Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 141 Intern Assistants

Chapter 141 Intern Assistants
All the special power from the Pokémon world was poured into Enilo's body, instantly changing his physique.

A special ability worth 5000 points is by no means a small sum!

If it is 5000 points of waveguide power or super power, it is enough to train an ordinary person into a strong person at the level of Xiaoqiwuhai.

It is conceivable how much change this 5000-point thunderbolt physique will bring to Enel!
Coupled with the absolute compatibility of the Thunderbolt Fruit with Thunderbolt...

Lin Luo believes that with this special ability, Enilo will be able to blaze a trail of his own!
In any case, this is the crystallization of the first combination of Pokémon World and Pirate World. Lin Luo expressed great expectations for the future of Enilo.

And the other side.

Ainilu, who had just obtained the special ability, immediately summoned the Thunder Cloud. After asking Lin Luo for instructions with his eyes, he immediately ordered to the Thunder Cloud:

"Thunder cloud, use one hundred thousand volts on me!"


After three days of recovery, Lei Dianyun, who has fully recovered, opened his hands, and his strong muscles instantly swelled up. Two golden thunder lights suddenly flew out of his palms, and flew towards Anilu's body.

The dazzling thunder light instantly fell on Enilo's body, making this man who didn't like to wear clothes shrouded in thunder.

However, the lightning that was enough to shatter the mountain fell on Enilo like a stream entering the sea without a single wave.

But Enilu, who was shrouded in thunder, his eyes widened in shock, his mouth grew wide, and he showed a crazy smile.

"Come! Come! Come!!!"

He shouted loudly.

Countless currents flowed on the surface of his body, finally penetrated his skin, and flowed into his body.

Even though Lei Dianyun has withdrawn his skills and moves, these thunder and lightning are still swaying on Anilu's body.

Feeling the strangeness coming from his body, Enilo shouted in surprise:
"I can feel..."

"My power is coming up!!!"

A piece of jet-black Qi and blood armor suddenly attached to his body.

Under the boost of thunder and lightning physique, the qi and blood in his body reached a state that could allow his whole body to be armed!
The effect of this increase is really cool!

Enel was ecstatic in his heart.

He wanted to laugh out loud, but considering that Lord Lin Luo was at the side, he finally restrained his smile and hid it in the corner of his eyes.

At this time, Lin Luo smiled and summoned two cups of milk tea.

He handed one of the cups to Enilo with superpower control, and after summoning a stone bench behind him, he asked with a smile:
"How? Did the feeling of this thunderbolt physique meet your expectations?"

"very perfect!"

Anilu took the milk tea and slowly sat on the chair with an excited look on his face.

"After possessing this kind of power, it won't be long before I can cultivate the domineering power of the armed color to the level I remember!"

"At that time, I will definitely impress you, Lord Lin Luo!"

"I will let adults believe that I am qualified to stand at the same height as you!!!"

Enilu looked solemn, and made a serious determination of his feelings.

Ke Linluo just chuckled.

"Don't wait until later..."

Unaffected by Enil's emotions at all, Lin Luo still stared at Enil with those deep, calm eyes, and said slowly:

"There's a great opportunity right now."

"Anilu, I wonder if you would like to be my assistant?"


Anilu shook the hand holding the milk tea suddenly, and the sweet milk tea in the cup sprayed out directly along the straw, spilling all over Anilu.

However, at this time, he didn't care about the dirt on his body. Instead, he widened his eyes and stammered suspiciously:
"Ten... I'm very sorry, Lord Lin Luo, what did you just say...?"

Seeing Enilu's cautious state, Lin Luo smiled quietly, and repeated what he just said:

"I'm asking you, do you want to join the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce and become a dimensional merchant like me?"


Anilu nervously wiped off the milk tea in his hand, and with a flash of lightning, he directly burned the dirt on his body into slag and slapped it to the ground.

"I do!!!"

Ai Nilu actually knelt down in front of Lin Luo again.

With moist eyes, he said excitedly:
"Although I don't know how I can enter and be appreciated by adults, but I assure you..."

"I will definitely do everything I can, and I will not let you down!!!"

As soon as the words fell, Enilu knocked his head heavily on the ground.

That excited look was even more devout than before.

Seeing this, Lin Luo also smiled lightly.

Seeing that the once proud Enilo worshiped under him, he waved his hand, and an invisible force immediately lifted him up.

