Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 118 Undercurrent

Chapter 118 Undercurrent
"One Sword Style Profound Truth Thirty-Six Troubled Winds!"

Call ~
Accompanied by Sauron's roar, a burst of storm suddenly rolled up in the pirate base.

The dazzling light of the knife danced wildly in the air like a demon, and where it passed, not a single blade of grass grew.



"Help! Reaper, come to accept people!!!"


The pirates in the base burst into tears as if they had encountered the end of the world, but they dared not stop their escape.

But at this moment, a dark green silhouette suddenly flew over the pirates, like a meteorite, it suddenly landed in front of the pirates running away.


A savage light burst out from the eyes of the flying mantis that landed on the ground.

All of a sudden!
Two sharp arm blades are held on its chest.

Accompanied by two raging cold lights, a storm of blades that was the same as Sauron's move surged out.

Form a double-teaming trend with Sauron's troubled wind, making all pirates unavoidable!

After the whirlwind passed, there was no pirate on the surface of the entire base that could stand up.


Sauron let out a long breath, then smiled and looked at the single scabbard in his hand, and then at the flying mantis on the opposite side, the corners of his mouth suddenly hooked up.

"Happy cooperation!"


Flying Mantis smiled and raised his arm blade in response.

But at this moment, the ground trembled suddenly.

Not far from Sauron and the Flying Mantis, Alrita, who was carrying a huge mace, was walking towards Sauron step by step, carrying Keby who had fainted.

"Boss Sauron! Kika, who offered a bounty of 800 million, has been beheaded. This base is now ours!"

Alrita said with a big smile as if claiming credit.


Sauron nodded in response, and immediately looked at the pink-haired boy in Alrita's hand, and asked curiously:
"What happened to Kebi?"


As if carrying a vegetable basket, Alrita lifted Keby to a high place in the air, and said with some embarrassment:
"This one……"

"He was knocked unconscious by a pirate I accidentally threw over. I thought he was more dangerous by himself, so I took him with me."


So, it turned out that you were stabbed in the back?
Sauron grinned, showing a helpless expression.

Fortunately, Alrita's appearance shouldn't be a problem in his eyes, so he didn't continue to ask.

But despite this, Sauron still looked at Keby's expression with a little attention, and confirmed his state.

In fact, Zoro paid far more attention to this weak boy than he showed.

In Keby, he saw something that Johnny and Joseph didn't have...

That is talent and tenacity!

Compared with his two younger brothers carrying bags, Sauron is now more optimistic about this thin boy.

Despite his current strength, he can only be on par with a pirate minion.

But Sauron believes that in the near future, he will definitely become a powerful force on this ship, second only to himself and the Flying Mantis!
But the future will only be known in the future.

Sauron's eyes turned to the treasure room deep in the pirate base again.

Johnny and Joseph have already searched the treasure room under his signal, and I believe it will not be long before they can count the harvest this time.

Because of Al Rita's backstab against the Pirate Alliance, their harvest this month is unimaginably rich!

Today is also the last battle to disintegrate the Pirate Alliance. After sorting out the supplies here, Sauron plans to contact the dimensional merchant to make a transaction, and then formally participate in this Pokémon Alliance Conference!
Having nothing to do, Sauron took out his mobile phone Rotom.

But suddenly, a message popped up.

[Ding dong!You have a new system notification, please pay attention to check! 】

It was only then that Sauron remembered that Rotom's voice had indeed come from the phone during the battle just now.

It's just that because I was too busy at the time, I asked Rotom to postpone the reminder.

The prompt that popped up suddenly just reminded him, and Sauron hurriedly read the new information of the system carefully.

"The Great Route? The Kingdom of Alabasta?"

After reading the above information, Sauron's pupils suddenly flashed an emerald green light.

The corner of his mouth raised involuntarily, looking at Johnny and Joseph who had already arranged the trading supplies, he muttered to himself:
"Is it a qualifying battle zone? This is simply..."

