Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 144 New Gorgeous Contest

Chapter 144 New Gorgeous Contest

Time passes day by day.

As the naval fleet led by Akainu officially entered the East China Sea, the air in the entire sea became frozen.

All eyes are focused on the East China Sea, waiting for a major event to happen in the tranquility before the storm.

And the major newspapers and media have also exhausted their means, trying to discover the purpose of the navy's eastward trip and grasp first-hand news materials.

And in this tense atmosphere...

In the deep sea of ​​the great route, in the different space inside the body of the Roaring Whale King.

Lin Luo was lazily lying on a Snorby sofa, watching a unique Pokémon battle on the big screen in front of him.

The owner of this battle is none other than the [Robin VS Ace] video that aroused heated discussions in the Kingdom of Alabasta a few days ago.

As for why Lin Luo deliberately spared time to watch this game when the situation in the East China Sea was becoming more and more severe...

Then let’s start with the reward income of this game.

"I didn't expect that the battle between these two people could attract so much money..."

Lin Luo, who was lying on the sofa, clicked his tongue, enlarged the screen again, and began to watch the match seriously.

The entire battle was neither too long nor too short, only about 25 minutes.

But in this short 25 minutes, the two actually mobilized the enthusiasm of the audience!
The more you watch the video, the more Lin Luo's eyes shine!

He certainly wasn't admiring the battle between Pokémon.

At his current level, in Lin Luo's eyes, these two people are as ridiculous as children playing house.

But rather...

Robin performed this play so vividly that it was enough to be put on the big screen.

One of the most exciting scenes is tantamount to the 15th minute...

Robin, who was beaten back by Ace and the fire-breathing dragon, suddenly ordered the sun elf to perform a power exchange!
This is a very powerful and strange trick in the super energy system, which can exchange one's own power with that of the opponent.

Taking advantage of this fleeting opportunity, the sun elf immediately sent out a strong thought, and actually caused a heavy blow to the fire-breathing dragon!
The sudden reversal of the game instantly brought an unparalleled viewing experience to the 5000 spectators present.

They shouted Robin's name one by one, calling him frantically.

It's a pity that the strength difference between Robin and Ace is too great.

Even when the sun elves have the upper hand, the combination of Ace and the fire-breathing dragon is still not low.

In the end, Robin, who lost the game, covered the key parts of his body and slumped on the ground in desperation, showing a pitiful look.

Seeing the beauty showing such a haggard look, the LSPs at the scene became even more excited in an instant, frantically swiping gifts for Robin as if they were offering free rewards.

Until the reward channel was closed, the final revenue of the whole game exceeded 10 billion Baileys! ! !
Among them, Ace had less than 2 million Baileys in rewards, while Robin had more than 8 million Baileys alone, which instantly increased her point savings by a large amount!

"This is really an unintentional insertion~"

After watching the entire match, Lin Luo couldn't help but sighed with emotion.

The tipping function was originally a function that Lin Luo added because he thought it was fun when he was building the battle area.

But at that time, he never expected that there would be a duel, and he would absorb 10 billion Baileys in one go!
With his eyes, it is certainly not difficult to see the traces of excessive performance on Robin.

Robin was obviously attacked several times, but he still gave himself a beautiful look.

I would rather suffer more injuries than let the audience's eyes fall on me.

By shaping the image of her own vulnerable group, she can attract more people's pity, and then give birth to a desire to protect her.

In this way, those who gave Robin a reward can pat their chests and laugh when they see Robin's promotion next time:
"I bought this power for her!"

This kind of superficial routine, Lin Luo has seen too much in the live broadcast room on the earth.

But these idiots in Pirate World really do this.

He could see that Ace seemed to be deliberately cooperating with Robin's performance.

Otherwise, the game should have ended as early as the first 10 minutes.

However, this level of water release is not considered a passive match or a match-fixing match, so the mobile phone Rotom responsible for monitoring did not respond in any way.


After the game, Ace's income was less than a quarter of Robin's.

The reason is that Ace is a pure fighter after all, and coupled with his male identity, he must suffer in the ability to receive gifts.

Unless you meet the kind of rich woman who is aggressive, it will be difficult to achieve results on this road.

