Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 123 Unexpectedly Handy Unreasonable Trouble

Chapter 123 Unexpectedly Handy Unreasonable Trouble

As expected.

Seeing Kubao's painful expression, Smoker's face immediately showed joy.

He graduated as the number one in the naval training camp. Although he has a gentle personality, in his bones, there is still an arrogance that should not belong to him.

Even after being defeated by Ace once, it didn't make him completely get rid of his bad habits of arrogance.

Especially after obtaining Guisi, the arrogance in his heart became stronger.

Seeing the tired look of the cool leopard, Smoker immediately turned his head, thick smoke billowed from his body, and spread to the surroundings like waves.

"Guess, fix it! Use Assault!"

Smoker gave the order loudly.

The next moment, a jet of black light flashed across, drawing a vacuum channel in the thick white smoke.


Guisi, who appeared in front of Kubao in an instant, grinned, and slammed into Kubao directly with his body exuding a strange aura.

"Sudden...surprise attack?"

A look of doubt suddenly flashed in Kubao's eyes.

It really can't figure out why the trainer on the opposite side keeps letting Guisi use evil attribute skills...

Doesn't he know that the damage caused by evil attribute skills is only half?

Such thoughts also appeared in Crowe's mind.

But Crowe soon understood...

The naval captain on the opposite side must have not carefully studied the Pokémon general knowledge in the mobile phone Rotom.

Otherwise, the other party shouldn't have done such an outrageous thing!


This is exactly what I want!
"Cool Leopard, use unreasonable trouble!"

Anyway, let's block one of your skills first.

When Guisi bumped into Kubao's body, Kubao suddenly opened its mouth wide and let out a strange roar at Guisi.

All of a sudden!
The evil energy penetrated into Guisi's body.

Although no change can be seen, it can effectively prevent the opponent from using the surprise attack again.

The opponent is obviously a ghost type, but they release evil attribute skills one after another.

Crowe believed that even an idiot trainer would not be able to do such an outrageous thing!
Unless, this ghost has something different from ordinary ghosts!
According to the experience of the battle videos that Crowe saw in Rotom on his mobile phone, he suddenly had a guess in his heart...

This ghost is definitely a rare shining Pokémon in legends. Although the appearance has not changed much, the ghost power in it should not be strong.

as predicted.

The moment Guisi and Kubao separated, Crowe immediately noticed that Kubao's complexion suddenly tightened, as if he had suffered some unknown pain.


Crowe's heart froze, as if he had discovered Guisi's secret.

Although it is known that Guisi has poisonous energy, the energy used by the opponent just now is obviously evil energy.

In other words, Gui Si used the method of close contact attack to cause the cool leopard to be poisoned!

This talent is even more powerful than the ordinary Pokémon with the stinger characteristic!

"whispering sound!"

Seeing the talented Pokémon again, Crowe let out a dissatisfaction, and immediately ordered:
"Cool Leopard, use malicious pursuit!!!"

So what about poisoning! ?

They deliberately took Guisi's blow for this moment!
Malicious attacks are similar to tit for tat.

It's just that one is to double the strength after being injured, and the other is after the opponent uses skills or props.

The cool leopard that has just been attacked fully meets the trigger conditions for malicious pursuit.

All of a sudden!
Under the amplified energy of the evil attribute, the cool leopard slammed into Guisi like a sharp arrow.


Gui Si, who was restrained by the energy of the evil attribute, let out a painful wail in an instant under the doubled power.

The entire body of You Ming flew backwards.


Smoker was taken aback for a moment, obviously unable to comprehend what was happening in front of him.

Crowe grinned and said gently:
"I'm sorry, Colonel Smoker, but you seem to..."

"I haven't grasped the true meaning of Pokémon battle!"

Crowe waved one hand and shouted again:
"It's our turn! Cool Leopard, use Assault!!!"


Although it is already in a poisoned state, Kubao's physical strength is at least half, and it will be affected by the poisoned state for a while.

When it received the order, a bright aura flashed in its eyes.

The purple body leaped high and turned into a full moon in mid-air, and swung its huge tail towards Guisi.

boom! ! !
The terrifying power was concentrated, even though it was bombarding Guisi's ghostly body.

Under the restraint of the evil energy, it suffered double damage instantly, and its gaseous body slammed into the ground, smashing a huge hole in the ground.

Dust and smoke fluttered, mixed with the smoke released by Smoker, instantly blocking everyone's sight.

"This, how is this possible!?"

Seeing Guisi suffered heavy injuries one after another, Smoker's complexion instantly became extremely bleak.

After half a sound.

After the dust and smoke cleared, the bleak look on Smoker's face became more intense, and his pupils were full of disbelief.