"It's exactly what I want!!!"



As the news spread, the entire sea instantly boiled again.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world!

After a few days of fermentation, the major newspapers grasped the entire content of this system notification in an instant, and added their articles overnight in a very introverted manner, completely reporting the content.

All of a sudden, anyone who is concerned about the Myriad Worlds Chamber of Commerce and Pokémon knows that there is an elf center on the great route!

Now, some people who believe that Pokémon are real can't sit still for a moment, and they try their best to go to the great route.

Today's Pokémon are no longer illusory existences.

As the number of trading people increases, there will be more and more information about Pokémon.

And this kind of cute, powerful, and loyal little guys instantly became popular in the sea.

Except for the East China Sea, whether it is the North Sea, the South China Sea or the West Sea, they are all complaining bitterly...

Why is it that the place where the dimensional merchants appear is not theirs! ! ?
It is precisely because of this complaint that the number of people immigrating to the East China Sea from the other three seas has increased significantly in the past month.

To know……

Traveling across the sea in the Pirate World is not something ordinary people can do!

Unless you are a powerful pirate, the kind that can swim in a calm zone...

Otherwise, you can only enter other sea areas from the channel on the Red Earth Continent through official channels.

And those who can do this can only use four words to describe them...

Rich or expensive!

This makes some ordinary family pirates can only look at all kinds of Pokémon in the newspaper, but they can't love them.

Today, the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce has actually established a public landmark building in Alabasta on the Great Airway.

All of a sudden!
People from the other three seas have set sail and marched towards the great route!

For those who like Pokémon but can't ask for it, this will be their most likely chance to get Pokémon!
No matter what, they all want to see what the creatures from another world look like!
Even this trip may cost their lives.

But this is the world of Pirates. For an inexplicable reason, even a little gangster may become the world's leading powerhouse!
With the support of their beliefs, they can always make all kinds of outrageous operations.

All of a sudden!
Appeared from the four seas and looked at the banner of the trainer, but there was no Pokémon in the whole ship, and headed towards the reverse mountain, the entrance of the great route.

The real big Pokémon era has officially begun!


And just at the time when there was a lot of discussion from the outside world.

In a small villa in the central town of Goya Kingdom, a strange thing happened.

"Kral, Captain Sabo's fever hasn't subsided yet?"

Seeing Klar who walked out of Sabo's room, Nami and Karina immediately surrounded him and asked with worried faces.


There was a hint of helplessness in Clare's eyes, she sighed and shook her head, and replied:
"Not yet. Even after looking for so many doctors, I still don't know why Sabo suddenly became like this."


Karina murmured suspiciously:
"Obviously everything was fine before, but why did Captain Sabo suddenly fall ill as soon as we arrived in Goa Kingdom?"


The three beautiful girls fell silent suddenly.

After a while, Krall suddenly raised his head and said firmly:
"Can't wait any longer!"

"Tomorrow night, we must take action!"

"Action?" Nami was taken aback, and said quickly:

"However, now that Captain Sabo is like this, we have no leader, will we act rashly..."

Nami's worries are unfounded.

Originally, after taking over Kojiro's mission, the revolutionary army quickly launched an operation, mobilized a large number of troops in the East China Sea, and gathered at the edge of the Kingdom of Goa.

And appointed Sabo, who had a certain prestige in the revolutionary army, as the commander-in-chief of this operation.

Although Nami and the others had just joined the Revolutionary Army, the powerful force behind them allowed them to squeeze into the high-level meeting.

Just didn't expect...

After setting foot on the land of the Kingdom of Goa, their commander-in-chief, Captain Sabo, suddenly fell ill with a splitting headache and fell into a coma.

It has been almost a week since I visited, and Saab still shows no signs of waking up.

This made all of them feel extremely bewildered.


Clare, who could see the doubts in Nami's heart, shook her head.

"We can't wait any longer! The navy has now caught the signs of our soldiers' actions. If we wait any longer, we will only have long nights and dreams!"

