Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 132 You Are X Harassment

Chapter 132 You Are X Harassment
Red Earth Continent, Holy Land Mary Joa.

In this country that belongs exclusively to the Tianlong people, an impressively huge building stands in the most conspicuous location.

And here is the authority in charge of the supreme power in the world - the world government!
At this time, in the meeting room on the top floor of this majestic building, five five old stars with different appearances are sitting around the round table.

The atmosphere in the conference room was extremely depressing, as if something big was about to happen.

"Nicole Robin!?"

A five old star wearing a flat hat raised his eyebrows suddenly, and threw the report in his hand on the table, with a worried look on his face.

"I never expected that she would appear in the Kingdom of Alabasta!"

"Moreover, he became a legendary trainer..."


Beside the flat hat Wuroxing, a bald Wuroxing wearing a kimono frowned and rubbed his temple vigorously.

"The son of the devil who has the ability to read ancient characters, Nicole Robin!"

"Since we found her trail this time, no matter what, we can't let her go!"

"Do not……"

Just then, a voice interrupted the bald Wulaoxing.

"I think, at this time, let's put the matter of Nicole Robin aside."

Wulaoxing with a long white beard stroked his long beard and said solemnly:

"Now our question is, what should we do with the sudden emergence of the Ten Thousand Worlds Chamber of Commerce and the dimensional merchants wandering around the world!?"


The question raised by the five old stars with long beards silenced the other four present.

After half a sound, Wu Laoxing with a large mustache lowered his head, and sighed with his bare round head:
"The key now is that we can't tell whether the other party is a special ability user or a real person from another world..."

Although Lin Luo has created many miraculous events since his appearance, from the perspective of expressiveness, he is indeed not like a person in this world.


This is Pirate World!
A world full of magic atmosphere everywhere!
In this magical sea, no matter what happens, it is not surprising.

There are huge giants who attack cities and villages, murlocs who live in the bottom of the sea and roam freely, and fur tribes that look like animals and transform into a full moon...

Zombie legions that are resurrected from dead bodies, toy life that lives with human beings, and various gourmet desserts that acquire souls...

With a variety of fruit abilities, Wu Laoxing would not doubt any weird things in this world.

The only thing that makes them impatient is...

The speed of development of this dimensional businessman who appeared suddenly without warning is too fast!

Nowadays, the entire East China Sea has almost reached the point where everyone knows about Pokémon!

In addition, the opponent easily defeated the red dog's combat power, and released the picture of the red dog attacking civilians;
A battle game with resurrection as a gimmick;
Mysterious buildings built in Alabasta;

And the behavior of the Navy secretly dealing with it.

All these signs show that the existence of the other party will inevitably have an uncertain impact on the rule of the world government.

"No, I can't wait any longer!"

The golden-haired five old stars stared fixedly, and directly pointed their fingers on the photo of Robin on the table.

"Regardless of whether the other party is really a person from another world..."

"However, that magical creature named Pokémon actually exists!"

"The power that can fight against the red dog is also real!"

"The question now is whether we should report the news of the dimensional merchant to Lord Im!"

"Report to Lord Im?" Hearing the words, the bearded five old stars immediately shook their heads slightly.

"This kind of uncertain news will only arouse Lord Im's anger!"

"Master Im now puts all of his heart on the person who is about to prophesy."

"Joey Boy..."

The bald Wu Laoxing groaned for a while, and then everyone fell silent.

After another half day, a Wulaoxing suddenly said:

"Anyway, we must find a way to contact the dimensional merchant once!"

"The unknown is terrible! Maybe things are not as bad as we thought."

"But..." the flat hat Wu Laoxing hesitated:
"Except for one Alabasta, we don't know how to contact the dimensional merchant at all."

"In Alabasta, CP9 has also confirmed that it is impossible to contact the dimensional merchant..."

Because of the concealment of the Warring States Period, Wu Laoxing didn't know that there were already many people in the navy who had the qualifications to contact the dimensional merchants.

So much so that they are still worrying about how to contact Lin Luo, a dimensional businessman.

Or rather, from the moment they decided not to support the navy in dimensional transactions, Wu Laoxing never thought about counting on the navy.

This year's high-level navy can be said to be the most difficult one they have ever led!

Sengoku, Crane, Karp.

As the brightest trio in the Navy decades ago...

Karp always does things in his own way, and never gives any face to the world government.

