Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 145 Akainu emo

Chapter 145 Akainu emo

Akagi didn't understand.

Since he was defeated in the East China Sea last time, the world seemed to have changed, and strangeness was everywhere.

While he was in a coma, the navy established a special operations force, Donghai launched a trader support plan, and a large amount of military resources of the navy were secretly mobilized...

This wonderful sense of frustration made him feel as if he had traveled through time and came to another parallel time and space.

"General Akainu, the sea is frozen! Our ships cannot move forward!"

A navy ran to Akainu in a panic, and was affected by the sudden drop in the air, reporting while chattering.

"Damn it!"

A red dog's body instantly exuded a hot breath, making the temperature in the air warm up again.

"Meteor Volcano!"

Without too many words, Akainu suddenly let out a loud shout, and a large amount of magma giant fists were suddenly ejected from his fists, and rushed towards the ice in front of him.

The hot magma hit the ice layer, instantly melting the glacier, and the water surface began to boil.


Frozen Bird, who was in mid-air, noticed Akainu's movements, and its wings as beautiful as ice crystals slapped.

All of a sudden!
Another extremely cold wind swept across in an instant, and the glacier that had just been melted by Akainu was immediately frozen into a glacier again.


Frozen Bird high in the sky groaned provocatively at Akainu.

The Sanshengniao family is arrogant and conceited. At this time, the frozen bird's eyes looking at Akainu perfectly interpret what it means to be "everyone here is rubbish!"

The contemptuous look in Frozen Bird's eyes immediately made Chiquan furious.

But with his knowledge, he can clearly perceive that Frozen Bird's physical strength is not lost at all.

If there is a stalemate on the glacier, it will only cause serious damage to the navy's warships in the sudden cold and heat, and the gains outweigh the losses.

At such a long distance, he couldn't accurately attack the Frozen Bird.

"Damn beast!"

At this time, Akainu has already figured out that the big bird on the opposite side should be the so-called Pokémon from another world.

That is to say...

The guys from the Revolutionary Army have already made a deal with the dimensional merchant!

This feeling of being beyond the plan instantly made Akainu extremely irritable.

He never thought that one day, he would actually fight someone who uses the power of freezing.

Akainu, who has worked with Aokiji countless times, knows very well that the ordinary naval soldiers on board must not be allowed to disembark and fight at this time.

Because once the enemy has the means to melt the glaciers, then their [-] naval elites will become perfect targets, allowing them to bully them in the water.

After all, this is the usual method he and Aokiji used.

Thinking of this, Chiquan gritted his teeth fiercely, shouted suddenly, and ordered:
"Order all officers above the rank of brigadier general to disembark with me and prepare to meet the enemy!"

"The rest, stay on the battleship and prepare to respond!"


The naval soldiers who received the order immediately ran down and conveyed the order of Akainu.

Most of the brigadier generals in the navy have mastered the six naval styles.

Even if they don't know the six styles, they all have certain abilities, and the combat power will not be affected by changes in the environment.

As the order was issued, more than a hundred people stepped off from the naval warship one after another.

Both are the mainstay of the navy. There is no need for Akainu to say more about the situation at this moment, everyone already knows it.

"General Akainu, it seems that the situation is not very good."

In the Navy Headquarters, the hair of the ghost spider stretched out, and under the powerful return of life, it turned into six spider-like arms, holding a sharp long knife tightly.

As the ghost spider in the navy who is closest to the character of the red dog, it can be said that he is a loyal little fan of the red dog.

They all believed in the so-called "absolute justice", and in order to maintain justice, they would do anything to sacrifice their subordinates!

As the ghost spider was ready to go, the other admirals also took out their weapons and looked in the direction of the Goa Kingdom with stern faces.

Red Dog snorted softly:
"It's just some chickens and dogs with little strength, and they will be vulnerable under absolute justice!!!"

Call ~
A fierce and murderous aura suddenly rose from Akainu's body.

The scorching high temperature caused the ice cubes under the feet of Akainu and others to show signs of melting again.

But Akainu and the rest of the navy were still standing upright.

I saw Chiquan suddenly raised his arms high, exuding the aura of iron and blood all over his body, and shouted:

"All admirals obey the order and follow me forward!"


