Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 142 Warring States Call for Soldiers

Chapter 142 Warring States Call for Soldiers
Under the guidance of Lin Luo for a whole day, Anilao, an old native of Pirate World, finally mastered the operation method of the trading system proficiently.

And at Lin Luo's request, he also learned how to recommend products and props to others.


Considering Enel's own arrogant character, this time Lin Luo did not plan to assign Ms. Joey to the Elf Center.

His heart ached at the thought of making the lovely Miss Joys put up with Enelo's fart personality.

In order for the elf center to continue to operate normally when no one is there...

This time, Lin Luo specifically searched the system for a batch of Rotom electrical appliances with experience in working in the elf center, and placed them in various parts of the elf center.

Then he integrated a talented Rotom into the general control of the Tenjin Gym.

Although Lin Luo felt a little strange that there was no Elf Center with Miss Joy and Lucky Egg, the compatibility between Rotom and Enel was unexpectedly good!

Enel, who has the ability of lightning physique, is very attractive to electric Pokémon.

Not to mention that Enilo itself is a huge charging treasure, in the eyes of these Rotoms, he is like a nanny!

This moment made him win the favor of all Rotom, and his favorability was immediately full.

Seeing this, Lin Luo finally smiled in relief, and began to prepare to leave Sky Island and enter the next stage of the journey.


Seeing that Master Lin Luo whom he admired turned into a shooting star and disappeared into the sky, standing on the edge of Tianshen Island, Enilo refused to look away for a long time.

His physical age has returned to 18 years old again, and he is full of energy at this time!
Who would have thought...

A few days ago, he was arrogant and a frog in a well, but now he can be appreciated by the [True God].

Although his identity has changed from the former God of Sky Island to an intern assistant, his life class has crossed several levels!

"Tianjin Gym..."

Enilu turned around abruptly, staring at the Poke Ball logo inlaid with a thunderbolt pattern, with a firm smile quietly showing on his face.

he swears...

He will definitely complete the work of the Tianshen Gymnasium, and must not embarrass Master Lin Luo! ! !
"God Rotom!"

Enilu suddenly yelled into the void.

"I'm here!"

An ethereal voice suddenly sounded from the sky above Tenjin Island.

The corners of Enilo's mouth rose, and he ordered to the god Rotom as the master:
"Let's go, head to Baibaihai!!!"

"As ordered!"

Following the reply from the god Rotom, the island suspended in the sky suddenly landed, falling towards the bottom of the Baibai Sea.

Enilu, who has seen thousands of worlds and widened his horizons, has long since lost any nostalgia for his original land.

But there is no nostalgia, no nostalgia, and Ai Nilu, who became the assistant of the dimensional merchant, does not intend to let go of the last trace of value of this land!
He hasn't forgotten...

At the edge of Baibaihai, outside the range of his knowledgeable domineering detection, there are still a group of Sandiya people who are working hard to regain the sanctuary.

I really don't need this piece of land anymore.

But it is still very easy to use it to make some articles and let the Sandiyas confront the original priests of Sky Island.

The relationship between Sky Islanders and Sandias is like that of Americans and Indians on Earth.

Although this land once belonged to the Sandia people, in the eyes of the Sky Islanders, they are now the real owners of this land!
According to Master Lin Luo's teaching, Ai Nilu knows that there will be a market only when there is demand!

Enilo has decided to give up his position as the god of Sky Island to the previous god-Gan Fall.

Without Enilo's coquettish operation that wanted to destroy Sky Island in the later stage, it would be impossible for the Sky Islanders to allow the Sandiyas to board their exclusive sanctuary! ! !

In this way, there will be two opposing forces in the sky island.

And he can also take the opportunity to sell Pokémon to the people of Sky Island and Sandia!

Although this plan is still very immature, everything is difficult at the beginning.

Anilo believes that after successfully arousing the trading desire of the people of Sky Island, he will definitely become a qualified dimensional businessman (assistant)! ! !



【Ding!The Tenjin Gymnasium has been officially opened and is open to all trainers. 】

[From today, trainers in the great airway area can directly submit a transaction application to the owner of the Tenjin Gym, and can practice in the Tenshin Gym. 】

[For details, please click the details below to view the text version of the information. 】

This day is another day of excitement for all traders!
Less than a month after the opening of the battle area, the dimensional businessman played a new trick and built a gymnasium for people to practice! ! !

Although this news did not cause a huge discussion in the sea like before, some careful people learned the meaning of the existence of the gym after purchasing the details of the Pokémon world.

It is also true that the attention of these insiders was instantly shifted from the battle area to the Tianshen Gymnasium.

After all, challenging gyms and winning gym badges is the main theme of the Pokémon world!

of course.

In fact, more people are still in a state of confusion after seeing the news.

All they know is...

In the great route, there is another candidate who can conduct dimensional transactions.

And those who haven't traded before, the probability of encountering a dimensional merchant seems to be doubled directly.

It seems that everything is going in a good direction.



The news of the birth of Tianshen Daoguan really caused many people's hearts to stir again.

But because the Tenjin Gymnasium does not have a fixed location like the battle area, many people forget it over time.

Only in the minds of some truly great figures would this sudden appearance of the Heavenly God Gym be listed as the primary object of exploration.

this day.

The Red Earth Continent is located in a towering building not far from the holy land of Mary Gioia.

A loud roar suddenly came from the top of the building:
"What!? The Kingdom of Goa has been occupied by the Revolutionary Army!?"

The commander-in-chief of the world government army stared angrily at the phone bug in front of him, and shouted:

"It has been almost a month since the abnormality appeared in the Goa Kingdom. Why did you discover the abnormality now!?"

A face exactly the same as Admiral Sengoku appeared on the phone bug, his forehead was wrinkled, and he asked:
"Then you have to ask the world government, why would someone bypass the Navy headquarters and directly issue an order to Captain Smoker to cancel his mission at the time and go investigate the Kingdom of Goya!?"

"If Garp hadn't said that he had never seen Smoker in Alabasta, I would have thought he had already arrived in the Kingdom of Alabasta!"


Kong, who was questioned by the Warring States Period, was taken aback for a moment, but he immediately realized something, his eyes froze, and he quickly asked the phone bug:
"What did you send that Cap guy to do in Alabasta?"

"Could it be...that kid has become a trainer too!!?"


The phone bug's expression froze for a moment.

Apparently on the other end of the phone bug, Zhan Guo also realized that he had accidentally slipped his tongue.

He hastily interrupted:

"Ahaha, Marshal Air, let's discuss the issue of Goa Kingdom!"

"According to the information collected by the East China Sea Navy, Smoker should still be in the hands of the Revolutionary Army..."

"Smog, as a natural fruit ability user, has a good background, excellent grades, and is loyal to the navy. We must rescue him!"

"If other generals in the navy learn that someone like Len Smog has been captured by the enemy but no one rescues them, it will inevitably chill everyone's hearts."

Zhan Guo let out a long sigh, sighing in a serious manner.


General Marshal Kong suddenly fell silent.

Only then did he understand why Zhan Guo suddenly called him this phone call.

This old boy turned out to be looking for him to send troops!
Regardless of the Warring States period commanding the navy, it seems that the status is very high.

But the navy is just a navy after all, and its main job is to fight against pirates and maintain law and order at sea.

Problem organizations like the Revolutionary Army, which involve too much politics, are generally dealt with by General Marshal Kong himself.

Therefore, this phone call from the Warring States Period to invite soldiers came at a time that is understandable.


Who in the world does not know that the navy is the most powerful army under the world government!
Even if you send troops in the air, how many general-level figures can you send to the navy?

So the intention of the Warring States call is very obvious...

He was telling Shuai Kong of the General Hospital:

I'm going to lead soldiers to fight!Hurry up and send some bonuses to express condolences to Lao Tzu!

In general……

The Warring States Period is asking for military expenses from the sky! ! !
Wu Laoxing refused to provide the navy with additional military expenses for dimensional transactions, and Kong had also heard about it for a long time.

At this moment, he really doubted whether the Warring States knew the situation of the Goya Kingdom long ago, and just waited for the dimensional merchants to make some big noises, so that he could take the opportunity to go over the five old stars and ask him for money directly.

It's just that when it comes to the revolutionary army, he, the general marshal, can't sit idly by.

Moreover, Wu Laoxing's wariness of the navy made him, the former admiral of the navy, a little bit embarrassed.

After thinking about it for a while, he said to the phone bug:
"In today's troubled times, other armies are performing their duties, and they can't go away."

"I will first transfer 20 billion Baileys from the military department to use for the military expenses of this expedition to the Kingdom of Goa."

"20 billion?"

As soon as Kong's voice fell, a dissatisfied tone came from the phone bug:

"I heard that the revolutionary army of the Goa Kingdom has confiscated all the funds of the Goa Kingdom, and made a deal with the dimensional merchants to buy powerful Pokémon..."

"By the way, Marshal Sora, do you know about Pokémon? It's the magical creature that easily defeated Akainu some time ago."

"The military expenditure of 20 billion is probably not enough for the navy to rescue Smoker..."

Warring States: With your little money, it is difficult for me to do things for you.


A great force suddenly fell on the empty chair handle.

This brat, the schemer actually plotted against the old man!

Kong snorted angrily, and then said bitterly to the phone bug:

"I can give you up to 50 billion Baileys!"

In order to prevent Warring States from continuing to stalk, he quickly said in a cold tone:

"This year's military expenditure was given to you at the beginning of the year!"