Lin Luo said:

"Don't be so excited, Enel."

"According to the rules of the Ten Thousand Worlds Chamber of Commerce..."

"Before you officially join the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce, you have to pass a small test before you can decide whether you are qualified to join the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce!"

While speaking, Lin Luo directly placed the heavy book, used the points to create a real illusion, and pulled Enilo's consciousness into the illusion.

"This...what is this place?"

Enilo only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and in a blink of an eye he came to a tunnel full of mystery.

"This is the Dimensional Corridor."

At this moment, Lin Luo's illusory figure suddenly appeared in front of Ai Nilu.

Seeing him holding one hand for a while, the scene around Anilu seemed to be endowed with vitality, and it flowed instantly.

And at this moment, Enilo finally felt...

Around his body, nothing else...

It is a real world after another! ! !

A bizarre scene appeared in front of him, which made this inexperienced patient with secondary illness feel inexplicably excited and admired.

Like a student who was exposed to textbooks for the first time, he greedily browsed everything in front of him.

A world of ninjas who release ninjutsu through knuckle seals;
The world of the god of death who wields the blade of the soul to fight;
The tutoring world that ignites the flame of enlightenment and blooms the brilliance of humanity;

Fight against demons with mortal bodies to destroy the world of ghosts...

Although it just passed by in a flash, the gorgeous and colorful worlds one after another still left a deep impression on Enilo's heart, and made him deeply immersed in it.

What makes Enilo strange is...

In his eyes, these mysterious and wonderful worlds seemed to be packed into some strange container, very neat and orderly.

And at this moment, Lin Luo's voice appeared in his ears again.

"As you can see, what you are seeing now is the dimension and plane managed by the Ten Thousand Worlds Chamber of Commerce."

"And the world of pirates you are in is also in it!"

While speaking, another world appeared in front of Enilo again.

Perhaps it was because he came from the Pirate World, and in his perception, he actually clearly "saw" that the Pirate World was actually housed in a huge closed "fish tank".

Different from other worlds, in the fish tank at this time, the water surface is extremely calm.

It was so calm, as if the whole world had been stopped, without any waves, even a little lonely.

In this solitude, the world began to gradually decay. From the bottom of the fish tank, some dirty dirt appeared, and then attached to the surface of the fish tank, spreading to the entire fish tank.

Lin Luo's voice appeared one after another:
"All dimensions and planes are just like the world of pirates at this time."

"The fish tank is the world wall of Pirate World, maintaining the existence of the world."


"When no one comes to take care of this fish tank for a long time, everything in the fish tank will be corrupted by time."

With the appearance of Lin Luo's voice, the corruption of Pirate World in the fish tank suddenly accelerated a lot.

The rotten dirt quickly covered the entire inner wall of the fish tank.

"When the world is damaged to a certain extent, everything else in the fish tank will be of no value..."

"A world like this will eventually usher in destruction!"

The voice full of magic power fell, and the fish tank loaded with the pirate world was finally unbearable to be swallowed by the rot in it.

All of a sudden!
With a crisp sound, the fish tank suddenly exploded.

And the whole world also leaked out of the fish tank, fell into illusion, and completely disappeared.


Enel's eyes trembled violently!
Although what appeared before his eyes was just a fish tank, he could clearly feel the despair and emptiness in that ruined world!
Just when he was about to be unable to bear this karma, Lin Luo's figure appeared beside the fish tank again.

I saw him continue to say flatly:

"The job of the Ten Thousand Worlds Chamber of Commerce is to take care of these worlds, prevent the world from corrupting, or reduce the speed at which the world is corrupted."

While speaking, the broken fish tank was restored to its original state under Enilu's trembling eyes, as if going back in time.

But when the fish tank was gradually deteriorating according to the original trajectory, Lin Luo suddenly opened the lid of the fish tank, put a finger into the fish tank, and stirred it gently a few times.

With the emergence of new power in the fish tank, the traces of corruption were instantly washed away by the water flow, and gradually disappeared.

It wasn't until the world became clear again and there was no sign of corruption that Lin Luo slowly withdrew his fingers and closed the lid of the fish tank.

At this time, he suddenly turned his gaze to Enilo, and then introduced to him:

"This is our job!"

"The employees of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce are in charge of the fate of countless planes and dimensions, and maintain all peace and stability."

"In the Ten Thousand Worlds Chamber of Commerce, we are endowed with the power and authority that can be called [God], but we have to perform the duties and work called [Human]."