Under the mobilization of Akainu's words, all the admirals suddenly showed serious expressions, and rushed towards the Kingdom of Goa quickly.


And at the same time.

On the bunker of the Goa Kingdom, Sabo's face was also very dignified when he saw Akainu and his party stepping off the battleship.

He quickly moved all the joints of his body, and then said to Krall:
"Kral, let me know, everything will go according to the original plan!"

"Let all members above the captain level stand out, go to the sea ice, and prepare for the battle!"


Krall responded with a loud voice, and immediately took out Nian Meilong's elf ball, stared at the navy in the distance and said:
"The enemy has one admiral, six lieutenant generals, 6 major generals, and 35 brigadier generals..."

"This power really cannot be underestimated."

Krall sighed with emotion for the strong combat power of the navy.

Sabo's eyes flashed, and then Krall said:
"It doesn't matter, the current revolutionary army should not be underestimated either!"

"Lugia!!! Let's see your performance today!!!"

Sabo suddenly took out the Poké Ball containing Rogia, and threw it vigorously towards the distant sky.

In an instant!
A roar like a dragon's chant shook the world, causing the frozen ice of the sea to tremble violently, as if the sea under the ice was roaring.


As soon as Rogia appeared, he immediately aimed at its primary target...

Admiral - Akainu! ! !
Long before the war, Sabo had shown Rogia the portrait of Akainu, so it quickly found Akainu's position in the crowd.


Rogia let out another roar.

A bright blue aura instantly appeared from its huge body, covering its whole body.

I saw Rogia's wings shook, and his body seemed to be blessed with a nitrogen jet, and he slammed towards the position where Akainu and others were located!

At Rogia's terrifying speed, the distance of a few kilometers seemed to be non-existent, and it came to the navy in an instant.

And Akainu and others also discovered the strangeness the moment Rogia appeared.

Seeing Rogia's figure, Akainu's pupils shrank violently.

Even a few kilometers away, he could feel the powerful aura on Rogia's body.

And seeing Rogia rushing towards him, Akainu didn't dare to underestimate him, he quickly yelled:
"You guys disperse and move on!"

"This monster, let me solve it!"


A group of marines dispersed in an instant.

Rogia, who was single-minded, didn't pay attention to other people at this time, and continued to charge towards Akainu like a missile, drawing a blue and white long rainbow in the air!
Dragon moves - Dragon's Dive!
As you can see from the name of the move, this is a move that attaches the powerful dragon power to the surface of the body, and uses all the strength of the whole body to launch a collision attack on the enemy!
There is no too much explanation, there is, just unparalleled power! ! !

Feeling the pressure in the air, Akainu was also engrossed, not daring to relax at all.

He cursed secretly in his heart: "Damn revolutionary army, how many Pokémon did you buy from the dimensional merchant?"

The magma in Akainu's body surged rapidly, instantly forming a lava wall with a height of more than ten meters, blocking him.

The glaciers melt instantly under the high temperature lava.

But the red dog at this moment can't control so much anymore! ! !
boom! ! !
Rogia, who flew from the air, collided with the giant lava shield made by Akainu in an instant.

In an instant.

A violent impact force was like a hurricane, blatantly swaying towards the surroundings, sweeping the entire sea!
The ice layer shattered under this terrifying impact, and countless cracks extended towards the Goa Kingdom like swimming snakes.


Nami, who was still in the center of the battlefield, was instantly attacked by this storm, and flew backwards with Ba Dahu.

But that's fine too.

With Nami's strength, it is not enough to intervene in this level of battle.

She just took advantage of this gust of wind to stay away from several vice admirals who were rushing towards her.

The war is about to start at this moment!
Several vice admirals wanted to catch up with Nami.

They could see clearly that the freezing bird just now was summoned by Nami!
This woman must have a high status in the revolutionary army!
Several marines are old fritters on the battlefield, and they all tacitly know that they seem to be scattered to avoid the storm of confrontation between Akainu and Rogia, but in fact they have already blocked Nami's retreat.

With Ba Dahu's current physical strength, he can deal with the little ones in the East China Sea, but he is no match for these naval officers.


