Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 134 Let's go to heaven together!

Chapter 134 Let's go to heaven together!

"This, what is this place?"

Seeing the incredible scene in front of him, Kuli Keite couldn't help asking.

Although he had already guessed in his heart, the sudden excitement still made him unable to believe everything in front of him.

That skeleton island is exactly the same as in the sea map, that mysterious place that only appears in dreams.

"This is Gaya Island 400 years ago!"

An ethereal voice drifted into Kurikat's ears.

I saw Lin Luo slowly appearing in front of him with a smile on his face.

With a wave of his hand, a dark cloud suddenly descended on the world, suppressing the entire sky.

Lin Luo explained to Kuli Keite:

"About 400 years ago, when your ancestor Rolando arrived on this island."

"Using advanced scientific knowledge, he helped the aboriginal Shandia on the island to solve many problems, gained the recognition and trust of the Shandia people, and at the same time saw the secrets that the Shandia family has guarded for hundreds of years And that city made of gold—Shandora!"


Lin Luo shook his head slightly, with a look of regret on his face.

He waved his arms lightly again.

All of a sudden!
Kuli Keite's eyes widened in an instant, and an expression of incomparable horror appeared on his diamond-shaped face.

Under him and Lin Luo, the calm sea suddenly rolled and boiled, like a roaring monster.

Under the dark sky, the entire island began to tremble.

And right now!
Suddenly, a large-scale upwelling current erupted from the depths of the seabed, directly destroying the island and splitting it in half.

Most of the islands stayed in place, while the other half of the islands flew directly into the sky with the rising current.

"This...this is!!?"

Kuli Kait's eyes trembled, and he stretched out his finger to point at the picture in front of him, but he was too excited to make any sound, and could only silently watch the earth-shattering scene in front of him.

And looking at the half of the island that was left in the sea below him, and seeing the extremely familiar shape of the island, Kuli Kait instantly realized all the truth.

It turns out that the legendary golden town of Shandora did not sink into the bottom of the sea, but was blasted to the sky.

Lin Luo continued to explain:
"That's right, as you can see, the truth you've been looking for is actually right above your head!"

"Your ancestor, Rolando, did not lie. The lost Golden Country is right above Gaya Island! It is right above our heads!"

"At an altitude of [-] meters above the sea level, the legendary golden town of Shangla is right there!!!"

"Ten thousand meters..."

Kuliket murmured softly, and then fell into silence.

At this moment, he no longer knew what to say.

He didn't even know whether he should be excited and happy to learn the truth of history at this time, or regret and question his wasted efforts and useless efforts in the past few decades.

Fortunately, Lin Luo didn't give him too much time to immerse himself in his inner world.

With a crisp finger snapping sound, Kuli Keite's vision blurred, and he returned to the real world again.

"How does it feel to know the truth?"

Lin Luo put down his palm, with a relaxed smile on his face, and asked Kuli Keite.


At this time, Kuli Keite shook his head and replied:
"I have no idea……"

He raised his head and looked at the sky far away.

But apart from the blue sky and the leisurely white clouds, he couldn't see any abnormality at all.

He couldn't understand why there were islands in the sky.

Just when he was at a loss, Lin Luo suddenly smiled and said:

"Well, do you want to go up and take a look?"

! ! ?

"What!?" Kuli Kate was taken aback for a moment.

"Go up, take a look?" He repeated it subconsciously, and then immediately showed an expression of disbelief:
"You mean, above the height of [-] meters? How can this be..."

Kuli Keite, who was about to refute, stopped suddenly.

He suddenly realized that the young man standing in front of him at this moment was not a simple character!

He is from a different world in the legend...

Even being able to do such things as traveling through the world, what a small [-]-meter-high altitude is nothing!
He looked at Lin Luo, clasped his hands tightly, and his body kept trembling:

"Really... can it be done? Reaching an altitude of [-] meters?"

"Of course!" Lin Luo replied in a confident and firm tone, as if he had never taken this matter seriously.

"Is that so..."

Curry Kate, who got an affirmative answer, suddenly became more excited, but he still forced himself to calm down.

After taking a few deep breaths, he raised his head again, his eyes gradually brightened:
"Please tell me, the dimensional businessman, how can I get there, above the [-]-meter altitude!?"

