Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 116 All parties are moving

Chapter 116 All parties are moving
The wind is blowing and the clouds are flying...

In the blink of an eye, the day passed slowly.

But at this time, in the originally quiet desert, it seemed as if it was New Year's Eve, and the rumbling sound kept ringing.

The noisy sound seemed to be surrounded by countless construction teams at [-] degrees, which was unbearable to the ears.

Under the scorching sun, a huge building that shocked the world and wept ghosts and gods settled down in this uninhabited desert.

The bottom of the huge tower sank heavily in the dust, and the wind and sand blew past, leaving traces of time on the wall.

The towering spire penetrates deep into the sky, like a pillar of the sky, suppressing the wind and clouds in all directions.

The Pokémon Center, Alabasta Kingdom distracted, completely built!

The warm sunlight passed through the body of the pyramid, leaving a brilliant light that lingered around the pyramid.

Looking around, it's like approaching the residence of the gods, and everything is amazing.

"Finally... finished!"

Lin Luo habitually patted the dust-free palm, and laughed out loud with a sense of accomplishment.

Although the general framework has already been conceived in the mind, when it is actually operated, it still encounters various messy problems.

For this reason, Lin Luo also specially spent a lot of time and energy on designing and renovating, which is much more thoughtful than the elf center in Reversing Mountain!

After all, in his mind...

This elf center faces most of the trainers on the Great Route. Compared with the Novice Village on Upside Down Mountain, this is more like an official place for trainers.

Therefore, Lin Luo deliberately set up a large number of duel and training places in the pyramid.

The venues are even more diverse.

Whether it's forests, grasslands, oceans, hills, swamps...

As long as it is an environment that exists in nature, it can be seen in this pyramid.

And this is what bothered Lin Luo.

It is simply impossible to allow so many complex environments to exist at the same time without imposing some specific means.

In addition to layering the environments with too much compatibility, he also spent a lot of points to set up non-interfering barriers for these different environments.

Good thing...

Looking at the results in front of me, everything is worth it.

Because here, it will soon become one of the officially designated qualifying battle venues!

Although there are still 10 months to go before the Pokémon League Conference, the prospect of qualifying is actually not optimistic.

One is that the number of traders who can reach the VIP2 level is currently too small.

In this sea, there are still a few people who can take out more than 10 billion materials for trading at any time.

The second is also because the traders are scattered too widely, and the distance between them is too large.

It often takes a lot of time to conduct a qualifying match.

There are even times when a qualifying match takes longer than a month!

And with the officially designated qualifying battle venue, those who really want to participate in the Pokémon League Conference will move around the venue, which greatly enhances the qualifying battle cycle.

Because the trading business had just started before, Lin Luo didn't care so much in order to expand his influence.

Now that he has the conditions, of course he has to make a good arrangement.

After all, this Pokémon League Conference, he intends to hold it forever.

The annual Pokémon League Convention!
In order to ensure that the pyramid will not be broken by the aftermath of the battle of the strong, Lin Luo also deliberately spent a lot of points to strengthen the hardness of the material.

It cost him a whole 3 points to bring down the entire Pyramid Elf Center!

To be honest, this consumption was a bit beyond Lin Luo's expectation, because next, he will spend a lot of points here to deploy manpower and force.

The first is 100 Rotom, to serve as the basic inquiry guidance and daily maintenance of the elf center.

This kind of cheap and easy-to-use Pokémon was born specially for Lin Luo, solving countless troubles for him.

It's actually Miss Joy...

This time Lin Luo was very generous and directly summoned 3 Miss Joy.

Compared with the upside-down mountain, which does not necessarily have a few people in a month, the number of trainers to be received here will obviously increase a lot.

If Miss Joy's exchange price was not too high, he would have wished to fill this place with Miss Joy!
Unfortunately, funds are limited...

Some non-essential things should be left to those Rotom to complete.

And since it is going to face a large number of trainers, in order to prevent accidents, the security system here is of course also heavy.

Although Rotom also has certain offensive capabilities, but their strength is at best against unrefined miscellaneous fish...

If they encounter a real strong person, they will also become trash fish in seconds.

For this reason, Lin Luo directly spent 3 points and exchanged for a fire-breathing dragon, a wonderful frog flower, and a water arrow turtle...