But he didn't need to make money by tipping, and the tipping money was a complete surprise to Ace.

"In this way, it seems that the playability of Pirate World has increased a lot!"

The corner of Lin Luo's mouth raised, and he turned off the virtual screen with a wave. Instead, he summoned the computer Rotom and opened a folder.

Looking at Robin's performance on the field, especially after seeing Robin's ability to absorb money, he instantly thought of the routines of those live broadcast apps on the earth.

In the past, he underestimated the consumption power of One Piece World, or in other words, it was the stereotype formed while watching anime.

Most of those who were able to make a special trip to the battle area had their heads pinned to their waistbands.

This kind of person is willing to spend as much money as long as it makes them happy!

And since there are so many scammers in the Pirate World, why doesn't Lin Luo set up a place dedicated to cheating scammers!
You know, in the Pokémon world, there is a special competitive competition through the display of charm...

That is the legendary gorgeous contest! ! !
Originally, Lin Luo felt that beauty would not be valued in the world of pirates who advocated force.

But after watching the video today, he completely changed his mind.

"Since you are so willing to give rewards to the contestants, then I will give you a special place to compete!"

Lin Luo grinned.

The official will end in person, so there is no need to ask more about the influence!

Inspired by Robin and Earth Live, Lin Luo intends to create a special new gorgeous contest!
The essence of the competition has not changed much from the Pokémon world, it is still a competition to show beauty and charm.

It's just that, in this new gorgeous competition, not only Pokémon are participating, but also trainers!

And the way to decide the outcome of the game is not the scoring system of the Pokémon world...

Instead, the winners and losers are determined by the value of gifts received by both sides in the competition!
To put it simply, it is a competition that integrates the gorgeous competition and the anchor PK mechanism.

Looking at Robin's current popularity, Lin Luo bets...

If Robin is allowed to endorse a certain product in Alabasta now, it will definitely sell out of stock!

And this is the magical fan economy!

With the lessons learned from the earth live broadcast and traffic stars, Lin Luo believes that this new gorgeous contest will definitely become his next key way to make money!

For a moment, the sound of clapping keyboards sounded in this different space.

At this moment, Lin Luo, with a clear aura shining in his eyes, quickly recorded his money-making plan on the computer Rotom!



At the same time, just as Lin Luo was thinking about the way to host the new gorgeous contest.

From the much-anticipated East China Sea, a piece of breaking news finally broke out!
According to the sailing direction of the naval fleet, the major media have been able to confirm...

The target of the navy's operation this time turned out to be the Kingdom of Goa, which is a member of the world government!
And at this critical period, the major newspapers and media once again reported a major news:
As early as a month ago, the Kingdom of Goya had fallen and fell into the hands of the revolutionary army.

This news has appeared, instantly shocking the entire sea!

Regardless of the fact that the revolutionary army is busy every day, many countries have been liberated.

But those countries are all countries that have tyranny but have not joined the world government.

The Kingdom of Goa is the first time that the revolutionary army took the initiative to attack and liberate a world government affiliated country.

This also indicates that...

The Revolutionary Army has officially declared war on the World Government!
The rain is coming from the wind!
Such a big battle is comparable to the staring war in the original timeline.

If it weren't for the appearance of the dimensional businessman, Dahai has been shocked too many times recently, and he has become resistant to the explosive news, it is estimated that the sea will boil again.

What the outside world doesn't know is that...

The reason why the Goa Kingdom incident was reported was because the Revolutionary Army actively sent invitations to major media.

Who would have thought that Sabo, the current acting ruler of the Kingdom of Goa, would announce to the outside world that he would conduct a bidding meeting for the broadcasting rights of the Revolutionary Army vs. Navy!

For the right price, there may even be exclusive broadcasts!

Such huge news, of course the media will not miss it.

Before the naval fleet arrived at the Kingdom of Goa, one by one frantically sent people to the Kingdom of Goa to participate in the bidding.

In the end, the five newspapers jointly purchased the rights to broadcast the battle at a price of 150 billion Pele.



In such a tense atmosphere, time moved forward again.

On the vast sea, majestic warships slowly appeared from the skyline as the sun rose.

And the military strength of the Revolutionary Army has already been deployed on the coastline.

In the air, is full of chilling atmosphere.

on the battleship.