Because after the smoke screen, the cool leopard at this time has returned to Crowe's side again, posing a posture of continuing to fight.

But his ghost, at this time, was already lying in the deep pit, his eyes were circled like mosquito coils, and he lost consciousness.

Smoker didn't understand.

He could clearly feel the strength of the cool leopard on the opposite side, which was not as strong as his ghost.

And the opponent's Pokémon was also successfully poisoned, which proved that his close-range poisoning tactics were effective.


Guisi still lost.

Is my command ability really that bad?
Smoker feels his heart beating!

But at this time, the qualifying competition has not officially ended.

Although Guisi has fallen to the ground, as a trainer, he still has the power to fight.

Anyway, let's finish this qualifying match first!

Smoker, whose heart was shaking violently, calmed down, picked up the ten hands that had been inserted into the ground again, and exhaled a thick smoke from his mouth.

"It seems that I really underestimated you..." He whispered.

However, Facing Smoker's words, Crowe just smiled slightly.

At this moment, he didn't know what to say.

The skills that Smoker asked Guisi to use were all skills that were restrained by Cool Leopard.

But the cool leopard used all the skills to restrain ghosts.

Even if Guisi's level is higher than that of Cool Leopard, in such a battle where there is attenuation and increase at every turn, there is no doubt about the victory or defeat.

The only successful point of Guisi's action is probably to bless Kubao with a poisoned state.

However, with the passage of time, Kubao's poisoning state has begun to ease, and it is estimated that it will not be affected in any way after a while.

Ghost-type ghosts with powerful poisonous energy...

Such a Pokémon is simply very powerful in Crowe's eyes.


It meets a trainer who doesn't understand it.

After murmuring a sigh in his heart, Crowe finally didn't express the ridicule in his heart.

after all……

Although Guisi was dealt with, it was obvious that Smoker in front of him was more difficult than Guisi!

After thinking about it, Crowe finally didn't give up and decided to fight with Cool Leopard.

Even if he can't beat him, he still wants to see how strong the real strong man in this world is!
A person with natural fruit ability, a colonel of the Navy headquarters, a guardian at the entrance of the great route...

The titles that shocked the world one after another are now concentrated on this one person.

If it was before getting the Pokémon, if Crowe met such a strong man, he would have run away without knowing where.

But now, in order to buy time for the revolutionary army, he chose to take the initiative to fight.

Maybe he didn't even notice...

After spending so long with Kubao day and night, even his own character began to be affected.

Trainers and Pokémon are themselves a process of mutual assimilation.

"Be careful, Cool Leopard."

"The opponent this time may make people desperate!"

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Crowe's forehead, reminding him vigilantly.

Looking at Smoker in front of him, he cheered up.

Obviously facing a strong enemy, but I don't know why...

At this time, Crowe and Kubao raised the corners of their mouths at the same time, revealing a smile.

At this moment, Smoker suddenly raised his hands and aimed at Crowe and Kubao.

"Let's end this farce as soon as possible!"

I wanted to show my trainer ability, but I didn't expect it to have a negative impact, which made Smoker, who was proud in his heart, feel very shameless.

Even more embarrassing than being defeated by Ace!

Now Ace is also a famous and powerful pirate on the great route. Just a few days ago, he rejected the invitation of the world government Shichibukai.

No one would say much if they were defeated by such a strong man.

Ke Keluo, an unknown pawn in the East China Sea, actually has a Pokémon command ability stronger than himself...

This made him really unacceptable!
"Bai Man!"

boom! ! !
A large amount of white smoke spewed out from under Smoker, who turned nameless anger into strength, and his body also flew towards Crowe quickly by the impact of this smoke wave.

At this moment, the ten hands in his hand turned into a long sword in the hands of the white giant, piercing towards Crowe.

"So fast!"

Crowe was startled, and after realizing that the attack was directed at him, it was too late to give Kubao any orders.

He hurriedly stomped on his feet, took out the fastest spoon in his life, and dodged in an instant.

next second.

Even though the ten hands with unparalleled strength bombarded the position where he was just now.

In an instant, the earth screamed in pain, and the cracks spread in all directions like long snakes running fast.

The entire ground, under Smoker's blow, unexpectedly shattered.

But Smoker, who caused such a horrible scene, didn't have a trace of joy on his face, instead showing a look of shock.

"Just that..."

"It's shaved!?"

Smoker looked at Crowe in disbelief, his expression dull.

Shaved in one of the six navy styles?

That was a move that even he hadn't fully mastered yet, and now it appeared on an unknown person...

is it possible?
However, facts speak louder than words.

For more than a month, the cool leopard is not the only one who has undergone devil training.

In order to be able to keep up with the cool leopard's fighting rhythm, Crowe also slapped himself hard.

