Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 117 The eldest lady arrives

Chapter 117 The eldest lady arrives

Bucky, who was wrapped in a snakeskin package, shook his body with a face full of resentment.

The red round nose, paired with the afro head, is even more clown than the clown in the circus.


Tou Yuxiao flicked his bangs, and glanced at Bucky the clown on the ground with disdain.

Although after the evolution, Tou Yuxiao somehow looked old, as if he was seventy or eighty years old.

But fortunately, its mentality is young enough, and the emotions flickering in its eyes are still so full of energy.

It suddenly fluttered its wings and flew high. With the flickering of its wings, a large cloud of dust scattered, and directly hit Bucky in the face.

"Ah... bah bah bah!!!"

Bucky, who was bound in a snakeskin bag, was impotent and furious, staring at Tou Yuxiao viciously.

"Stinky bird, this is not over!!!"

But at this moment, Usopp, who was also blown out, stood up with joy on his face.

Regardless of the injuries on his body, he quickly looked at the ruined Usopp factory.


Looking at the victim who seemed to be attacked by artillery fire in front of him, Usopp suddenly jumped up, clenched his fist in the air excitedly, and then looked at the fallen Bucky and said:

"Bucky, your formula is actually real!"

"Such a small concentrated projectile can explode with such terrifying power!"

"Hmph~ what is this!"

Bucky, who was restrained, squirmed and sat up, straightened his red nose, and said with a proud expression:

"If it weren't for your lack of sophistication, the power would only be greater than it is now!"

A bright light reflected on the round red nose, still so much rosy and shiny.

But just after he finished speaking, he secretly glanced at Usopp, and secretly said in amazement:

"Are you kidding me? This brat, it only took a month to develop the bucky bomb that I have been developing for several years without success!?"

"This kid? Could it be that he is a genius for making arms!?"

Even Bucky, who has rich experience, couldn't help but be shocked by Usopp's talent at this moment.

In less than a month, he was able to decipher the ammunition formula that he didn't even understand...

This made Bucky wonder if he had lived on a dog all these years!

Is this long-nosed brat really from Donghai?

And that strange bird named Tou Yuxiao, what the hell is that?

Because he has been in captivity since he was caught, even now, Bucky still has a little knowledge of Pokémon's information.

But fortunately, seeing the successful development of the ammunition formula in front of him, according to Bucky's understanding of Usopp during this period of time, he should keep his promise and let himself go!

This was a decision he had made with Usopp before handing over the bucky bomb formula.

Thoughts flashed by, Bucky suppressed the surprise in his heart, and was about to mention this matter.

But at this moment...

Not far away, an extremely swift figure rushed over quickly.

The long pale golden hair fluttered in the wind, and the jade peaks that were about to come out staggered and echoed.

Kaya, who was walking with wind, ran towards Usopp factory anxiously.

Each step leaves a tiny 34-yard footprint on hard, dry ground.

Every footprint has a depth of more than 10 centimeters.

Ke Ya stepped on the ground and straightened her body.

Suddenly, a turbulent airflow rose, blowing Usopp's long nose and shaking it.

"Usopp, are you alright!?"

Seeing the scars all over Usopp's body, Keya immediately showed worried eyes.

While speaking, she took out a bottle of milk from the medical bag beside her and handed it to Usopp.

"Quick, drink some milk and recover!"

Although the milk in the big milk tank has no medical ability, its nutrition, combined with Usopp's recovery ability far beyond ordinary people, has a miraculous effect.

"Ah, it's Keya!"

There was a smug smile in the corner of Usopp's eyes, and he skillfully opened the cap of the milk bottle, without saying anything, he drank directly.

After finishing a large bottle of milk in one breath, he burped lightly, and then smiled and said:

"Don't worry! This is not an accident today! It's just that I didn't expect the power of this ammunition to be so powerful, and the protection is not in place!"

"Speaking of it, as long as the energy of Tou Yuxiao is injected into the ammunition, it can create special ammunition with huge lethality..."