Lieutenant General Mole, holding a katana, instantly launched one of the six moves, and his figure flew towards Nami like a whirlwind, waving his katana.

Neither Nami nor Ba Dahu, who were in a hurry to flee the battlefield, noticed the abnormality behind them.

The Frozen Bird releases the extremely cold air on the broken glacier to maintain the venue.

"Go to hell! Rebels!"

Lieutenant General Mole shouted, and the samurai sword in his hand fell instantly.

All of a sudden!
A sharp blue light slash flew out, and slashed at Nami's waist.

Seeing that Nami was about to be hit by a slash.

At this moment, a figure descended from the sky!

"Dragon Hook Claw!!!"

I saw a figure of a giant dragon suddenly appearing in the void, grabbing the cyan slash in its mouth.


The slash didn't even linger for a second in Sabo's hands, it instantly shattered into pieces and disappeared.

Stepping on the ground repaired by the frozen bird, Sabo showed a relaxed smile on his face, turned to Nami and said:
"Miss Nami, leave these vice admirals to me! You and Pikachu can help others!"


Even though she didn't see anything, Ke Nami still guessed what happened behind her.

But she didn't show the slightest fear. After responding with a smile, she continued to fly towards the back of the battlefield under the leadership of Ba Dahu.

At this moment, with Sabo's sudden intrusion, the entire battlefield was instantly divided into three sections.

The first section is Akainu and Rogia, wrestling hard not far from the naval battleship.

The second segment is the six vice admirals stopped by Sabo.

Because Sabo has participated in many liberation wars of the Revolutionary Army, his identity as the successor of the Revolutionary Army is not a secret in the eyes of the Navy's senior officials.

Compared to killing a little girl they had never seen before, the Sabo in front of them was more worthy of their attention.

And the third section of the battlefield is a group of rear admirals and brigadier generals who continue to attack and are about to reach the coastline of the Kingdom of Goa.

With their strength, even if a conflict broke out, it would not cause much damage to the Kingdom of Goa, so Sabo naturally let them go.

This is also a kind of tacit understanding in the battlefield, soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals.

On the coastline of the Kingdom of Goa, the leader of the revolutionary army led by Krall has already been ready there, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.



The hot magma fell into the sea water, instantly boiling the sea and emitting strong steam.

The red dog is also manipulating the magma, and through the cooling of the sea water, it creates a piece of land on the sea surface where he can settle down.

Panting, he looked up, then cursed and said:

"How can this Pokémon be so powerful!?"

Just to resist the blow just now, he actually consumed about one-tenth of his energy.

You know, for a person like Akainu who relies on his devil fruit ability to fight, physical fitness is the full expression of his combat power!

This made him have to look up at Rogia in the air again, and he also had a faint thought in his heart.

And Rogia, who had collided with the lava, was also a little dizzy from the hot magma.

It had no choice but to fly into the sky again.

"Ow!" Rogia groaned loudly.

Just after colliding with the lava of Akainu, it also realized that Akainu is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

It can continuously release magma to block its attacks...

This ability is considered unique in the Pokémon world!
Flapping its wings and flying high into the air, Rogia's eyes were fixed, ready for the next attack.

Because of its relationship, Frozen Bird also confidently handed over the battlefield here, and did not continue to release the extremely cold air here.

The sea has returned to normal under the high temperature of the lava just now. Except for the flat boat at the foot of the red dog, the rest is rough waves.

"Damn! Why do I always have to fight these powerful Pokémon!!!"

Akainu roared like a roar in his heart.

Obviously, those Pokémon in the Navy headquarters are as weak as salted fish in his opinion.

But the first Pokémon he encountered was Ibrahimovic, a god-like dimensional merchant.

The second time, it turned out to be a Pokémon of the Revolutionary Army who was no weaker than him!
Although I don't know what this Pokémon is called, this terrifying strength is enough to move Akainu.

at this time!

Lugia in the air suddenly uttered another cry.

Immediately afterwards, a bright flash of light burst out from his eyes.

"not good!"

Akainu's heart tightened, and his body instantly entered an elemental state, and continued to release magma, expanding the land under his feet.

At the same time, a miraculous wave of light suddenly released from Rogia's body, and charged towards Akainu!
The light wave penetrated Akainu's body and landed on the rock at his feet.