Although the actual strength didn't increase much, his current physical fitness finally allowed him to control the move that he couldn't control before - the spoon.

With Crowe's current ability, at least in terms of the explosive power of movement, it is already on par with Smoker!

Crowe, who dodged the attack, immediately took a big breath, and a gleam appeared in his eyes.

The colonel of the Navy headquarters really lives up to his reputation!

Crowe fixed his gaze, watching Smoker intently.

Whether it can be done or not depends on this!

"Cool Leopard, use unreasonable trouble!!!"

Crowe spoke quickly, and quickly gave instructions to Kubao.

And the tacit understanding of Kubao also instantly understood Crowe's battle plan, and quickly stretched out his forelegs, stomping heavily on the cracked ground, making a strange sound from his mouth.


A special energy penetrated into Smoker's body instantly.

Seeing that the impotence to make trouble took effect, Crowe's eyes lit up, and he immediately waved the ten-bladed cat's claws forward.

"Silent Step!"

A black silhouette flashed by, and Crowe suddenly appeared behind Smoker, and the ten sharp blades in his hands crossed each other and aimed at Smoker's back.

"Ten Blades - Leopard Strike!"

The ten long knives whizzed instantly, and ten cold lights streaked across the air, slashing at Smoker.

"This speed!?"

Smoker was taken aback in his heart, and once again sighed with emotion at the speed displayed by Crowe.

He just didn't care about Crowe's attack.

On the one hand, the opponent doesn't have Hailoushi, and on the other hand, he doesn't know how to be armed and domineering...

As long as he can activate elementalization, he is invincible in front of Crowe!
As long as the elementalization can be activated... then...

Smoker: ! ! ?

Seeing the gleaming blade pass by from the corner of his vision, Smoker found out in horror:
At this time, he was unable to use the power of elementalization! ?

Pfft! ! !

Smoker, who had been relying on his fruit ability, had no time to react, and his back was instantly pierced by the slash.

The gray-white head was chopped into several pieces, and fell to the ground in pieces of cloth.

A light breeze blows.

A large amount of blood suddenly spewed out from Smoker's back, forming a blood mist in the air.

After losing the cover of his clothes, several cracks appeared on the skin of Smoker's back in an instant, and horrible blood continued to flow down the wound.

Fortunately, Smoker, who was born in a naval training camp, is far superior to ordinary people in terms of physical fitness. Otherwise, these wounds on his back alone would be enough to make him unable to carry out the next battle!
"how can that be!?"

Even though Smoker, who was seriously injured, turned around and swung his ten hands towards Crowe, he was dodged by Crowe again.

After jumping to the ground, Crowe suddenly had a wicked smile on his face.

He stuck out his tongue and licked his dry lips, and said with some surprise:
"I didn't expect it to be possible..."

Kubao's unreasonable ability to make trouble is more practical than he imagined!
From this point of view, the outcome of this battle seems to be unknown!

At this time, after a normal attack, Smoker's restrictions were touched again.

Thick white smoke sprayed out from his body again.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Because of his own pride, he didn't carefully study the information in Rotom on his phone, so he didn't know the effect of the skill of making trouble for no reason.

But Crowe, as always, did not give him a chance to breathe,

With a treacherous smile on his face, he shouted again to Kubao:

"Cool Leopard, use Thief!"

The quick-moving cool leopard turned into a glimpse again. With its own speed advantage, it waved its paws and attacked Smoker.

Smoker, who had suffered a loss once, didn't dare to take it too seriously, and quickly stretched out his ten hands, and blocked the cool leopard's claws.

At the same time, he also habitually elementalized his body to prevent any accidental attacks.


The next scene left Smoker dumbfounded again.

The incomparably sharp scratches of the cool leopard slapped his body, leaving only a scattered mist.

Obviously at this moment, elementalization is in effect normally.

On the contrary, Kesmogg's expression changed drastically and became extremely exciting.

It turned out that the cool leopard's paw was just a feint attack, but the real attack was its bloody mouth!
I saw him tilt his head and bite, and the target was precisely on Smoker's ten hands.

In an instant, a strange force began to control Smoker's brain, and he actually let go of the palms that held ten hands tightly at this instant.

Smoker and Cool Leopard interact with each other.

At this time, Smoker was already empty-handed, but in Kubao's mouth, he was holding a long ten-handed handle.

Thief, an evil physical attack move.

Launch a normal attack on the enemy and steal an item from the opponent at the same time.

In an instant, Smoker's weapon changed hands.

The smile on Crowe's face was even bigger.

The elemental cracking method has been found.

Weapons were also removed.

Cool Leopard still has half of his stamina, and he has no consumption at all, but the other side has already shed a lot of blood.

The result of this battle is already getting better!
(End of this chapter)

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