Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 138 Breaking the stars and raising the banner

Chapter 138 Breaking the stars and raising the banner

Boom! ! !

Early in the morning.

The residents of the sky island who got up early in the morning were preparing to start the day's preparations, but at this moment, a deafening roar suddenly came from far away.

Immediately afterwards, there were thunder and lightning covering the sky and a huge black shadow that could stand up to the sun.

"Then... what is that?"

Residents of Sky Island stopped their work immediately and looked towards the distant sky.

Just at this time, another lightning flashed across the sky, shining on everyone's face.

Immediately afterwards, there was a violent collision sound like a meteorite falling from the sky, accompanied by a subtle, indistinct cry.

"This, is this Sky Island?"

Riding on the giant Bi Diao, they had just crossed the White Sea and arrived at the top of the White Sea. Before they even had time to adapt to the thin oxygen of the White Sea, they were instantly attracted by the strange situation in the sky.

Above everyone's heads, there seemed to be two gods fighting.

All of a sudden, there were thunder and lightning, and the sky and the earth shook.


And in fact.

In the sky above the Baibai Sea, there is indeed a terrifying battle between gods.


With a dull and loud cry, the gigantic figure of Eevee suddenly descended from the sky.

The huge body fell on the hard marble ground, but it did not cause any damage to the ground.

On the opposite side of Ibrahimovic, Thunder Cloud, who had awakened into the form of a spirit beast, was panting heavily.

Even though he was already exhausted and had little physical strength left, he was still exuding blazing blue lightning as he confronted the giant Eevee.

And just behind Lei Dianyun, Enilu, who was also out of breath, was already swollen all over at this time, as if he had been beaten by Fatty.


There was a look of disbelief on Anilu's face, and he looked at Ibrahimovic in front of him incomprehensibly.

Obviously he has turned into a thunder and lightning, but why, he still can't dodge Ibrahimovic's attack?
He who didn't know the ability of the armed color domineering to restrain the fruit, raised a fatal question in his heart.

Ai Nilu originally thought that he could help Lei Dian Yun Yi Er in the battle.

But just now.

If Ibrahimovic hadn't been merciful in the end and withdrew most of his strength, that terrifying shadow ball alone would have made him pass out.

Obviously, Enilo, who relied too much on the ability of natural fruits, met Ibrahimovic, who had mastered the domineering armed color, and had to be beaten.

Although I guessed that the Pokémon will be very powerful, but it is too strong to be so strong!

Whether it was Lei Dianyun or Ibrahimovic, Enilo at this time had a daunting thought.

Don't look at Enil's strength at the level of destroying the island, but in fact, with his current strength, he can only reach the level of more than sixty if he breaks through the sky, which can be regarded as the level of the top Qiwuhai.

However, for him who relies too much on fruit abilities, his real combat power is far from even reaching this level!
The flaws in physical skills became the short board on the wooden barrel, which caused his combat ability to plummet.

It's okay to hide from a distance and discharge electric discharges. Once he is approached by a strong man who is proficient in armed and domineering, he will only be beaten.

In other words, the current Enilo is actually a magician.

His magic attack can reach the level second only to the admiral, but his physical attack and defense are still at the level of a billion-level pirate.

In addition to the domineering armed color controlled by Ibrahimovic, Lei Dianyun's performance also exceeded Enilo's expectations.

It's hard for him to imagine...

In this world, there are creatures who understand thunder and lightning better than him!

I thought I had become the only Thunder God in the world, controlling the power of thunder and lightning.

Unexpectedly, the power erupted from the thunder cloud is several times that of his!
"Are you surprised?"

Just when Enel was addicted to the power of Pokémon.

Seeing that he no longer intends to intervene in the battle between Lei Dianyun and Ibrahimovic, Lin Luo walked to him from the side of the battlefield with a smile on his face.

He pointed at the thunder cloud that was still fighting Ibrahimovic, and said with a smile:

"After all, it is a mythical beast in the Pokémon world. Even in the world of Pirates, there are few opponents."


Enilu yelled in shock, and asked in disbelief:

"Is there any existence in our world that can rival the power of the thunder cloud!?"

Enel, who already knew the trading rules, could understand that the "Pirate World" in Lin Luo's mouth refers to the world they are in now.

But it was precisely because of this that he was so shocked.

