Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 131 Robin's New Path

Chapter 131 Robin's New Path

This is a very sacred word for both Pokémon and trainers.

The reason why most people are obsessed with Pokémon is because Pokémon, a magical creature, has a way to change its own destiny!
And now, on such an aboveboard occasion, Ibrahimovic actually showed this mysterious and sacred evolution to everyone present!

this moment……

The audience present boiled instantly!
"My God, is that light the legendary light of evolution?"

"It's amazing!"

Even if they haven't become a trainer yet, most of those who are able to sit in the auditorium are people who are obsessed with Pokémon, and they are no strangers to the word "evolution".

But no matter how much you know, it's just talk on paper.

When seeing the picture of the light of evolution emerging from Ibrahimovic's body, these people's brains froze for a moment.

And at the moment when Sun Ibrahimovic's appearance was revealed, this group of people seemed to go crazy, giving Robin likes and giving gifts frantically! ! !

They actually saw the evolution of Pokémon with their own eyes!
"My God, it turns out that what the newspaper said is true!"

"It is said that evolution can change the form of Pokémon and make Pokémon more powerful!"

"What a pity, if I could evolve earlier, maybe Miss Robin wouldn't have to admit defeat..."

The audience stood up excitedly.

The newspaper reporters in the crowd even picked up their cameras and frantically took photos of Robin and Sun Ibrahimovic.

Live photos of the evolution...

This will definitely be the headlines in the major newspapers tomorrow!


And in the corner where everyone is happy.


Feeling the crazy emotions of the crowd around him, Ace smiled quietly, put his back on the seat, and said with emotion:

"It's a pity that the fire-breathing dragon is already in its final form, and there is no way to continue to evolve."

Because the VIP level has not been improved, Ace still doesn't know the mega evolution of Charizard.

On the other hand, Karp suddenly grinned and teased his grandson:

"What? You haven't seen the light of evolution?"

"That's really a pity. I am an old man, but I watched the wrist boy evolve into Haoli with my own eyes."

While speaking, Karp suddenly took out a poke ball and pointed at the empty seat next to the auditorium.

A sturdy, human-shaped Pokémon appeared on the seat in an instant.

It's just that it's different from ordinary Haoli, this Haoli actually wears a navy's justice coat on his body.

And above the shoulders, there are a pair of navy captain's epaulets clasped tightly.


After appearing on the stage, Hao Li didn't show his strength by roaring or singing like other Pokémon.

Hao Li, who appeared from the poke ball, just stood there quietly and greeted Ace.

If it hadn't been for Ace to see it emerge from the poke ball...

In this orthodox naval attire, this figure is even calmer than Garp's.

Ace might think of it as a human who ate the animal devil fruit.

Seeing Hao Li waving his muscular, secure arm to greet himself, he quickly waved in response:


Looking at Haoli in front of him, Ace's eyes became brighter and brighter, like a pirate seeing a treasure.

"Is this your old man's Pokémon? It looks really energetic!" He praised.


Garp on the side enjoyed Ace's trivial respect very much. He immediately raised his nose and snorted twice, and then proudly said:
"That's right! This is the Pokémon I got from the Dimensional Merchant."

"Of course! Now Haoli is not just an ordinary Pokémon..."

"It's also the first cum laude graduate of this year's naval training camp!"

"It is also the only super genius in the history of the navy who learned the six styles of the navy within a month!!!"

"Graduate with honors? Navy Type Six?"

Ace froze.

After going to sea for so long, he has also encountered many naval warships on the great route, and he knows how powerful the six naval moves Garp said are.

But it was precisely because of this that he showed such a surprised expression.

Pokémon can even learn human moves! ?

This was a path he had never imagined before!

Ace, who seemed to understand something, was taken aback for a moment, and then he slowly showed a surprised smile.

"That's really awesome!"

"However, you still like to mess around like before, old man!"

"Fortunately, I have already gone to sea, so I escaped a catastrophe!"

"Listen, is this a human language!?"

Cap sighed.

