Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 136 The Deal of 2 Diseases

Chapter 136 The Deal of the Second Disease

Sensing that Lin Luo seemed to have something to say, Anilu slowly raised his head, his pious eyes were a little dazed, as if he couldn't understand the meaning of Lin Luo's words.

Lin Luo took a step forward, walking in front of Enilo exuding a friendly atmosphere all over his body, and asked with a light smile:

"What do you think, if I am really a god, what does your following mean to me?"


Staring at Lin Luo's star-like pupils, Enilo couldn't answer this question for a while.

One's own power is like an ant in the eyes of the gods.

The heart net that can spy on all the voices of the heart is even more useless in front of the omniscient god.

Such a self, what qualifications does he have to follow a god who is greater than the greatest?

He once called himself a god, he knows very well...

Gods don't need the followers of mortals at all.

Mortals are just tools for the entertainment of the gods.

As for myself, it seems that I don't even have the ability to entertain the gods.

The arrogant Enilo discovered for the first time that he was so useless at this time that he couldn't even find a reason to follow the gods.


He choked up.

But at this moment, Lin Luo suddenly smiled again, and an invisible force formed with waving hands, supporting Enilu who was kneeling on the ground.

"Remember what I just said?" Lin Luo smiled mysteriously, "The god in your heart will not stand at the same height as the mortals who believe in Him..."


"You and I are standing on the same piece of land now, why is that?"

Hearing Lin Luo's question again, Enilo's eyes suddenly paused, revealing a look of doubt.


In his cognition, gods don't need to talk to any mortals, and mortals are not worthy to stand on the same land as gods.

But now, the god in his cognition is acquainted with him intimately and has a friendly conversation with him.

This is completely inconsistent with the behavior of the gods in Enilo's mind.

"I, I don't know."

Like a well-behaved and obedient student, Enil shook his head slightly, and his two huge earlobes followed his head in the air.

Seeing Anilu's thoughts being drawn by him, the corners of Lin Luo's mouth immediately raised slightly.

At the same time, he sighed in his heart: The novels read for so many years are indeed not in vain.

To deal with a middle school boy like Anilu, one must use a more middle school thinking than him.

Lin Luo smiled lightly, and said to Enilo again:

"That's because there are no gods in this world, or in other words, everyone can become a god!"

"Can everyone become a god?"

Enilu's eyes trembled, as if he had heard some incredible theory, he quickly asked anxiously:
"My lord is saying, can I also become a powerful existence like you?"

"Of course!"

Lin Luo nodded as it should.

With a wave of hands, a huge environment was created again.

This time, what appeared in the picture was a teenager wearing a red and white peaked cap, and a yellow mouse tied around the waist and abdomen with a nylon rope.


Lin Luo brought out Xiaozhi's story again.

Only this time, the timeline he set started with the episode where Xiaozhi and Pikachu met.

At the beginning, Enilo was still unclear about the illusion in front of him, so he didn't know why the Lord God showed him this.

But soon...

Under the acceleration of Lin Luo's thinking, the plot moves forward rapidly.

Xiaozhi and Pikachu experienced many adventures, experienced countless difficulties and obstacles, but finally overcome them one by one.

Because he was living on an empty island with little spiritual civilization, Enilo, who had never heard of fairy tales, was immediately attracted by Xiaozhi's journey.

He watched a young man starting from a small town, and a seemingly weak electric mouse, step by step to an unimaginable peak, emerging in conference after conference.

In the end, Xiaozhi and Pikachu turned out to be equal to gods with mortal bodies!

Watching Xiaozhi and Pikachu fight against god-like Pokémon in adventure after adventure...

Enel's blood boiled instantly, like a child watching a cartoon for the first time.

To know!
The illusions created by Lin Luo are all scenes that have actually appeared in the Pokémon world, which is different from animations that weaken visual effects to save money...

In this illusion, the mythical beasts fighting against Pikachu really have the power to destroy the world!
Dialga who controls time, Palkia who distorts space, Giratina who rules the mysterious antimatter world, Yveltal who symbolizes destruction, and Arceus who created the world.

