Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 119 The next stop is Sky Island!

Chapter 119 The next stop is Sky Island!

The world is undercurrents.

Everything is like the calm before the storm, so quiet that it makes people feel weird.

In the palace of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Cobra sat on the throne, waiting expectantly for Icarem's report.

"Your Majesty, the 15 slow-witted beasts have all arrived at their destinations, and rain has already fallen in 4 cities."

"It rained continuously for a day and a night. If the slow beast's ability can be maintained, we won't have to worry about the drought this year!"


Cobra beamed.

Although he had already tested the abilities of the slow-witted beast in the capital city of Albana, he still overflowed his inner joy when he learned that the drought, which has been bothering him for a while every year, can really be solved.

"Good good!!!"

The excited Cobra said hello three times in a row, and immediately ordered:

"Since this is the case, I officially announce that starting today, Slowly Beast will become the new patron saint of our Kingdom of Alabasta!"

"After Suicune, become our fourth Guardian God!"

While speaking, Cobra suddenly lowered his head, looked down and shouted loudly:

"His Majesty!"

Icarem stepped forward and issued a warrant.

Just when he thought His Majesty Cobra would have some important orders...

But Cobra suddenly showed a pleasant smile on his face, and said to him: "In the next period of time, you will be fully responsible for the affairs of the country..."

"but me……"

Cobra took out a Poké Ball with a Slowpoke in it from his pocket, with a hearty smile on his face that he had never seen since he became a king.

"I'm going to participate in the Pokémon League Convention in the name of a trainer!"

Icarem: ? ? ?
"His Majesty!?"

Icarem was taken aback for a moment, and quickly opened his mouth to dissuade him.

But before he could speak, Cobra seemed to know what he was going to say, and directly reached out to signal him, and then smiled slightly:
"I know what you're going to say!"


"Nowadays, the world situation is changing rapidly. If you can't take advantage of this opportunity and take this extraterrestrial spaceship of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce, the Kingdom of Alabasta will be abandoned by this era sooner or later!"

As a good king for the country and the people, Cobra certainly didn't do it for his own quick success.

After receiving the message from Rotom on his mobile phone, he was actually at a loss for a while.

The Elf Center established in the Kingdom of Alabasta, for them, this is both an opportunity and a hidden danger.

As the news spreads, more and more powerful people will inevitably come to this country.

by that time……

Maybe there are not a few strong people of Crocodile's level!

Without making any changes, they can only passively accept the baptism of this storm sweeping the world.

And being a man, Cobra doesn't like being passive.

As for why he didn't take out Suicune's Poké Ball...

That's because the current Suicune is playing happily with the cute and beautiful girl Vivi in ​​the back garden of the palace.

Between the beautiful girl and the uncle, Suicune undoubtedly made the right decision.



"Miss Robin, your room has already been opened. Since you are a VIP2 member of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce, you can open 1 to 3 additional rooms for your companions."

"The cost of each room is 1 point per week. If you live for less than 1 week, it will be calculated as one week."

"Because you are a VIP2 member, you can live first and pay later."

"During your stay, you can enjoy all the facilities in the Pokémon Center, including but not limited to Pokémon Training Center, Pokémon Rehabilitation Center, Pokémon Recreation Center..."

"Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Looking at the room information from Rotom on her mobile phone, Robin suddenly smiled playfully, glanced at Crocodile who was following her curiously observing the surroundings, and immediately said to Miss Joy in front of her:
"Please help me to open another room, I have a companion who also wants to stay in the elf center."


Joey leaned slightly, operated on the computer in front of him, and then smiled and said:
"The room you requested is ready."

"I wish you and your Pokémon always be happy and happy!"


Robin responded politely, and then said to Crocodile behind him:

"Your room is in C-17-102. In the next period of time, I will train with Ibrahimovic here for a while."

"As for you, boss..."

"I can pay you a month's rent in advance. After one month, if you can't become a trainer, don't blame me for not being sympathetic!"

