Chapter 124 Take it!

Dang bang~
Ku Bao tilted his head and immediately threw Smoker's ten hands into the dense forest in the distance.

Under the confrontation between the two agile players, Crowe and Cool Leopard, it is almost impossible for Smoker to pick up ten hands.


Crowe didn't know that Smoker's ten hands were inlaid with sea stones that could restrain him.

Otherwise, no matter what he said, he would not let Kubao throw away the ten hands.

"Come on, Colonel Smoker."

"Let me test it, how strong I am now!"

Crowe waved the ten-bladed cat claw in his hand, showing an unprecedented bright smile on his face.

I thought that I would be crushed by the opponent, but I didn't expect that the opponent would be at a disadvantage in this battle.

Crowe found out.

Before he knew it, he and Kubao had become so powerful!
"Damn it!"

Looking at the ten hands disappearing into the bushes, Smoker's heart became more angry.

But at this moment, he already understood that the Crowe on the opposite side was by no means as simple as he imagined.

After the arrival of the dimensional merchants, all the order and original concepts of this world have been broken.

And the nature-type fruit ability that he relies on for survival has become less powerful than before in front of Pokémon from another world.

Thoughts flashed by.

A huge wave of smoke erupted from Smoker's body, instantly blocking Crowe and Kubao's sight.

"White space!"

The fruit ability that was originally used to increase strength, but now under the strange ability of the opponent, it can only become an auxiliary ability to block the line of sight.

Smoker's figure quickly wandered among the smoke layers.

Catch the thief first catch the king!
Although Cool Leopard's fighting power was stronger, Smoker still swung the heavy fist formed by the condensed smoke at Crowe.

This man's way of fighting is too restrained for a reckless man like him. Only by breaking the opponent's mind first can he win the battle.

boom! ! !
The smoke fist, which contained terrifying power, instantly attacked Crowe.

In any case, Smoker is also an excellent student in the naval training camp. In terms of overall strength, it is not comparable to Crowe, a little pirate in the East China Sea.

The sudden outburst stunned Crowe for a moment.

In the next second, he was thrown flying by a powerful force.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Crowe only felt a roar in his chest, like a broken engine.

"It's really not to be underestimated!"

Crowe quickly wiped the blood from his mouth, but his face was full of smiles.

Even though his mouth was already full of blood, he still shouted quickly:
"This is the position! Cool Leopard, use the call!!!"


Without a trace of hesitation, at the moment Crowe's voice appeared, a twisted and tearing roar suddenly appeared, forming waves of sound, impacting towards the smoke screen in front of Crowe.

Smoker, who was hidden in the smoke, froze for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, a tingling pain that went straight into his brain hit him, causing him to be insane for a moment.

This kind of sound attack that directly hits the brain is fatal to someone like Smoker who has never exercised his mental strength!

"good chance!"

Seeing the figure reappearing in the smoke, Crowe's eyes lit up.

The ten blades of both hands flashed a sharp cold light.

At the same time, the cool leopard started grinding its claws.

One person, one treasure did not have any communication, but chose the same approach at the same time.

In the smoke screen, two figures flickered at the same time, and rushed towards Smoker at a fast speed.

The thick smoke was pushed away by the bodies of the two people and spread to the sides.

The vision in front of him became clearer and clearer.

At this time, Smoker also woke up from the pain of screaming.

But everything is too late.



Ten sharp blades and ten sharp claws acted on Smoker's body at the same time, bombarding Smoker's body fiercely at the moment when it was too late to elementalize.

All of a sudden!
Blood flew everywhere, polluting the surrounding smoke.

Baptized by dozens of wounds, Smoker instantly turned into a blood man and fell to the ground.

As he fell, the smoke in the air began to gradually dissipate, revealing the original appearance of the forest.

"Damn it!"

Smoker, who fell to the ground, uttered an angry reprimand again, propped his arms on the ground, and wanted to stand up again.

Although his strength and talent may not be as good as those real world-class powerhouses.

But at least in terms of willpower, he is worthy of the title of number one in the naval training camp!

Even though he was covered in blood, even if his skin was torn apart, Smoker still had the power to fight.

However, at this moment.

