Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 133 400 Years of Romance

Chapter 133 400 Years of Romance
"It seems that the progress in Alabasta is going well."

In the deep sea of ​​the great route, Lin Luo, who is located in the different space of the Whale King's body, grinned, looking at the 35W points on the account, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

Since entering the great route, his points have entered a stage of crazy growth.

Even though the bulk of the deal this time came from the revolutionary perception of the East China Sea, it still gave Lin Luo the illusion that the feng shui of the great route is better.

"In this way, the Elf Center of Sky Island can be extravagant again!"

Lin Luo, who likes face-saving projects, immediately overturned the previous Sky City plan in his heart...

This time, he will continue to get a big guy out!

35 points are enough for him to build two large elf centers on Sky Island and Murloc Island respectively, which are not inferior to Alabasta's battle area.

After the construction of these two elf centers is completed, he plans to start preparing for the points needed to travel through the world with peace of mind.

It's just something that Lin Luo didn't expect...

After just a few days of fermenting, the news of the battle between Robin and Cobra suddenly exploded on the great route.

Perhaps it is the separation of the Great Route from the other four seas.

The news of Lin Luo's defeat against Akainu was only popular on the Great Airline for a while, and within a few days, it was suppressed by other news.

However, the news of the battle between Robin and Cobra this time has instead become an important topic after dinner in the great route.

Think about it too...

On the dangerous great route, people only care about what happens around them.

What happened in other four seas has nothing to do with them.

Although a strong man who can defeat the admiral is enough to attract attention, it is too far away from many people.

not to mention……

Most of the strong people in this world have very strange personalities.

Before encountering a real desperate situation, they always think that they can solve all problems.

Although it is this self-confidence that makes them strong, it is often this pretentious attitude that makes them unwilling to admit the strength of others.

Just defeat the admiral...

Many people think, as long as I work hard, I can do it too!

The battle between Robin and Cobra showed another kind of power of Pokémon to the people of the great route!
Cobra, an ordinary person, was able to control such a powerful creature and fight obediently.

This made many people realize for the first time that Pokémon's obedience is so strong!
And the way Robin and Ibrahimovic cooperated with each other also made many people's eyes shine.

Many ability users immediately began to fantasize about their abilities and how to cooperate with Pokémon in battle.

Although such a public Pokémon battle was held once in the East China Sea.

But those trainers in the East China Sea are really limited, and they can't show the full charm of Pokémon at all.

But this time, the effect and scale of the battle between Ibrahimovic and the Slow Beast have fully reached the top level in the first half of the great route.

At this moment, many ambitious people began to yearn for the power of Pokémon.



There is no wind, above the altitude of [-] meters.

No one could have imagined that in this empty high sky, there are actually dozens of small island groups connected by clouds and mist.

And on the main island of these island groups, there is even a big man who is enough to shock the world.

"It's another Pokémon..."

The golden lion with the rudder on its head wrinkled its forehead into a "three" shape, while smoking the cigar at the corner of its mouth, while looking at the newspaper in its hand.

As a former world-class pirate, Golden Lion has left many dark lines in the dark world.

As early as the third day after the battle between Robin and Cobra, he received a video record of that battle from his subordinates.

To be honest, he didn't pay attention to the so-called Pokémon and dimensional merchants at first.

He has a large number of magical creatures that can set fire and discharge electricity!

In Golden Lion's view, Lin Luo is just a fraudster who happened to be ahead of him in research.


After watching the battle video, his thoughts changed subtly.

Especially Cobra's dumb beast, it just made him dumbfounded!
Terrifying water bombs, miraculous mind control, and unreasonable physical strength...

The strength of that slow beast can be said to be not inferior to that of the big pirate in the second half of the great route.

What shocked him even more was...

That puppy-like creature actually evolved into another creature after the battle!
If the other party is not disguised by a devil fruit, then the authenticity of the dimensional merchant and Pokémon is open to question!

Looking at the reports in the newspaper, Golden Lion fell into deep thought for a moment.

He's not a guy who doesn't listen.