It's not as good as Pokémon from another world.

According to Lin Luo, in this world, there are existences as powerful as thunder and lightning clouds! ?
This made him feel a little unacceptable for always thinking that he was the true god of the world.

However, this is the case.

At this time, Enilo is nothing more than a frog in a well with outstanding talent but short-sightedness.

Now that he has already started to subdue him, Lin Luo certainly doesn't want his future younger brother to continue to be a short-sighted person.

He could just take this opportunity to make Enilo aware of the vastness and power of the outside world.

"of course."

Lin Luo nodded with a smile, and continued to make up the knife:
"Let's not talk about thunder clouds, there are not a few existences that are stronger than Ibrahimovic..."


Enilu's eyes widened, and he became even more unbelievable.

And at this moment, the gigantic Ibrahimovic just hugged the gigantic giant enthusiastically, and directly knocked the lightning cloud in the form of a spirit beast into the air.

The terrifying power, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top, immediately made Lei Dianyun stare at him, and almost passed out.

At their level, the difference in power between each level is extremely terrifying, not to mention that there is a difference of 7 levels between Thunder Cloud and Ibrahimovic!
The will of 7 should not be underestimated!

He thought he was the only Thor in the world, but the truth turned out that he was the number one clown among the clouds.

Looking at the terrifying power that could overwhelm mountains and seas, Enilo had mixed feelings in his heart, and even doubted himself for a while.

Fortunately, at this time Lin Luo comforted him and said:

"No need to feel inferior, Enel."

"There are days outside the sky, and there are people outside people."

Lin Luo, who seemed to see through Enilo's heart, said with an elegant smile on his face:
"You used to be an arrogant person, but after seeing the real power, I believe you already know how to go in the future."

"In my eyes, you in the future will never stop in this world..."

"For you after the transaction, it is only a matter of time before you break through the limitations of this world, and your eyes should be set on a more distant future!"

"Don't forget, your goal is to become a [God]!"

"In the future, can I break through this world?"

Under the words of Lin Luo's blessing of superpowers, Anilu's expression was stunned for a moment, but then the sluggishness disappeared in an instant, and turned into a look of tenacious perseverance.

His self-abased heart also gradually regained clarity at this moment.

Enilu suddenly let out a big mouthful of foul air, and his eyes sparkled again.

If someone else said this, he would not believe it.

But if it was Lin Luo, he believed in it! ! !

It turns out that I am so powerful?

A magical idea appeared in Enilo's mind, which restored his temperament to the appearance of the god of the sky island before.

Lin Luo nodded and gestured with his eyes:
"I don't need to lie to you!"

In fact, with Enilo's talent, he is indeed qualified to break out of the world.

Although it is not as good as Luffy and Ace's blood perverts and sons of destiny, but the fruit ability of the destroying island level and the arrogance of a wide range of knowledge are enough to make Enilo's talent rank in the top 20 of the pirate world!
Right now, he just lacks an opportunity to learn.


Lin Luo held such an opportunity in his hands.

Lin Luo's eyes flashed, and he continued:
"The power that Ibrahimovic used on you just now is called Armed Color Domineering, and it is a power that everyone in the Pirate World can exercise!"

"In addition to enhancing attack power and defense power, this energy also has one of the biggest functions..."

"That is the ability to restrain the devil fruit!!!"

"Restraining devil fruit ability?"

Enilu was taken aback suddenly.

Although he doesn't hear anything outside the window, he is actually very clear that his strength comes from the fruit he ate when he was young.

After becoming the God of Sky Island, he also knew that it was something called a devil fruit from Qinghai.

Anil knows that devil fruit can bring various abilities to people, but this is the first time he has heard of the power of restraining devil fruit.

Watching Ibrahimovic step on the thunder cloud under his feet, stomping down with one foot.

His powerful ability of knowledge and knowledge instantly sensed the difference between Ibrahimovic's body and Thunder Cloud's.

"Could it this the armed domineering?" Enilu murmured.

In the past, he didn't know the existence of this force at all.

Now under Lin Luo's introduction, he realized that the jet-black armor-like Qi and blood power on Ibrahimovic's body turned out to be armed domineering.

The corner of Lin Luo's mouth raised, and he couldn't help admiring in his heart:
"This Enilo's talent is extraordinary and extraordinary, and it is absolutely excellent to be a younger brother!"