"At that time, the business list of the Keya Chamber of Commerce will definitely be snatched up!!!"

"Ah!? Really?"

Hearing the good news of Usopp's success, Keya was overjoyed instantly.

Just when she was about to say something, Bucky suddenly interrupted impatiently and said:
"Hey, hey!? When you two are flirting, can you pay attention to the audience around you!?"

"By the way, since the ammunition has been developed, according to the agreement, can you let me go!?"



As soon as Bucky's voice fell, the air instantly became quiet.

A blush suddenly appeared on the faces of Usopp and Kaya.

The two looked at each other, and then immediately looked away in embarrassment.

Spring is here, and it is time for everything to recover.

Boys and girls who are just in love are extremely cautious about this strange feeling.

And Bucky's words, like a sharp arrow, suddenly pierced the careful thoughts of the two of them.

Usopp rubbed his nose in embarrassment and looked up at the sky.

But the thin-skinned Keya suddenly became shy, like a little girl whose parents had revealed her secret...

He slapped directly on the big tree that Bucky was leaning on.

"What! Who are you talking about flirting!?"

Ke Ya closed her eyes tightly and shouted softly.


Peng! ! !
There was a loud noise.

Keya, who was blushing, didn't care about the strength at all, and slapped the tree trunk with thick arms around the arms of the three of them, making a loud noise instantly.

Ka... Kacha...

A deep crack suddenly appeared on the body of this old tree that had been preserved for decades, and then it slowly fell backwards until it fell to the ground.

The shy Keya still lowered her head and blushed, immersed in her own world, totally oblivious to everything she had done.

But Bucky, who was right next to the big tree, froze instantly.

Like a gear that hasn't been lubricated, the head turned around one by one, and looked at Usopp with dilated pupils.

That expression seemed to say: "Boy, you are such a warrior!!!"


Usopp smiled twitchingly at the corner of his mouth, then squatted down, untied Bucky's snakeskin bag, and released it.

Because there was the scene of Keya pulling the weeping willow upside down, the two men did not make any sound in tacit understanding.

Even Bucky, who had regained his freedom again, changed from his previous arrogance and became quiet.

The scene became awkward for a while.

At this moment, Usopp's mobile phone Rotom suddenly flew out, and projected the system notification just updated into Usopp's eyes.


He immediately yelled strangely, breaking the awkward atmosphere, and immediately said with embarrassment:

"The qualifying battle area is actually on the great route!?"

Although he doesn't know much because of his age, Usopp still knows a little about the legend of the great route.

It is said that this is the zone where only true sea warriors can survive!
And his father, Jesus Bu, is on the great voyage at this moment.

There, your life will be in danger all the time!
The ubiquitous pirates, the very strange weather, no matter what it is, it is not something he, a kid in the East China Sea, can handle.

Even with the power of Tou Yuxiao, he is still a weak man who can only shoot a slingshot...


Is it really possible to control the great route?
Usopp, who had never been confident in himself, once again deeply doubted himself.

"what happened?"

Keya on the side felt the changes in Usopp's mood before and after, and immediately moved her head curiously, looking at the information on the screen.

Immediately, her complexion also froze, revealing an expression similar to Usopp's.

"The Great Route..."

Ke Ya pursed her lips lightly, her eyes seemed to be thinking about something.

She looked at Usopp, then looked down at her own toes.

After a while, Ke Ya suddenly said:

"Go! Usopp!"


Usopp was slightly taken aback:
"Kaya, what did you say?"

"I say……"

Kaya raised her head slowly.

At this moment, her eyes were full of Usopp's figure.

Kaya said in an encouraging tone:

"Go! Usopp!"

"Let's go to the Pokémon League Conference!!!"


Usopp hesitated to speak.

But Ke Ya didn't give him a chance to speak, and asked directly:

"Don't you want to resurrect your mother?!"

"Aren't you going to be a brave sea warrior!?"

"Go! Go to the great route!!!"

"That's actually your real stage!!!"

