Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 122 Black Iron Class Qualifying Competition

Chapter 122 Black Iron Class Qualifying Competition
"Here, what happened!?"

Smoker, who used the ability of the smoke fruit to sneak into the central town, walked on the streets outside the town, with a puzzled look on his face.

Because the revolutionary army did not have uniform uniforms and logos, Smoker did not know that the Kingdom of Goa had been occupied by the revolutionary army.

Fortunately, being cautious, he made some simple disguises after noticing suspicious ships appearing around the Kingdom of Goa.

What Cosmog doesn't know is that...

As early as the first second he stepped into the central town, he was spotted by soldiers patrolling the Revolutionary Army.

And what's even more outrageous is...

Before the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army reported his incident to the command center, Nami's mobile phone, Rotom, was the first to receive a text message from Crowe.


"Colonel Smoker!?"

After listening to Nami's report, Sabo immediately raised his brows, with a hint of surprise on his face.

Although he had been in a coma before, with Krall's explanation, Sabo has fully grasped the situation of Goa Kingdom in a short period of time.

Especially after the previous memory was restored, his understanding of the current situation of the country even surpassed most of the senior revolutionary army leaders present.

But it was precisely because of this that after hearing Smoker coming, his expression became tense.

"According to the information held by the Revolutionary Army, Smoker should have arrived at the Great Route at this time, to participate in the ranking battle of the Pokémon League Conference..."

"Why, he suddenly appeared in Goa Kingdom!?"

A bad thought arose in Sabo's heart.

Is it...

The navy has already grasped the recent movements of the revolutionary army! ?
In order to delay the time for the world government to know their actions, they launched a blitzkrieg on purpose.

Now those royal families and dignitaries who are qualified to contact the world government have long been dead and caught.

Even Sabo's biological parents and his unrelated younger brother died in this war.

If this can't delay enough time for the revolutionary army, then they are really going to fight to the death.

"Nami, I'm going to Smoker right now..."

Sabo calmed down, and immediately raised his head and said to Nami:


"In the meantime, I need you to leave immediately, help me go to the port near the central town to find Smoker's naval warship, and control it!"

"Absolutely! They must not be allowed to report the situation here to the World Government!"

"I will let others go to support you as soon as possible..."

"If you have enough time, I may need you to come back and help me deal with Smoker!"

The transaction time between Nami and the dimensional businessman Yue Ding is five days later.

With the existing financial resources of the Revolutionary Army and everything they have looted from the Kingdom of Goa, they are enough to exchange for Pokémon that can fight against the high-end power of the navy!

As long as they can hold on for a few days, they don't have to fear the power of the world government anymore!

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Nami's eyes flashed, and she immediately took out Pikachu's Poké Ball from her pocket, with a smirk on her face.

"It just so happened that in the battle of Goya Kingdom, there was no decent opponent."

"I hope that today, Pikachu can have a good fight!"

"give it to you!"

Sabo nodded solemnly, and immediately he took out the communication phone bug and arranged for the revolutionary army.



And just when Sabo arranged work with the Revolutionary Army...

Crowe, who was carrying the cool leopard, walked slowly in front of Smoker.


Smoker, who was observing the surrounding situation, suddenly stood up.

Raising his head, he suddenly saw a mysterious man walking towards him.


A look of doubt flashed in Smoker's eyes.

Having experienced many battles, he instantly felt a strong fighting spirit from Crowe.

Seeing Crowe walking in front of him step by step, Smoker, who was holding three cigars in his mouth, slowly exhaled a big mouthful of smoke, and said lightly:

"The visitor is not good..."

Crowe smiled slightly, and took a step forward abruptly.

"You're the one who's coming, Colonel Smoker."

While speaking, Crowe took out his mobile phone Rotom from his pocket, and under Smoker's surprised eyes, invited him:

"May I ask Colonel Smoker, are you interested in coming to a qualifying match with me!?"


Smoker was shocked, and then took out his mobile phone Rotom, and sure enough, he saw an invitation for a qualifying match at the top of the screen.

Trainer Crowe, black iron rank, 0 win points.

Really a trainer!

Looking at the other party's information on the screen, a smile suddenly appeared on Smoker's serious face, and he became more rampant immediately.

"Interesting! Really interesting!"

He stared at Crowe and said:
"I didn't expect to meet another trainer here."

"Suddenly I want to thank the hapless official who called me here."

"So your answer is?" Crowe showed a gentle smile.

"That's needless to say!?" The corner of Smoker's mouth rose.

"Of course I chose to accept it!"

With a loud roar, he pressed the [Accept] button on the screen without hesitation.

