Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 147 The Desperate Navy

Chapter 147 The Desperate Navy

Between heaven and earth, there was silence.

The marines who had just endured the severe cold of the glacier suddenly felt an extremely scorching heat.

Boom! ! !
The sky above the head seemed to be angry, and a huge lightning flashed suddenly, which made people feel uneasy.

"This, this is..."

Looking at the suddenly changing sky, a bad thought flashed across the hearts of the admirals.

In the next second, two big birds similar to the frozen birds before suddenly appeared above their heads.

One exudes endless flames, the other has sharp feathers, and lightning flashes all over its body from time to time.

"No... not good! Let go!!!"

A rather prestigious major general showed a frightened look on his face, and hurriedly shouted at the surrounding admirals.

Because he was so frightened, his voice began to tremble unnaturally at this moment.

The other navy also understood, and immediately launched the six-style "shaving" of the navy, and ran away in a scattered manner.

But at this moment, Nami and Krall gave orders at the same time:
"Flame Bird, use Jet Flame!!!"

"Lightning bird, use one hundred thousand volts!!!"

The moment the two girls' voices fell, a vortex of flame wrapped in the power of lightning suddenly descended in the middle of the marines.

A dozen marines couldn't dodge in time, and were instantly swept by the lightning flames.

A burning breath burst out instantly.


The marines suffered from the burning pain, but their bodies were paralyzed by the lightning force, and they couldn't move. They could only let the blazing flames burn their bodies.

The strength of the level 70 flame bird and lightning bird is simply not something these major generals and brigadier generals can bear!

It was as if flames from hell erupted in the air like stray bullets, and anyone who was touched by the flames would instantly fall to the ground.


Because of the verbal agreement between the Revolutionary Army and the Warring States, Nami and Krall deliberately let the Flame Bird and Lightning Bird stay away and fight, so that these marines did not immediately return to hell.

Instead, after the opponent loses the power to move, he retracts the flames and continues to paralyze the opponent's body with lightning.

Under the staggered attacks of two powerful Pokémon, in just a few minutes, more than [-] people fell down in a team of more than [-] people, and only the remaining dozens of people headed towards the interior of the Goa Kingdom due to scattered positions. ran over.


"I ran a lot."

Stepping on the scorching ground, Nami, wearing rubber gloves, joined forces with several Revolutionary Army soldiers who came to tie up a rear admiral.

The major general's physical fitness is not bad, and he was not suffocated and unconscious by the heat of the flames.

The horrific scene made his brain delirious.

He widened his eyes, and in his blurred vision, he could only see the comrades who fell to the ground around him.

An unstoppable roar suddenly came out of the Rear Admiral's mouth:
"You! You devil!!!"

He cursed at Nami.

However, in return, it was Nami's indifferent eyes.


There was a sarcastic smile on her face, and she laughed at the lieutenant commander who had lost her freedom:
"If I am the one who left your life as a demon, then what is the Tianlongren who treat human life as a toy and play with it at will?"

"Evil God?"


Nami shook her head.

"Those pigs are not worthy of the title [God]."

Ever since she saw such a scene of hell on earth in Hyde Kingdom, she didn't have the slightest liking for creatures like Tianlongren.

In Nami's view, this group of navy guarding the Tianlong people is a model of helping evildoers.

It is the existence of people like them that causes so many tragedies in this world!
If it weren't for their lives being used for other purposes, Nami really wanted to electrocute them to death on the spot.

"take away!"

Nami waved her hand coldly.

A few soldiers of the Revolutionary Army took orders in an instant, obediently picked up the rear admiral, and threw it into the stone cage of the sea building beside him like throwing garbage, waiting to be transported back to the capital of King Goa.

There were more than seventy naval officers left on the ground, and they didn't have the time to treat these prisoners of war tenderly.

At this time, Krall walked to Nami's side.

Seemingly seeing some fluctuations in Nami's mood, she slowly reached out and stroked the little sister's head a few times.

"What's the matter, Miss Nami, did that idiot offend you?"


Under the caress of Claire's big sister, the grievance in Nami's heart dissipated instantly.

