Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 148 Water Escape·Spiral Pill

Chapter 148 Water Escape·Spiral Pill

The arrival of the three holy birds made the situation overwhelming.

Sabo took the opportunity to withdraw and retreat, allowing the three holy birds to play freely.

As long as you don't kill people, just let them toss.

Finally, the last standing Vice Admiral Mole was transformed into an ice sculpture and slammed to the ground with a freezing beam from the Freezing Bird.

Beside him were the ghost spider whose hair had been burnt and lost consciousness, and four other lieutenant generals paralyzed by lightning.

With the fall of the mole, it also indicates that this great war has come to an end.

"It feels... more relaxed than I imagined."

Seeing that the victory had arrived, a brighter smile appeared on Sabo's face.

The next step is to wait for the battle between Rogia and Red Dog to end, and for the navies who fled to the Kingdom of Goa to be captured.

At that time, he can also officially announce...

In the battle with the Navy Headquarters, the Revolutionary Army won a real and complete victory! ! !



In the Kingdom of Goa, in the dense jungle.

The panicked Xi Wei hid under a huge tree hole.

Behind him, more than half of the "justice" cloak he was proud of had been burned, and only the upper half of the word "正" was removed.

And a golden electric current flashed across his body from time to time, making his movements look extremely stiff.

"Damn it! Why does the Revolutionary Army have such a powerful Pokémon!?"

Xi Wei leaned against the tree wall behind him, expressing the greatest doubt in the hearts of all the marines today.

After recuperating for a while, the lightning power staying in his body finally completely disappeared, and his actions became flexible again.

But just now he was chased and burned by the flame bird, but now he has no idea of ​​getting up and continuing to fight.

"Let's wait for the general and the lieutenant general to defeat their opponents before proceeding..."

The exhausted Xi Wei thought so.

As a senior navy, he has extremely high confidence in the strength of the generals and lieutenant generals.

In the history of the Navy in recent decades, as long as there is a mission involving an admiral, there has never been a failure.

And this was also the main reason why Xi Wei was full of confidence.


This history is destined to be rewritten today.

"Hey, uncle, are you the one Sabo said to attack our navy?"

A young voice suddenly interrupted Xi Wei's rest.

He opened his eyes, and suddenly found a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy standing outside the tree hole, wearing a red waistcoat, buttoning his nose while questioning him seriously.

The air around suddenly stagnated, only the wind blowing the leaves, making a rustling sound.


After a brief short circuit in Xi Wei's brain, he instantly realized that the person in front of him was a member of the Revolutionary Army.

His face tightened, and the blood in his body surged instantly.


Xi Wei yelled, and suddenly swung his domineering fist covered in armed colors at Luffy.

But looking at Xi Wei who suddenly attacked, Lu Fei's face suddenly revealed a look of enlightenment.

Although he is not a member of the Revolutionary Army, he is still idle when he is idle. Luffy, who has been eating and drinking in the Kingdom of Goa for a month, has finally come to pay for his actions.

"Is the armed color domineering? Now I won't be hit by you foolishly!"

Feeling the throbbing blood in Xi Wei's body, