Chapter 135
In the moon-star-sparse night sky, two strange figures appeared high above the sky, and shuttled upwards continuously.

"Master Dimensional Merchant, you are really amazing!"

The three of Kuli Keite, who were lying on the safety seat on Bi Diao's back, were stunned.

At Bi Diao's flight speed of up to Mach 3, they even found it difficult to raise their heads, but Lin Luo, who was beside them, relied on his physical body to fly at high speed in the sky recklessly.

The two figures quickly widened the gap.

Although it is said that they went to the sky together, how can Lin Luo's speed be comparable to that of a level 30 bird.

After saying hello, Lin Luo flew straight into the sky, and with the help of the moonlight, rushed towards the clouds in the distant sky.

Although it was already dark, under the moonlight, Lin Luo could clearly see Yunjuanyunshu in front of him.

Passing through the layers of moist clouds like wandering fog, an inexplicable resistance suddenly blocked in front of him.

"It's coming..."

Lin Luo grinned.

According to the setting of One Piece World, I should be at an altitude of 7000 meters now.

At this location, the cloud layer is mainly composed of a special type of cloud called "sea cloud", forming a sea that can allow ships to navigate - the White Sea.

And Lin Luo's destination is to be at an altitude of 3000 meters, [-] meters above the White Sea—Bai Baihai!

With the sound of a diaphragm being pierced, Lin Luo's figure suddenly appeared above the white clouds.

The moonlight shone on him, magnifying his shadow infinitely, and reflecting it on the white sea below, like a giant spirit god descending from the sky.

"Hoo~ it's finally here!"

Lin Luo, who hadn't been on the road in person for a long time, smiled slightly, and waved out the little Ibrahimovic who was still playing "Pokémon Arceus" in a different space.

Ibrahimovic, who suddenly appeared, was taken aback for a moment, staring blankly at the unfamiliar scene in front of him, and his two paws were still controlling the movement of the game console.

"Bee!? (Where is this?)"

"This is Sky Island."

Lin Luo chuckled, as if interrupting Ibrahimovic's game was a pleasure.

Then, regardless of Little Ibrahimovic's resistance, he placed it on his shoulder directly, and said with a smile:

"Stop obsessing over the game, little one."

"For a while, but there is a hard battle for you to fight!"

While speaking, Lin Luo suddenly dissipated the super power on his body, completely exposing his aura.

At the same time, he activated his knowledge-colored arrogance, covering the entire sky island.

In less than a second, Lin Luo's eyes suddenly flashed a bright light.

He cracked his lips and said with a smile:
"I found you, God of Sky Island!"

The super power was activated instantly, and Lin Luo's figure suddenly disappeared in place.

And at this moment!
In the dormitory of Apayado, Island of the Gods, after a day of leisure, Ainilu, who was about to eat the last apple and go to sleep, was also startled suddenly, and his eyes showed surprise.

"Strange, how could someone suddenly appear there!?"

He muttered curiously, and just wanted to release the domineering arrogance mixed with radio waves to find out.

A strange voice suddenly sounded beside his ears:

"Good evening, Enel."

Anilo:! ! ?

Stab it!

Dazzling electric light flashed in an instant, and a thundering electric light instantly hit the direction where the sound appeared.

"Who is there!?"

He shouted loudly, and at the same time elementalized his body, turned into a dazzling thunder, left his little bed that had just been warmed up, and stood in the middle of the bedroom.

When he looked up, he suddenly found a strange man standing beside his little bed, looking at him with a smile on his face.


Enilu, who possesses a powerful knowledge ability, broke out in a cold sweat in an instant.

Because in his perception, that friendly smile is like a monster that eats people without spitting out bones, looking at a plate of delicious food.

"Damn mortals, dare to trespass in the god's bedroom!!!"

The whole body of Anilu exudes blazing electric light, but at this moment his complexion is as ferocious as a flower roll just out of the pot, and an impetuous heat rises from his naked body, and it is hard to tell whether it is anger or redness!
Thinking that he is a majestic god, he was taken aback by a mortal today!
If word of this gets out, where will his Enel face be saved!
Without even thinking about it, Anilu stretched out one hand directly, and a thunder light suddenly appeared in his palm.

"Give me death!"

The terrifying thunder light was launched instantly, like a sharp arrow, directly hitting Lin Luo's heart.