These mythical beast Pokémon with their own priesthood are simply real gods in the eyes of Enilo!

But even so, Xiaozhi and Pikachu, who were born in a small village, were still able to fight back and forth with them.

Thunder thundered all over the world, lightning flashed across Kyushu!
After seeing Pikachu's power, Enilo even felt ashamed of the title of Thor he gave himself, his face was flushed, shy and excited.

Under the acceleration of Lin Luo's thinking, in just ten minutes, Enilo has finished watching several Pokémon animations with some deletions, including a few brilliant theatrical versions of Pikachu.

With a crisp finger snap sounded in the ears.

Enilu's confused eyes suddenly paused, and then slowly regained clarity.


He looked slightly excited.

At this moment, even if Lin Luo didn't need to say anything, Ai Nilu knew what Lin Luo wanted to tell him.

Even a humble mortal can become a god-like existence.

Everyone can become a god!

"My lord, I understand everything!"

Ai Nilu looked at Lin Luo excitedly, clenched his fists and was very excited.

"You want to tell me that there are no real gods in this world! Gods are just powerful individuals with special abilities!"

"As long as you are talented and willing to work hard, even a mortal can become an existence comparable to a god!"

"Ruzi can be taught!"

Seeing Ai Nilu who had been tricked back by him, Lin Luo immediately showed a gratified smile on his face.

He watched Enilo's flickering eyes and explained:

"When people see an unknown and powerful existence, two phenomena often occur..."

"A kind of people will regard these powerful beings as indescribable and unspeakable gods, retreat alone, and then offer incense to them, in the hope that the powerful beings can bless themselves, but they don't know that the powerful beings have never put them on in the eyes."

"I think you should have a deep understanding of this feeling, right?"

Lin Luo squinted and asked Enilo with a smile.


Enilu groaned and nodded slowly.

The residents on Sky Island did, as Lin Luo said, regard him as a god and worship him.

But in fact, in his eyes, all the residents of Sky Island are just like ants.

Lin Luo continued:

"And the second type of people, after seeing the powerful existence, will explore the root, find the reason, attribute it to themselves, and let themselves improve!"

"Relying on their own wisdom and hard work, they are constantly moving forward and gradually approaching that powerful existence..."

"And eventually……"

"Become a powerful existence!!!"

Lin Luo stared at Enilo with deep eyes, stared into his eyes, and said with a smile:
"The former type of person will only be an ant in the eyes of the so-called [gods] for the rest of their lives."

"And the latter kind of people will eventually become the same kind of people who can have a good time with the [God]!"

"El Nilu."

Lin Luo suddenly called Ai Nilu's name, which made the middle school boy in front of him instantly refreshed, as if he was about to accept some order, he couldn't help standing up straight.

Only Lin Luo continued to say:
"The gods are false, but they are also true!"

"But gods are not alone!"

"You have great talent and the drive to put that talent into action."

"Should I become an ant in the eyes of the gods, or become another god..."

"Your own path is up to you to decide!"

Boom! ! !

Lin Luo's words exploded in Enilo's heart like a thunderbolt.

To become an ant, or to become a god...

There is no need to think about such a question at all!
How could he, who was once a god, be willing to be that unrecognizable ant!

He immediately said seriously:

"I want to become a god!"

"Become an existence comparable to you, my lord!!!"

In the world of pirates, the most indispensable thing is arrogance.

After getting Lin Luo's call, the arrogance in Anilu's heart immediately surged up, and his eyes shone brightly.

The power of thunder and lightning in his body shone uncontrollably around his body under his passionate heart.

"Very good! Very energetic!!!"

Lin Luo was startled loudly, with a smile on his face.

"Fortunately, he is someone I value!"

"You used to be bound by a narrow vision!"

"I believe that after you have seen the mountains, you will definitely become the existence that bravely climbs the peak and stands on the highest point overlooking the world!"

"Only by seeing more worlds and recognizing more powerful existences can you evolve into your true self!"

"So, let's trade! Enel!"