"Damn it!"

Crocodile, who was smoking a cigar, glanced at Robin angrily, and gritted his teeth viciously.

But he was scared by Lin Luo once, but now he dare not do anything to Robin no matter what.

That's why Robin was willing to bring him here.

With Crocodile's strength, she couldn't kill her, and it was a pity to let her go.

It's better to be a favor.

After all, apart from her cheating Crocodile, there is no life-and-death enmity between the two of them.

For an ambitious man like Crocodile, being scammed for a little money is nothing.

Between the two, there is no possibility of continuing to cooperate.

After bidding farewell to Crocodile, Robin directly called a service Rotom on the side of the road.

Led by Rotom, she stepped onto a high-tech elevator and walked towards her room.

This is a high-end residence in Area A that only members above VIP level 2 can enjoy!

And because she was the first customer to check in, Ms. Joy specially upgraded her to the Tianzi "1" room area.

The elevator in the Elf Center seems to have some kind of magical power. As soon as he stepped in, Robin couldn't help but relax.

Let go of all the guards in your heart, as if this is the safest place in the world.

As the elevator progressed, she quickly came to area A.

"This way please, Miss Robin."

Serving Rotom got off the elevator early and led Robin ahead.

In the gorgeous corridor, Robin saw paintings from the Pokémon world.

From those pictures, she felt a rush of cultural atmosphere.

It was a completely different feeling from Pirate World.

As a scholar, Robin suddenly had a curious thought in his heart:

"I really want to see it with my own eyes, the legendary world!"

"The culture and history of the different world must be very interesting!"

After walking for about three minutes, Rotom, who was flying ahead, suddenly stood up.

In the next second, the door beside him, which looked like a spaceship cabin, opened automatically.

Rotom said:
"Miss Robin, this is your exclusive room."

"The room is equipped with daily living facilities, and the screen on the wall provides self-ordering service."

"If you want to go to other areas, you can press the call button on the wall, and we will immediately arrange for the nearest Rotom to come to serve you."

"Do you have any other questions?"

"No, thank you, Rotom."

Robin patted Rotom's head lightly and said with a smile.

"This is what I should do!"

Rotom's eyes suddenly narrowed into a half-moon shape, then nodded, and flew in other directions.

"Pokémon, it's amazing!"

Seeing Rotom disappear around the corner, Robin sighed deeply, then walked into his room.

"Anyway, let's take a rest first!"

After driving in the desert for several days, she is already covered in dust.

He took off the leather windbreaker on his body, revealing his crystal clear skin like jade.

The tight vest set off Robin's upper body with unevenness, and his straight and slender legs were also exposed.

Robin, whose body coverage was less than [-]%, walked slowly to the bathroom in the room.

As one after another indescribable clothes were thrown out of the door, the sound of rushing water soon resounded in the bathroom.



at the same time.

In the deep sea some distance from the kingdom of Alabasta.

"Cough cough..."

Under Ibrahimovic's staring gaze, Lin Luo silently turned off the video on the computer.

Turning around, I happened to see Ibrahimovic looking directly at him.

It's just that in those eyes, instead of begging to play game consoles in the past, they stared at Lin Luo as if they were looking at scum.

"Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!"

Lin Luo repeatedly waved his hands.

"Who knew she would take off her clothes as soon as she entered the room! It's really a misunderstanding!"


Ibrahimovic let out a soft cry, wagging his tail and walked directly to the game console that had been banned by Lin Luo, and turned on the TV on his own, as if he had decided that Lin Luo would not care about it today, and was going to have a good time!

In fact, seeing that Ibrahimovic did not continue to look at him, Lin Luo also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he originally wanted to see the real feelings of the first batch of customers in the Elf Center, he unexpectedly saw such an embarrassing thing.

It feels as embarrassing as if a child in a relative's house is playing with your computer, and then when you open the browser, it automatically pops up the interface you didn't close last time.

"Cough cough..."

