectfully:

"Lord Lin Luo, in this situation, can I make a transaction?"

Lord Lin Luo?

Crocodile, who watched Robin's abnormal movements, was stunned again.

Then he remembered immediately.

Lin Luo...

Isn't this the name of the dimensional businessman in Donghai?
Robin she...

Met a dimensional merchant! ?

Crocodile's pupils shrank, and he suddenly realized something bad.

But in his moment of bewilderment...

In the air in front of him, an inexplicable ripple suddenly appeared, as if the space was trembling.

In the next second, Lin Luo's figure slowly walked out of the ripples, with an amiable smile on his face, and said:
"All right, Miss Robin."


Seeing Lin Luo who appeared out of thin air, Crocodile's face instantly became very ugly.

Only then did he understand...

I was deceived by the little girl Robin! ?

She actually contacted the legendary dimensional businessman from another world! ?
Crocodile, who found something wrong, quickly shouted:
"Wait... wait a minute!!!"

"I was joking!!!"

Thinking of the power of Suicune, Crocodile would doubt the authenticity of the dimensional merchant.

But according to the information he has...

The prerequisite for trading with dimensional merchants is to have a lot of wealth.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said loudly:
"Robin, I was just joking!"

Then he turned his gaze to Lin Luo and said:

"I'm rich! I've got a lot of money!!!"

"I can definitely make you earn more!"


At this time, Crocodile shouted frantically as if he had lost his mind.

Compared with the illusory ancient legendary weapon Pluto, the powerful Pokémon that can be seen by the naked eye is obviously more worthy of his pursuit.


Facing his crazy request, Lin Luo smiled and shook his head:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Crocodile..."

He looked at Robin and said:
"Just now, you have sincerely transferred the property under your name to Miss Robin's name."

"If you want to take it back, you need Miss Robin's consent, or..."

With a gentle smile on Lin Luo's face, he said softly:
"Kill Miss Robin."


A ray of cold wind suddenly blows into Shandong.

Both Robin and Crocodile felt terrified at the moment, and did not understand how Lin Luo spoke such terrifying words in the most gentle manner.

At this moment, Robin, who originally had God to compensate him for meeting the dimensional businessman, woke up instantly.

In the eyes of the dimensional businessman, perhaps the only difference between himself and Crocodile is that one can trade and the other cannot...

That's all.

Pursing his lips to prevent the night from having more dreams, Robin suddenly took a step forward.

"Lord Lin Luo, let's start trading!"

Lin Luo nodded: "No problem."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Luo immediately waved his hand, summoned the remote trading interface in Robin's mind, and at the same time sent the trading method into Robin's mind.

"wait wait wait……"

Seeing that Robin was dealing with the dimensional businessman, Crocodile became furious, and without even thinking about it, he directly elementalized a desert sword, with terrifying power, and aimed at Robin.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind...

Just kill Robin and he can trade!

There was a sound like a stone falling into the lake.

The sharp desert sword suddenly hovered in front of Robin, as if there was a transparent wall in front of him, unable to move forward at all.

Lin Luo suddenly looked at Crocodile, and a miraculous light appeared in his eyes.

"Are you disrupting the transaction?"

A flat, emotionless voice came from Lin Luo's mouth.

Entering Crocodile's brain, it instantly became a roaring thunder, exploding deep in his soul.

boom! ! !

The terrible pain suddenly invaded.

Crocodile let out a scream suddenly, clasped his hands tightly on both sides of his temples, and inserted his fingers into the flesh and blood.

Dark, desperately dark.

At this time, Crocodile's soul seemed to be nailed to a cross, unable to move a bit.

On the side, there are silver needles as tall as a person, piercing his eyes, ears, temples...

Every needle reaches directly to the soul, pierces the soul, and tears the soul.

Unimaginable pain tormented him.

He struggled desperately, but the more he struggled, the more desperate he became.

"Transactions are sacrosanct."

In the darkness, Lin Luo's voice suddenly came again.

The voice was still so calm and indifferent.

But under this voice, everything Crocodile suffered did not mean to stop in the slightest.

In reality, he was in so much pain that he began to shake his body non-stop, wanting to hit his head against the wall of the cave.

At this moment, an invisible force enveloped him again, causing his hands to be removed from the top of his head, like a soul in the darkness, unable to move.


Seeing Crocodile's painful appearance, Robin couldn't help but shudder.

Thinking of the time when I met Lin Luo in the escape passage, I was the first to want to do it, and I couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I have a good temper, so I didn't attack the dimensional businessman immediately, and asked...

Looking at Crocodile, who used to be invincible in the past, screaming with snot and tears at this moment, Robin really couldn't imagine what happened to him.

Anyway, Crocodile is also one of the strongest in the world!

However, Lin Luo continued to say calmly:
"Look, if you are emotional and a first-time offender, I can spare you once..."

"I hope you are doing well."

With a wave of Lin Luo's hand, the illusion imposed on Crocodile's mind disappeared instantly.

Crocodile, who survived the catastrophe, glanced at Lin Luo with trembling pupils, and immediately lowered his head in humility, sweating all over his body, and retreated to the side in embarrassment like a dog in a drowning pool.

After solving the problem of interrupting the transaction, Lin Luo once again showed a kind smile on his face, and turned to look at Robin.

Robin:! ! !
Don't look at me, I'm scared!
Although he heard Robin's voice, Lin Luo still followed the transaction process and said:

"Okay, Miss Robin, please continue with our transaction..."

 Thanks for the support of Huoshao, Nostalgia, and Heng Ziai Real Madrid! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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