Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 121 Unexpected visitor

Chapter 121 Unexpected visitor
Luffy standing by the window was surprised and rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

"Is... is it Sabo? Is it really Sabo?"

Stepping on the window sill, he carefully stepped into the room.

It was as if he was afraid that everything in front of him was a dream, and if he was not careful, he would destroy this beautiful picture.

But as the distance between Luffy and Sabo got closer, his eyes suddenly became moist.

"Yes, it's really...Sabo!"

Even though many years have passed, Luffy still recognized Sabo's identity at a glance, and he firmly believed in it!
"Great! So you're not dead yet!"

Luffy took a big step forward, reaching out to wake Sabo up and let him see himself.

But the moment he approached.

Lying on the bed, Sabo's expression suddenly became extremely painful, and his facial features were hideous, as if he was fighting against a nightmare.

It seems to have heard Luffy's voice, or felt Luffy's breath...

At this moment, Sabo, who had been in a coma for a long time, suddenly moved his fingers.

Immediately he spoke suddenly, as if talking in a dream, and let out a soft whisper:
"Lu... Luffy..."

The extremely small voice, at this moment, seemed to cross the long river of time and space. From the hour after the three of them, it has been passed down to today, and penetrated into Luffy's mind.

Excitement, doubt, disbelief...

Various complex emotions emerged one by one on Luffy's face.

But in the end, Luffy just had a long mouth, and then showed a calm expression.

"It's me! Sabo."

Luffy stepped forward again, approaching Sabo's bedside.

As if aware that Sabo's condition was not good at this time, he unexpectedly changed his usual publicity, and instead stood there quietly, waiting for Sabo to wake up.

At the same time, in Sabo's dream.

A large number of memory images were released from his brain like a flood, spreading all over the whole mind in an instant, swallowing him.

But in the dark, there was another familiar yet unfamiliar voice, like a chain, holding him tightly.


The turbulent memory suddenly poured in, making Sabo have a splitting headache.

In reality, he suddenly let out a scream in a coma.

But at the same time, his eyes were trembling slightly, forcing himself to wake up.

"What happened!?"


Just two seconds after Sabo's scream...

The door of the bedroom was pushed open vigorously, and immediately a metal washbasin fell to the ground, spilling warm water all over the floor.

Tread, step, step...

Hasty footsteps appeared.

Klar, who heard Sabo's screams, rushed into the room with an eager and worried expression on his face.

As soon as he entered the room, Klar instantly noticed the abnormality in the room.

Seeing Luffy who appeared inexplicably, even though the opponent was only a young boy, she immediately pulled out the musket from her waist and pointed it at Luffy.

"You... who are you!?"

"What are you going to do to Sabo!?"


Because of his rubber fruit ability, Luffy is absolutely immune to the lead bullets of this era.

Facing the deep and dark muzzle of the gun, he did not change his face, and said bluntly:
"I'm Luffy, I'm..."

"Sabo's brother."

Although Luffy's tone was very flat.

But no one knew how excited he was after saying these words!
Saab! ! !

Really Saab! ! !
Great!Sabo is not dead yet!

Although he didn't know what happened to Sabo, Luffy could still see that Krall cared about Sabo.

There was an infectious smile on his face.


On the other hand, Krall was stunned suddenly after hearing Luffy's words, showing a surprised expression.

At the same time, the gloomy muzzle tilted downward unconsciously, no longer pointing at Luffy.

Krall asked in an uncertain tone:
"You... are you really Sabo's younger brother?"

"Why are you here?"

She looked at Luffy puzzled.

"I..." Luffy began to answer: "Of course I came to the city to find food!"

"That's right! I still have a piece of bread here, which is just right for Sabo!"

Luffy smiled and raised the bread in his hand and shook it.

Seeing Sabo again, he was so excited that he was even willing to share the delicious food.

But the puzzled Krall missed the bread, and instantly caught the point of Luffy's words.

"Come to town?"

She hastily asked:

"You said you came to the city, that is to say, you are a resident of this island!?"

"Are you born on this island?"

"Ah? I'm not very clear about this either."

Luffy scratched his head and replied:

"But me, Ace and Sabo, all three of us live here."

"If it wasn't for that day..."

Luffy's words stopped abruptly, and immediately continued to laugh:

"Fortunately, fortunately Sabo is still alive..."


Luffy looked up and looked at Krall: "Has Sabo been in the palace all these years?!"

"of course not!"

Putting away the musket, Krall shook his head slightly.