"Which grandson would talk to grandpa like that, old man, I am very sad!"

"Cut... look at how you look like a grandpa!"

Ace grumbled in displeasure.

But after growing up, he has already figured out many things, so he didn't talk too much about it.

Instead, like a war post, with the sun hat on top of his head buttoned up, he looked at Garp with his dark eyes.

"However, for so many years, I really thank you, old man!"


Garp's expression froze, and a smile that was difficult to hide slowly emerged from the corner of his mouth.

Then he immediately turned serious, pretending to be indifferent, and teased Ace again:

"What's the use of talking about such nonsense!"

"How about it, why don't you take advantage of the fact that the current power level is not as good as your fire-breathing dragon, and hurry up to have a battle with the old man?"

"After a while, you will have no chance!"

Um?Why did it still cue on me?
Hearing this, the fire-breathing dragon on the side immediately cast a dissatisfied and hostile look at Garp.

However, due to Karp's strength, it finally calmed down its hot temper, pretended not to hear it, and continued to look at Sun Ibrahimovic in the arena, not daring to do anything.

No way, people have to bow their heads under the eaves!

The fire-breathing dragon has secretly made up its mind:
After going back to the physical training plan, double the training! ! !
Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't bully Shaolong to be poor!

Hmph ╭(╯^╰)╮!
Just when the Charizard was thinking about whether his idiot trainer would get hotheaded and agree to Garp's provocation...

Ace suddenly said, "Forget it!"

He gave Garp a slight look.Then he patted the dust off his knees and stood up slowly.

Ace turned his head to Garp, with a confident smile on his face:
"The me now is not enough to compete with your strength, old man."

"But sooner or later, I will definitely fight with you, Grandpa!"


Garp was silent for a moment, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly again.


He said solemnly:

"I look forward to it!"

Ace pursed his lips and smiled, there was no need to say anything more.

He turned to the Spades Pirates and said:
"Go, guys!"

"Time, don't allow us to waste any more!"

"Go to Miss Joy to get two tasks, come and practice!"

With that said, Ace directly passed Garp and led the Spades Pirates out.

"This stinky boy..."

Looking at Ace who quietly exited the scene, Garp's eyes could not help but flash an inexplicable light.

"It's really like you, Roger." He murmured softly.



Meanwhile, at the other end of the auditorium.

The three strange-looking people in black suits had faint smiles on their faces, staring closely at Robin who was intimate with Sun Ibrahimovic in the arena.

And these three people are not others...

It was the cp9 trio who were temporarily dispatched by their immediate superiors to investigate the elf center in Alabasta...

Gabra, Snuggle, and Owl.

"Strange, why do I feel that the Robin in front of me looks so familiar, chirping."

At this time, CP9 member Owl was staring at Robin in the arena with his eyes wide open.

The huge zipper at the corner of his mouth kept shaking as he spoke, making the sound of metal colliding.


Gabra stretched his body lazily, then leaned forward again, with his arms resting on his knees, as if a hunting dog saw a prey, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

The faint light from the lighting hit his side, but left only a dim shadow.

I saw him slowly pull out a reward list from his pocket.

On the top of the reward list is Robin's recruitment when he was young.

【Nicole Robin】

[Bounty: 8000 million Baileys]

【Live or die】

Looking at Robin's young face on the bounty list, Gabra folded the bounty in half, leaving only Robin's appearance, and compared it with Robin in the arena.

After a while, the corners of his mouth suddenly raised, revealing sharp fangs.

"Nicole Robin, I never expected to meet you here!"

As an intelligence agency directly under the World Government, Gabra and the others certainly wouldn't carry a warrant for wanted criminals with them.

But there are only a few arrest warrants that the world government requires all senior intelligence personnel to carry with them and keep their appearance in mind.

These wanted people often have special identities, and each of them is the most wanted criminal in the eyes of the world government.

The degree of threat is not even weaker than that of any Four Emperor Pirates!

No matter how powerful the pirate group is, in the eyes of the world government, it is just a powerful criminal gang.