Sea, land and air are all available, and each one has the strength second only to the admiral of the navy, which is enough to fight most of the enemies.

In addition, Lin Luo also exchanged 40 lucky eggs of level 10, spending 2 points...

And there are 20 super talented little lucky eggs, which are the pre-evolution form of lucky eggs, and cost 2 points.

Adding up everything together, Lin Luo's spending on this elf center almost reached 15 points!

"This money is still so irresistible!"

After explaining all the relevant matters to Miss Joy, who has a sweet voice, Lin Luo shook his head and teleported out of the elf center.

Originally, he thought that building an elf center would only cost 5 or 6W points at most.

Unexpectedly, once it was built, he couldn't stop working at all, wanting to do everything the best.

It's like configuring a computer. Originally, I just wanted to install a 1060 graphics card, and then found that I can buy a higher-end 3060ti graphics card with a little more money...

Then what else do you think, definitely add money to buy it!

And since the graphics card is so good, how can the CPU and motherboard be so bad!
The CPU and motherboard are not bad, you can’t get a shoebox case, can you?
That's a shame for such a good configuration.

In this way, adding up all the way, the things that could be solved by 3000, finally got 1W+ abruptly!

Lin Luo actually committed this kind of problem.

However, who told him to have more money!
"Forget it, Alabasta has a vast land and abundant resources, and it is very suitable for development as a main place..."

"The elf center in the future should focus on healing and issuing missions!"

With the help of Rotom, the task system designed by Lin Luo has been completed.

But most of them are small real-time tasks.

For example, rewards for pirates, mountain thieves, mafia, and corrupt officials...

And rescue some islands guarded by evil pirates.

Because the requirements for information update are relatively high, the number of tasks in the current task system is still very small.

Most of them were stolen from Garp and Aokiji's mobile phone Rotom from the Navy's intelligence library.

In addition, some news from major newspapers and information compiled in the intelligence system of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Even authenticity may have to be considered.

This is actually very bad.

That is to say, there are not many traders now, so Lin Luo can fool around like this.

If you want to become bigger and stronger, the future task system will also be a function that requires a lot of points and careful polishing.



Shortly after.

A special notification message suddenly appeared on the Rotom phones of all the traders.

【Great news!The qualifying battle area is officially open to all trainers! 】

[From today, all trainers participating in the Pokémon League Conference can compete in qualifying matches here. 】

[There is a large elf center in the area, which has the most professional medical staff and the most knowledgeable Pokémon treatment methods, so that every trainer can let go of everything and enjoy the charm of Pokémon battles! 】

[In addition, the major elf centers will release various tasks from time to time. After completing the tasks, you can get certain points and props rewards. 】

[This ranking battle area is located in the first half of the Great Route within the Kingdom of Alabasta. Click to view the details, and you can use the Rotom map on your mobile phone to guide you there. 】

Powerful electrical signals pierced through the void and passed through every mobile phone Rotom.

This real Pokémon game online is officially ushering in a new version! ! !



In the first half of the great voyage, in a sea area where strong winds rolled in dark clouds.

A small sailboat is like a drop in the ocean, floating in the rough waters.

The mighty waves, like beasts devouring people, poured down mercilessly on the small boats.

Facing the terrifying crisis of life and death, there was a hearty laughter from the sailing boat.

"Charizard, use hot air! Be careful, don't set our boat on fire this time!"

Then, a dull roar came to mind:
"Hey!!! (Got it! Is it annoying! Didn't I accidentally burn the last boat! How stingy!)"

With a burst of dragon groaning, the fire-breathing dragon suddenly spread its huge wings, exerted a little force, and instantly stepped on an air ripple on the deck.

The crimson body flew directly into the sky, like a rainbow of pure color, piercing into the black clouds like a sharp arrow.

In the next second, a gust of violent heat suddenly appeared high in the sky, and struck from the dark clouds towards the waves below.

The air was filled with blazing heat, as if it was about to burn, and the storm with terrifying heat instantly collided with the rushing waves.

All of a sudden!

Huge water vapor rose up.

The entire sea area was shrouded in a white mist.

The restless high temperature makes the sea water continue to heat and boil.

