Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 143 Make money, not shabby

Chapter 143 Make money, not shabby

The large-scale action of the navy immediately caused an uproar in the sea.

With the lessons learned from O'Hara, which was only made public by Lin Luo a few months ago, many islands with illegal operations suddenly began to feel insecure.

As a result, more and more ordinary people began to pay attention to this action of the navy.

of course.

What they are most curious about is still wanting to know where is the destination of the Navy's trip this time?

And with such a large-scale dispatch of the navy this time, will it destroy an island again like it did to O'Hara...

However, no matter how much the Warring States period gave the World Government eye drops, it was impossible for him to disclose the information that the World Government member countries were occupied by the revolutionary army.

In that case, it would not be eye drops, but a direct display of the card.

It is precisely because of the navy's practice of only showing suits that it seems to be a clear card, that the whole sea is as hazy as a fog.

Even the air became dull.



Alabasta Kingdom, Pokémon battle area.

Unique exclusive room A-1-001.

Robin was wearing a clean white shirt, sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

The slender and beautiful legs stretched straight forward, and the short skirt covered by the shirt was like a fake, which made people imagine. The three buttons on the top were opened, revealing a deep ravine. Beauty sets off even more beautifully.


Such a beautiful day, but it disappeared instantly after Robin opened today's World Economic News.

The moment the newspaper was opened, the expression on Robin's face suddenly became extremely solemn.

"Naval forces ten times larger than the Demon Slaughter Order have entered the windless zone and are heading towards the East China Sea..."

The slender fingers tightened suddenly, and Robin grabbed the newspaper firmly.

Looking at the key word "Devil Slaughter Order", her heart ached, and she couldn't help but raise one hand, secretly pressing the mountain.

"Another Demon Slaying Order..." she murmured softly.

As if recalling the painful picture in his memory, Robin's eyes gradually became moist,
That miserable feeling of being alone came back to her again.

Robin choked up silently, unable to let go of it for a long time.

It wasn't until the breeze by the window caressed her long hair that she was pulled back from memory.

She let out a long sigh, and slowly put the crumpled newspaper back on the table.

Demon slaying order.

This is a special sergeant operation authorized by the world government, consisting of 5 lieutenant generals of the Navy headquarters, [-] naval elites, and [-] naval heavy warships.

Usually used to completely clear an area of ​​things and people that are a threat to World Government rule.

But this time, the navy actually said harsh words at the beginning, and dispatched an army ten times larger than the Demon Slaughter Order at one time, which shows how determined it is to clear the target this time.

A bloody storm seems to be the first shot in the East China Sea.

Don't read the newspaper saying that the navy only dispatched [-] warships this time.

But the power of an Admiral Akainu alone is comparable to fifty warships!

Not to mention the six vice admirals who accompanied him this time, as well as a large number of other admirals.

The pervasive gunpowder smoke, the terrifying artillery fire, and the desperate screams of the people...

Whenever recalling the desperate scene of the Demon Slaying Order, Robin couldn't help but feel a chill creeping up her spine, making her tremble uncontrollably.

But at this moment, a red light suddenly appeared from Robin's waist.

Feeling the trainer's fear, the sun elf suddenly emerged from the elf ball, stretched out its pink tongue, and slowly slid across Robin's face, comforting Robin.


The soft voice of the sun elf instantly soothed Robin's heart and made her feel much warmer.

Robin wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, looked at the sun elf who was worried about her, and burst out laughing suddenly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Robin reached out and stroked the sun elf's head.

Just recalling some nightmares.

After so many years, she should also get used to it.

At least this time, there was a sun elf by her side.

The sun elf who was masturbated immediately looked like a kitten, showing an expression of enjoyment, and let out a soft cry of "嘤咱咚".

A master and a servant cling to each other, making it hard to tell who to envy for a while.

After regaining his spirits, Robin stood up and chuckled.

"There's no time to think about the past now..."

While speaking, she slowly took off the white shirt on her body, revealing her smooth and delicate skin in this closed room.

The delicate and white bare feet stepped forward and landed softly on the ground.

This beautiful scene is enough to make countless foot-controlling men dream of becoming the carpet in the room, and let Robin's feet step on his body...

Thousands of times.

