Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 120 Luffy Sabo

Chapter 120 Luffy Sabo
In the central town, all the nobles began to feel anxious, and immediately began to think in their hearts...

In this self-examination, how much property should be handed over to ensure their best interests?

Although their lives are already in danger, these nobles still want to think carefully and preserve their status and financial resources as much as possible.

But what they don't know is...

The revolutionary army had already planned for their property.

Without their support, what would this group of revolutionary troops, who have been helping and saving civilians, use to trade with dimensional merchants! ?


In the palace, Clare, who was holding the speech, shook off the sweat in her heart, and suddenly let out a long sigh of relief.

Turning her head, she looked at Nami and Karina who were accompanying her.

"all the best!"

Nami stretched out her finger, made a gesture of losing the kimchi country market, and smiled.

Immediately, the three beauties laughed together, stretched their palms into the air, and slapped them together!
Who would have thought that it was these three young girls who took down this palace city not long ago with the might of a country.

Karina smiled and said:

"In this way, those nobles who were originally close to the royal family will definitely be so worried that they can't sleep at night. It is estimated that they will bring a lot of money and surrender to the palace in a short time!"

Nami said:
"I have agreed with Mr. Kojiro and the others to submit the team task five days later, and make another transaction request."

As she spoke, she suddenly frowned.

"However, if Sabo still can't wake up within five days, then who should represent the Revolutionary Army and conduct dimensional transactions?"


As soon as Nami's words fell, the other two women also showed worried expressions on their faces.

According to the original plan of the Revolutionary Army, they originally planned to hand over all public resources to Sabo alone, push up his VIP level, and then purchase more precious commodities.


With Sabo's current situation, they couldn't be sure whether he would wake up within five days.

"This is indeed a problem."

Claire pursed her lips in thought.

Although after completing the task, as long as they are members of the revolutionary army, they can enjoy a half-price discount.

However, considering that he will also participate in the Pokémon League Conference, where trainers and Pokémon fight together, Sabo is obviously the most suitable among all the people present.

Here, what should I do...

The three beautiful girls stood in a temporary radio station, lost in thought.



Meanwhile, on the streets of Central Town.

"Strange, why does the city feel weird today?"

In the corner of the central town, Luffy, with a croaking frog on his head, hid in the dark as usual, looking curiously at the cake shop not far away.

Luffy, who has eaten too much game, plans to come to the town for a change today.

Of course, the method of payment is of course his zero-yuan purchase that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Although Ace has long taught Luffy how to use money to buy items.

But since he went to sea, Luffy, who can't make money, has lost his source of income. Occasionally, when he gets hungry, he will return to his old business, just like they did when they were young.

Although buying at zero yuan will make the owner of the cake shop feel bad.

But it also gives the boss a rare opportunity to exercise.

After years of tempering by Luffy and the others, even the owner of the cake shop who is about to hit 50 is still walking like flying.

Some bread was sacrificed for the health of the body...

If you think about it this way, the owner of the cake shop who was stolen will not only lose money, but also earn blood!

Patting the croaking frog above his head, Luffy still couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food, took out a bag from behind and handed it to it, saying:

"Quacking frog, I'll attract the other party's attention later, you take this opportunity to put the cakes from the store in this bag!"

"Quack~ (Leave it to me!)"

The croaking frog widened its eyes and nodded in response.

Because he was with Luffy since he was born, the croaking frog at this time is somewhat close to ink and black, and he has been completely spoiled by Luffy.

Not to mention stealing, he didn't even know how many times he beat up those gangsters and bandits in Trash Mountain!
The light blue calf kicked hard, and with the help of Luffy's rubber elastic head, the croaking frog jumped directly onto the roof.

The small body turned into a sharp weapon to hide itself. After three or five strokes, Quack Bubble Frog came to the top of the plaque in the cake shop, and then gave Luffy an OK gesture.

"It's my turn!"

Luffy, who couldn't wait to taste the delicious cake, grinned and walked out from the corner, swaggering towards the cake shop.

Although turmoil and war just happened a few days ago, the gunfire of the revolutionary army has never fired a single shot at the people.

So at this time, the outskirts of the town were not affected in the slightest.

or rather...

On the contrary, because of the emergence of the war, those soldiers who patrolled the streets regularly and drove away "dirty things" were all imprisoned and replaced by friendly revolutionary troops...