But as the water vapor increased, the power of the waves became smaller and smaller.

Eventually, under the force of the hot wind, the waves disappeared.

Call ~
Another gust of wind hit.

But this time it was a normal storm.

Driven by the strong wind, all the water mist dissipated instantly, and the vision of the sailboat became clear again.

After doing this, the fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings and landed back on the deck.

"Nice job! Charizard!"

Ace stepped forward and put his arms around the Charizard's neck.

With that huge strength, even the fire-breathing dragon, who had been exercising without stopping, almost couldn't stand it, but was staggered by Ace.

The two brothers, one person and one dragon, stuck together.


The fire-breathing dragon howled in dissatisfaction, but no matter how hard he struggled, he still couldn't escape Esconwu's powerful arms.

This took a huge blow to its pride as a Pokémon!

A Pokémon whose physical strength is inferior to that of the trainer may be the only one in this world!

But this is really not a Charizard, it doesn't work hard.

During this period of time, it has been squeezing its own potential day and night, constantly doing physical training.

However, in terms of pure strength, it is still inferior to Ace, and has never won a single arm wrestling.

As a charizard known for its strength and fire...

It feels like a disgrace to the fire-breathing dragon family!
Fortunately, Ace's seemingly intimate but extremely insulting actions did not last long.

At this moment, the mobile phone Rotom, which had been quietly hanging on Ace's waist, suddenly opened its huge eyes, and flew out after emitting a flash.

"Hey, there is a new system notification!?"

Ace let out a cry of surprise.

Ever since he was looking for a qualifying partner last time and unfortunately saw his old man's name, he was so scared that he rarely looked at Rotom on his phone.

Now this new push message immediately attracted his attention.

"Ranked battle area!?"

There was a flash of light in Ace's eyes.

"Brother Lin Luo, have you finally come to Great Hangli!?"

Although he had already expected this matter, but now seeing the real news, he still breathed a sigh of relief.

I was still hesitating whether to go back to Donghai to participate in the qualifying competition, but now I don't have to think so much!
Brother Lin Luo did not set up a battle area in the East China Sea where there are many trainers, but set it up in the Great Hangli...

It shows that the work center of future dimensional merchants must be on the great route!


After reading the push message, Ace suddenly yelled.

Looking at the partners who accompanied him along the way, he had a sunny smile on his face and said impressively:
"Little ones! Set sail! Set sail!"

"Target: Kingdom of Alabasta!!!"



Naval Headquarters, Marin Vando.

In a meeting for the training and selection of recruits, two strange prompts sounded suddenly.


Garp and Aokiji, who were sleeping and slacking off during the meeting, were taken aback.

Immediately, the two immediately took out their mobile phone Rotom, and looked at the push message under the curious eyes of the navy.

The two quickly read a few short lines of text, but then they showed completely opposite expressions.

One looked heavy, while the other was ecstatic.

I saw Karp suddenly raised his head, and without estimating the presence of the high-level navy, he directly handed the mobile phone Rotom in front of Sengoku, and said without restraint:
"Warring States, hurry up and prepare a fast boat for me!"

"Hey...the wrist training is so hard, it's time to go out and show off the results!"



East China Sea, Xipro Village.

Inside the Usopp Military Factory.

boom! ! !
With the sound of a huge explosion, the roof of the military factory was suddenly lifted up and fell to the open space beside it, smashed to pieces.

The building of the military factory has also been turned into ruins.

"Cough cough..."

With an explosive head on his head, Usopp struggled to climb out of the ruins.

Behind him, Tou Yuxiao, who had already completed a period of evolution, grabbed a package-like thing and flew out slowly.

At this time, Tou Yuxiao's face was dull, with a lot of dust attached to his feathers, he was in a panic.

It threw the package in its hand directly on it in dissatisfaction.

Surprisingly, that huge package also had an exploding head on it.


The moment it landed, the package squirmed twice quickly, and then roared:
"Hey! Dead bird! Be gentle and you will die!!! It hurts me to death!!!"

 Thanks to Heng Zi Ai Real Madrid, Wang Zhaojun Said Wo Da, Ashash, XJL2390 for their support! ! !
  Thanks! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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