Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 146 This is Hell

Chapter 146 This is Hell

Red Dog smiled.

He seems to have seen the picture of Sabo being besieged by several vice admirals and then dying.

For the Revolutionary Army, this is definitely an unacceptable blow to them!

"What a pity, you followed the wrong master!"

Looking up at the powerful Rogia in the sky, Akainu couldn't help but yelled.

In his heart, such a powerful Pokémon should be controlled by the world government and navy.

Only in this way, the world will have complete order and rules under the shroud of absolute justice.

Akainu is an absolutely perfect iron-blooded soldier!

So perfect that once he joins a certain faction, he will do his best to serve that faction.

Unfortunately, his luck seems to have been bad.

Whether in the future in the original timeline or now, there are far more people stabbing him in the back than standing by his side.

"Oh?" Rogia, who was dodging lava missiles in the sky, also showed a puzzled look.

It didn't understand that it hadn't exerted its strength yet, so why the human being facing it seemed to be sure of winning.

"Strange human beings."

After complaining secretly in his heart, Rogia turned around and glanced at the situation behind while dodging once.

Six vice admirals have surrounded Sabo, and a large number of rear admirals and commodores have also arrived at the coastline of Goa Kingdom.

The battlefield is completely divided, and no one will disturb the battle between it and Akainu.


I can finally give it a go!
A look of excitement appeared on Rogia's face.

Suddenly, it suddenly took a deep breath, and immediately sprayed out a white mist from its mouth!

The white mist carrying the ice attribute exuded a cold breath, instantly covering the area where it fought the red dog.

After the magma meteor in the sky touched the white mist, as if time had been stopped, it was instantly fixed in midair, turned into an ordinary rock, and fell into the sea water
The surrounding temperature began to drop sharply at this moment.

The entire battlefield was instantly covered by white mist, making it impossible to see the situation inside.



And on top of the glacier.

The vice admirals also surrounded Saab, the successor of the revolutionary army, so that he had no chance to escape.

"Catch it without a fight, Revolutionary Army!"

"Even if you get Pokémon from another world, you will never be opponents of the world government and navy!"

A brilliant slash flew out suddenly, splitting all the ice along the way.

Lieutenant General Mole kept swinging his knife and raised his head, his angular face looked extraordinarily serious in this frosty place.

"Anyone caught?"

Sabo seemed to be thinking of something funny, facing the flying slash, the corners of his mouth suddenly raised.

Black top hat pressed down.

The domineering black armed color emerged instantly, covering Sabo's hands like armor.

"This kind of thing, let's wait until you win us!!!"

Sabo waved his hands forward vigorously.

All of a sudden!
The unrivaled wind pressure surged and turned into terrifying dragon claws, grabbing at the slash.

Once again seeing that his slash was crushed by the sharp claws, without the slightest effect, Lieutenant General Mole's hand holding the knife couldn't help but tighten a bit more.

At this moment, he already understood that Sabo's strength is really stronger than his navy, which has been immersed in kendo for decades.

To be able to possess such terrifying strength at this age, he couldn't help but feel that his practice for so many years has been cultivated on dogs.


Fortunately, he still has comrades!
"Finger gun!!!"

Lieutenant General Dalmesia, wearing a Dalmatian hood, quietly came behind Sabo, taking advantage of the moment when he confronted the mole, the armed domineering in his hands instantly emerged.

The thick fingers turned into spears, and attacked Sabo's back.

There was a smile in the corner of Mole's eyes, as if he had seen the picture of Sabo being hit.

But at this moment, a red light flashed instantly.

A Pokémon with horizontally growing front teeth suddenly appeared behind Sabo, and opened its mouth wide in the face of the attacking finger gun!

Axetooth made a lovely cry, which was somewhat vicious.


Seeing the Axodontosaur suddenly blocking behind Sabo, Dalmesia's expression froze for a moment.

But his attack was already unable to recover.

And the long-prepared Axe-toothed Dragon in the elf ball was not to be outdone, and the purple-black evil energy was released instantly, wrapping its huge fangs.

Axodontosaurus opened its mouth wide and bit the finger of Lieutenant General Dalmesia.


Lieutenant General Dalmesia's complexion suddenly tightened, and the next second, a piercing pain invaded his brain instantly!