In many cases, they will naturally disappear into the sea without the need for the world government to come forward.

Even if there are some stubborn pirates, they will be destroyed after sacrificing a large number of navy in the end.

Over the past eight hundred years, the same thing has happened countless times.

Whether it is a pirate or a navy, in fact, it has always been the object that the world government wants to eliminate!

In addition to the power cultivated by the Celestial Dragons and the Celestial Dragons themselves,...

Everything else has the potential to become an enemy of the world government!
Use the opposing identities of pirates and navy to consume the geniuses and powerhouses in the world.

Eliminate the probability of the wild strong appearing, and control all the power in your own hands!

This is the means by which Tianlong people maintain their [God] status!

The existence of some people is precisely able to integrate the power of these powerful people and awaken people who are obsessed with struggle.

What they pursue and what they see are existences that can subvert the world's perception of the world government!

Once the dreams they pursue come true, it will be difficult for the world government to rule the entire world.

So for these people, in the eyes of the world government, they are pests that must be eradicated immediately!
"Chabababa, is it really Nicole Robin? It seems that I have to report to that idiot chief!"

"Cha ba ba!"

The owl looked startled.

"Accidentally, I told the truth, blah blah!"

He quickly zipped up his mouth, turning himself into a tight-lipped intelligence agent.

And the snuggle on the side immediately said in an incomprehensible special tone:
"Yo yo, it looks like our trip to Alabasta was not in vain!"



in the arena.

Robin didn't know anything about the CP9 trio who were spying on him in the dark.

At this time, she was still immersed in the joy of Ibrahimovic's evolution.

It wasn't until Rotom flew back into her hand that the mobile phone high above the sky, and the prompt of "defeated" appeared on the screen, and Robin stood up again.

"Let's go, Sun Ibrahimovic, let's go and ask Miss Joy to restore you first."

Robin smiled sweetly, showing no sign of defeat at all.

After taking Sun Eevee back into the Poké Ball, she nodded to Cobra as a greeting, and then walked out of the arena.

"My Miss Robin..."

With Robin's departure, the audience in the auditorium found that there were no beauties to see, and they also began to leave one after another, a real horse.

After walking into the player channel, Robin took out his mobile phone Rotom again and checked his point balance.

"20 points!?"

Seeing the sudden extra points on the balance, Robin was stunned for a moment.


In just ten minutes, she actually received a tip of 1000 million Baileys! ?

Although Lin Luo didn't skimp on any gifts.

But the ratio of redeeming points is still the 5:1 he set before.

In other words, for every 1 point rewarded by the audience to the contestants, Lin Luo can get 4 points.

However, the players earned extra points, the audience spent a small amount of money to gain happiness, and Lin Luo earned points...

Everyone has a bright future!

This is the era of win-win!
What's more, 1000 million Baileys in ten minutes...

This speed of making money is much faster than opening any baroque work agency!

Robin's eyes lit up, as if he had found a new way to get rich.

She licked her lips lightly, with a mature and playful charm on her face.

After disbanding the Baroque Work Agency, she was still worrying about how to earn money to redeem points in the future.

Now, here's the solution!
After paying the rent and catering expenses for this period of time, Robin frowned distressedly when he saw that his points had shrunk by half in an instant.

She didn't feel anything when enjoying it in advance, but it hurt like being cut by a knife when repaying the loan.

But after thinking about it, the money was originally an extra income, and she immediately stretched her brows and relaxed.

"It seems that this is indeed a good way to earn points!"


"For the next battle, I must dress up properly!"

Looking at his plain gray velvet coat, Robin sighed and shook his head.

Who made her not expect to earn so much by receiving gifts at first.

If she knew, she would never wear this old overcoat that conceals all the advantages of her body.


"After you go back, ask the Rotoms to see if you can get some books about idols, and study hard!"

Robin, who tucked the ends of her hair behind her ears, showed a gentle smile, as if seeing a bright future, and walked towards her room.

 Thanks to Muno and Ink Danqing for their monthly support!

  Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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