"Not everyone can stick to their heart and not lose themselves after suddenly gaining powerful divine power."

"So before selecting new members to join the Ten Thousand Worlds Chamber of Commerce, the Ten Thousand Worlds Chamber of Commerce will conduct an extremely boring trial to ensure that that person is the one we really need!"

"So Anilo, are you really ready to join the Ten Thousand Worlds Chamber of Commerce?"

All the surroundings were instantly shattered at this moment.

Enilu's consciousness returned to reality again, but his legs softened and he sat directly on the ground.


He opened his lips slightly, wanting to issue a military order to Lin Luo.

But the scene he saw just now was so shocking that he didn't even have the courage to speak out.

However, Lin Luo was not in a hurry to urge.

Instead, accompany him and wait for his spirit to return to normal.

After all, it is a real illusion created by using the power of the world's origin.

Because he is rich now, this illusion is even more impactful than what Karp saw last time.

With Enilo's mind, it has exceeded Lin Luo's expectations not to collapse in this illusion because of his own insignificance.

At least for now, if Enilo can get rid of his arrogance and arrogance, he is indeed a talent worth cultivating.

After half a sound.

Enel, who was lost in what he had just seen, suddenly let out a heavy breath.

His mind was united again, and a flash of white thunder flashed in his eyes.

He suddenly stood up straight and clenched his fists.

"I'm ready!!!"

As if exhausting all his strength, Enel mustered up his courage and finally said this sentence.

At this moment, a gratified smile appeared on Lin Luo's face.

"Okay! I really didn't see the wrong person!"

Lin Luo clapped his hands lightly for Enilo and said:

"After witnessing the scene just now, who still has the courage to stand up..."

"You do have the qualifications to become a dimensional merchant."

Lin Luo immediately chuckled, and then waved his hands, giving Enilo the authority to weaken the dimensional transaction function.

In this way, like Miaomiao, he can act as a transaction node and replace Lin Luo to conduct transactions with other people.

Feeling the sudden extra things in his mind, Anilu once again marveled at the magic of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce in his heart.

For a moment, he even really thought that he had become a [God]-like existence.

But at this moment, Lin Luo suddenly said:

"Then Ainil, what I'm going to talk about next is your trial mission!"

"Please speak!"

Ainilu looked dignified, pretending to be listening attentively.

Lin Luo suddenly stood up from his seat, walked slowly to Enilo, and said with a smile:

"Your task is to serve as the owner of this Tenjin Gym, and assist me in completing the trading tasks in Pirate World!!!"

"The criteria for completing the task are:
1. More than 100 VIP level 5 or above traders have become gym trainers;

2. The total transaction volume exceeds 500W points;

3. Become a broken star powerhouse. "

"When you have completed all the above three points, you will become an official member of the Ten Thousand Worlds Chamber of Commerce!"

"And during the trial period, your identity is tentatively set to be the dimensional businessman Lin Luo, who is also my intern assistant."

"During the internship, although you won't get higher authority and rewards from the chamber of commerce, I can, in my personal capacity, add some longevity to my intern assistant."

Lin Luo smiled lightly and brushed it away with one hand.

All of a sudden!
A force of life suddenly poured into Enilo's body, making his body, which was almost forty, full of vitality in an instant, turning him into a young man of seventeen or eighteen!

Lin Luo smiled lightly and said:

"I've added 20 years to my life."

"I hope that in these 20 years, you can complete the trial of the chamber of commerce!"


Feeling the sudden recovery of youth, Enilo's heart was instantly filled with fighting spirit! ! !
Even though the trial mission seemed extremely difficult, for some reason, he was full of hope at this moment.

And seeing Enilo being so motivated, Lin Luo's heart also burst into laughter.

Although it took Lin Luoda's 1 points to create the illusion and rejuvenate Anilo...

But he used these 1 points to buy himself an extremely useful little brother.

Why is Anilo an intern assistant?
Of course it was because Lin Luo didn't have to pay him any salary during the internship! ! !
This transaction is much more convenient than directly shaking people in the system!

What's more, Enilo is still a younger brother with an infinite future!

Thunder Fruit + Lightning Physique + Lightning Cloud...

Such a wonderful combination is enough to create a terrifying existence that shocks the world! ! !
 Thanks for the ten years of spring and autumn and ten years of love, readers 1281507941137108993 for their monthly support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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