After his thoughts were shaken, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that Pokémon was very likely to really exist!
"A dimensional merchant from another world?"

After taking a few deep breaths, Golden Lion slowly put down the newspaper in his hand.

And at the same time.

A shocking aura suddenly burst out from his body, like a roaring wave, sweeping across the entire island in an instant.

"Interesting! It's so interesting!!!"

A crazy smile suddenly appeared on the face of the golden lion. He opened his mouth and roared loudly like a wild beast:

"I never thought that after Roger's death, my heart could still beat so strongly!"

"The legendary different world..."

"I hope you don't let me down!"

"Jie ha ha ha ha ha...!!!"


With a wave of his hand, violent turbulent currents rose in the room instantly, blowing and buzzing the surrounding walls.

At this moment, the empty island group, which is connected by more than a dozen islands, also turned suddenly, heading towards the first half of the great route.



at the same time.

The Great Route, a coast of Gaya Island.

A strange combination is standing in front of the two pirates.

"I'll continue to ask you guys today!"

Kuli Keite looked at the two who looked like orangutans and monkeys in front of him, and said seriously:
"Although there is still a long time before the next upwelling current, you must be careful!"

"Once you notice an abnormality on the sea surface, return immediately!"

Although it was not the first time to carry out underwater salvage operations, every time he sailed, Kuli Keite would give instructions to his two little brothers like just now, for fear of any mistakes.

"Don't worry. Boss!"

The huge orangutan waved his hand, showing a reliable expression.

"You are not in good health, just take a good rest today!"

"Today's salvage work, just leave it to the two of us!"


Masra, who was on the side, immediately patted her chest, with a monkey-like mouth that was obviously human, and said with a smile:
"After all, this is not the first time we have done this kind of work!"

"Well, since that's the case, I'll leave it to you."

Curry Kate nodded without saying anything.

Indeed, as Masra said, they have been diving for so many years, and their experience is already very rich, so they have nothing to entrust.

The two ships quickly left the port and headed towards the rising current in the distance.

But Curry Kite, who has been diagnosed with "diving sickness", can only stay on the shore alone, quietly waiting for the return of the two younger brothers.

Montblanc Couricite, son of the big talker Rolando.

In order to prove that his ancestor Rolando did not speak, he dived around this sea area day and night, hoping that one day he could find some clues and restore his ancestor's innocence.


Many years have passed since he formed the Saruyama United Army.

Although they harvested some special-looking gold products at the bottom of the deep sea, they still found nothing about the disappearing gold town.

Now they can only go out to sea to salvage day after day in order to find a miracle.

"I hope this time I can gain something..."

Seeing the two ships disappearing on the sea level in the distance, Kuricate let out a long sigh, and slowly sat down on the ground, preparing to wait for their return.

But right now!
The calm sea water suddenly boiled, as if boiling water, a lot of bubbles appeared on the sea surface.

"What... what's going on!?"

Kuri Kate, who had just sat down for a few seconds, stood up in surprise.

His eyes widened, looking at the anomalies in the sea ahead in disbelief.

He murmured:

"Impossible! Today is not the day of the rising current, and how could the rising current be so close to Gaya Island!?"

With a puzzled face, he stared closely at the abnormal sea surface in front of him, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Fortunately, my two little brothers acted quickly, if it was a little later, they might be swept in by the current.

Kurikat silently stared at the sea surface and observed the surrounding environment at the same time, trying to find out what caused today's upwelling current.

However, just when Curricate thought that the upwelling current was about to appear, a roar like a dragon's chant interrupted his thoughts in an instant.


A loud cry suddenly came from the sea, which hurt Kurikat's eardrums, and at the same time caused violent waves in the sea.

Under Kurikat's shocked eyes, a huge creature slowly rose from the bottom of the sea.

The huge creature has dark and shiny skin, and the moment it emerges from the sea, it is like a high wall emerging from the water, towering above the sea.

And on the body of the huge creature, lines of unknown meaning are engraved, like some kind of magic circle, showing the horror and mystery of the huge creature.

Even with impressive strength, when the huge creature's eyes looked at him, Kuri Kate was so frightened that he almost peed his pants.