Robin opened the closet, took out a deep V dress, and carefully dressed herself in front of the mirror.

after all……

Tomorrow is the day when she will fight against the supernova pirate Ace.

Although judging from the results, even after Ibrahimovic evolved into a sun elf, his level has changed from 35 to 45.

But Robin still didn't feel that he could defeat that confident young man.


So what does it matter! ?
To Robin, the outcome of the game doesn't matter.

The process of the game is the most important thing! ! !
Since her battle with Cobra was widely spread by newspapers and media, more and more people rushed to the battle area of ​​Alabasta Kingdom.

Among them, there are some lucky ones who got the opportunity of dimensional trading on the way Linluo set off from Alabasta to Gaya Island.

Although most of them are VIP level 1, or guys who are not even level 1.

But the current trainers are a rare species, so even those who are not eligible to participate in the qualifying competition, it is still possible to apply for a Pokémon battle when the venue in the battle area is vacant.

It is also because of the existence of this group of people that there are one or two games that can be watched every day in the current battle area.

Even the traders that Lin Luo happened to meet were not too rich, and the strength of the Pokémon they got was uneven, and they were not very interesting compared to fighting...

But with the increase in the number of battles, the number of people who come to watch the battle every day is still increasing tremendously.

After a long time, the arena here has reached the point where there are no seats left!
There are even many people standing on the promenade every day, watching Pokémon battles.

With the influx of a large number of people, a large number of buildings have even appeared around the pyramid. It is vaguely centered on the pyramid, and a town serving trainers will emerge.

Of course, Cobra, who is the king of Alabasta, is very supportive of this.

Do nothing, and suddenly there is an extra city in the country, who would not be happy about it! ?

And this also allowed Cobra to discover a business opportunity.

He hurriedly sent the construction team of the Wang family here and transported a large amount of construction materials.


As long as someone pays, the experienced Wang Family Construction Team can build you a two-section small building on the same day, and even carve you a few exquisite frog seeds on the eaves.

no way.

Well, it's not ashamed!
The treasury is so empty now, Cobra will almost be unable to carry out the next transaction if he doesn't think of a way!
You know, with the continuous winning streak, Cobra is now one of the "Four Heavenly Kings" in the battle area...

Name: Desert Emperor Cobra~
A man is a teenager until he dies!

This well-known name has completely aroused Cobra's heart in the middle school.

Although there is Suicune rushing in the rear, he must go one step further before the rise of other traders in order to keep his title of "Desert Emperor"!

As for the other three of the Four Heavenly Kings, they are all familiar figures.

They are Naval Hero Karp, Fire Dragon Knight Ace, and Thousand-Handed Succubus Robin!
In less than a month, these four people have accepted countless challenges.

But the result was without exception, all the challengers all returned home with their halberds!

Those Pokémon of level 10 and level 20, in front of these four people, were like kindergarten children, being punched one by one, killing them instantly.

Strong strength determines their respected status.

As a result, the title of the Four Heavenly Kings was completely established in the battle area.

To say that among the Four Heavenly Kings, the most powerful is definitely the naval hero Karp who has long been famous in the sea.

But if you want to say who is the most popular...

Garp, the wrinkled old man, also had to step aside a little to make room for Robin, the beautiful girl like a succubus who showed her figure in battle.

Robin has already chosen his own path.

That is to become an idol trainer and officially debut! ! !
It doesn't matter if you win or lose the game.

But in every competition, she must show her level and demeanor, and with her enchanting funds, she must capture thousands of rewards! ! !

With her current appearance, every time she plays, she can almost receive a tip of tens of millions of Baileys.

Sometimes when you meet a lot of big bosses, you can even harvest [-] million Baileys a day! ! !
The speed at which money can be obtained is much faster than robbery!

And this time the battle with Ace was also specially planned by Robin.

He always bullies some weak trainers, and he has to fight for so long in every game to show his demeanor...

Over time, it will inevitably bring visual fatigue to the audience and reduce their worth.

Bingxue, who is smart, immediately thought of a brilliant idea.

That is to find someone who matches her worth and play a PK match!
If Robin is now the queen of popularity in the battle zone, then Ace, who rides a charizard every time and makes a very flamboyant appearance, is definitely the popular prince in the battle zone!

Although Robin, who is unparalleled in beauty, is almost ten times more popular than Ace, but after all, Ace's strength and handsomeness are there, and he has gained a lot of fans.