The slender legs wrapped in boots came to Sabo, and the armrest helped him wipe the sweat off his forehead.

"No wonder Sabo suddenly passed out, I think he must have recalled the past..."

There was a complex look in Krall's eyes, looking at Sabo with both eyes, and explained to Luffy:
"Luffy... right?"

"You and Sabo haven't seen each other for many years, right?"

"Yeah, it's been seven or eight years since Sabo died." Luffy showed nostalgia.

"Seven or eight years..."

Thinking about the time Sabo said before joining the Revolutionary Army, Claire pursed her lips and muttered, then nodded slightly immediately.

The time is exactly right.

That is to say...

The boy in front of him is really Sabo's younger brother!

And Sabo was originally from the Kingdom of Goa!

In this way, it can also explain why Sabo passed out as soon as he came to the Kingdom of Goa.

It is estimated that it was emotional, which reminded him of something.

"I really don't know whether to thank fate or the dimensional businessman." Klar suddenly laughed and muttered softly.

If it weren't for the mission from the dimensional merchant, Sabo might never step into the Kingdom of Goa in his life.


There are so many decaying countries in the East China Sea, why is it the Kingdom of Goya! ?
From this point of view, maybe Master Kojiro and the others knew Sabo's life experience a long time ago, so they specially released this mission for them.

Master Kojiro and the others are really good people!

Krall once again made up a [Helpful] persona for the dimensional businessman in his mind, and then raised his head.

But just when she wanted to say something to Luffy.

Suddenly, Sabo, who had been in a coma, clenched his fists and shouted:

The closed eyes suddenly opened, and a powerful aura like a sleeping lion suddenly radiated out, which surprised Luffy and Krall in the room.

"What is this place!?"

But seeing the strange ceiling in front of him, Sabo didn't feel the weakness after coma at all.

As soon as his thoughts passed, he propped up the bed with one hand in an instant, and sat up vigilantly.

Immediately afterwards, another memory drilled into his mind.

It was a memory he had recovered and was putting the finishing touches on.

"Luffy! Ace!" Sabo muttered.

He looked at his hands in confusion before he could distinguish between dream and reality.

The picture in the dream seems to reappear again.

But just when he thought the world would be the same as before, when it was broken and restarted...

A voice that made him extremely excited suddenly sounded beside him.

"I'm here, Sabo!"

Luffy's eyes were moist, but he didn't shed a single tear.

When we meet again, we don't need tears.

"Lu... Luffy!?"

The triple superposition of memory, dream, and reality made Sabo's spirit trance again.

But everything is no longer important.

Because of Luffy, I met Sabo.

And Sabo also thought of Luffy.



An hour later, in the main hall of the palace.

Claire, Nami, and Karina stared dumbfounded at Luffy who opened his mouth to half the height of a person and kept stuffing food into his body.

The eyes of the three beauties showed curiosity...

How on earth did he eat food that was bigger than his own body volume! ?

Does Sabo's younger brother have a four-dimensional space stomach! ?
One after another, strange questions popped up in the minds of the three women.

And compared to Luffy's exaggerated way of eating...

Sabo, who was also gorging himself on the side, seemed much more normal now.

The two brothers seemed to have never encountered food for hundreds of years, and the food on the table was like a gust of wind.

If it weren't for the sufficient food reserves in the palace of Goya, and the large number of chefs in the palace, they might not be able to satisfy the stomachs of the two brothers.


"Wuhu~ so full, so full!"

After drinking for three rounds, Lu Fei patted his ball-shaped stomach with a satisfied smile on his face.

Sabo on the side, although his body shape has not changed much, has a lazy and comfortable look on his face.

With a gentle smile on his face, he looked at Luffy and said:

"I didn't expect that such a long time has passed..."

"The little brat who used to be, has grown so big!"

"You're not the same!" Luffy immediately retorted, pouting.

But immediately, he laughed and muttered again:
"It's the same, Ace."

The memories of the three brothers reappeared in Luffy's mind, making him unconsciously smile from the bottom of his heart.

Just don't know why.

After eating and drinking, Luffy felt inexplicably forgetting something important.

No matter how he recalled, he couldn't remember what he had forgotten.

All I know is that the food in the palace is delicious, even better than the food made by Makino!

If possible, he would like to eat some more.

And this time.

Seeing that the two brothers seem to have completed the reminiscence through a meal, Claire opened his mouth and told Sabo what happened in the Kingdom of Goa recently.

After listening to Claire's report, Sabo heaved a long sigh of relief, and immediately said with a smile:
"It's really almost a big problem!"