"It is reasonable to say that this extra cost should not be given to you, but considering the current chaotic world, I hope you can make good use of this military expenditure and solve the problem of Goya Kingdom as soon as possible!!!"

"Roger that!"

The phone bug was dropped hard.

Sora sat quietly in the office alone, but his eyes became erratic.

He sighed silently:
"If there are only 50 billion Baileys, the five old stars shouldn't find anything, right?"

"It just so happens that the new batch of CP training camp plans have just started, let's deduct 50 billion Baileys from it!"


What the five old stars did not only chill the heart of the Marshal of the Warring States Period.

It's just that people are in their positions and can't help themselves.


In the office, a long sigh suddenly came out.



at the same time.

Zhan Guo, who put down the phone, showed a little relief on his face.

He looked at Crane who was holding hot tea on the opposite side of the desk, raised his mustache, and said slowly:

"It seems that Marshal Kong hasn't completely forgotten us yet."

"The next thing is up to you, Crane."


Vice Admiral Crane nodded slightly and said:

"With the 50 billion Baileys supported by the Marshal, we can probably make up about 200 billion Baileys now."

"It's time for Qingzhi to contact the dimensional merchant."

"Goya Kingdom, let Akainu and his group pass by then."

"Based on their attitude towards the world government, they must be very willing to participate in the action to wipe out the revolutionary army."


After Crane's voice fell, the office suddenly fell silent.

After a long time, Zhan Guo let out a long and rough sigh.


"I really don't know if what we're doing is right."

"I didn't expect that the Qiwuhai proposed by me would recruit cadres from the Revolutionary Army..."

Thinking of this, Sengoku shook his head in disappointment, and in his mind, he couldn't help but think of the scene of the newly promoted Qiwu Sea Bear meeting him in private.

If it wasn't for the bear's notification...

He may not know that Smoker will be intercepted by the world government and run away to Goa Kingdom.

It is even more impossible to know that the Goa Kingdom has been occupied by the revolutionary army.

Colonel Smoker was also captured by the Revolutionary Army.

What Karp didn't discover was actually all fake.

That fun-loving guy has long been enjoying himself in the battle area, so he still has the mood to care about Smoker.

The reason why Warring States mentioned Karp was actually to make Kong sell face.

After all, among the three of them, Garp and Sora have the best relationship.

Xiong, who suddenly revealed his identity, obviously came prepared.

That night, he communicated with the admiral for a long, long time.



Time flies by.

The navy quickly formed a powerful fleet, ten times larger than the Demon Slaying Order!
Because this time, the navy actually dispatched an admiral directly.

It can be seen how strong the navy's heart to suppress bandits is!
As for such a big matter, it is certainly impossible for the world government to be ignorant of it.

For the victory of this battle, the world government also sent a senior official to supervise the battle...


The former CP9 chief has now officially entered the top level of the world government. It can be said that he is the group of people with the greatest strength under the five old stars!

For this attack on the Revolutionary Army and the subjugation of the Goa Kingdom, the World Government specially sent him who had cooperated with Akainu, hoping to wipe out the Revolutionary Army without any mistakes.

After all, the navy is notoriously unreliable, and it is also famous among the world government.

In the past, Karp ignored the orders of the Tianlong people, and then there was Aokiji who let go of Nico Robin, the son of the devil.

There are some things that the world government is also forced by the identities of Karp and others, and has not been made public.

But that doesn't mean the world government doesn't know about it.

With Aokiji's ability to instantly kill the same Vice Admiral Saron at that time, how could he accidentally let a little girl go!
Not everyone in the navy is blind, seeing the wide ice road between the islands, who would not know what's going on.

It's just to give each other face, everyone knows it well.

that's it.

A huge fleet sailed towards the East China Sea without any secrecy measures.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the unobstructed action of the navy this time is to demonstrate the confidence and strength of the navy.

But in the eyes of the Four Emperors...



New World sea area, on the Moby Dick.

"Father, the navy is running to the windless belt so swaggeringly, should we ambush them?"


The white beard who was being infused wiped off the alcohol on his beard, and couldn't help laughing:
"Gu la la la, forget it!"

"Such an interesting thing, let other young people participate."



A new world, an island.

Beckman looked at the newspaper in his hand, showing a puzzled look: "Boss, what does the navy mean? Why didn't I understand it?"


The redhead also frowned.

"To tell you the truth, I don't understand either."



and country.

Much cuter: "Lolololo~, Akainu ran out of the Navy headquarters!"

"Lao Tzu's death plan can be put on the agenda again!!!"




Aunt: "Hungry!!!"

"I want to cook!!!"

 Thanks for the monthly ticket support of Riding Shark East China Sea! ! !

  The red hair is actually the singer's father, no wonder everyone gives him face...

(End of this chapter)

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