Chapter 139
For Anilo, this is not an exaggeration at all!
After all, he himself is a pure ability user who has never practiced physical skills.

After blessing Garp's lifelong experience in armed domineering, Enilo also naturally learned some of Garp's physical experience.

The world's top physique experience, it must be very terrifying to improve the combat power of a physique rookie!


And right now.

On the other side, the battle between Thunder Cloud and Ibrahimovic has finally come to an end.

Even the mythical beasts of the Pokémon world are nothing more than ravaged objects in the hands of Ibrahimovic.

Following Ibrahimovic's return to normal form, a destructive death light pierced the sky, the figure of the thunder cloud completely lost consciousness under the impact of energy full of destructive aura, his eyes turned into mosquito coils, and fell from the sky.


After the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, Lei Dianyun's painful groans finally caught Ainilu's attention.

He instantly woke up from the intoxication of the domineering armed color, and looked in the direction of Lei Dianyun.

"Thunder cloud!"

Ainilu was stunned, seeing Lei Dianyun's painful appearance, he ran over quickly, took out the poke ball, and took Lei Dianyun back.

This elf ball is also a high-tech product of the Pokémon world.

In addition to being able to accommodate electric-type beasts such as thunder clouds, it can also help electric-type Pokémon recover their physical strength quickly by inputting current into this poke ball, which is a perfect match with Enilo, the fruit of thunder.

It can also be regarded as some small preferential treatment given by Lin Luo to VIP5 customers.


At the same time, after the battle, Ibrahimovic quietly fell back on Lin Luo's shoulders, with a happy smile on his face.

Obviously, it has not been active for a long time, and after the fierce battle, both physically and mentally felt a great sense of refreshment.

Gently stroking Ibrahimovic's soft hair, Lin Luo turned his gaze to the place where the thunder cloud fell.

Looking at the ground that was still unscathed even after a fierce battle, he had a look of relief on his face.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Luo suddenly aimed his palm at the ground.

for no reason...

A ball of energy as hot as the sun suddenly condensed in his palm.

boom! ! !
With a loud roar, a terrifying energy ball suddenly flew out and hit the ground.


The energy ball with unparalleled power, after hitting the ground, disappeared suddenly as if nothing had happened.

If it weren't for the tremors on the ground and the ear-shattering roar just now, others might have thought that Lin Luo had just spat a bubble of saliva on the ground.

"As expected of the original power of the world, it is really reliable!"

Lin Luo smiled lightly, expressing his satisfaction with the small empty island he created.


The empty island where they are now is actually a new empty island created by Lin Luo with a lot of points an hour ago!
In addition to the free floating function that conforms to the characteristics of the sky island, Lin Luo has added a unique sturdy attribute to it.

After consuming a lot of points without hesitation, this seemingly ordinary marble ground and the island below...

Now it has reached the point where even Lin Luo can't damage it.

Definitely the hardest in the world!
And here is the cornerstone of Lin Luo's construction of the Sky Island Spirit Center!

He intends to build a special elf center on this solid land...

Also known as: Tenjin Gymnasium!
When planning this floating elf center, Lin Luo had planned many plans in his mind...

In the end, according to his positioning of this empty island, Lin Luo still chose the style of the palace of the gods in Dragon Ball.

Because every inch of land is strengthened with points, the area of ​​this empty island is destined not to be very large.

The overall shape of the island is hemispherical, and its size is similar to that of the Tenjin Palace in Dragon Ball.

However, judging from the battle between Ibrahimovic and Thunder Cloud, the area of ​​this empty island is quite sufficient.



Lin Luo, who was eager to continue to decorate the new elf center, did not let Anilu stay on the new empty island for too long, and did not immediately communicate with him about the assistant of the dimensional merchant.

After leaving him with a mysterious smile, he directly waved Enilo back to his abode of God.

Some things should not be rushed.

Enilo has just come into contact with Pokémon, and has acquired a new power arm color domineering.

For the next period of time, it is better for him to reflect on himself.

Don't forget, Enilo still has 5000 remaining points.

After he finished understanding the items in the mall from Rotom on his mobile phone, Lin Luo believed that he would find him again.

At that time, it is not too late to communicate with the assistant.

"Then it's time for my creation!"

Lin Luo chuckled, and his body suddenly hung in the air, flying to a higher place, overlooking the entire empty island.

After finishing Enilo's ideological work, he can finally start his own renovation plan!

Looking at the empty island in front of him, which was just a bare shell, Lin Luo's eyes lit up, and his whole body was full of creative desire.

I saw him suspended in mid-air, waving his hands like playing music.

On the bare periphery of the empty island, pieces of hard bricks of marble quality appeared in an instant, inlaid into the surface of the empty island.

After dozens of minutes, a simple-looking building in the sky instantly appeared in front of Lin Luo.

The entire empty island was divided into two by Lin Luo.

In the first half, according to the impression in his mind, Lin Luo directly built a venue for the world's number one martial arts conference here.

Huge battle area, numerous spectator seats, and some high-tech electronic products enchanted by Rotom.

Although it is used in a different way, it does have similarities with the battle area of ​​the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Behind the empty island is a huge ecological garden.

At the entrance of the garden, there is a passage leading to the center of the empty island.

When creating the empty island, Lin Luo deliberately didn't fill it up, in order to turn it into a livable square cabin apartment for trainers to live in.

At the same time, the spirit center that heals Pokémon is placed in the very center of the empty island.

In Lin Luo's plan, this empty island named [Tianjin Daoguan] will be the dream holy place for those trainers who want to improve their own strength!
After paying a certain amount of points, they can join this Tenjin Gym, obtain the status of a Gym trainer, and have the opportunity to practice here!

At that time, coax Enilo, who has a thunder cloud and is powerful, to be the owner of this gymnasium.

While helping gym trainers practice with actual combat, at the same time trading with trainers as a dimensional merchant assistant.

Simply the perfect workforce!

At the same time, Lin Luo plans to hold various competitions here from time to time.

When the Pokémon League Conference opens next year, he will directly drive this empty island to the East China Sea to compete in the sky.

Let One Piece World know what it means to arrange noodles!
Imagining the shocking scene of Pirate World in the future, Lin Luo's expression suddenly rose, and even his work became more motivated.

As his hands kept waving in the void, the appearance of the entire sky island was also changing rapidly.

A day later, a brand new empty island appeared above the [-]-meter altitude.

It also indicates that Lin Luo has a new stronghold in Pirate World! ! !
 Thanks to LOVE Little Lolita for her monthly ticket support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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