Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 130 Don't Stop Me, I Want to Give Miss Robin a Gift!

Chapter 130 Don't Stop Me, I Want to Give Miss Robin a Gift!

The crowd filled the auditorium.

They enthusiastically waved all the props at hand, cheering and applauding for the two people fighting in the arena.

of course.

In the presence, almost 85% of the people shouted Robin's name.

Compared to a beautiful girl with a hot body and outstanding looks, who would be willing to be a bad old man like Cobra!

If it weren't for the fact that the Elf Center was built in the Kingdom of Alabasta, there were quite a few Alabasta citizens among the audience, who were Cobra's diehard fans...

It is estimated that this ratio will be increased by another ten percent!

After all, my own king still needs to support me~

"Miss Robin, come on!!! I will continue to give you likes!!!"

A pirate captain in the auditorium with a bounty of 3000 million Berries shouted loudly.

While shouting, he was also manipulating the monitor in front of him, frantically clicking on Robin's avatar.

Every time you click, a cute little heart will appear next to Robin's profile picture, as if Robin is winking at her.

But the other crew members beside this pirate were helpless at this moment.

Finally, after the captain of the pirate output nearly a hundred times to the screen, a pirate finally couldn't help but reminded:
"Captain, captain, don't click! If you click any more, we won't have enough money to buy weapons!"

"Stop chattering!!!"

The captain of the pirate yelled angrily, and then focused his eyes on the top of the screen again, and shouted while clicking frantically:

"How can it be repaired!"

"How dare you rank higher than my Captain Johnson! I don't accept it!"

"I must return to the number one position today!!!"

After speaking, Johnson continued to frantically press on the screen.

To know……

The like function designed by Lin Luo, every time you click like, it will automatically take away 100 Baileys from the wealth owned by the liker.

At the beginning, Wilson just tried to click a few times with the idea of ​​seeing new things and feeling interesting.

But after seeing his name on Robin's fan list, he immediately became interested, frantically tapped on the screen a few times, and soon came to the number one position on the list.

As the battle progressed, the charms of Robin and Ibrahimovic were quietly revealed.

Seeing the crowd around him yelling Robin's name, Johnson felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction in his heart.

100 Baileys is nothing to a famous pirate like Johnson.

Even if they fell on the side of the road, they would not look down.

A little money can be exchanged for a moment of satisfaction, which is perfect for a person like Johnson!
But just when he was complacent...

A large number of fans suddenly poured into Robin's fan club.

Johnson suddenly found that his fan ranking had dropped from No. 99 to No. [-].

How can Johnson, who has been strong all his life, endure this! ?

He immediately fought back frantically at the screen.

Anyway, it's only 100 Baileys per order, which in his eyes is not enough to fit between teeth.

In this way, Johnson fought hard to catch up, and finally came to the second position on the list, hitting the first place!

But when he saw the name of Bangyi, he became even more angry in an instant...

Rowell, the captain of the Bayonet Pirates, has a bounty of 2800 million.

Just last month, they had a major bombardment battle in the waters off Alabasta.

In the end, because the hulls of both sides were severely damaged, the battle was stopped.

But the fighting stopped, but Johnson's hatred for Rowell could not be stopped!

How could he just watch his annoying guy on top of him.

"Damn it! Rowell bastard!"

Johnson yelled.

At this time, his fingers that had already tapped the screen were numb.

But seeing that Rowell's fan base is still rising, he will never stop what he is doing no matter what.

"Damn it, isn't there a way to send a lot of likes at once!?"

Johnson grumbled.

But at this moment, one of his crew members said suddenly:
"Captain, do you want to try the [×10] button next to it? I feel like it can send 10 likes at a time."

"What?" Johnson froze for a moment, and immediately turned his gaze to the [×10] button next to him.

Because he was not familiar with this operating system, he had never dared to click randomly before.

But after hearing his younger brother's reminder, the more he looked at it, the more he felt, "Your brother is right!"

After tentatively pressing the [×10] button, my fan value increased 10 times at once.

He immediately cast approving glances at his younger brother.

Immediately afterwards, he continued to devote himself to his like contest and gave Robin likes wholeheartedly.

But just after he turned around, the other members of the Jorson Pirates immediately focused on the pirate who had just been reminded.

If eyes could kill, this pirate would have died hundreds of times by now!

Previously, it only cost 100 Berries for a like by Jorson. After clicking for so long, they lost more than [-] Berries.

But now the consumption of one like has increased tenfold...