Seeing that, Lin Luotu waved his hands and once again transformed the power of the Pokémon world into a huge ring-shaped illusion, surrounding them.

"Trading broadens your horizons, and trading strengthens your insights."

"Use your body to perceive that new world! Approach it, understand it, and go beyond it!!!"

"You will eventually become a better version of yourself!"

Discussion: How to change the thinking of a middle school boy?

Answer: Make him more secondary!

Lin Luo chuckled, stretched out his hand and signaled to Anilo:
"So, what do you think, Enel?"


Encouraged by Lin Luo's deafening words, Enilu immediately took a step forward, looked directly at the various destructive beasts around him, and said immediately:

"I want to make a deal, Master Lin Luo!"

"as you wish!"

Lin Qing, who finally settled the unexpected situation, chuckled, and immediately projected the trading system interface into Ainil's mind.

"Come on, choose the item you want to trade!"

A rich system interface instantly appeared in Anilu's mind.

As the only god on this empty island, the wealth owned by Enilo is not only the gold.

Although gold occupies the bulk, the amount of other miscellaneous things added together is enough to shock everyone!
Following Anilu's thought, the entire God's Residence suddenly began to shake violently.

A large amount of supplies disappeared without a sound, as if swallowed by the void.

And when Enilo opened his eyes again, a mobile phone Rotom with the screen on had already appeared in front of him.

Seeing the points recorded in the system, Lin Luo immediately said with a smile:
"Congratulations, Anilo, you have become a VIP5 member of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce!"

"It is also the third VIP5 member in the entire Pirate World."

"I'm always looking forward to surpassing this world and becoming you who is a real god!"

"I will not disgrace my life!"

Enilo replied in a deep voice, and immediately looked at the screen of the mobile phone Rotom.

And at this moment, he, who already knew the information about the transaction and Pokémon, suddenly lit up, as if there was a faint flash of electricity.

And between his eyes, his own information interface is also reflected:

【Ani Road】

【VIP level: 5】

【VIP experience: 70000/100000】

【Current points: 70000】

"7W points!"

Although Enilo doesn't care about world affairs, he also knows the currency summary between Qinghai and Sky Island.

7 points, converted into Baileys in Qinghai, that is a full 350 billion Baileys!
Even as the God of Sky Island, after seeing such a huge amount of points, Enilo was still slightly in a trance for a while.

But soon, he was pulled back by the momentum in his heart again!
It's just 7W points.

For him whose goal is to become a god, this is just the beginning!

Enilu grinned, forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart, bowed slightly, and asked respectfully:
"My lord, the points have been redeemed, please continue to give me some pointers, I don't know how to use my points!"

Now that the points have been redeemed, he certainly won't miss the chance to get Pokémon.

What's more, after seeing the power of the skin god, Enilo also coveted the trainer's identity of commanding Pokémon battles, looking forward to the arrival of his own "skin god".

"No problem." Lin Luo chuckled.

He came prepared and had already selected a batch of Pokémon suitable for Enel in the system.

But when preparing, Lin Luo really didn't think that the gold in Sky Island was so valuable.

After seeing Enilo's 7W points, he immediately deleted most of the prepared Pokémon.

Considering Enilo's character, four options are finally left for him.

Lin Luo snapped his fingers and tapped, summoning four attribute interfaces in the void.

On the interface, four legendary electric-type Pokémon are noted respectively.

They are: Lightning Bird, Thunder God, Kapu Mingming and Thunder Cloud.

These four are all powerful Pokémon with the power of divine beasts, and each of them has a strength level above level 80.

In One Piece World, it is simply a proper general-level combat power!

Of course, the strong strength means that the prices of these four Pokémon are also very beautiful.

Fortunately, Enilo's points reserve is strong enough to win any one of these four.

Controlling the power of thunder and lightning, the resources of the legendary beasts, plus the incomparable hard power...

Everything is perfectly matched with Enilo at this time.

ABCD four options have been listed by Lin Luo.

As for the rest, it depends on how Enilo himself chooses...

(End of this chapter)

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