Thoughts flashed by, he took Enilo's words and said:

"That's right, this is armed domineering! In Qinghai, almost every strong person possesses this kind of power."

Ibrahimovic over there kicked Lei Dianyun's ass viciously with his shiny armed domineering color, but Lin Luo here turned on the big flicker mode.

He raised his eyes and looked up, as if he had penetrated the atmosphere and saw thousands of stars in the universe, and said to Enilo with emotion:

"Have to admit it."

"Even among the many worlds I've seen, the armed domineering power of the Pirate World can definitely be called the best power..."

"So, not long ago, I specially sorted out the cultivation methods and experience of this kind of power, and planned to hand it over to the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Worlds Chamber of Commerce to expand this magical power to thousands of worlds."

"It's a pity that the headquarters of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce does not agree to sell this kind of power to other worlds..."

As he said that, Lin Luo sighed silently, as if the work he had done seriously was not appreciated by the leader.

Seeing Lin Luo's abnormal appearance instantly aroused Enilo's curiosity, and he asked curiously:
"What kind of strong man is needed to fulfill the wish of an adult?"

"What kind of strong man?" Lin Luo smacked his lips, and then said very flatly:
"However, there must be someone who can use the power of armed color to reach the level of the broken star to be allowed by the headquarters."

"Oh, what a pity!"

Lin Luo sighed softly and sighed again.

But these light words fell in Enilo's ears, but they roared in his mind like thunder.

Broken star-level combat power?
Enilu, who barely reached the level of destroying the island, couldn't understand what kind of terrifying power it was!

But looking at Lin Luo's indifferent and silent expression, Enilo felt inexplicably:
Breaking the star combat power is just such an illusion.

He suddenly realized that he was infected by the confidence of the dimensional businessman!

Fortunately, as a dimensional businessman, the world he comes into contact with is really different from that of himself, a frog in a well.

Perhaps, this is the gods.

But at this moment, Lin Luo said with emotion again:

"Because the headquarters has not approved it, this domineering cultivation method can only be sold in Pirate World now."

"With the power level of this world, I don't know how long it will take to cultivate a star-breaking combat power."


The unknown class made Enilo silent for a while, but his mind was quietly active:

Lord Lin Luo seems to be very distressed.

I don't know if I can help him share some of it.

The rare gratitude made Enilo suddenly have a thought that shocked even himself:

If I can become a star-breaking powerhouse, can I help Master Lin Luo!

Relying on the momentum in his heart, Enilo's eyes were fixed, and he asked immediately:
"Lord Lin Luo, may I ask how many points you need to purchase the domineering cultivation method you mentioned?"

Lin Luo made a surprised expression and replied:
"If it's just all the cultivation experience of Armed Color Domineering, it only needs 5000 points..."

"I bought it!"

Without waiting for Lin Luo's voice to fall, Anilu suddenly shouted impatiently:

"My physical strength is still too weak! To become a god with such strength is simply a dream!"

"Lord Lin Luo, please help me, and trade my experience in the practice of armed domineering!"

Enilo clasped his hands together and bent his waist straight, full of sincerity.


The corner of Lin Luo's mouth raised, but he quickly put it away.

He continued to speak calmly in Gujing's calm tone:

"Armed and domineering, it fits perfectly with you now."


A gentle but undeniable force lifted Enilo up.

Lin Luo smiled and said:

"Both parties in the transaction are fair, you don't need to be so polite, Enel."

As Lin Luo's voice fell, a large area of ​​memory and knowledge suddenly appeared in Enilo's mind.

In just a short moment, he actually instantly comprehended the usage of Armed Color Domineering, and mastered hardening, winding, external release and internal destruction all at once.

In a second of effort, he, who was originally an armed and domineering Xiaobai, instantly became a domineering and strong man that is rare in the world!
" my strength?"

Anilu stretched out his arm in shock, and suddenly clenched his fist.

All of a sudden!
A pitch-black force suddenly appeared on his arm, wrapping his entire fist.

And because of its own fruit power, around this fist, a blazing thunder light burst out from time to time.

At this moment alone, Enilo suddenly felt that his combat power had at least doubled! ! !
 Thank you book friend 20190403085439982 for your support! ! !
  Thank you for the monthly ticket support of Tiantian Blue Sky! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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