Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 125 The Resurrection Finally Appeared

Chapter 125 The Resurrection Finally Appeared

"Why...why is this..."

Da Siqi's legs were bent, and she sat slumped on the ground, with one eye narrowed in pain, showing an expression of disbelief.

The famous sword Shigure, at this moment, was like a crutch, held in her hand, supporting her body.

But around her, there were naval soldiers lying around.

One by one exhaled black smoke, unable to distinguish between life and death.

"Surrender, you have no hope!"

Nami twisted her slender waist and strolled to Dashiqi.

Looking at the little girl who was about the same age as herself, she didn't do anything cruel in the end, but just looked at her with a smile on her face.

"Revolutionary Army..."

Da Siqi, who had been paralyzed by the electric shock, raised his head with difficulty.

She did not make excuses for her failure, nor did she beg for mercy from the enemy before her.

Instead, at this time of powerlessness, she seemed to have regained her spirit, looked at Nami and asked:
"Revolutionary Army, what are you doing for?"

"For what?" Nami asked in a puzzled tone.

She was about to step forward to snatch Da Siqi's famous knife, and she stopped suddenly.

Looking at the girl's sincere eyes, Nami suddenly realized...

In the eyes of the girl in front of him, there was a bit of resemblance to him.

"I don't know why..."

Nami slowly put away the smile on her face, and answered Dashiqi's question.


"When I saw those people being choked up and sold as commodities... when I found out that some people were abandoned as garbage just because they didn't have a good background..."

"When I look at the villagers, ruled by the evil pirates, but they say that every day should not be done, and the earth is not working..."

"I know that I should do something instead of silently waiting for vain justice to come."


After receiving Nami's answer, Dashiqi suddenly became silent.

After a while, she slowly put the famous knife in her hand horizontally, pushed it hard, and pushed it towards Nami.

She smiled suddenly:
"Thank you, I got the answer I wanted!"

Da Siqi, who was trained by the navy since childhood with the concept of "justice", completely gave up resistance to the revolutionary army at this moment.


From the moment she saw Akainu burning the flames to civilians for the mission of the world government, she had already chosen to give up.

Now, she just finished this action.

Picking up Shigu, the famous sword on the ground, Nami silently glanced at Dashiqi.

Then she suddenly showed a smile.

This young lady is of the same kind.



With Nami's quick action and the signal jamming device Karina placed in advance, they successfully completed the task assigned by Sabo without exposing the actions of the Revolutionary Army.

And all the navy on the entire naval battleship, including Smog and Dashiqi, were also imprisoned in the prison of the Kingdom of Goa.

Although I know that this kind of approach is a temporary solution but not the root cause, as long as they can last until the end of the transaction, it is enough!
Time flies by.

In the blink of an eye, five days passed.

For many people in Goa Kingdom, these five days are definitely the most unforgettable period of their lives.

Five days ago, they heard the sound of gunfire in the palace.

Two days ago, they witnessed with their own eyes their respected king pushed to the beheading rack with snot and tears running down his face.

A day ago, they saw many nobles who were once out of sight being executed in the street.

But today, all the low-class citizens who were exiled to the garbage mountain were welcomed back to the inner city by the revolutionary army, and began to register as citizens one by one.

From that moment on, the people of this country knew that the sky of Goa Kingdom was about to change its color.

But at this time, whether it was Sabo and Krall who led all this, or Nami who joined the revolutionary team halfway, they all gathered in the largest reception room in the palace.

"Luffy, I didn't expect you to be a trainer!?"

Seeing Luffy hugging the dirty croaking frog, Sabo showed an inexplicable expression on his face.

Who would have thought that in this era when everyone is chasing Pokémon, someone would let his Pokémon get lost!
What's even more unbelievable is...

Neither the trainer nor the Pokémon thought about finding each other in the first place.

Instead, one nested in the palace and ate and drank for several days, and the other took advantage of the chaos to sneak into the storage room of the palace and steal the energy cubes of Keluo and Nami.