However, in the face of Ainilu's attack, Lin Luo smiled indifferently, stretched out a finger lightly, and tapped directly on the thunder light.

All of a sudden!
A magical scene happened!

After the blazing electric light touched Lin Luo's finger, it was as if time stood still for an instant, standing in midair, motionless.

Even the rhythm of the flashing light was fixed at this moment.

Lin Luo smiled unabated, and said softly:

"Really, why are the current customers so irritable?"

"Business is getting worse and worse..."

Lin Luo muttered half-smiling and half-jokingly.

While speaking, he bent his fingers and flicked lightly at the thunder light.

At this moment, the thunder light released by Enilo seemed to have substance, and it flew towards the wall behind Enilo in an instant.

The thunder light hit the wall, and instantly erupted with terrifying power, like a heavy hammer, bombarding the wall, knocking out a huge hole in the wall immediately.


Feeling the explosion from behind him, Enilo fell into a daze for an instant.

He didn't understand why he just shot an ordinary fletcher and returned a cruise missile.

Looking at Lin Luo's dark and deep pupils from a close distance, even he, who claims to be a god, has a cold sweat on his forehead.

For the first time, he felt that he could not defeat the person in front of him.

It's not that Enilo admits cowardice.

It's because his knowledgeable domineering is too outstanding, so outstanding...

It was even possible to detect the bottomless terrifying strength of Lin Luo.

At first he just thought it was an illusion, but after seeing that Lin Luo was able to block his own lightning with one finger, Enilo was instantly sure...

There is nothing wrong with my heart network!

The person in front of him can't be beaten by himself! ! !

"You... who are you!?"

Enilo looked nervous and asked vigilantly.

Letting him down like a god is even more uncomfortable than killing him.

But it is precisely because of his affirmation of his own strength that Enilo is even more afraid of Lin Luo in front of him.

"Me?" Lin Luo still had a smile on his face, and suddenly snapped his fingers when he stretched out his hand.

An invisible wave burst out instantly.

In the residence of the gods, the guards and priests who had heard the abnormal noise suddenly closed their eyes, as if they were hypnotized, and stunned in place.

Then he replied:
"I'm a dimensional businessman from the Ten Thousand Worlds Chamber of Commerce, and I'm here, looking for a predestined trader..."

"Myriad Realms Chamber of Commerce? Dimensional merchants?"

Enilo, who has never been in contact with the outside world, has no concept of a different world in his mind, and his face instantly shows a state of confusion.

But Lin Luo smiled lightly, and stretched out his hand to the void in front of him.

Information about Pokémon and transactions instantly flowed into Enel's mind like a stream of water.

After a while, he slowly opened his eyes, with an expression of disbelief in them.

He looked at Lin Luo again.

Unconsciously, he began to compare the gap between himself and Lin Luo...

The opponent seems to be closer to the title of "God".


Enilu, who understood everything, was at a loss for words for a moment.

In fact, he wanted to apologize to Lin Luo for his offense just now, but he, who has always been arrogant, couldn't let go of his figure no matter what.

Fortunately, Lin Luo didn't care about it.

Because just now, he had carefully scanned the supplies on the entire empty island, and suddenly discovered that there was a large amount of gold stored in a room of Enilo's God's Residence.

From the perspective of Lin Luo's exchange during this period, that batch of gold can be exchanged for at least 30 points!

And this is only part of the gold reserves in Sky Island.

In the underground Shangra, there is still a large amount of gold.

It's just that because Enilo hasn't picked the gold yet, the gold at this time is still unowned and cannot be traded.


For 30 points, even if one-fifth of it is given to Anel, the rest is enough to make Lin Luo excited!

For the sake of points, Lin Luo took the initiative to attack when he saw that Anilu hadn't spoken for a while.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Aini Road:

"So, Enel, the God of Sky Island, are you interested in a dimensional transaction that spans the world?"


Enilu hesitated for a moment, but he still refused to finish speaking.

After a while, he suddenly raised his head again, fixed his eyes on Lin Luo and asked:
"Are you a god?"


Lin Luo, who observed Enilu's true thoughts through the power of the waveguide, was stunned for a moment, and then a heartfelt smile appeared on his face.

He felt an extremely unreal feeling in Enilo's heart.

Obviously, after suddenly knowing that he was just a frog in a well, he had self-doubt about his own existence and significance.