Let the ordinary residents of the Goa Kingdom be more willing to go out of their homes to welcome the new era.

The people living at the bottom never care who is ruling the country.

they only care about...

How will the new ruler rule this country!
At this time, the cake shop just baked a pot of delicious butter bread.

The bread is made of high-quality wheat flour hand-ground and high-quality milk purchased by the owner himself. Both the texture and taste are amazing.

This is also the main reason why the store is still open after being robbed so many times by the three brothers of Luffy!
The metal tray containing the bread was placed on the shelf, and the owner of the cake shop turned around and stretched out habitually.

"I hope today's business will be better~"

He murmured lazily, then turned around immediately, ready to open the door and open for business.

But suddenly, his footsteps stopped suddenly.

Just because in his line of sight, a straw hat that he is very familiar with suddenly appeared.

"It's you!"

Seeing the old acquaintance, the owner of the cake shop froze.

Immediately afterwards, there was a strong fighting spirit in his eyes.

After looking around, he picked up a rolling pin and stretched his ankles.

"My boy, you're here to steal my bread again!!!" The owner of the bakery opened his lips.


Luffy, who was lying by the window of the cake shop, also opened his mouth wide, and greeted the boss familiarly, showing a very happy smile.

"Good morning! Uncle!"

While speaking, a rubber arm stretched out instantly, grabbing directly at the bread on the plate.

With a big hand, he had already grabbed two freshly baked breads.

It seems that it has been rehearsed countless times.

Luffy got the bread and ran away.

The owner of the cake shop rushed out of the door and chased him out with a rolling pin!
"Stinky boy! Don't run away if you have the guts!"


The two figures quickly shuttled back and forth on the street.


Luffy, who is looking forward to delicious food, and the boss, who likes to exercise, obviously forgot one thing.

Today's Goa Kingdom is no longer the Goa Kingdom it used to be...

Patrols on the streets are no longer those soldiers who can only bully the weak and fear the hard.

But for freedom and democracy, revolutionary fighters who can risk their lives!


Several soldiers of the Revolutionary Army on patrol heard the noise here, and hurried over.

I just saw an old man chasing a dirty boy.

"Stop! Straw Hat Boy! Give me back my bread!!!"

The owner of the cake shop happily chased after Luffy, and at the same time pretended to shout twice.

Why is he so happy about being stolen? Does he have any special hidden attributes?

in fact……

This is all because Ace had already made all the plans for Luffy before going to sea.

Before leaving, Esther came here on purpose.

Not only did he give the boss a large sum of money as compensation for the theft over the years.

It even saved a part of Bailey in advance, and reserved it as an apology for Luffy's mischief.

So being stolen by Luffy is just a normal transaction for the cake shop owner.

It just so happened that he missed the past and wanted to exercise.

When I was young, it was Sabo who taught Luffy how to be polite, and Ace taught Luffy how to beat people.

But since Sabo's "death", Ace seems to be a different person, and he has to bear a double burden.

In order to take good care of his younger brother, he changed from his usual misbehavior and became the gentle and elegant brother he is now.

It's a pity that this good brother is not in the Kingdom of Goa.

Otherwise, maybe there will really be a scene where three brothers recognize each other.



the other side.

The chase continues.

Hearing the bakery owner's call, Luffy immediately turned his head and made a grimace.

"I won't give it back to you!"

He laughed and ran quickly towards the inner city.

To buy more time for the croaking frog, Luffy deliberately chose the opposite direction.

When he thought that he would be able to eat delicious toast in a short time, he couldn't help but feel happy.

In Lu Fei's eyes, eating delicious food can be equated with being the One Piece!


Luffy obviously picked the wrong day for the theft.

When the Revolutionary Army ruled the Kingdom of Goa, he still made such a big commotion on the streets that he immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding Revolutionary Army.

The moment Lu Fei turned a street corner, a group of people suddenly appeared.


The soldiers of the Revolutionary Army who came blocked in front of Luffy, reaching out their hands to stop him.

"Stop running! If you're hungry, we can give you something to eat!"

In the eyes of the revolutionary army, a person who can steal food is often a desperate person.

So they didn't pull out their guns, but planned to influence Luffy.


Lu Fei has always gone his own way in the matter, and he will not care about the interception of the revolutionary army.

"Damn it! It was blocked!"

