Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 115 Lin Luo's Plan

Chapter 115 Lin Luo's Plan
With the sound of a crisp finger snap, the bases of Baroque work agencies located in various places in the Kingdom of Alabasta suddenly encountered an unbelievable supernatural event!

In the work club, all the expenses and materials used to distribute rewards, wages, and replacement weapons to members disappeared in an instant!

At the same time, in front of Robin, there was also a mobile phone, Rotom.

"Congratulations, Miss Robin, you have now become a VIP2 member of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce, please trade as much as you want!"

Gentleman Lin Luo smiled, waved his hand, and entered Robin's information interface into Rotom, her mobile phone.

【Nicole Robin】

【VIP level: 2】

【VIP experience: 6000/10000】

【Current points: 6000】

"Six thousand points!"

Looking at the data in his information bar, Robin instantly showed an elegant smile on his face.

She already knew the trading rules, of course she understood the value behind the 6000 points.

However, she was not surprised at this amount of points.

After all, since Crocodile proposed the structure of the baroque work club, she has been in charge of the overall operation of the work club, and she knows exactly how much material each base will have.

It's a pity that with the sudden lack of so much funds and materials, it is estimated that it will be difficult for this baroque work agency to continue to operate.


who cares! ?

Robin smiled sweetly, turned her head subconsciously, glanced at Crocodile, who was recuperating by the wall, and said silently in her heart:
"Thank you boss for your support!"

Immediately, she immediately withdrew her consciousness and cast her fiery gaze on Lin Luo.

Although Robin did not witness the battle between Suicune and Crocodile, she never doubted the power of Pokémon!

With his unique status in the black market, Robin was fortunate to have watched the precious video of the battle between Ibrahimovic and Akainu.

And for her, the orphan of O'Hara, the highlight of that battle was not just the powerful Pokémon...

What's more, one of the murderers who caused the O'Hara tragedy, Admiral Akainu, was beaten to death by a creature like a puppy, which was terrible!
The special pleasure of revenge is completely incomprehensible to ordinary people.

So after watching that battle, Robin began to think about the Pokémon Ibrahimovic.

Now that she has the opportunity, of course she will not let it go.

even if...

That might be a Pokémon exclusive to the Dimensional Merchant, she still wanted to ask.

After taking a deep breath and adjusting his mentality, Robin asked respectfully:
"Lord Lin Luo, may I buy a powerful Ibrahimovic from you!?"


Lin Luo's expression paused slightly.

Immediately, a lazy figure appeared in his mind, lying on the pillow, eating snacks, drinking drinks, and playing video games non-stop.

But then, he immediately sensed the thoughts in Robin's heart.

Although he was a little surprised that such a result would appear, there was a standard smile on his face.

"of course can!"

Lin Luo chuckled: "As long as you have enough points, you can redeem any Pokémon you want!"

With a snap of fingers, a sea of ​​Ibrahimovic suddenly appeared in front of Robin.

Values ​​vary from 500-6000 points.

As a relatively special existence among Pokémon, it is almost difficult for the Eevee family to have individuals with a price below three digits like the green caterpillar.

And looking at the Ibrahimovic army in front of him, Robin suddenly felt suffocated for a while, and a flush appeared on his shattered cheeks.

With her eyes, every time she saw an Ibrahimovic, she seemed to see the scene after a red dog was defeated.

This scene is really...

So happy!

Robin was in a trance for a while, but she still suppressed the pleasure in her heart and carefully selected the Ibrahimovic in front of her one by one.

Fortunately, Lin Luo has made arrangements before pushing the products, blocking many Ibrahimovic with repetitive features.

Soon, Robin fell in love with an energetic little Eevee among the Wanyi bushes.

【Pokémon: Eevee】

【Gender: ♂】

[Attribute: General]

[Characteristic: Danger Prediction (can perceive powerful or deadly attacks in advance)]

【Level: 35】

【Price: 6000】

Although I can't see the specific talent attributes of Pokémon, according to the memory Lin Luo planted in her mind...

The more the Pokémon's selling price exceeds the level value, the greater the Pokémon's talent and potential!
Based on such conditions, Robin believes that this Pokémon, which is only level 35, is absolutely extraordinary in strength!
The only thing she needs to consider is that a level 35 Pokémon, even if she is added, will not be an opponent of Crocodile.