Taking out Guisi's Poké Ball, he laughed loudly and said:
"Let me see how strong other trainers in this world are!"

"Come out, ghost!"

With a flash of red light, a round Pokémon surrounded by ghostly fire appeared in front of Smoker.


As soon as Gui Si grew up, a strong pungent aura immediately emanated from his body.

This is the poisonous energy that it involuntarily emits after being soaked in the poisonous ability.

"It's a ghost?"

Crowe, who was still a little worried about Smoker's strength, turned his mouth up suddenly when he saw Guisi's figure!

To know……

His cool leopard is a Pokémon with the evil attribute.

And the evil attribute, just restrains the ghost type!
Originally, Crowe thought that he would be instantly killed in this battle...

Unexpectedly, he and Kubao seemed to be able to hold each other again!
Crowe was overjoyed, and quickly operated on the mobile phone Rotom, and set the location of the qualifying match in a wilderness outside the city.

His plan, from the very beginning, was to lead Smoker out of the city and not give him a chance to observe the central town.

After deciding on the location of the battle, the two nodded immediately, tacitly refraining from talking nonsense before the start of the battle.

Smoker's lower body suddenly blurred, and thick white smoke came out.

There was a loud noise, Smoker's body was like a rocket, instantly rose into the sky, and flew towards the battle site.

Guisi on the side also followed closely behind.

Although there is no smoke jet as a propulsion force, it has the characteristics of floating, and its flight speed cannot be underestimated.

"A natural ability? It's really convenient~"

Crowe smiled alone, turned around, stepped and sat on Kubao's body, and patted Kubao.

"Let's go, Cool Leopard, don't let our opponent..."

"Wait a minute!"



A bleak wind rustled the dry leaves.

In the autumn weather, apart from the clouds getting higher and the sunlight getting weaker, even the air began to smell of depression.

This depression is like the country of Goya at this time, entering the dryness of autumn, waiting for the severe cold of winter...

But eventually...

There will be a spring birth here!

Smoker dissipated the smoke from under him, and his body changed back into human form again.

And behind him, a swift figure ran wantonly in the forest as if entering an uninhabited land.

That swift speed was actually only a little slower than the one who flew from the sky.

The corner of Smoker's mouth rose:
"No wonder you have the guts to challenge me. It seems that the other party is not a fuel-efficient lamp!"


In the forest, a purple silhouette suddenly appeared.

Crowe nimbly jumped off the cool leopard from mid-air and landed firmly on the ground.

And the moment he stepped on the ground, a voice prompt suddenly came out on the mobile phones of Crowe and Smoker:
【drop!It has been detected that both parties are already at the agreed battle location. Would you like to start the qualifying match immediately? 】

"Start!" ×2
Crowe and Smog shouted in unison, with a strong fighting spirit rising continuously.

【drop! 】

After receiving the order, the two mobile phones Rotom flew out of their hands at the same time.

The two mobile phones, Rotom, quickly came to the sky, pressed back to back, and spun at high speed.

All of a sudden!
With the two Rotoms as the center, a circular strip of light suddenly appeared on the ground extending outward within 1 kilometer.

The two Rotom spoke together:

[Confirmation of the battle venue is complete! 】

[Please fight both sides at the agreed place. 】

[According to the ranks of both parties, the combat range is set to a radius of 1KM, and the height is not limited. 】

[Qualifying: Black iron rank Crow VS Black iron rank Smoker...]

[The battle officially begins! ! ! 】

With a sound like a command gun, Crowe took the lead in attacking.

"Cool Leopard, use Splash!"

One of the opponents is a nature-type ability user, and the other is a ghost-type Pokémon...

Any physical attack has no effect on the opponent.

So what Crowe has to do is to make sure that his attack can be effective against the opponent.

Call ~
I saw that at the moment when Crowe gave the order, Kubao immediately waved its sharp claws and waved heavily against the ground.

All of a sudden!
A piece of dust suddenly appeared out of thin air, and rushed towards Guisi and Smoker, blocking their sight.


Smoker, who knows that the sand splashing skill does not cause any damage, has no intention of dodging.

Let the yellow sand hit your face and remain unmoved.

But at this moment...

On the other side of the sand layer, Crowe's voice came again:
"Cool Leopard, use the grinding claw!"


Strange light suddenly condensed on the limbs of the cool leopard.

On the extremely sharp claws, there was suddenly a layer of energy exuding an ominous atmosphere.

Grinding claws, a skill that changes evil attributes.

After use, the claws of the cool leopard can be attached with a layer of evil attribute power in a short time...

This power can not only enhance the sharpness and sensitivity of the cool leopard's claws, but also help it to effectively hit the opponent when using ordinary physical attack methods!
"In this way, even the ghost system can't resist the attack of the cool leopard!"