A navy soldier quickly ran to Akainu's side, Salute News reported:
"General Akainu, we are about to arrive at the Kingdom of Goa!"

"According to the observation of the scouts, there is a total of about 2000 revolutionary army regiments located on the coast of the Kingdom of Goa."

"Admiral Akainu please give instructions!"

"2000 people? Hmph!"

Akainu snorted softly.

Although he is coming to the sad place of the East China Sea again, he is still full of confidence, standing on the bow of the ship with his arms folded like a sculpture.

Because of the concealment of the Warring States Period, the red dog at this time did not know that the Revolutionary Army had already traded with the dimensional merchants.

And the transaction amount is huge!

In his eyes, the revolutionary army ahead is nothing more than a stepping stone for him to make military achievements and maintain the rule of the world government!

Twenty thousand against two thousand...

And he, the admiral Luezhen!
Akainu doesn't know how to lose this battle!
"For justice! Rush over to me and crush them!"

Akaken gave a loud shout, as if he had vented all his unhappiness in the East China Sea last time here.

"Yes! Admiral Akainu!"

The navy obeyed in an instant, and passed on Akainu's orders one by one.

Twenty naval heavy ships instantly increased their horsepower, and quickly headed towards the Kingdom of Goa.

And right now.

On the coastline of the Kingdom of Goa, traders like Sabo, Krall, and Nami stood on top of the bunkers, watching the charging warships, their expressions suddenly relaxed.

"Admiral Akainu, on the battleship in the middle, next to it are several vice admirals in the intelligence..."

Krall retracted the binoculars and informed everyone present of the navy's deployment.

"The opponent rushed the fleet so impatiently, what is certain is that the opponent did not grasp the situation of our combat power here!"

"That is to say..."

Sabo grinned.

"Admiral Akainu, was sold by Admiral Sengoku!!! Hahahahaha, Mr. Long, you can always make unexpected moves!"

Seeing that Long's plan really succeeded, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, Nami chuckled lightly, reached out and picked out a poke ball as crystal clear as ice from her chest.

"It looks like everything is going according to plan."


Sabo nodded.

"Next, I'll leave it to you, Miss Nami!"

"We must not allow them to spread the battlefield to the interior of Goa Kingdom."

"Don't worry, there is a frozen bird, everything is trivial."

With a confident smile on Nami's face, she took the Frozen Bird equipped by the Revolutionary Army and suddenly jumped along the window.

Just when she was about to fall, a giant butterfly waving crystal wings suddenly appeared in front of Nami.

The slender insect claw grabbed Nami and brought her into the sky.

With a large supply of supplements, Ba Dahu, who is old and frail, has recently seen a second spring.

It is impossible to participate in fights, but it is still no problem to be a transporter or something.

I saw it flapping its wings, carrying Nami and flying towards the sea.

With Nami's current physique, she can't bear the severe cold breath on Frozen Bird, so she can only use this method to approach the naval warship.

And just after Nami reached the middle position between the naval warship and Goa Kingdom, she immediately threw out the poke ball in her hand.

"Come out, Frozen Bird, let the world see your beauty!!!"

Nami yelled loudly.

In an instant, the sky suddenly darkened.

A cold breath suddenly enveloped this space, and the clouds gathered, as if a heavy rain was about to come.


The loud cries filled the world, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

"What's that!? A big bird?"

In the bunker of the Kingdom of Goya, the journalists who were desperate for news were taken aback for a moment, but they immediately turned the shooting tools in their hands, and completely recorded the sudden appearance of the freezing bird.

I saw the Frozen Bird appearing from the elf ball. After a long cry, it suddenly flew high in the sky with beautiful ice crystal wings.

Immediately afterwards, a gust of extremely cold air shot out and fell towards the sea.

In the blink of an eye, the turbulent sea turned into a solid ice surface in an instant, and it continued to spread outwards!
In just a few tens of seconds, the navy's [-] fleet was frozen by ice crystals, unable to move any further.

At this time, Akainu's face became even more ugly!

He looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

The ability of General Aokiji, who was on an equal footing with him, now appeared on a strange bird! ?

What is going on in this world...

 Thanks for the monthly ticket support of Shadow of War! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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