I'm afraid that Crocodile will become angry after the transaction is over.


Glancing at Crocodile's dejected appearance, Robin silently shook his head in his heart.

It is estimated that in his current state, it is difficult to pose any threat to himself.

Big deal, go to the Kingdom of Alabasta by yourself!
Of course, this is just the worst plan in Robin's mind.

If possible, she actually still wants to continue to cooperate with Crocodile and continue the relationship.

After all, Qiwuhai's name is still very useful.

"Lord Lin Luo, I want to buy this Ibrahimovic!"

After confirming his choice, Robin stretched out his slender finger and touched the Eevee.


Lin Luo's eyes flashed, and a smile of approval appeared on his face, and he praised:

"As expected of Miss Robin, she has a unique vision!"

"This is a little guy with extraordinary talent. As long as you train carefully, your future achievements will definitely shock you!"

With a snap of fingers, the points on Robin's account instantly reset to zero.

At the same time, Lin Luo also exchanged the elf ball containing Ibrahimovic and handed it to her.

"Please put away your Pokémon!"

After making another big order, Lin Luo felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

With his current reserve of points, let alone creating an elf center...

Even if you create 4 or 5, it feels more than enough!

"Thank you, Master Lin Luo!"

Robin, who took the poke ball, immediately bowed deeply, revealing the alluring East African Rift Valley.

Although she was clearly unmanned, her fiery figure and the exaggerated curves outlined by the fabric exuded the softness of a mature woman.


Lin Luo, who only wanted to work, didn't put his mind on Robin at all, but checked the style options of the new elf center in the system...

After hearing Robin's thanks, he subconsciously smiled politely and nodded.

Anyway, he had heard the same words countless times.

Lin Luo was dual-purpose, looking at the system while telling Robin the procedural words.

In a few words, he said "goodbye" directly, and then slowly disappeared into the dark cave.

"I always feel like I missed something good?"

Lin Luo, who returned to the different space, showed a little doubt on his face.

It was the first time he had this feeling of bewilderment since his spiritual body was elevated.

But immediately, this unknown feeling was left behind by Lin Luo!

Compared with the unconscious subconscious mind, his next actions are the real most important thing! ! !
He has already made a plan, intending to make another big news in the Kingdom of Alabasta! ! !

Proclaim to the countless great routes of this strong man...

Dimensional merchants have arrived! ! !
The successive transactions after entering the great route gave him a taste of the sweetness.

With this momentum, Lin Luo planned to give up lying down and force himself again!
According to this momentum, it is estimated that it will not take long, not to mention opening the elf center all over the world, even if it is the condition of crossing the world, it may not be impossible to give it a try!
In order to actually save more Pokémon and travel across the world, Lin Luo has already written on the plan.

Lin Luo also already knows the minimum conditions for crossing the world...

500 points.

This is the minimum requirement given by the system.

That is to say...

If Lin Luo wanted to travel from the Pirate World to other worlds, he would need at least 500 million energy points!
If simply converted from the Baileys of One Piece World, these 500 million points are actually 5000 billion Baileys.

Although this looks like a lot, it is nothing compared to the miracle of traveling through the world.

If you can meet a few more local tyrants like Cobra, it seems that it will be achieved soon.

But in Lin Luo's mind, there are still many things to consider in order to complete the achievement of crossing the world.

The reason why he hopes to travel to other worlds as soon as possible is because he wants to play in other worlds...

In fact, more, I still want to protect this pirate world that is about to become a Pokémon colony!
Yes, protection!
With the growing strength and structure, Lin Luo has felt more and more that saving the Pokémon world cannot only rely on the world of Pirate World!
not long ago.

He deliberately made a few Rotom unite and made a conversion.

Suddenly found out...

The maximum saturation that the entire Pirate World can withstand is less than [-]% of the products in the system! ! !

And the reason for this conclusion is simple...

That is, if more commodities are exchanged, it is likely to affect the stability of One Piece World itself!

after all……

These Pokémon came to this world by transforming the world of Pirate World.

And losing too much of the world of this world will only make the Pirate World face the danger of chaos.