The two mobile phones suspended in the air, Rotom, simultaneously issued a voice broadcast:
【Ding!It has been detected that Pokémon Ghost has lost his fighting consciousness, and the trainer Smoker has been injured to [-]% of his physical limit. The winner of this qualifying match is...]

[Trainer Crowe, and Pokémon Cool Leopard! 】

[The battle is over! 】

The two mobile phones Rotom flew back to the owners of each house at the same time.

On Smoker's Rotom screen, there are two big words [defeated].

In contrast, there are two big [Victories] on Crowe's mobile phone Rotom.

And Crowe's qualifying rank also changed from 0 win points for black iron to 1 win point for black iron.

"Win... won..."

Looking at the information prompt on the screen, an expression of disbelief instantly appeared on Crowe's face.

All he wanted at first was to pull Smoker a bit and buy some time for the Revolutionary Army.

Unexpectedly, he actually defeated this "White Hunter" who was well-known in the East China Sea!
"It was incredible."

Crowe murmured, then clutched his chest, and fell down with a plop.

At this time, Smoker, who saw the word failure, gave up and got up again, his arms went limp, and he threw himself directly into the blood.

Having lost too much blood, he turned his head, looked at Crowe who was not far away, and asked in an unwilling tone:
"You... who the hell are you?!"


Crowe grinned, first took out the poke ball, put the cool leopard into the poke ball to recover his strength, and then replied:

"I am the captain of the 26th Detachment of the Revolutionary Army Special Operations Team, Crowe!"

"Revolutionary Army?"

Smoker took a long and heavy breath, and immediately let out a burst of laughter:
"Sure enough. The Revolutionary Army has already started to move."

Following Smoke's last chuckle, the two seriously injured people closed their eyes in unison and fell into a coma.

ten minutes later.

Sabo, who was running fast in the woods, finally arrived at the battle scene.

"Captain Crowe! Hold on! I'm coming!!!"

Sabo swung the water hose and smashed the trees blocking his vision with one blow.

At this time, the drifting smoke had not completely disappeared, and Sabo, who was rushing from a distance, had no way of knowing the situation on the battlefield.

Stepping on the soft ground with both feet, looking at the cracked ground around him, Sabo could even imagine the intensity of the battle.

The domineering look of knowledge is released instantly.


He froze in place.


He waved his hand and slapped it vigorously, and a powerful airflow appeared instantly, blowing away the surrounding smoke.

Under the scattered smoke, there was a comatose man in a suit, and a burly man in ragged clothes lying in a pool of blood.

Sabo: "This...what's the situation!?"



At the same time, on the coast on the east side of the central town.

Nami and Karina, who led a group of revolutionary troops, slowly poked their heads out from the bushes.

"That's right, it's definitely a Navy warship!"

Looking at the naval warship parked at the port without any concealment, Nami smiled and retracted the binoculars, moved her wrist slightly, and made a look ready to go.

And Karina on the side also retracted the binoculars, and took out Firefox's Pokeball with a smile.

"What do you say, do you act?"


Without unnecessary nonsense, Nami, who had received the order to control the naval battleship, waved her arm in an instant, ordering the Revolutionary Army soldiers hidden around to rush forward.

In the silent port, there was a sudden gunshot.

A naval soldier on the watchtower instantly clutched his abdomen and collapsed in pain.

All of a sudden!
In all directions of the forest, there were sounds of shooting.

The flames burst out, and the gunshots rang!
In just a few tens of seconds, the naval soldiers guarding the deck collapsed instantly.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!!"

The entire navy warship panicked instantly. The navy found a bunker and counterattacked the revolutionary army gathered in the forest.

War is cruel and merciless.

The revolutionary army determined to overthrow the world government is incompatible with the navy, the warlord organization under the world government.

Once the war starts, the two sides have no room for detours!
"what happened!?"

Da Siqi in the cabin was startled when he heard the gunfire on the deck, and quickly picked up the famous knife Shiyu hanging on the wall, and rushed towards the deck.

Now that Colonel Smoker is acting alone, as Smoker's deputy, she naturally becomes the supreme commander of the warship.

When she came to the deck, she immediately stopped a navy soldier with a flustered expression and asked:

"What happened!?"

"Enemy attack! It's an enemy attack!"

