Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 126 Rogia of the Revolutionary Army

Chapter 126 Rogia of the Revolutionary Army


Nami, who was excited, was taken aback for a moment, and immediately remembered the main point, quickly took off her coat, and walked towards the holy light of the human body in front of her.

Seeing this, Musashi immediately gave Kojiro and Miaomiao a hoe, telling them to turn around wisely.

After a moment of effort, the dazzling holy light suddenly dissipated.

A mature and spotless Yujie with her eyes tightly closed appeared in the palace.

The gentle breeze blew in, and the long dark red hair fell unrestrainedly on the tender shoulders. A ray of soft sunlight outside the window shone on the proud breasts like a spotlight, casting a golden glow. wave spots.

At this moment, everyone present held their breath.

Even the few men who couldn't see the details felt the sudden strangeness in the air at this moment.

Everything speaks for itself!

The power of the dimensional merchant actually brought the dead back to life!

Belmel, who had returned to the material world, slowly opened his eyes, as if waking up from a dream.


Seeing the familiar yet unfamiliar face in front of him, Bermel's expression became confused for an instant, he blinked, and whispered uncertainly.

"it's me!"

With a lump in her throat, Nami replied hoarsely.

Tears of excitement lingered in the eyes of the girl, like shooting stars of repentance, constantly flickering.

"Bermer, I finally... I finally see you again!!!"

With a wow, Nami threw herself directly on Bermer.

Time seems to start to go backwards, and they have returned to the ordinary life many years ago.

Nami, who was wronged outside, fell into her mother's arms and cried heartily.


Bermer murmured softly.

Although she had just been resurrected, her memory still remained at the moment before her death, but feeling the helplessness and excitement of Nami in her arms, she instantly took out the state of a mother, gently stroked Nami's hair, and comforted her heart .

Time is like the fine sand in an hourglass, slowly passing by.

It was already half an hour after Bermel learned that he had come back from the dead.

"I am already dead?"

Wearing the suitable clothes that Klar found, Bermer's eyes widened, showing an incredulous expression.

But looking at the graceful and luxurious palace in front of her, and Nami who had grown up, she had to believe that she had indeed died and was resurrected again.

The second encounter between mother and daughter moved everyone present.

Ke Nami specially called the Rockets trio here, besides reviving Belmel, there is another more important purpose!



After settling Bellmel, Sabo nodded and motioned Nami to take Bellmel to another room first, so that they could catch up on the old days.

But he took a step forward abruptly, took off his courtesy and performed a standard gentleman's etiquette.

"Hello, three dimensional merchants."

Sabo grinned, showing a look of great anticipation.

"According to the previous agreement, I will trade!"

"Oh? Looks like you're ready, meow."

The Rockets trio, who had been prepared for a long time, were not surprised. Miaomiao took a step forward, raised her paws in front of Sa, and waved lightly.

It smiled and said: "You already know the transaction process very well. Next, let's take a look at how many points you can redeem?"

Suddenly, a huge system interface appeared in Sabo's mind.

In the interface, a large number of materials and Baileys appeared, and the combined value has reached 400 billion Baileys!
Among them, 200 billion Baileys were harvested by Sabo and the others from the Kingdom of Goa.

The royal family of King Goa contributed more than 200 billion yuan, and the major nobles contributed billions more, making up the [-] billion Baileys.

The remaining 200 billion Bailey supplies came from revolutionary bases around the world.

Because they often have to take care of a large number of refugees and secretly organize hidden armed forces, the daily consumption of the revolutionary army can be said to be very huge!

This material, worth 200 billion Baileys, is already considered the revolutionary army's lonely and last stand.

Dragon's idea is simple...

The emergence of dimensional merchants will surely lead to new changes in the world.

Since you want to join the stage of the new era, don't worry about it!

Directly all Stud!

It has to be said that Luffy has inherited this adventurous spirit perfectly.

As Sabo clicked the [Confirm] button in his mind, a large amount of property that had been prepared in the revolutionary army bases around the world disappeared instantly and turned into nothingness.

When Sabo exited the system interface in his mind, he immediately saw that Kojiro also took out a mobile phone, Rotom, and handed it to him.

"Congratulations, Mr. Sabo."