If it is even serious, the Pirate World may collapse directly like the Pokémon World!
In fact, this problem existed from the very beginning, but Lin Luo was still in the early stage of starting a business at that time.

Whether the market will crash is simply out of his consideration.

Taking care of your one-acre-three-point land is the top priority.

But with his gradual growth, the health of the entire market will already affect his own income.

So Lin Luo had to plan ahead and make plans in advance to prevent instability in One Piece World.

For the simplest example...

Bailey in One Piece World is nothing more than a piece of special paper.

The reason why it can become a trading item recognized by the system is that on top of these Baileys, the belief and cognition of money by the intelligent life forms of the Pirate World are condensed.

In the process of converting Bailey into points, it is actually transforming this belief and cognition.

Although Lin Luo's current transaction volume does not touch a single cent of the currency system of Pirate World...

But if such transactions continue for ten or a hundred years, then the currency system of One Piece World will collapse sooner or later!
Once such a scene occurs, Pirate World will no longer have the concept of currency, but will return to the ancient times of bartering.

This kind of damage is irreversible!
Even if Lin Luo recreates a currency and educates people in Pirate World to use currency, it will be inexplicably interfered and cannot be achieved.

This is the lack of the world!

The same reasoning applies to any item within Linluo's trading range.

Gold, silver and jewellery, spears and cannons, sword battleships...

These things are irreversible in the process of being converted into points!

That is to say...

If the long-term transactions continue, Pirate World will lose the concept of gold, artillery, and ships, as if it has never appeared in this world.

So it is impossible to save another world with the power of one world alone!

In Lin Luo's plan, he will develop to a certain extent in Pirate World, and then completely shift the focus of trading to other worlds.

If people in One Piece World want to continue trading...

He can help some excellent traders to travel, and then go to other worlds to continue to search for world-class materials for trading.

Repeatedly, within ten worlds, it will definitely be able to save all creatures in the Pokémon world!
Lin Luo, who harbored the dream of a great revival of the Pokémon world, only felt full of energy.

He dodges and teleports directly to the very center of Alabasta Kingdom!
This is a barren desert very far away from the surrounding cities.

Desolation and heat are synonymous with this place.

Countless terrifying beasts hide in the quiet sandy land, turning into the deepest hunters, waiting for the arrival of the lost lamb.

For travelers passing by, there are deadly presences everywhere.

But such an area with a bleak living environment has now become a hotbed for Lin Luo to build an elf center.

Based on the principle of protecting life, he did not choose to directly bury these ferocious beasts in this desert.

Instead, use superpowers to pick up all the beasts in this area.

All of a sudden!
With Lin Luo's location as the center, the sky within a radius of several kilometers is filled with fierce beasts of all sizes and shapes!

It's just that the eyes of these ferocious beasts are not shrouded by a magical pink light at this time, and they have lost their original consciousness.

"You guys have a good sleep first, and after you wake up, help me take care of the house!"

Lin Luo smiled lightly, injected an order into their subconscious, immediately dispersed them, and hid them in the desert a few kilometers away.

And the next second, a shocking scene appeared!

In the desolate desert, a giant pyramid suddenly appeared out of thin air, landed in the desert, and sank deeply into the sand.

There was no movement at all, as if this pyramid existed from the very beginning.

The appearance of the entire pyramid is in the form of transparent crystal glass. The four bases stretch for one kilometer, covering the entire square area, and the top of the tower is several hundred meters high.

Right in front of the pyramid, there is a huge elven center pattern imprinted on it, announcing the owner of this building.

Since it is the center of elves in the desert, the first thing Lin Luo thought of was the Egyptian pyramids.

Thinking of Egypt, he soon thought of the Egyptian pharaoh...

Among Lin Luo's limited knowledge, the only memory he knows of the Egyptian Pharaoh is the Egyptian Pharaoh in the anime Yu-Gi-Oh.

Therefore, Lin Luo chose to build this giant pyramid which is similar to the Pyramid of Light!

Compared with ordinary pyramids, this pyramid does not have any death and weirdness.

On the contrary, through the transparent glass, one can see a cool scene of prosperity and luxuriant foliage inside.

At first glance, it is like seeing a desert oasis, full of natural atmosphere!
It is simply a mysterious desert oasis!
(End of this chapter)

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