If the careful Karina hadn't noticed something was wrong and caught the croaking frog, the couple might have really separated!

Just like the arrangement of fate, in the end, Quacking Frog and Luffy met again miraculously.

Luffy scratched the back of his head regretfully, laughed awkwardly and said:

"Isn't it, I'm so excited to see you come back from the dead!"

"You boy, don't throw all the blame on me!"

Sabo smiled and gave him a blank look.


The croaking frog also showed an apologetic expression, as if apologizing for his stealing behavior.

Looking at the pair who looked like living treasures, everyone present could not help but smile at each other.

Just when Sabo was about to say something to tease his nonsensical younger brother, a light door as tall as a person suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

"what is this!?"

Seeing the light that suddenly appeared, Luffy exclaimed very politely.

And in the light, a familiar voice from Nami and the others instantly came out:

"I heard someone asking 'what's this!?'"

"Since you asked the question sincerely..."

"Then I will tell you mercifully..."

As the familiar opening remark sounded, three figures of two people, one cat, and three figures slowly walked out from the light gate.

It's Team Rocket's trio who teleported here via superpowers!


"That's it, meow!"

Under a set of gorgeous moves, the Rockets trio completed their appearance.

Although the strange sense of sight made Nami and the others feel extremely embarrassed, but because the other party was a dimensional businessman, no one dared to say anything.

On the contrary, Luffy and the croaking frog above his head applauded again and again after enjoying Team Rocket's performance.

"Wow! So handsome!"

Luffy asked with bright eyes:

"Can you do it again!?"


The scene fell silent for an instant.

Kojiro, who was still posing just now, immediately withdrew his posture, showing a serious look, directly ignoring the show, looking at Nami and coughing lightly:

"Good morning, Miss Nami, I didn't expect to see you again so soon!"

"Good morning, Kojiro-sama, Musashi-sama, and Meow-sama."

Nami responded with great respect.

While speaking, she slowly stretched out her hand to direct the eyes of the trio to the town scene outside the window, and asked:
"We have captured the Kingdom of Goa, and we are gradually guiding the kingdom's policy to re-admit the people who were deported to the garbage..."

"May I ask Mr. Kojiro, have we completed the mission like this?"

"Of course!"

Kojiro had an unexpected look on his face, as if everything was under his control.

Following the example of his own boss, Kojiro suddenly snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, Nami, Chloe, and Karina's mobile phone Rotom suddenly flew out.

At the top of the screen, the words [Mission Complete] appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the personal information of the three people appeared on the screen.

What is different from the past is that there is a new status bar under the personal information today:

[Faction: Revolutionary Army]

"This is?"

Nami looked up in bewilderment.

Kojiro smiled slightly, and answered for several people:

"This is a faction system that can only be activated by completing a team mission."

"After the faction personnel who have activated the faction system become traders, the Ten Thousand Worlds Chamber of Commerce will automatically identify the faction they belong to, and they can enjoy all the benefits of the faction!"

"I see."

Nami nodded. She had never played online games before, and she seemed very novel about such a setting.

She curiously clicked on the word [Revolutionary Army] on the screen, and a square window popped up immediately.

[Current faction BUFF: 50% (buying goods in the mall, only need half of the value of the points to be awarded)]

[Duration: 90 days]

Looking at the realistic system prompt in front of her, Nami's heart was instantly excited beyond words.

Suddenly, her gaze froze, and she immediately clicked on the mall information interface in Rotom on her phone, and started searching.

【Phoenix Feather】

[Effect: A magical prop with resurrection power, which can reshape the body of the soul of the dead]

[Price: 5000 points (cross out the slash) - 2500 points]

"2500 points!?"

Looking at the goal of halving in an instant, Nami tremblingly clenched her phone to Rotom, tears rolling in her eyes with excitement.

She raised her head suddenly,
At this moment, Nami also ignored Sabo who was waiting to trade for the Revolutionary Army, and said in a choked voice:

"Little... Master Kojiro, I want to exchange points!"

"no problem!"