Crane's personality is similar to Garp's, but his performance is not as excessive as Garp's.

But the crane with extraordinary wisdom is often the person who can disgust the five old stars the most!

Only the current Marshal Warring States seems to be more obedient.

But Wu Laoxing is very clear.

The reason why the current Warring States is so obedient...

The main reason is that in order to protect more civilians and maintain the stability of the sea, the other party's dream requires the position of Admiral of the Navy.

Once the world government really does something serious and outrageous, the Warring States may turn against them and become the enemy of the world government at any time!
Among the high-level navy, the only one who comforts Wu Laoxing is Akainu, who resolutely upholds the justice of the world government.

But this guy has completely lost his prestige in the navy since he was exposed by the dimensional businessman and suffered a disastrous defeat.

It is almost impossible to count on Akainu.

The bald Wu Laoxing pondered slightly, and after a while, his gaze gradually became firm and sharpened.

"Sure enough, the most important thing is to meet the dimensional merchant now!"

"Since there is no good way now, then we can only use the most stupid way!"

"Let CP1-CP6 gather 200 elite agents, form a team freely, and go to the East China Sea to conduct a distributed search."

"CP7-CP9, each dispatch some active agents to search in the first half of the great route."

"Once found, let their chief connect us immediately..."

"At least, you have to have a chance to talk to the dimensional businessman!"


The other five old stars looked at me and I looked at you, and finally they could only breathe a sigh of relief.

"That's all it takes."

"And there is..." the bald five old stars continued to add:
"Keep CP9 agents on standby in Alabasta, ready to arrest Nicole Robin."

"If conditions permit, it is also possible to kill on the spot!"

"Agreed! Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, must never let her return to the sea!"

On this point, the five old stars immediately agreed.

Although dimensional merchants are important, maintaining the rule of the world government is equally important!



In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

The first half of the great route, the capital of seven waters.

As a world-famous shipbuilding base, the island welcomes hundreds of passing ships every day.

With such a dense population flow, the government affairs of the capital of seven waters are also incomparably huge.

Bingshan, the mayor of the capital of seven waters, is not dealing with the ship design of the shipbuilding company Carrera every day, or managing the operation of the entire city. He can't wait for one person to be used as two people.


In today's mayor's office, Bingshan suddenly let go of the pen in his hand, with a dazed look on his face.

All this is because of the resignation report in front of him.

Bingshan frowned.

"Kalifa, what do you mean?"

Looking at Kalifa, who was wearing casual short-sleeves and exuded the youthful atmosphere of a girl next door, he asked a puzzled question.

But the girl in front of him showed a shy and apologetic expression, and said softly:
"I'm sorry, Mayor Bingshan, I may not be able to continue to be your secretary."

"Today, I came here specially to say goodbye to you!"

"bid farewell?"

Bingshan's expression was complicated, and an unbelievable light flashed in his eyes.

"Why?" he asked.

"Have you encountered any difficulties in life? If you need anything, you can just say, as I, as an iceberg, should still be able to help you a little bit!"

Bingshan tried his best to keep him.

For this beautiful, seductive and capable female secretary, he loves it very much!

It can be said that with the existence of Kalifa, his work efficiency has increased by at least [-]%!

If possible, he really didn't want such a handy female secretary to leave.


Khalifa is clearly determined to go.

She shook her head slightly and said:

"It's not a life difficulty."

As she said that, like a shy girl, she rubbed the corner of her clothes in front of her body and said embarrassingly:

"Yes... yes... I'm already planning to go home, marry my childhood sweetheart in my hometown, and live in a different way!"

"So I'm sorry, Mayor Bingshan, I can only choose to give up the job here."

iceberg:! ! ?
"Kid... get married!?"

Kalifa's words were like a bolt from the blue, causing Bingshang's eyes to widen instantly after being hit hard, and he stood up in disbelief.

But he stretched out his hand, but he didn't know what to say.

Maybe it's Karina's reason that makes the iceberg who can't draw a pie invulnerable...

Perhaps it is to offer Kalifa a wedding blessing...

In the end, Bingshan did not make any further attempts to retain her.

After paying Kalifa a salary, he even took time out of his busy schedule to personally escort Kalifa on the sea train back home.

Stand in front of the port. .

Facing the sea breeze, Bingshan watched the sea train slowly leave the capital of seven waters with a broken heart.

"Kalifa, my Kalifa..."