"Before the navy reacts, we must launch a blitz and occupy the Kingdom of Goa in an instant!"

"Then use the financial resources of the Revolutionary Army to buy powerful Pokémon from dimensional merchants, and in this kingdom, fire our first shot to liberate the world!"

Having said that, Krall suddenly paused, and immediately looked at Nami:
"Nami, I have received approval from the headquarters..."

"If Sabo still can't wake up during the day tomorrow, I will replace him as the new commander of the army."

"As for Sabo's original task of apprehending King Goya, tomorrow, I can only leave it to you!"

"Leave it to us?"

Nami looked a little stunned.

But after much deliberation, the sum of these people present seems to be her Pikachu besides Sabo.

Although she felt a little bit in danger, Nami finally nodded and said without delay:

"give it to me!"

After the words fell, she immediately smiled lightly.

It seems that without any effort, it is impossible to enjoy the half-price discount opportunity of the dimensional merchant.



"Colonel Small, a large number of abnormal ships have appeared near the Goa Kingdom in the East China Sea recently. According to the analysis of the intelligence department of the world government, it is suspected that they are from the forces of the Revolutionary Army..."

"You are now ordered to turn around immediately and go to the Kingdom of Goa to find out the truth!"

No wind belt.

Smog, who had just received the navy's order to prepare for the Kingdom of Alabasta, suddenly ordered the ship to stop.

Looking at the strange face on the phone bug, he sighed speechlessly.

"Why me? I just received an order from the Navy Headquarters to conduct an investigation in the Kingdom of Alabasta."

"Because you are the closest to the Goa Kingdom and have enough strength!"

Among the phone bugs, Smoker's strange voice came again.

"and also……"

"This is an order from the World Government!"


After a moment of silence, Smoke suppressed his dissatisfaction, and finally replied to the phone bug:

"Okay, I will go to Goa Kingdom to investigate the situation."


There was a deep groan in the part of the phone bug, as if he was very satisfied with Smoker's answer, he said "Then I'll leave it to you!", and immediately hung up the phone,


The disappointment on Da Siqi's face behind Smoker was beyond words, holding Shi Yu in his hand, he also sighed slightly.

what a man!
No notice sooner, no notice later...

Don't wait until they happily go to see the elf center to inform them, isn't this a blow to people's enthusiasm!

But they have nothing to do with senior officials of the world government.

Da Siqi raised her small mouth in a temper tantrum.

"What! The Revolutionary Army is not under the control of our navy! Are all the people in the World Government just for nothing!?"

"And these people in the Revolutionary Army, why are they so stupid!"

"Now people from all over the sea are gathering towards the great route, and they actually insist on going upstream to the Kingdom of Goa. Isn't that just waiting to be caught!?"


Dashiqi, who are you?

Smoker sucked on his cigar, and looked at his little deputy with strange eyes.

Ever since the world government ordered the navy to attack civilians, this adjutant's image of the navy seems to have undergone a [-]-degree change!

He used to be a firm supporter of the navy, but now he is like a tax thief, thinking about Pokémon and famous swords every day, and doesn't want to do any work.

Breathing out a large cloud of smoke, Smoker was worried that Da Siqi had said the wrong thing, so he interrupted her and comforted her, ""

"Okay, okay, even if you complain, it's useless! Let's hurry to Goa Kingdom and take a look at the actual situation there..."

"Solve it early, we have to go to Alabasta earlier."

"The headquarters has invested so many resources in me, but it still expects me to achieve a good result in the Pokémon League Convention!"

After persuading Da Siqi to execute the order with a few words, Smoker lit three cigars again and sat silently in the office by himself.

The lingering smoke filled the sky above the office, making the place seem to be covered by a layer of tulle.

After a while, Smoker took down his cigar and put it in the ashtray.

Suddenly, he suddenly spit out:
"Dog Day World Government!"

(End of this chapter)

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