He replied:

"If it's the god in your mind, I think..."

"Yes I am."

Lin Luo smiled lightly, and waved a powerful superpower, forming a huge palm, which suddenly enveloped Enilo's head.

A deadly sense of crisis invaded his brain instantly.

But when his life was at stake, Anilu found out in horror that his body could not move a single bit, and he could only watch the terrifying giant palm slapping him.

Just when Anilu thought that his question had angered Lin Luo, the palm of Qingtian exploded like a balloon and disappeared on the spot.

And Lin Luo continued to answer:

"If the gods are able to control the lives of creatures at will and know everything in the world, I can indeed do this."

"Not only that, I can also freeze time, reverse life and death, cut space, and change the world..."

"According to your understanding, for your world, I am indeed a god-like existence."

Lin Luo was smiling, and there was no contempt in his tone, as if he was introducing a simple truth.

But exactly so,
After seeing the mysterious jet-black light shining in Lin Luo's deep pupils, Enilo seemed to see a real god.

The arrogance in the eyes gradually dissipated, replaced by a strong respect.

Pfft! ! !
Under Lin Luo's surprised eyes, the arrogant and invincible Enilu actually knelt down on the ground with a plop!

He unloaded the Drum of Thunder God behind him, bowed his head suddenly and kowtowed:

"My lord, my lord, Ai Nilu, I request to follow my lord, in order to repay my kindness, I hope my lord will agree!"


Lin Luo, who was about to guide Anilu to make a deal, was taken aback for a moment. Looking at Ainilu who was kneeling on the ground, his two eyes instantly turned into peas.

What do you mean?
you want to follow me?
Lin Luo blinked in confusion, and looked at Enilu in disbelief.

what's the situation?
Shouldn't you raise doubts in the normal script, let me show my hands and introduce the power of Pokémon, and seduce you to exchange gold for points?
Why all of a sudden, it became the plot of domineering and randomly accepting the younger brother?
This script, isn't it?
Is this still the god of thunder Enilo who claims to be a god and thinks "the sky is the boss, my second child"?
Ai Nilu's abnormal behavior made Lin Luo instantly confused.

It's not that he doesn't like the feeling of being respected and worshiped by others.

The point is, if Lin Luo accepts the younger brother of Ai Nilu, then the property of Ai Nilu will be automatically assigned to Lin Luo's name...

In this way, he can't take advantage of the loopholes in the rules of heaven to exchange points!
No, this little brother can't accept it!

Lin Luo calmed down, and immediately used the power of waveguide and the arrogance of knowledge to explore the depths of Enilo's heart.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he encountered something beyond his expectations since he traveled through time.

After a while, Lin Luo suddenly showed a dumbfounding expression, and only then did he understand why Anilu suddenly accepted his head and bowed.


In Enilo's heart, gods are the supreme existence!
Just like when he thought he was a god, he could control everything in the sky island, and asked all the people in the sky island to respect him and obey him...

This is not because he has any desire to dominate.

It's because in Enilo's heart, mortals should treat gods in this way.

So after realizing the chasm-like gap between himself and Lin Luo's strength, he immediately recognized Lin Luo's [God] status.

That's why he knelt on the ground and offered his faith to the "god".

Such a change in mentality really seriously exceeded Lin Luo's expectations.

He couldn't help but silently smiled wryly.

Well, I dug a hole and dug myself in.

Now he must change Enilo's idea of ​​worshiping gods...

Otherwise, in Enilo's subconscious mind, there is the idea that "everything in the world belongs to the gods".

This will completely wipe out the hundreds of thousands of points that Lin Luo was thinking about!

Enil, Enil, I didn't expect you, a skinny guy with big ears, to hide such a pious heart.


I still like your unruly look at the beginning, can you restore it? ?

Lin Luo coughed lightly, and said with a little helplessness:
"Get up, Enel."

With a wave of his hand, he called out a super power, and forcibly lifted Enilu's body up.

Lin Luo continued to shake his head and said:
"A real god will not stand at the same height as believers who believe in him."

At this moment, Lin Luo was extremely grateful that he lived in a country where the people were the masters of the country and everyone was like a dragon before crossing.

For Lin Luo, it may be difficult to change a person's beliefs.

But he has a lot of persuasion to stop feudal superstition!
(End of this chapter)

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