Chloe grinned.

As a resourceful trainer, he came up with this skill combination as early as the first time he saw Guisi.

First create an opportunity by splashing sand, and then activate the claw-grinding blessing state.

With the blessing of the evil attribute, even if it is a ghost, I will show you!

"Cool Leopard, use Random Grab!"

The unreasonable Crowe ordered again.

Since he knew that he was in a weak position, of course he would not let Smoker go bewildered.

The reality is not a turn-based game, if you have to put a skill, I will put another skill.

From Smoker's strange eyes, Crowe could see...

Smoker in front of him obviously has no experience in commanding Pokémon in battle.

So he has to strike while the iron is hot, and deal as much damage as possible before Smoker is familiar with Pokémon's combat methods!


Smoker was obviously a little surprised that the other party would suddenly let the cool leopard attack, and quickly shouted:
"Get out of the way! Ghost!"


The bond between Smoker and Guisi was obviously not enough, so that Guisi didn't react immediately.

Coupled with the swift figure of the cool leopard, by the time Guisi wanted to dodge, it was already too late!

The sharp claws were like playing piano dance music in the air, instantly drew several strange cold lights, and fell directly on Guisi's body.

Even with general immunity, the sharp claws of Cool Leopard's secret weapon can't show the power it should...

But just the evil energy attached to the grinding claws can also make Guisi eat a pot!

The instant pain made Guisi let out a hoarse roar.


There was concern in Smoker's eyes.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's Pokémon could hurt Guisi as soon as it came up.

Thoughts flashed by, Smoke immediately sprayed out a puff of smoke, holding ten hands and waving at the cool leopard!

"Quickly avoid!!!"

Compared with Smoker, the bond between Crowe and Cool Leopard is obviously much deeper.

At the moment when Crowe made the sound, Kubao seemed to have foreseen the order in advance, and stomped heavily on Guisi's body with his forelegs!
Cool Leopard turned over deftly and avoided Smoker's attack.

"What a quick reaction!"

Smoker was startled, and immediately put away the contempt in his heart.

Originally thought that after owning Pokémon, he could rise up again.

I didn't expect that any trainer I met at random would have such outstanding combat ability!
With Smog's vision, he certainly could see the gap between himself and Crowe in commanding Pokémon.


Qualifying is not just a battle of Pokémon alone!

Seeing that Crowe was about to give another order, Smoker suddenly dropped ten hands and hit the ground heavily.

Under the heavy blow, the ground trembled instantly, and cracks extended towards the cool leopard.

Smoker laughed and said:

"Guess, get up quickly! Don't let others underestimate you!"


Thick white smoke suddenly spewed out from Smoker's body, instantly forming a mist with extremely low visibility, covering Crowe and Cool Leopard.

Although in terms of Pokémon's command, Smoker may be two levels behind Crow.

But in terms of personal strength...

Smoker must be at least 5 levels higher than Crowe!
The smoke screen instantly blocked the vision of Crowe and Kubao.

And it seems that in order to cultivate the tacit understanding of Guisi, Smoker did not attack immediately, but commanded:
"Guess, use tit for tat!"


Enduring the pain from the claws, Gui Si immediately floated up, and with the guidance given by Smoker with the smoke, he found the figure of the cool leopard in an instant.

Tat for Tat, an evil attribute physical attack skill, can exert twice its own strength to attack the enemy after being attacked.

I saw Gui Si opened his mouth wide, revealing sharp fangs.

In the next second, a strange wave of ability came out of Guisi's mouth and charged towards Kubao.

But Crowe and Ku Bao, who lost their vision, still had their eyes darkened and knew nothing about what happened in front of them!
boom! ! !
The terrifying fluctuation impacted on the cool leopard's body impressively, and at the same time, the smoke was blown away, allowing Crowe to see the cool leopard being attacked.

"Cool Leopard!"

Crowe immediately yelled in concern.

Fortunately, Guisi's level is not much higher than that of Cool Leopard.

In addition, the evil attribute is not its natal attribute, and the cool leopard's own damage immunity to evil attribute skills...

The cool leopard hit by the huge shock wave seems to have received much less damage than expected.


In an instant, Crowe suddenly noticed the playful look in Kubao's eyes...

His spirit was shocked instantly!
Immediately afterwards, Crowe immediately showed an impatient look on his face, and shouted loudly:

"Cool Leopard! Cool Leopard! Are you okay!?"

That look was like how badly the cool leopard had been hurt.

On the other side, Kubao also staggered in coordination, and made a painful voice from his throat as if he was exhausted:

(End of this chapter)

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