Immediately she chuckled and said:

"It should be more than [-] people who ran away. Are there any problems with Crowe and the others?"

"Do not worry."

Claire smiled.

"All the major generals have been given special care. The only ones who escaped are some brigadier generals. With Ke Luo's current strength, there is absolutely no problem!"


Nami nodded, and immediately set her gaze on the glacier in the distance.

There, Sabo, Frozen Bird and Axodont have already fought with six Vice Admirals.

With the help of Frozen Bird, there is no problem on their side, but it may take a long time to fight.

Nami thought for a while, returned the flame bird's elf ball to Krall again, and said:

"Kral, you take the flame birds to help Sabo."

"Pikachu and I are going to support Crowe!"

Although Crowe and more than a hundred revolutionary army commanders were ambushed in the forest, those who escaped were all naval elites, and Nami was also a little worried.

"no problem."

Claire didn't hesitate.

Of course, the sooner the outcome of this battle has been determined, the better.

The two beautiful girls met each other with a smile, and then immediately went their separate ways.



above the glacier.

The general of the mole slashed with all his strength, splitting the freezing beam of the freezing bird in half.

Brilliant ice crystals instantly wrapped the blade, and under the shock of the mole's armed domineering aura, it turned into tiny ice crystals and fell down.

"Damn it! Something happened over there!"

After parrying the blow, Mole immediately turned his attention to the coastline of Goa Kingdom.

Although they were far apart, the fire and thunder that erupted there just now made the six lieutenant generals feel palpitations.

But at this moment, the Ghost Spider, who was shot down by Sabo again, roared at him:
"Let's take care of ourselves first!"

boom! ! !
A dragon wave full of powerful aura bombarded the ghost spider's eight blades impressively.

Under the huge impact, the glacier under the ghost spider's feet shattered directly, and its figure was pushed back a few meters, but in the end it didn't cause any harm to the ghost spider.

After all, the level of Axetooth Dragon at this time is indeed incompatible with those present.

However, relying on the weirdness of Pokémon's moves and the powerful energy of the dragon system, it also created a lot of good opportunities for Sabo to attack.

"Dragon's Claw!!!"

The palm wrapped in the armed color suddenly descended from the sky, and grabbed the ghost spider's hair.

"Do not!!!"

The ghost spider roared in fear.

But Sabo didn't care about it, with a hearty smile on his face, and his palms exerted force impressively.

All of a sudden!
A large handful of long hair was pulled down by Sabo.

"My hair!!!"

The ghost spider let out a mournful roar.

Although the return of life can make the hair grow wildly...

But the premise is that there are hair roots on his scalp!
Feeling the cold and bald feeling on his head, Ghost Spider was heartbroken.

"Ah!!!" He roared, and swung seven long knives at Sabo in front of him.

But Sabo took advantage of the inertia when pulling his hair, jumped backwards, and perfectly avoided the slash.

Here Sabo and Axodontus join forces to fight against the two powerful vice admirals, the mole and the ghost spider.

On the other side, Frozen Bird also played back and forth with the other four vice admirals, and from time to time could use two skills to help Sabo.

The scene seemed to be at a stalemate.

If this continues, even if they fight for a day and a night, they may not be able to tell the winner.


"Sabo, I'm here to help you!!!"

A voice suddenly came from high above.

Kral, who was riding on the flame bird, waved her arms downward vigorously.

But the grumpy Lightning Bird had landed at this time.

Ling Lie stared intently at the mole and the ghost spider, as if they were going to do something big.

In order to save the lives of those navies just now, it didn't play well at all.

The few people here seem to be rough-skinned and thick-skinned, so they should make it happy.

After putting Krall in a safe position, the flame bird also fluttered its wings and flew high.

Although not as violent as the lightning bird, it is also a militant with the power of fire.

In an instant, three legendary Pokémon surrounded the six marines, just like they surrounded Sabo before.


Dalmesia choked with sobs, and his footsteps were a little vain.

He backed back again and again, until he collided with another navy back to back, and then he said in a throbbing voice:

"Hey hey hey~"

"This battle, are you kidding me?"

(End of this chapter)

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