Seeing the beautiful secretary who likes to wear black silk leave just like that, Bingshan's heart aches like a knife.

However, what the mayor of City of Seven Waters doesn't know is...

It wasn't long before Khalifa got into the car.

But she seemed to be a different person, and a glamorous look suddenly appeared on her face.

Seeing the city of seven waters getting smaller and smaller, Kalifa suddenly let out a long sigh, as if getting into some trouble, impatiently took out a small phone bug from the beauty's regular four-dimensional pocket.

"Sir Spandam, I have left the capital of seven waters according to your request, where should I go next?"

On the other side of the phone bug, a disgusting face soon appeared:

"Huh? Have you left safely? As expected of my Spandam's subordinates, the action is fast!"

"Please explain the content of the mission immediately, sir. Looking at this face and speaking, it is a mental pollution to me!"

Khalifa said coldly, in her tone, there was no respect for the airborne officer at all.

This frosty attitude instantly made Spandam's voice stagnate in the phone bug.

After cursing inwardly, a flattering smile appeared on the phone bug:

"Hey~ Don't be so ostentatious, Kalifa!"

Worried about what Kalifa would say to embarrass the scene, Spandam said quickly:
"The world government has issued a new order, requiring each spy agency to send at least one elite member to the great route to find traces of dimensional merchants!"

"Gabra, Nugget, and Owl have important tasks on them, and they can't leave..."

"After thinking about it, only you are capable of this task!"

"Looking for a dimensional merchant!?"

After listening to the content of the mission, Kalifa was stunned for a moment, and a lot of confusion appeared in her usually cold and calm eyes.

Although she saw a lot of news about dimensional merchants in the newspapers, she never believed in the authenticity of dimensional merchants who were backed by the world government.

It's just a feudal superstitious criminal gang.

But now, the world government has actually issued such a task to these elite agents...

Doesn't that mean that the dimensional merchants really exist! ! ?
Kalifa suddenly felt dizzy in her brain.

The dimensional merchant is real, so doesn't that mean that the other world is also real?
Kalifa, who seemed to have a brain failure, was silent for a moment, and then she nodded and accepted the task like an excellent agent.

"I see."


As a professional agent of the world government, she only needs to concentrate on completing the task, and leave the rest to the leaders above to worry about.

After speaking, Kalifa was about to hang up the phone, as if she didn't want to see Spandam.

But right now.

Spandam's voice came from the phone bug again:
"Etc., etc!……"

As if predicting Kalifa's actions, Spandam said anxiously:

"The task is not limited to these!"

Khalifa hung up the phone suddenly, waiting for Spandam's next words.

The voice of Spandam continued to be heard from the phone bug and said:
"Although the task given to us by the world government is to find dimensional merchants..."

"But! CP9 is the most mysterious department among all intelligence departments, how can it be compared with those low-level intelligence departments!!"

"Do you know why I chose you for this mission, Kalifa?"

The look on the phone bug gave an evil smile.



Khalifa remained silent and didn't talk to her, just leaving her unscrupulous officer alone.

"Cough cough."

Spandam coughed twice to hide his embarrassment, and then said:

"I have seen some confidential videos, and found that the age of the dimensional merchant is not very old, and he looks about the same age as you!"

"Instead of completing the task of finding the dimensional merchant step by step, Kalifa, I hope you can use your own advantages to confuse the dimensional merchant!"

"It's best to be able to go undercover to his side and lay a solid foundation for our next actions."

Although he has never seen a real person, Spandam has detailed information on all CP9 members.

He believes that with Kalifa's beauty and some specific attire, absolutely no man can resist this temptation! !

If Khalifa really walks to the side of the dimensional merchant, then he, the chief of CP9, will be the biggest contributor!

For his own merit, Spandam did not hesitate to choose this despicable method of sacrificing the body of his subordinates.

"You really are sexually harassing."

Faced with the extra task of the unscrupulous boss, Kalifa's forehead suddenly wrinkled.

However, as a good agent, she had already prepared for this day.

And indeed, as Spandam said, if he can go undercover to the dimensional businessman, he will definitely be able to obtain more information.

After hanging up Spandam's phone call, Kalifa's expression instantly changed from a cold-faced goddess to a charming fairy posture.

"A dimensional merchant?"

She pushed her glasses, shook her long black silk legs, showed a tired and weak posture, and whispered softly:
"It's really a surprising task..."

(End of this chapter)

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