While reloading the musket, the soldier answered Dashiqi's question:

"The opponent's firepower is too fierce, there are at least nearly a hundred people..."

"Moreover, the opponent has the advantage of the terrain at a high altitude. We can't hit the opponent on the boat at all. The soldiers suffered heavy damage!"

"Enemy attack?"

Da Siqi was taken aback for a moment, then murmured:
"Is there really a large force of the Revolutionary Army here!?"

Looking at the continuously injured naval soldiers at the ship's rail, Da Siqi suddenly drew out his long knife.

With a flash of cold light, she cut open the stray bullets flying with her knife, and then said to the navy:

"There is no advantage in terrain!"

"Order all the navy to return to the cabin immediately and fire shells into the forest without rules!"

Although she had no experience in commanding battles, having seen countless battle cases, she immediately chose the safest way.


The navy soldiers immediately took orders and conveyed Da Siqi's order.

all of a sudden.

The flustered navy immediately found the backbone, shot backwards one after another, and slowly entered the cabin.

And the revolutionary army that just won the kingdom of Goya is not so powerful.

Seeing that the opponent no longer showed any weakness, Karina immediately raised her arms and gave the revolutionary army an order to stop shooting.

Immediately, she immediately reported to Namihui:

"Nami, I found the other party's commander, at the side of the cabin door."

"As stated in the information, it is a little girl holding a famous knife!"

"Is it Dashiqi?"

Nami nodded after seeing the gun muzzle move on the warship through the binoculars, took out a special phone bug and said:
"Send the order, all personnel, retreat immediately!"

"As far back as far!"

"The heavy weapons that the opponent has prepared, the shells that are about to be baptized here!"


The moment Nami's words fell, there were rustling sounds in the surrounding dense forest.

Nami knew that the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army had heard her order and began to retreat.

She didn't show a sly smile until all the soldiers had retreated to a safe distance, and looked at the battleship in front of her with bright eyes.

Before coming here, Sabo specifically explained to her that all the materials seized in this operation belong to Nami.

Such a large naval battleship is worth [-] to [-] million Baileys!
Adding up the materials on board, everything is added up, and the final valuation must be at least 5 million Baileys!
That is to say...

After this battle is over, she can earn a large amount of points again, and she is one step closer to resurrecting Belmer!
There was a flash of inspiration in his eyes.

With a flash of Nami's figure, she came out of the forest generously and ran towards the naval battleship.

While running, she took out the love elf balls exclusive to Pikachu and Ba Dahu from the four-dimensional space on her chest.

This is the new home she specially changed for the two Pokémon last time.

It is said that the Pokémon living here will be more comfortable than ordinary Poké Balls.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Dozens of cannons were fired in unison.

At this moment, even the sky shook under the unison of artillery fire.

A large amount of artillery fire fell into the forest, instantly causing intense fire, and burning in the forest.


Looking at the firing angle of the artillery, Nami, who had already run out of the forest, suddenly showed a successful smile on her face.

As long as she keeps moving in the direction of the battleship, the artillery that has been aimed at the forest will not bombard her.

And she can also sneak into the battleship and engage in close combat with those navies and her.

In this way, Nami doesn't have to worry that Pikachu's violent electric shock will destroy the battleship, which will cause the battleship to depreciate!

With Pikachu's current berserk power, she was really worried that Pikachu would blow the battleship into pieces with one blow.

From the very beginning, everything on this battleship has been labeled [Personal Property] by Nami.

How could she watch her property suffer damage!

A red light flashed, and a dexterous yellow mouse suddenly appeared on Nami's shoulder.


As soon as he came out, Pikachu yelled with full fighting spirit.

On the other side, Ba Dahu's figure also appeared beside Nami.

"Teacher Ba Dahu, I'm counting on you!"

Stretch out your arm, and skillfully grasp Ba Dahu's calf.


Ba Dahu groaned helplessly.

With the rapid improvement of Pikachu's combat effectiveness, it can only serve as a means of transportation now that it is old.

Sticking to the hull of the naval battleship, with the efforts of Ba Dahu, Nami successfully avoided all the muzzles and landed directly on the deck.

Looking at the empty deck, she licked her lips seductively, then pursed her lips into a smile:
"Take it!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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