Kojiro burst into an unprecedented smile, as if there were flowers blooming beside him.

400 billion Bailey's supplies!

After the Rockets trio came to One Piece World, the total amount of transactions has not yet reached 200 billion!
Now it is through an order, directly ascending to heaven in one step!
Thinking of Lin Luo's previous explanation, Kojiro immediately said seriously:

"You are already a VIP5 member of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce."

"From now on, you can redeem all items in the mall."

"All items?"

Sabo, who didn't know much about the membership system of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce, showed a confused look, but his eyes were quickly attracted by the information interface on the phone's Rotom.

[Trainer: Sabo]

[Faction: Revolutionary Army]

【VIP level: 5】

【VIP experience: 80000/100000】

【Current points: 80000】

"8 million points!"

According to the trading knowledge that Sabo learned from Nami and Crowe, 8 points is simply an astronomical figure.

Although these points are to be used by the Revolutionary Army as a whole, they are enough to make Sabo tremble.

You know, the revolutionary army at this time has a half-price buff.

In other words, these 8 points, in the hands of Saab, can exert the value of 16 points! ! !
boom!boom! ...

At this moment, Sabo could clearly feel that his heart was beating violently.

Because he couldn't imagine what a terrible price these 16 points would bring to this world.

As if guessing what Sabo was thinking, when Sabo turned his gaze again, Kojiro suddenly waved his hand.

Suddenly, an introduction about the product information of the mall instantly appeared in Sabo's mind.

With the flood of information flooding in, Sabo closed his eyes instantly, and began to sort out the information he had obtained in his mind.

This is a privilege that only high-level traders can obtain.

The commodity information is directly imprinted in the trader's mind by the dimensional merchant in the form of memory.

In this way, these high-level traders don't need to waste time on the mobile phone store of Rotom.

Sabo's mind was immediately occupied by a large amount of information.

Various props and evolution stones unlocked at vip2 level...

Injuries to restore physical strength, equipment to enhance combat power, and daily training supplies are all available;
Learning devices for all skills unlocked at vip3 level...

With powerful attack skills, weird special skills, and mysterious causal skills, the effects of some skills can make people feel daunting just by looking at them!
The Super Evolution Stone, the Z-movement Pure Crystal, and the power of extreme giantization unlocked at vip4 level...

The way of evolution that liberates itself, the unique moves and skills, and the special energy that makes Pokémon huge, make people marvel at the beauty of Pokémon's life.

At the vip5 level, the products that can be unlocked are the exclusive powers and abilities of various Pokémon worlds...

The power of Yulong of the dragon-type Pokémon, the power of Viridian from nature, and the power of waveguide to spy on the world, each of which is as magical as a devil fruit.

For traders, every time a VIP level is unlocked, it seems to open up a new world.

Looking at the products with magical powers one by one, Sabo at this moment can't wait to sacrifice the whole world, and also want to take a look at the elegance of the Pokémon world.

After half a sound, Sabo, with his eyes closed, suddenly let out a long breath, broke free from the Pokémon world, and returned to reality.

In front of him was the gentle Rockets trio with bright smiles on their faces.

Kojiro stepped forward and said:

"Presumably you already know the products that VIP5 members can buy..."

"Next, Mr. Sabo, please state the request for the Pokémon you want to buy!"

"My request!?"

Sabo, who was still immersed in the magnificent world view of the Pokémon world, was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered that there were still important things to do.

He quickly straightened his body, looked at Kojiro seriously, and asked:

"Master Kojiro, I want the power to overthrow the world government!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Sabo said firmly.

From beginning to end, their goal was only one...

That is to overthrow the brutal and disgusting rule of the world government!

Today, the 8W points on Sabo are all the hope of the revolutionary army!
Take a single throw and fight with your back, if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent!

Time has not allowed them to find a way out.

"To overthrow the world government?"

Kojiro smiled slightly, as if he didn't take Sabo's request seriously.

But after a while, he shook his head and said slowly:
"Although you currently have a special half-price buff, with your current points, the power to overthrow the world government is still not enough..."

If the world government can be overthrown so easily, how can One Piece, who is already at the top of the world, accept the arrangement of fate and become the pioneer leading the era.