"This... what kind of monster is this!?"

He asked inexplicably, intending to ease the fear in his heart by speaking.

But a voice suddenly appeared next to his ear: "That's the Howler Whale King, my Pokémon!"

It was obviously a flat, even slightly kind voice, but it scared Kuri Kate back again and again, and sat down on the ground.

"Who, who is there!?"

He turned quickly, only to see the deserted shore.

But at this moment, that voice appeared again.

"There is no need to be afraid..."

The faint voice continued to echo in my ears.

But at this moment, Curricate suddenly felt a special force enter his body.

Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat.

All the emotions of fear and fear in my heart disappeared quickly like sea water at low tide.


After calming down, Kuri Kate blinked blankly, unable to understand what happened.

At this time, a figure slowly appeared in front of him, as if appearing out of thin air, and finally appeared in front of him.

"Hello, Montblanc Couricite~"

Lin Luo greeted him with a smile.

While waving his hands, an invisible force supported Kurikat, making him stand up again.

"You... hello."

Although there was no turmoil in his heart, he still realized that the person in front of him was not simple, so that he didn't know what to say except politely returning the gift.

Lin Luo smiled and introduced himself:
"Don't restrain yourself so much, Monsieur Montblanc."

"I am a dimensional businessman. Because I found an interesting soul here, I came here specially. I want to ask Mr. Montblanc if you are interested in making a deal with me?"

"Dimensional merchant!?"

Kuri Kate rolled his throat violently.

Although he is dedicated to finding clues to the Golden Land, he is not a solitary person who does not hear anything from the window.

During this period of time, the news of the dimensional businessman has already caused a lot of noise in the sea.

Even if you don't believe in the existence of another world, some people will treat it as a joke and communicate with people around you...

Like a fairy tale based on his ancestor Rolando.

However, when such a dreamlike figure suddenly appeared in front of him, Kuri Kate's heart trembled in disappointment.

"You are the dimensional businessman mentioned in the newspaper!?"

Curricate stretched out his finger to point at Lin Luo, but suddenly felt that it was not polite, so he quickly retracted it.

I saw his face flushed, even under the suppression of Lin Luo's superpower, he couldn't restrain his excitement.


Lin Luo nodded lightly, his dark pupils seemed to be as vast and deep as a galaxy filled with sky.

He looked at Curricate like this, and said slowly:
"Very desperate."

A flat voice fell into Curry Kate's ears.

"What?" Kuri Kate looked at him blankly, a little confused.

Lin Luo continued: "In order to wash off the title of big talker on my ancestors, I dived day after day, looking for clues, but in the end I only got a whole body of diseases."

"This kind of life is very hopeless, right?"

Lin Luo looked at Kuri Kate calmly, but that indifferent gaze seemed to penetrate Kuri Kate's body and hit his heart directly.

"I, I don't understand what you're talking about!"

Under those mysterious eyes, Kurikat's spirit suddenly froze, as if only those eyes that see through everything were left in the world.


Facing his vigilance, Lin Luo just smiled lightly and continued:
"I can see it, Monsieur Montblanc. I can see everything that happens to you."

"That's why I purposely appeared in front of you."

"You have traveled 400 years, and you have to pursue the romance of the truth, which moved me, a person from another world."

"So I appeared in front of you, hoping to provide you with some deals."

While speaking, Lin Luo suddenly snapped his fingers lightly.

It was clearly a snap of fingers, but it was like a huge seal stamped on the bottom of Kuri Kate's heart, making him in a trance for a while.

And when his spirit gathered again...

He suddenly discovered that he had come to the sky.

And under him, there is a skull-shaped island.

The same island as the chart he found from the deep sea! ! !

 Thank you for the support of my monthly ticket, I am so elegant and ride a shark in the East China Sea! ! !

  I didn't want to write it in detail, but when I looked up this information, I suddenly felt that the plot here was really too romantic, so I wanted to write more about it for Kuri Kate.

  Inexplicable romance, illogical romance.

  Maybe it's a pirate...

(End of this chapter)

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