"Thanks for having you here, Claire."

If his coma affected the actions of the revolutionary army, then he would really regret it to death.

"As long as you know!"

Hearing Sabo's words, Clareton narrowed his eyes, seemed to enjoy Sabo's praise very much, and continued to laugh:


"The leader has already saved a large amount of funds, just waiting for you to trade with the dimensional merchant."


Sabo was taken aback, then smiled.

"I'm really curious, I don't know what kind of Pokémon I can get."


At this moment, Luffy blinked suddenly.

He suddenly remembered what he had forgotten.

he looks like……

Forget about the croaking frog who is still stealing bread! ! ?


Luffy's expression paused suddenly, and he tapped his cheek in embarrassment.

croak it, it should, maybe, maybe...

Will find it here, right?



at the same time.

On the streets of the central town.

"Cool Leopard, use Random Grab!"

Crowe in this newspaper pointed forward and shouted at the cool leopard beside him.

"Ku~" Cool Leopard nodded.

In the next second, the muscles of its limbs tensed suddenly, and it stepped heavily on the ground.

With a loud bang, a purple figure suddenly jumped into the air, forming a half-moon shape.

At this time, the cool leopard had a strong fighting spirit in its eyes.

Suddenly, a cold light flashed on the sharp claws, and swiped at the croaking frog holding a large bag of bread below.

"Quack~ (Stop chasing! Stop chasing! I just stole a bag of bread, why have you been chasing me for so long!?)"

The big eyes of the croaking frog's two bling bling kept flickering, watching the cool leopard's attack, and reacted instantly.

Facing the front, the croaking frog suddenly turned into a blue lightning bolt and moved quickly on the street, easily dodging the cool leopard's attack.

Taking advantage of the sharp claws of the cool leopard inserted into the gap in the marble floor, the croaking frog suddenly turned around and took a deep breath.


Skill - smoke screen!
A thick black smoke suddenly spewed out from the small body of the croaking frog, covering the entire street in an instant, like a black curtain, hiding its figure completely.

"It's this trick again!"

Crowe and Kubao showed displeasure on their faces at the same time, and then jumped up to the roofs on both sides tacitly.

Across the thick smoke screen, he just spotted the croaking frog that disappeared at the corner of the street.

But just when he was about to continue the pursuit...

In his line of sight, at the gate of the city in the distance, there was a figure that shocked him.


Crowe's face was startled, and he gave up chasing the figure of the croaking frog in an instant, and focused his gaze on the man in front of him with three cigars in his mouth.

Although the other party was not wearing navy attire, Crowe recognized the person's identity at a glance.

"Colonel Smoker, the commander-in-chief of Rogue Town!?"

"Why is he here!?"

"Could it be that...the navy is about to launch an operation against the Kingdom of Goa!?"

Thinking of this, Crowe's pupils suddenly tightened.

He quickly reached into his pocket and took out his mobile phone Rotom.

Although he had not joined the Revolutionary Army for a long time, Sabo and the others never regarded him as an outsider.

In addition, Crowe's strategy ability is also extraordinary...

When researching the attack on Goa Kingdom and defending Goa Kingdom, Crowe knew a lot of intelligence information unique to the Revolutionary Army.

Among them is the deployment of naval forces in the East China Sea.

Know yourself and the enemy, and never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

Before attacking the Kingdom of Goa, Crowe and the others had already found out the naval power in the East China Sea.

But it was precisely because of this that Crowe was so terrified at this time.

Thinking of the power of the natural devil fruit in the information, he immediately sent a message to Nami on his mobile phone Rotom:

【No, Miss Nami!Inform Krall that the navy has already entered the central town! 】

[The location is in the 32nd block of the central town. Currently, only Captain Smoker is seen. 】

[The other party is a natural-type fruit-capable person, and Kubao and I can't deal with it, and urgent support is needed! ! ! 】


As Rotom's eyes flickered on the phone, Crowe breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that at least he had passed the information on.

For the rest, it's up to Ms. Nami and Krall to decide.

As for now...

"Cool Leopard, are you interested in challenging the real strong!?"

Crowe turned his head suddenly, looked at the cool leopard on the opposite eaves and said:

"That's the kind of strong man who might make us feel desperate..."


Cool Leopard turned his head and looked at Crowe suspiciously.

Immediately, a strong fighting spirit suddenly appeared on its elegant face.

"Ku~!!! (Strong ones? I'm hitting the strong ones!!! Stop talking nonsense and fuck him!!!)"

(End of this chapter)

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