After making the mental preparations, Kuri Kate's eyes were unusually respectful, and her tone of voice changed naturally.

"It's simple."

Lin Luo continued to maintain a mysterious smile, and summoned a virtual light screen with a wave of his hand, and many flying Pokémon appeared above it.

He said softly:

"Just come and make a deal with me, and that's it!"


Kuli Keite, who has read newspaper news, is not particularly unfamiliar with the transaction, and he has also learned about some news content before...

Kuli Kait nodded immediately, his eyes were firm, and he said word by word:

"My lord, make a deal with me!"

"no problem."

The smile on Lin Luo's face widened a bit.

He pointed at Kuliket again, directly projected the trading interface into his mind, and informed him of the trading knowledge.

"Next, you can decide in your mind the items you want to trade, exchange them for corresponding points, and then exchange them for Pokémon that can help you fly into the clouds!"


A large amount of information poured into Kuli Keite's mind like a torrent, allowing him to instantly understand all the contents of the dimensional transaction.

He immediately chose from the interface in his mind.

Don't look at his extremely poor life, but Kuli Keite is not poor at all!
Don't forget, he is the leader of the Saruyama United Army. If he doesn't get sick, his strength is not even weaker than that of Sanji who reached Gaya Island in the original book!

And the other two in this joint army are famous big pirates nearby. One has a bounty of 3600 million Baileys and the other has a bounty of 2300 million Baileys.

As the leader of such a combination, if he didn't focus on pursuing romance with himself, he could completely dominate the great route.

What's more, salvaging sunken ships on the great route is a very profitable business!

If it hadn't been for so many years of pursuing the truth in their hearts and investing most of their funds in salvage equipment, Kuli Keite and the others would have a net worth of a small billion Bailey!

Soon, Curry Kate decided in his mind the materials he wanted to trade.

This time, he was completely alone, putting all his net worth on it, including the gold products he had collected in the depths of the sea that might have come from the lost city of Shangra.

Now that the truth has been learned, let's make the best use of the remaining things!
After a while, Kuli Keite slowly opened his eyes.

Lin Luo's voice also came again at this time:
"Congratulations, Mr. Montblanc, you have exchanged a total of 1000 points for this transaction, and you have successfully upgraded to a VIP1 member of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce..."

"This is your personal information."

A virtual light screen appeared in front of Curry Kate:
【Monblanc Coolikate】

【VIP level: 1】

【VIP experience: 1000/2000】

【Current points: 1000】

"One thousand points?"

Kuli Keite, who already knew the trading rules, nodded, not much different from what he expected.

Originally, according to his estimation, the batch of jewelry and gold he traded was about 5 million Baileys.

After familiarizing himself with his information interface, he immediately looked at Lin Luo respectfully.

"Please tell me, what kind of Pokémon should I exchange to reach the empty island at an altitude of [-] meters!?"

"Ha ha……"

Seeing Kuli Kate's inner eagerness but not daring to show it, Lin Luo chuckled again, and then showed a Pokémon that had already been prepared.

【Pokémon: Bi Diao】

[Attributes: General, Flying]

[Characteristics: Strong chest muscles (abundant physical fitness, will not reduce physical condition due to external environment.)]

【Level: 30】

【Price: 1000 points】


Kuli Keite, who didn't know anything about Pokémon at all, immediately watched Bi Diao on the screen intently for a while, and after a while, he asked with some uncertainty:

"Master Dimensional Merchant, is this Bi Diao the Pokémon that can take me to an altitude of [-] meters?"

"That's right!"

Lin Luo nodded with a smile and introduced:
"Bi Diao, ordinary, flying-type Pokémon, is a Pokémon with excellent flying ability. It often soars in the sky at a height of a thousand meters. Even if it is a difficult flying environment, they can perfectly overcome it!"

"And the bidiao I chose for you is even the best among bidiaos!"

"Because of the particularity of the living environment, it has a body shape far beyond normal standards. After spreading its wings, its back is 5 meters big, enough to drive several people to fly high in the sky."

"The huge wings also bring it a powerful flying ability. Compared with the normal Bidiao, its flying speed at high altitude can be maintained at an average of Mach 3, which is 1.5 times that of the normal Bidiao."

"In addition, this bird has hidden characteristics and strong chest muscles, which make it more energetic and can perfectly overcome the discomfort caused by special environments. Even in high altitudes where oxygen is thin, its strength There will be no attenuation!"