Because each has different ways of showing off, the fans on both sides have almost no intersection.

Robin has already discussed with Ace, and when the time comes for the game, delay as much as possible, and give fans a little time to recharge...

Let fans' money fly for a while.

Robin believes that when he warms up a week in advance...

The number of people attending tomorrow's game will definitely break the new record in the battle area!

Just don't know...

How many points can these lovely fans contribute to her tomorrow?

Costumes, choreography, and the way to fight tomorrow have already been prepared.

All that remains is to quietly wait for tomorrow's gorgeous performance!



Just as Robin was nervously preparing for tomorrow's battle.

East China Sea, Goa Kingdom.

Putting down today's World Economic News, Saab showed a look of surprise and said in disbelief:
"Unexpectedly, the navy actually only sent a general, Akainu, over..."

"Mr. Long's plan has really succeeded!!!"

Just last night, Sabo was still restless, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. He didn't expect that today the navy gave him a big surprise.

Sabo will never forget that day, the crazy plan that the leader of the Revolutionary Army Long told him over the phone!
Mr. Long, he actually let the successful undercover Shichibukai Xiong find Admiral Sengoku alone for a showdown, and inform Marshal Sengoku about the Goa Kingdom!
Every time he thought of the day when the dragon said this plan, Sabo couldn't help but hold his breath involuntarily, and his heart was beating non-stop.

It should be said that he is Garp's son and Luffy's father!
The characters of the grandpa and grandson are simply passed down in one continuous line, and they do things wrongly.

However, through Xiong's report, Long, the eldest nephew, actually convinced Admiral Sengoku!
The original words of the dragon are very simple...

The general meaning is that the arrival of dimensional merchants means that the world is about to face a major change.

Judging from the deeds of the Goa Kingdom, the Dimensional Merchants and the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce behind them obviously dislike the decadent regime created by the World Government and the Tianlong people.

For the common people of the world, for the future of the Navy...

Admiral Sengoku, it's time to set an example!

Whether to continue to serve as the lackey of the world government and work for the world government, or to jump out of the old concepts in advance and prepare for the new world.

In order to express his sincerity, Long even informed the Warring States of the half-price BUFF and the deployment of Goa Kingdom's combat power.

This kind of behavior is tantamount to the imminent war between the two countries, all the soldiers are sharpening their knives, but the king suddenly announces his surrender is as stupid.

But rather...

After listening to the news from the dragon, especially after the dimensional businessman took the initiative to send a revolutionary army to overthrow the Goya Kingdom regime.

The heart of the Warring States period was shaken.

He became the admiral of the navy, not to protect the idiot Tianlong people, nor to maintain the rule of the world government.

From the very beginning, he became a navy just for the [justice] in his heart!

Step by step to today, also rely on iron-blooded record, not dog-like attitude.

During this critical period, it is indeed time for him to make a choice.

After learning that the revolutionary army already possessed advanced combat power Rogia, Sengoku did not hesitate to send the equally powerful red dog and the generals of the faction who followed him to the East China Sea to wipe out the revolutionary army.

And this is also the last sway the Warring States made for itself.

If Akainu can win this battle, then everyone will live in peace and everything will be fine.

It is our duty to wipe out the remnants of the revolutionary army!

If Akainu loses to Rogia and is unfortunately defeated, then...

Anyway, the defeated ones are all from the World Government, so it's none of my business as the Admiral of the Navy! ?
In fact, even Lin Luo was taken aback when he learned about this!
Because neither the Warring States nor the dragon had a mobile phone Rotom, he only heard it accidentally when the dragon relayed the incident to Sabo.

As for the bad behavior of peeping at customers' privacy, it doesn't exist at all!
He just cares about the customer regularly and wants to see if there is anything that can help the customer.

However, anyway, the Navy is finally going to fight the Revolutionary Army!

Although the situation has something to do with the ultimate battle that Lin Luo expected.

This time the navy only sent a part of its forces, and the generals who came out were all factions close to the world government
But he believes that after seeing the new strength of the revolutionary army, it is absolutely impossible for the world government to sit still!
by that time……

The 500 million points he had in mind seemed not so difficult to get together!
 The gorgeous contest that the audience lords want is coming!

(End of this chapter)

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