Now that the battle between Robin and Cobra is over, it is estimated that their captain will even have to order his pants.



The voices from the audience cannot be transmitted to the arena.

Robin and Cobra are completely unaware of the competition for the fan list.

However, you can give likes and swiping money for those who are fighting...

These two people knew it clearly.

Otherwise, Robin and Cobra wouldn't be so idiotic as to directly show their hole cards for everyone to watch.


This is actually a small function specially designed by Lin Luo for this elf center.

Each qualifying match in the battle area can be decided by the player whether to make it public.

If you choose to make it public, Ms. Joy will announce the time and venue information of the battle, so that interested people can enter the venue on time to watch.

During the battle, the audience can give likes and rewards to the players they like.

In order to encourage the trainers to conduct more open qualifying matches, Lin Luo did not choose to deduct any money for the first time, and all the rewards will eventually be converted into points and entered into the players' accounts.

All of this is to hype up the popularity of Pokémon, so that more people will have a desire for Pokémon, thereby generating more transactions.

In order to speed up the assimilation process of Pirate World, Lin Luo can be said to be omnipotent, and directly moved out the live broadcast plan from the previous life.

Robin and Cobra, who just finished trading, are both in a difficult situation. Of course, they will not let go of this kind of good thing that can qualify and earn points.

In fact, long before the appointment, Robin had already met Cobra.

The main purpose of that meeting was that Robin wanted to inform Cobra about the status quo of the Baroque Works, so as to return the Alabasta Kingdom to a real peace.

But after learning that Cobra intends to use Slowbeast to participate in the qualifying match, Robin immediately had the idea of ​​qualifying with him.

Although Cobra's Dumbbeast has level 42, it is 7 levels higher than her Eevee.

But Robin is not without advantages.

With the help of her fruit ability, Ibrahimovic has the possibility of defeating the slow-witted beast!
Therefore, after agreeing not to directly attack Cobra, the two started the qualifying match.



"Eevee, use the high-speed star!"

In the arena, following Robin's order, dozens of glittering golden stars suddenly condensed in front of Ibrahimovic, and flew out one by one like bullets, hitting the dull beast.

"High-speed stars?"

Cobra paused slightly, he knew that this was a move that was sure to hit.

Not to mention Pokémon with inconvenient legs and feet like Silly Beast, even if a divine beast comes, it will not be able to dodge.

He hastened to order:
"Stupid beast, continue to use the wave of water to break up the energy of the high-speed stars!"

Soft ones are not good, so they have to come hard!

A huge water ball glowing with brilliance suddenly appeared in front of the dull beast, and directly hit the high-speed stars flying in front of it.

boom! ! !
The confrontation of the two energies erupted in a terrifying momentum instantly, and the violent wind pressure blew the surrounding trees down and bent down continuously.

In the end, Ibrahimovic's energy level is slightly inferior.

The wave of water swallowed all the high-speed stars, and continued to charge towards Ibrahimovic.

"Damn it, is there such a big gap!?"

Seeing that Ibrahimovic was about to be hit, Robin quickly shouted:

"Quickly avoid it, use a flash of lightning!"


Knowing the urgency of the situation, Little Ibrahimovic instantly launched the lightning flash move, and his furry body turned into a thunderbolt of lightning and disappeared in place.

The huge water ball hit the open space again.

Even if it is the wave of water after colliding with a high-speed star, the energy contained in it is still not to be underestimated, smashing the ground into a big hole again.

Robin looked flustered.

She obviously underestimated the power gap between each level of Pokémon.

It even ignored the horror of level 40.

More than ten minutes had passed since the battle, but no matter what method she asked Ibrahimovic to use to attack, it didn't have the slightest effect in the end.

Even with the help of her fruit ability, it is still the case.

On the other side of the battlefield, Cobra showed a faint smile on his face, as if he was sure of winning, he directed directly:

"It seems that I will win the victory of this game!"

After going back and forth several times, Cobra had already seen that Ibrahimovic, who had been attacking all the time, was running out of energy.

As for Slowly Beast, because it has been in a state of defense and counterattack, and it is an endurance player, it has plenty of physical strength.

At this moment, there seems to be no suspense about the outcome.

"The last blow, Slowbeast!"

Cobra yelled out loud, pointed at Ibrahimovic who stopped panting after using the lightning flash move, and said:

"Use the mind power trick!"

Cobra, who had been letting Slowbeast use water moves, finally made a change at this moment.

After receiving the order, the dumb beast stood up uncharacteristically, with its feet upright and its hands raised.