All of a sudden!
There was a violent shock under Akakenu's feet, and the land made of magma burst apart at this moment.

The huge force pierced through the rock and rushed towards the depths of the sea.

The sea rioted in an instant, and the waves rushed towards the surroundings in a disorderly manner like a madman.

But in the end, Rogia's attack did not cause any direct damage to Akainu, but only destroyed the land under his feet.

Akainu, who canceled the elementalization, immediately let out a long sigh of relief, and quickly released a large amount of magma to make up the land under his feet.

And I am very thankful in my heart that I have fought against the Pokémon of the Dimensional Merchant.

After Aokiji's explanation, he already understood that when the Pokémon's eyes had a strange light, it was a sign that the Pokémon was going to activate the super power skill.

In fact, what Rogia just released was indeed the supernatural power of the super power system.

Blocking Rogia's two attacks in succession made Akainu's confidence suddenly emerge.

There was an arrogant smile on his face, he looked at Rogia in the sky, and shouted:
"It's useless! With your strength, justice cannot be defeated!!!"


Akainu raised one arm suddenly and pointed it at Rogia in the air.

Thick magma spewed out from his arm in an instant.

Akainu continued to shout:

"Justice is invincible!!!"

"Big fire!!!"

At this moment, Akainu's arm suddenly turned into a huge lava fist made of lava, and it was fired at Lugia like an erupting volcano.

The fiery magma instantly turned the sky red.

Facing Akainu's attack, Rogia did not dare to relax in the slightest.

With a shake of the wings, a violently rotating cyclone was launched, which collided with the giant lava fist.

boom! ! !
As a powerful long-range attack move in the flying system, the power of the cyclone attack should not be underestimated.

Accompanied by a huge roar, the cyclone attack instantly pierced through the giant lava fist.

Peng! ! !
After losing the control of the red dog, the giant lava fist was unbearable, and it exploded in the sky, blooming like fireworks.

The scattered magma is also scattered everywhere like a goddess.

"It's really flawless!"

Seeing that his full-strength blow also didn't hurt the opponent at all, Akainu secretly clicked his tongue in his heart, and the magma on his body surged again.

Without giving himself any time to breathe, Akainu exerted his strength again.

All of a sudden!
A large number of magma bombs sprayed out from his fists, hitting Lugia like a meteor.

Facing a large number of magma meteors, Rogia was able to do a job with ease, flying quickly in the air, and dodged.

Even if you can't dodge, you can still use the cyclone attack to resist.

All of a sudden, the entire world was shrouded in magma and hurricanes.

Using the fruit ability for a long time also made Akainu's body a little tired.

Fortunately, to his relief...

On the ice ahead, six vice admirals had surrounded Sabo tightly.

Lugia is certainly powerful.

But the purpose of their trip was to wipe out the Revolutionary Army, not to kill Pokémon.

With Sabo's strength, it's not a problem to deal with one vice admiral, but if he deals with two, there will be a stalemate.

But now, he had to deal with six vice admirals at the same time.

The vice admiral is not a rookie pirate on the great route!

Even if he is an admiral, it will take some effort to deal with six vice admirals at the same time.

With Sabo's current strength, it is tantamount to wishful thinking to deal with six vice admirals!
"Just hold back the Pokémon in front of you and wait for the other navy to kill the revolutionary army, that's enough!"

Akainu thought in his heart.

He didn't believe that after possessing the two powerful Pokémon Rogia and Frozen Bird, what terrifying Pokémon the Revolutionary Army could come up with.

Today's red dog is no longer the original Wuxia Amon.

After being defeated by Ibrahimovic, he also crammed a lot of knowledge about Pokémon.

If the dimensional businessman is a philanthropist, powerful Pokémon don’t need money to send out! ?
According to Akainu's understanding, the price of Rogia and Frozen Bird is enough to bankrupt the Revolutionary Army! ! !
Rogia is now being restrained by him.

Although the Frozen Bird is powerful, as long as two vice admirals are separated, it is enough to contain it.

By that time, Sabo will surely die!

Unless he still has a powerful Pokémon on him.

But how is this possible! ?

(End of this chapter)

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