He pouted, but there was a smile in his eyes.

"Since that's the case, that's the only way to do it!"

"Guo Moruo, Guo Moruo..."


A fist suddenly flew over the heads of the Revolutionary Army soldiers, and grabbed the chimney of the apartment roof behind them.


The revolutionary soldiers were taken aback.

"It's a devil fruit!!!"

the next moment.

Under the pulling force of the rubber, Luffy took off instantly, passed the revolutionary army, and came directly to the roof.

"Hee hee! Only a fool would stop!"

Luffy stopped.

Then he turned his head and taunted the revolutionary army with a smile.

All the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army froze for a moment, and wanted to continue to catch up, but none of them could keep up with the flexibility of the rubber fruit ability user.

Seeing Luffy disappear above the roof.

A soldier quickly took out a phone bug from his pocket, and started talking directly:

"Captain Crowe! There are special circumstances in Block 26!"

"Just now, a devil fruit user ran towards the palace."

"Now he's moving on the rooftops of the block, a boy who looks about [-] or [-] years old, wearing a straw hat."



There was a murmur from the sleeping phone bug.

Immediately afterwards, those snail-like eyes slowly opened, revealing a pair of extremely black pupils like cat pupils.

"I see!"

Crowe, who was eating in a tavern, got up suddenly, took his weapon Cat Claw Ten Blades and said:
"Cool Leopard, there is a special situation, come with me to deal with it!"

"Ku~(No problem.)"

Cool Leopard let out a cry.

But Crowe suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a mysterious smile.

Before he knew it, he seemed to be able to understand the meaning of the cool leopard's cry.

Two figures rushed out of the tavern quickly and rushed towards the position where the revolutionary army reported.



"Hey~ Where is this place!?"

Luffy, who was looking forward to running away, suddenly stopped, took out a piece of bread and stuffed it into his mouth, while eating, he looked at the surrounding environment.

"It seems like I've never been here before!"


Confused, Luffy hugged his head with both hands, and then stretched upwards for more than half a meter, turning left and right to look around.

Because there are four entrances and exits in the central town.

Just now, he was too busy to run away, but for a moment, Luffy even forgot which entrance he came in from.

"No! I still can't find the gate!"

Although not as crazy as Sauron, in daily life, Luffy's IQ is infinitely close to 0.

He lowered his head suddenly, and the incomparably Q-bombed head bounced back twice.


Clenched his fist and beat his palm, Lu Fei suddenly realized:

"Ace said that when you get lost, you can find a higher place."

"That way, you'll be able to find where you want to go!"

A cheerful smile appeared on the corner of Luffy's mouth again.

And he quickly set his sights on the tallest building in the entire city...

The palace city of the Kingdom of Goa.

The two rubber arms elongated instantly and grabbed onto the eaves on both sides of the street.

At a height that no one could see, Luffy suddenly withdrew his strength.

All of a sudden!
His body was ejected instantly like a projectile, and flew towards Wang Gongcheng.



At the same time, in the palace.

Because of the air flow, Krall deliberately chose a room with huge windows, and placed the unconscious Sabo here.

At this time, Sabo seemed to be having a nightmare, his eyes were closed, and he frowned from time to time.

In his dream, he seems to have turned into a little child...

For a while, he was ridiculed by an acrimonious noble couple, for a while, he was chased by various beasts in the forest, and for a while, he was hit by a blazing shell...

And so on and on.

It was as if he had entered multiple dreams, and every time he was hit by a shell, he would start all over again.

With the increase in the number of cycles, Sabo also seems to be able to control some situations in the dream.

For example, when being ridiculed by a noble couple, he can choose to turn his back...

When being chased by ferocious beasts, he could turn his head and see two other children who were about his age with blurred faces...

Only when the shells hit, he was like a bird caught by fate, unable to move at all.


A voice came: "Sa...Sabo!!!!!!!!!??"

 Thanks to book friends 20190403085439982, readers 1281507941137108993, Zoro for their support! ! !
  Thank you so elegant for your support! ! !
  Thanks to the boss of Braised Crab, Passing the Tiger’s Mouth, After School-Don’t Go, Baihei Er, Reader 1281507941137108993, Riding Shark East China Sea, XJL2390, Fleeting Years_I Can’t Stay, Ink Danqing, I’m So Elegant for their monthly support! ! !
  Thank you all! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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