Kaya, who has seen Usopp's future picture, is very clear that Usopp should not be left in this small Cipro village.

"I believe you……"

She murmured softly:

"You are a man who walks the talk!!!"

Whoa! ! !
Kaya's words, like a beam of light, shone directly into Usopp's heart.

In his heart, the timid self who was curled up in a corner and trembling suddenly felt bright and warm at this moment.

In his heart, he stood up inexplicably, and a warm force came from behind, as if pushing him forward.

Although he has decided to become a brave sea warrior, the retreat in the face of danger seems to be Usopp's nature, deeply engraved in his bones.


As long as there is someone, as long as there is someone who is willing to believe in him and support him, then he will...

The power called "GOD" erupts!

Usopp clenched his fists suddenly.

Now he has taught the method of making Muye Star to several ammunition workers hired by Ka Ya's father.

The new ammunition was too powerful and not yet suitable for production.

In the next period of time, just wait for the Keya Chamber of Commerce to withdraw funds, and then trade with the dimensional merchant again.

Speaking of...

He really has no reason to stay here.

"Kaya, thank you!"

A confident smile appeared on Usopp's face again. Although his legs were still trembling, he still shouted loudly:

"I made a decision!!!"

"Great route! Brave sea warrior Usopp!"


As if putting all his strength into his body, Usopp clenched his hands, facing the sky, and shouted loudly.

But at this moment, Kaya on the side suddenly took a step forward, took a deep breath, and then said to Usopp:
"Usopp, this time, I want to be with you!"


Usopp's expression froze, he froze for a moment, then immediately turned to look at Kaya:

"You... what did you say?"

"I said, I want to be with you!"

Kaya looked at Usopp firmly, and the two looked at each other.

"Wait...wait wait..."

Usopp shook his head again and again, took two steps back unconsciously, and waved his hands.

"No, no! The great route is too dangerous! I..."

Before Usopp could finish speaking, Keya took a step forward in an instant.

The body that was extremely weak two months ago now exudes a reassuring and powerful aura.

"It's okay, Usopp!"

"Now I am very strong!"


Looking at the big tree broken by Keya's slap, Usopp didn't know how to refute for a moment.

But right here, Keya showed a sweet smile again, rushed to Usopp and said:
"What's more, but with you, a great sea warrior, protecting me, what danger can there be in a mere great sea route?"


Usopp's face turned red again.

Facing these words that were tantamount to confession, he who has always been eloquent was suddenly at a loss for words.

"Sorry to bother you..."

Bucky looked at Usopp and Kaya blankly, with mixed emotions of doubt and confusion in his eyes, and asked in an uncertain tone:
"Resurrection... you just said the word resurrection!?"




East China Sea, a pirate base.


A pirate leader covered in blood was suddenly thrown out, hit the wooden box behind him, and smashed directly onto the wooden box.

"Cough cough!"

The pirate leader covered his wound, coughed twice, looked forward in disbelief, and cursed angrily:
"Damn fat woman! You betrayed us!!!"


Alrita, who was swinging a mace, suddenly turned her head, a ferocious look flashed in her eyes.

"Fat woman!? How dare you call me fat woman!!!"

Al Lita manipulated her fat body, and rushed towards this bad-spoken pirate.

But at this moment...

A dark green cold light flashed suddenly.

All of a sudden!
The head of the pirate who was glaring just now suddenly opened his eyes, as if someone was holding his eyeballs inside, protruding outwards.

In Alrita's sight, the head of the pirate leader was separated from his body in an instant.

And between her and the corpse, a huge praying mantis figure suddenly appeared.

"Fly...Master Flying Mantis!"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the flying mantis, Alrita's forehead was suddenly covered with cold sweat.

Although they have been together for a while, when she thinks that those sharp arm blades have killed countless pirates like her, she feels a chill.

Flying Mantis, on the other hand, didn't have any colored eyes on Alrita, an existence of inferior appearance among human beings. She nodded with a normal expression, and said hello:



"Cha..." Alrita cried nervously.

(End of this chapter)

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