All of a sudden!
A mysterious aura lingers around Slowly Beast's body.

The thought power condensed by the energy of the super energy system instantly turned into a torrent and swept out, imprisoning the tired Ibrahimovic in an instant.



Seeing Ibrahimovic screaming in pain, Robin suddenly showed a worried expression.

She hurriedly walked to Ibrahimovic's side, crossing her hands in front of her chest.

"Twelve Flowers Twist!"

Twelve slender arms suddenly appeared from the Slowly Beast's body.

This is Robin's unique move, capable of twisting the enemy's body with the power of 12 arms.

However, her current enemy is a level 42 Pokémon...

With Robin's strength, let alone twisting the Slowly Beast's body, it was impossible to even move its arms.

The dull beast remained unmoved, and continued to manipulate the power of thought to lift Eevee up slowly until it blocked the sunlight in its sight.


The stupid dumb beast made a stupid sound, but its hands suddenly exerted force, manipulating the power of thought to squeeze Ibrahimovic's body crazily.


The extremely painful feeling made Ibrahimovic scream again.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly stood in front of Ibrahimovic and hugged him.

Robin, who used Huahua fruit to lift himself to Ibrahimovic's side, gritted his teeth and yelled unwillingly.

"This game! We admit defeat!!!"

She couldn't look at Ibrahimovic with a painful expression.

Even though he still had the strength to fight, Robin still chose to give up.

And at the moment she gave up, the dull beast also withdrew its mind power.

Robin hugged Ibrahimovic, and slowly walked down the arm steps he created.

She said apologetically:

"I'm sorry, Ibrahimovic, I failed to detect the enemy's strength, which made you lose the battle."

"Hey! (I should apologize and guess right, I'm too weak!)"

Immediately, little Ibrahimovic struggled and jumped out of Robin's arms, his two big eyes seemed to be able to talk, charming and charming.

It shouted to Robin in a crying tone:

", boo~(Robin, I...I promise you, I will never lose again!!!)"

"Ibrahimovic, you..."

Robin, who has never relied on anyone, couldn't hold back instantly after hearing Ibrahimovic's words.

Bits of tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

She lowered her body and reached out to touch Ibrahimovic.

The bright sunlight shines directly on Eevee and Robin through the outer wall of the pyramid, constructing a beautiful and harmonious picture of humans and Pokémon for the two.


Robin's failure caused many people in the audience to cry.

"Hey, Miss Robin actually gave up, obviously Ibrahimovic can continue to fight!"

"It's probably a soft heart. Miss Robin is indeed a kind-hearted girl."

"Woo, I don't care! I want to give Ms. Robin a thumbs up, to soothe her hurt heart!"

"Count me in……"


Maybe even Robin didn't expect that even if she lost the battle, she could still receive gifts from the audience.


"Hey, it's so boring that it ended like this."

Not long after he sat down, Karp, who hadn't warmed his buttocks, tucked his nose in dissatisfaction, and then turned his head to look at Ace.

"How about we two go up and fight?"

"It just so happened that the last appointment was cancelled, let's make up for it today!?"

Ace, Charizard: ! ! ?
"No, I can't..."

Ace and Charizard shook their heads together.

They were not ready to fight Garp.

Just feeling Garp's aura made them lose their fighting spirit.

"Tch, it's really boring!"

Seeing that the coaxing was unsuccessful, Garp continued to mutter dissatisfiedly.

But at this moment, Ace's partner Deus suddenly stood up and pointed to the center of the arena in surprise.

"Look!!! What's that!?"


Deus' voice instantly attracted the attention of a large audience, and everyone's eyes turned to the arena.

In the arena, under the caress of Robin, Ibrahimovic had a dazzling and holy white light on its body!
"It's evolution!"

The bored expression on Garp's face disappeared instantly, and turned into a bright smile.

"That Eevee is evolving!!!"

Garp, who had experienced the process of wrist strength evolving into mighty strength, recognized the information contained in that light at a glance.


Ace was startled for a moment, and quickly widened his eyes.

And the Ibrahimovic in the arena also evolved in this instant.

The big furry tail disappeared, replaced by a slender tail with two ends. The small body was stretched, becoming more flexible and agile.

On its forehead, there is a bright ruby ​​inlaid in the center, which reflects beautiful light under the sun.

Robin's Ibrahimovic, even after the battle ended, he successfully evolved into a super energy system Ibrahimovic Sun! ! !

 It can be regarded as an addition... right?

  Ask for a monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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