When Miaomiao and Musashi, who were making soy sauce, heard this, they immediately cheered up and took a step forward.

I saw Miao Miao snapped her fingers in a learned manner.

In Nami's mind, the exchange interface she was familiar with immediately appeared.

Without any hesitation, she directly checked all the materials that could be exchanged, and then chose to exchange points.

The naval warship docked on the shore instantly turned into nothingness and disappeared into the air, along with dozens of new artillery pieces and a large amount of ammunition on the warship, all disappeared.

And Nami's points also instantly increased by 1200 points, plus the remaining 800 points before, and reached the peak level of 2000 again.

"It's still short...500 points short...500 points short..."

"Just make another 2.5 million Pele..."

Nami was trembling with excitement, the amount of money that was unattainable to her in the past seemed to be within reach now.

if only……

if only……


at this time.

Sabo, who was always behind Nami, suddenly took a step forward, smiled at her, and immediately said:
"Mr. Long called me before and specifically asked me about your situation."

"When he learned that your dream was to resurrect your dead mother, this is what he told me..."

Sabo moved his throat lightly, pretending to be calm and said:
"Nami is the spokesperson between the Revolutionary Army and the Dimensional Merchant, and is also the key support target of the Revolutionary Army. If she has any needs, you must satisfy her as much as possible!"

"On the road of revolution, we need more partners!"

"So, Nami..."

Sabo suddenly turned his head to Nami, and whispered:

"Use the money and things collected from the nobles to your heart's content!"


Nami stretched out her hand, but slowly put it down.

Now at this moment, she doesn't need to say much, she wiped the tears on her face, weeping with joy, and immediately said to Miaomiao:

"My lord, may I use the property in the palace now?"

"of course can!"

After feeling the aura of wealth on Nami's body strengthened, Miaomiao immediately showed a delighted smile.

Anyway, it’s all about charging money, and whoever pays for it will make money!
A moment later, Nami's account had 1000 more points again.

She calmed herself down and said slowly:
"Masters of Dimensional Merchants, I want to exchange for Phoenix King's Feather and revive my mother Belmer!"

At this moment, Nami shouted out the most determined voice ever.

"as you wish!"

Kojiro smiled heartily and waved his hand instantly.

At the same time, Lin Luo, who was looking for the sky island on the great route, was immediately requested by Kojiro.

He gently stroked Ibrahimovic's fluff, with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Finally someone who can afford to be resurrected!"

While speaking, he communicated with the system.

Because the time of Bellmel's death was relatively short, and her own soul strength was not strong, the points needed to extradite her soul were not too many.

The original power of 200 points instantly turned into a mysterious and stalwart chain, which suddenly plunged into the void.

A few seconds later, a flame-like object with a chilly aura appeared in Lin Luo's palm.

And this is the soul of the dead in Pirate World!

According to the natural law of the world, unless there is an external force like the fruit of the underworld, all the dead souls will enter the underworld, turn into this unconscious soul energy group, and slowly dissipate.

But now under the influence of the original power, the soul of the underworld has returned to the material world again.

"Go ahead and don't keep your child waiting."

Lin Luo lightly pushed with one hand, and another 20 points were consumed.

Bermer's soul instantly appeared in front of Nami across a distance of thousands of kilometers.

At this time, Miaomiao also took advantage of the opportunity to exchange the Phoenix King's Feather from the system.

Feeling the breath of the soul, the Phoenix King's Feather suddenly turned into a scorching white light, burning out of thin air.

All of a sudden!
A large amount of life breath was released from the burning Phoenix King's Feather, flying and entwining in the air like branches.

After a while, this force formed a shining human figure in the air.

First the body, then the limbs, then the mind.

Under the protection of the holy light, the bumpy figure that only mature women have appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

Clare on the side suddenly thought of something, and suddenly pulled Sabo and Crowe heavily.

He dragged the two men who were staring blankly at the resurrection and blocked their sight.

"Turn around to me, no one is allowed to turn around until I say something!"

Speaking, Kral immediately looked at Nami and shouted:
"Nami! Clothes!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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