Lin Luo coughed twice, sat up straight quickly, then opened the world map, and said to himself:
"Alabasta's elf center has been built, and then we will go to Sky Island first."

"First build the elf centers in the first half of the great route, and then expand the number of traders."

"There's so much gold here, Sky Island, you won't be disappointed!"

Thoughts flashed by, Lin Luo instantly decided on the next journey, and immediately gave orders to the Whale King.

At the same time, in the hidden monitoring window, he silently clicked on the video.

It's not like he wants to peek at Robin taking a shower!

He just wanted to know...

All traders, are you satisfied with the elf center you designed? ! !


On the bottom of the [-]-meter-deep sea, the Howler Whale King suddenly let out a huge roar.

That terrifying body, turning over in the sea casually, can set off a stormy sea, not to mention roaring!
With the transmission of sound waves, violent ripples suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea water, as if it was about to boil.

On the surface of the sea, a huge world government warship is sailing on the surface of the sea.

"Just right... there seems to be something under the sea?"

On the battleship, a strange man who looked like a ball and had a zipper sewn around his mouth said while looking at the water.

"Hey, what could it be!? It really makes people throb!"

A man with thick, long pink hair that mowed to the floor was at the side.

And not far from the two of them, in the very center of the battleship, Gabra, who was lying on a sun lounger enjoying the afternoon, looked annoyed, looking at the two teammates who were disturbing his sunbathing by the side of the ship rail.

"Hey~ Snuggle, Owl, I told you, can't you two be quiet for a while!?"

"This is a great route! Is it not surprising that anything happens?"

"It's unlucky enough to be suddenly assigned a mission to the Kingdom of Alabasta. I didn't expect to act with the two of you..."

"I'm really throwing up!"

After complaining for a while, and after expressing all his thoughts, Gabra suddenly pulled a newspaper and covered his face.

But on the cover of the newspaper, there was a line of big characters written impressively.

【Shock!The revolutionary army is in the East China Sea!The kingdom of Goya, the most beautiful country, has fallen! ! ! 】



Goa Kingdom.

Under the ruins of the war, groups of revolutionary troops in uniform moved quickly and gathered the residents near the ruins together.

Although they are residents, they can live near the palace, and each of them has some noble status.


At this time, these invincible nobles were all ashamed and flustered.

boom! ! !
From the town square, there was a sudden gunshot, as if flying over the heads of everyone.

All the people on the street shrank their necks instantly and looked around in panic.

But at this moment, from the loudspeaker set up by the revolutionary army, Krall's majestic voice suddenly came out.

"All the residents of Goa Kingdom, you don't need to worry, the war is over!!!"

"From today onwards, the government of the Kingdom of Goa will be officially taken over by our revolutionary army."

"Three days later, we will execute the king of the Goa Kingdom at Goa Square in the central town, and at the same time start searching for other hidden dangers that may exist in the Goa Kingdom."

"During these three days, if you are worried that some of your property may be mischecked by us, which will cause some unpleasant consequences..."

"Then please bring relevant materials and information to the Revolutionary Army Office in the palace to apply for self-examination."

"During the self-examination, as long as all the problems found are guaranteed to be improved in the future, the Revolutionary Army will not impose any punishment on them."


A cold breath suddenly came from Krall's voice, like a biting cold wind, freezing the hearts of every resident in the central town.

"Three days later, those who have not conducted self-examination but are found to have problems will be judged according to the Goya royal family's chaotic party!"

"The speech is over!"


The loudspeaker, which was enough to transmit the sound to the entire central town, went out suddenly and neatly.

It's like notifying a trivial matter.

But none of the residents of the central town dared to take it as a trivial matter.

This matter, if you don't handle it well, you will lose your head! ! !
 No more, it's hard to calm down!
  Brothers, what should we do?
  Suddenly I don't know how to write Luffy.

  Hope the intelligence turns around.

  Nika Nikani! ?

(End of this chapter)

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