Like a mature shopping guide, Lin Luo continuously mentioned many advantages of Bidiao.

Although he already has 35 points in the system, he has not forgotten his roots. Even if it is only a "small" transaction of a few thousand points, the service is very good.

In fact, even in the Pokémon world, there are not many Pokémon that can fly at an altitude of [-] meters.

This Bi Diao seems to have been born specially for Kuli Keite.

as predicted.

After listening to Lin Luo's introduction, Kuli Keite's eyes lit up immediately, and he nodded without any hesitation.

"Master Dimensional Merchant, I want this bird!"

"This is simply, it suits me so well!"

He said firmly, as if he was afraid that Lin Luo would go back on his word.

And Lin Luo also expected his reaction, and immediately deducted his only 1000 points with a smile, and handed over the poke ball with Bi Diao.

"Good business, then, Monsieur Montblanc."

"Thank you sir!"

Kuli Kite bowed deeply, and then respectfully took Bi Diao's Poké Ball.

Having been instilled in Lin Luo to try Pokémon, he held the Poké Ball he saw for the first time without any sense of unfamiliarity, and directly faced the open space in front of him, releasing Bi Diao.


In an instant, a big bird waving huge wings appeared in front of Lin Luo and the two of them.

Kuli Kait reached out and stroked Bi Diao's fluff, the corners of his mouth raised, showing a look of surprise.

And Lin Luo, who was next to him, couldn't help but click his tongue when he saw the Bi Diao in front of him.

I can't see it when I'm in the system, but once I get to the real world...

The huge Bi Diao can be called the best in both imposing manner and appearance!

At least in Lin Luo's mind, this Bi Diao is almost the most beautiful Pokémon he has ever traded!
In fact, the Suicune in the Kingdom of Alabasta is also very good-looking, but since Lin Luo saw Gouhao's Suicune on Earth, he has unconsciously put on colored glasses for this little mythical beast Pokémon.


Not even a dog!



The sea breeze caressed.

With the appearance of Bi Diao, the coast of Gaya Island became lively again.

Kuli Kate, who was exposed to Pokémon for the first time, was obviously very excited. He looked around at Bi Diao, as if he wanted to study this big guy from another world thoroughly.

And because of the special treatment of the system, Bi Diao is also very enthusiastic about his new master.

One person, one bird, you come and go, and they quickly become acquainted.

During this period, Kuli Kate also invited Lin Luo to his humble house (really) to have a sit down.

Looking at the small house hidden in the background of the castle, Lin Luo suddenly became interested and agreed.

The two started chatting casually.

Although for Lin Luo now, Kuli Kaido is like an ant-like figure.

But when Lin Luo was on Earth, he was indeed moved by his past, so he was willing to put down his figure and communicate with him cordially.

After that, Lin Luo was like a customer service, patiently answering the questions about Pokémon raised by Kuli Keite, answering them one by one.

And being able to communicate with such a great existence as Lin Luo made Kuli Keite very excited.

Time passed by like this.

Soon, it was afternoon.

The Orangutan Pirates and the Ape Pirates who went out to carry out salvage operations also returned one after another.

Under Kuli Keite's explanation, the eyes of the two of them widened in an instant, and their mouths were almost out of shape.


Another half an hour later.

After explaining, Kuli Kaido returned to the house again, and solemnly said to Lin Luo, who was designing the Sky Island Elf Center:

"We have already decided, Master Lin Luo!"


Lin Luo separated his consciousness from the system. Although he already knew the answer, he still looked at Kuli Kaido and asked:

"What's been decided?"

Kuli Kaido and the orangutans and personnel behind him stood up straight and replied in unison:
"Choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun!"

"We decided to take Bi Diao tonight, [-] meters in the sky ahead, to find out!"

After confirming that Bi Diao could easily carry the weight of the three of them, Kuli Kaido couldn't bear it for a quarter of an hour, and wished to fly into the sky immediately to find the clues about Shangra left by his ancestors.

"That's it."

There was an imperceptible smile on the corner of Lin Luo's mouth.

Noticing the fiery eyes of the three, he said with a smile:
"Since you have made up your mind, I just plan to go to Sky Island to deal with some things..."

"Then let us fly into the sky together!"

(End of this chapter)

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