What's more, the world government is really overthrown, where can Lin Luo find another such a perfect hatred absorber!

He can now specifically point to the anti-human operations of the World Government and the Tianlong people to stimulate traders' fighting spirit to work hard.

"That's it."

Although he had been prepared for a long time, after hearing the practical answer from the dimensional merchant, Sabo inevitably showed a little disappointment.

But at this moment, Kojiro's voice came again.

He smiled slightly and said to Sabo:
"Of course, to overthrow the world government, 8W points are somewhat difficult."

"But if it's just dealing with the navy and saving more countries..."

"With the blessing of the half-price buff, it's easy to achieve!"


Sabo immediately clenched his fists.

Although it is still far away from the ultimate goal, as long as they can liberate more countries like the Kingdom of Goa, as time passes, sooner or later they will realize their dreams one day!
And during the period of liberating the country, they can also obtain a large amount of supplies and trade like they did with the Kingdom of Goa!

Without any hesitation, Sabo nodded immediately, and said to Kojiro:
"Can I trouble Master Kojiro to arrange a transaction plan for me?"

"my pleasure!"

Kojiro stretched out his hand and smiled.

With a wave of his hand, a virtual light screen appeared out of thin air between him and Sabo.

And right above the light screen, a seemingly gentle but domineering Pokémon suddenly appeared.

Huge body, jaws with fangs, feathers like scales.

Just looking at the picture on the light screen, you can feel the power of this Pokémon!

Sabo lowered his head and focused his gaze on the information bar of this Pokémon.

[Pokémon: Lugia]

[Attributes: super power, flight]

[Characteristic: Sense of oppression (release a powerful aura by yourself, affecting the enemy's fighting rhythm.)]

【Level: 88】

[Price: 80000 points (crossed out) - 40000 points]


Looking at the Pokémon's name on the information bar, Sabo murmured softly.

At this time, Kojiro spoke and explained to Sabo:

"Lugia, the legendary bird Pokémon!"

"Dwelling at the bottom of the deep sea for many years, they have the power to control the weather. Only when disasters occur in the sea, they will fly out of the sea to appease the anger of the sea."

"This is a group of Pokémon known as mythical beasts, and the Rogia in front of you is the best of the group."

"Although it's just one of the group, it's far from the real [God of the Sea-Lugia]'s power level, but if it's just to meet your current requirements, it's fine."

"The strength of this Rogia is enough to fight against any admiral in the pirate world."

"Coupled with its powerful ocean combat capabilities, even if the three major generals of the navy deploy all their combat power, they may not be able to take advantage of it!"

"I believe that such power should be enough to meet your requirements?"

Kojiro asked with a smile.

At this time, Sabo was already shocked by Rogia's information.

Has the strength of an admiral! ?

The ability to manipulate the weather! ?

Can fly, can go to sea...

Does such a Pokémon really exist? ?
If it weren't for the astonishing price of Rogia, Sabo really wondered if Kojiro was teasing him.

But it was precisely because of this that he suddenly thought of a terrifying question.

In Kojiro's mouth, although this Rogia is powerful, it obviously has not reached the top level of the Pokémon world.

Listening to that tone, this Rogia, whose strength is comparable to that of an admiral, might not even be able to squeeze into the second echelon of the Pokémon World.

Such a powerful strength can't even be ranked, so how powerful is the top combat power in the Pokémon world?
Thoughts flashed by.

Sabo's heart suddenly twitched, and he didn't know whether he was afraid of the unknown world or was looking forward to a deeper understanding of this mysterious world.

Looking at the majestic Rogia in the picture, Sabo's eyes flickered, and a firm smile appeared on his face:
"Master Kojiro, I want this Pokémon!"

 Thanks to Fusheng, Xiaoyao Lefeng, XJL2390, Shura Shiyue, Liuri Xingjun, Xingkong Pavilion, after school-don’t go, good night, rest early, the shadow of war, Chen Xuyangi, looking for trouble, chgswa, Qianshou Chenguang, tired, Doraemon Cruise's monthly ticket support! ! !

  Thank you everyone! ! !
  Jumping around at home, I twisted my foot, speechless~
  I went directly to the hospital and got a bandage, and I couldn't even walk.

(End of this chapter)

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