Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 140 Lightning Physique

Chapter 140 Lightning Physique
"What!? There is such a magical product that can be exchanged!?"

After returning to the abode of the gods, Enilo had no choice but to pick up his newly acquired mobile phone, Rotom, and start playing with it, because Lei Dianyun was still recuperating in the poke ball, and he himself had nothing to do.

And in the mobile phone Rotom, the most impressive thing is, of course, the information mall system that stores all the purchasable items!

For Enilu who has just become a trainer, everything here is so novel and interesting.

Because he has the VIP5 level authority, he can see all the props in the mall including the power of waveguide and the power of Yulong!
And just after he saw a special physique among the many special abilities...

The God of Sky Island instantly turned into a flash of lightning, changing from lying on the bed to standing with his mobile phone in his hands.

"Lightning physique?"

Enilu whispered softly, eyes full of surprise.

On the mobile phone Rotom in his hand, there was a line of big characters written:
[Lightning Physique: Greatly improves the affinity of electric-type Pokémon, making it easier to gain favor with electric-type Pokémon.At the same time, after being attacked by electric skills, the physical strength can be slightly increased. 】

Looking at the text introduction in just a few sentences, Enilu was trembling all over at this time, too excited to be himself.

At this moment, he once again marveled at the wonder of the different world.



This lightning physique is actually a very common special physique in the Pokémon world.

There is no comparison with the special waveguide power, super power, and normal power.

In certain towns, trainers with this physique can be said to be everywhere.

Under normal circumstances, trainers with thunder and lightning physique are just easier to tame electric-type Pokémon.

After being attacked by an electric-type Pokémon, the body will indeed increase to a certain extent.

But this increase in intensity is generally extremely small, so small that almost no one can detect it.

Even if they found out, no one would be willing to exercise their body in this way.

After all, Pokémon's moves are so easy to pick up!
Even if it is lightning physique, it will not reduce the damage of lightning to the body.

Not everyone is a super newcomer, but it hurts to be shocked!
In the world of Pokémon, the attribute that enhances physical strength behind the thunder and lightning physique is almost ignored by everyone.

But in another world...

In the eyes of the God of Sky Island, Enilo...

But this is a powerful ability that exudes colorful light! ! !


He is the majestic Thor Enilo, the last thing he is afraid of is the lightning attack!

Even Lei Dianyun's full blow was nothing to him.

After eating the thunder fruit, Enilo has obtained complete immunity to lightning!

And what he lacks the most is physical strength!
Even after acquiring the armed domineering, this is still a huge shortcoming in him.

And this special ability can just help him make up for this shortcoming!


Enel whispered softly.

"I just don't know, does this special ability help me, a person with the ability of the thunder fruit?"

After hesitating again and again, he still didn't immediately press the contact function of Rotom on the phone.

No matter how low his EQ was, he could tell that Lin Luo had something important to do, so he just sent him back to the abode of God.

At this time, how dare he disturb the great dimensional businessman.

In this way, Enilo waited for three days in a row.



During the three days, he hesitated, staggered, and walked up and down the room all the time, but couldn't make up his mind whether to contact Lin Luo.

Three days later, he finally couldn't hold back his temper, and tapped his finger on the [Apply for Transaction] button on Rotom's phone.

All of a sudden!
A miraculous light suddenly enveloped him.

Enilu, who was already familiar with this feeling, didn't have any resistance, let the guidance of this magical power, and his figure disappeared into the palace in an instant.

at the same time.

In the Tianshen Gymnasium on the empty island, Lin Luoduan sat on the head seat of the gymnasium, watching Enilo who was teleported over by the superpower, a joyful smile appeared on his face immediately.

The Shinto Hall has been built for two days, and during these two days, he has been waiting for Enilo's transaction application.

Now, he finally waited!
Before Ai Nilu could react, Lin Luo went straight to the point and wrote:

"Anilu, do you have any other commodities you want to trade?"

Although this is a nonsense question knowingly, but according to the process, it still has to be said.

Hearing Lin Luo's voice, Enilo's expression became solemn in an instant.

He quickly and respectfully replied:
"That's right, Lord Lin Luo."

"But..." He paused for a moment, then continued:

"Before buying, I would like to ask some questions about the item."

"Oh?" Lin Luo smiled slightly in surprise, "What do you want to ask?"

"It's...about this special ability..."

After getting permission, Anilu quickly took out his mobile phone Rotom, and switched the screen to the introduction of the product [Thunder and Lightning Physique].

Holding the mobile phone Rotom in both hands, he said:

"I would like to ask Master Lin Luo, whether the increased physical strength behind the thunder and lightning physique can have the same effect on me, a thunder fruit capable user?"

In fact, using the power of lightning to stimulate cells and make the body stronger, Anilu had already had an idea in his mind.

It's just that it is really difficult to really realize it.

He was afraid that the lightning physique would increase his body in the same way as he thought...

It's just through the thunder and lightning moves released by Pokémon that the endurance of his cells is enhanced.

That way this special ability might not be so rare for him.

After all, he can do it himself, it's just a little troublesome.

But the literal meaning in the system was very general, so he felt it was necessary to consult clearly before buying.

Fortunately, Lin Luo's answer completely dispelled Anilu's concerns.

After listening to Enilo's inquiry, Lin Luo's eyes suddenly flashed a look of surprise, and then he showed a comforting smile, and answered:
"Don't worry, Enel."

"Your worries are unnecessary."

Lin Luo stared at Enilo with those eyes that could see through people's hearts, and said slowly:
"The physical enhancement brought by the lightning physique does not come from the stimulation of electric current, but from the special energy of Pokémon!"

"Special energy?"

Enilo looked up, showing a puzzled look.

Lin Luo continued to answer:
"Different from ordinary lightning power, in all Pokémon, there is a kind of exclusive energy that is like life traits, regardless of attributes!"

"And the owner of the lightning physique is actually absorbing the special energy of this Pokémon after being attacked by an electric move, and transforming it to amplify itself."

"Speaking of which, this special ability is indeed very suitable for you!"

After the words fell, Lin Luo smiled slightly and leaned back.

After getting the answer he wanted, Anilu clenched his fists tightly at this moment, too excited to be himself.


He raised his head suddenly, his eyes flickered intermittently, and then said suddenly:

"Master Lin Luo, I want to exchange 5000 points for Thunderbolt Physique!"

These 5000 points can actually do a lot of things...

Whether it is buying props or nutritional products, it is possible to make Lei Dianyun's strength one step closer.


These roads have an end to the growth of the thunder cloud after all!

But with this special physique, Anilu can quickly make himself stronger with the help of Thunder Cloud.

This kind of strengthening through talent will only get slower and slower, but there is no limit!

Compared with the one-time stronger props, which can permanently bless one's own lightning physique, it is obviously more cost-effective!
"Happy Trading."

Lin Luo snorted with a smile, and swiped away all the remaining points of Enilo with a wave of his hand.

And at the moment when his voice fell.

A wonderful energy suddenly appeared from the void, and slowly poured into Enilo's body like a stream, changing his physique.

Two minutes later, when Anilo opened his eyes again and looked at Rotom on his phone, his points balance had already returned to zero.

Even if he didn't feel any changes in his body, he still understood...

At this moment, he is completely different from before!
 Thank you book friend 854***720 for your monthly ticket support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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