Dalmesia let out a heart-piercing scream in an instant, flung the Axodontosaurus away vigorously, and immediately retreated quickly with trembling legs.

"What... what's wrong?"

The other navies who were about to attack suddenly stopped, looked at Dalmesia one by one inexplicably, and asked inexplicably.

Dalmesia's body continued to tremble, he pointed at the Axetooth Dragon, and stammered:
"I...I don't know."

At this moment, he was like a coward who had run into a ghost, his eyes were full of fear.

No matter how hard he tried to calm his heart, he still couldn't stop his body from trembling.

The other vice admirals frowned instantly.

Of course, they wouldn't think that this was the scream of Dalmesia being bitten by the Axodontosaurus.

As vice admirals, even if their chests were pierced by long knives, they would still endure the severe pain and kill the enemies in front of them.

Therefore, the problem must be with this Pokémon that suddenly appeared!

And the fact is that it is.

The biting move with the evil attribute attached has a certain chance to make the enemy fearful.

Unfortunately, Dalmesia was lucky enough to start with this probability.

"Let me introduce to you..."

At this time, Sabo suddenly turned around, smiled and stretched out his hand to pat Axetooth on the head.

"This is my new partner Axetooth Dragon, please give me your advice!"

"New partner?"

Several vice admirals were stunned for a moment, and they all showed shocked expressions.

"Another Pokémon!?"

"What did the Revolutionary Army trade to get so many powerful Pokémon!?"

They looked at the thick white mist behind them in a daze.

Even if nothing can be seen visually, the violent impact and the hot breath from time to time indirectly explained the situation inside to everyone.

They understood that it was not a battle they could participate in at all.

A big bird with freezing ability comparable to Admiral Aokiji, a monster that can compete with the Admiral of the Navy, and a little Kaguo who can make the Admiral feel fearful...

Is Dimensional Trading really that powerful?
A group of lieutenant generals who originally thought that the appearance of dimensional merchants would cause turmoil in the world suddenly became curious about dimensional transactions at this moment.


The revolutionary army obviously didn't intend to give them too much time to think.

Just when the lieutenant generals shocked and frightened the Axe-toothed Dragon in Dalmesia, a gust of icy air suddenly descended on everyone's heads.


The high-pitched tweet brought the lieutenant generals' thoughts back to reality in an instant, and their expressions immediately became embarrassing.

Because the bird Pokémon with freezing power comparable to General Aokiji flew over their heads at this moment, and was watching them closely with its agile eyes.

Sabo continued to laugh:

"I'm sorry, everyone."

"The outcome of this war seems to be a foregone conclusion..."



at the same time.

Knowing that their strength could not help the generals and lieutenant generals, the naval officers ran wildly and soon came to the coastline of the Kingdom of Goa.

Stepping on the hard ground made them feel a lot less panicked.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! While the high-end combat power of the revolutionary army is being restrained by the generals and lieutenant generals, let's complete the task as soon as possible!"

A rear admiral held a battle ax and shouted at the surrounding navy.

Although not as powerful as a lieutenant general, he is still a major general of the Navy headquarters, and his strength should not be underestimated.

Coupled with the advantage in numbers, it is still easy to deal with some ordinary revolutionary soldiers.


When more than a hundred naval officers gathered and were about to enter the territory of Goa Kingdom, a soft voice suddenly stopped them.

"I'm sorry, everyone."

"This way is dead."

Krall walked slowly in front of the many navies, with a charming smile on his face, and said softly.


At this time, Nami, who had already returned, suddenly fell from the sky and appeared behind the marines.

A sly aura flashed in her pupils, and she licked her lips with a smirk:
"Compared to the battlefield outside, it may be to you..."

"This is the real hell!"

While talking, Nami and Clare looked at each other and smiled, took out an elf ball from her arms in an instant, and threw it vigorously towards the sky.

"Come out! Flame Bird! Let the world feel your warmth!!!"

"Come to the world! Lightning Bird! Let's vent your strength!!!"

The sky became extremely gloomy at this moment.

 Thank you for the support of fighting spirit, Shui Lanxiang, every inch of mountains and rivers and every inch of blood! ! !
  Thanks! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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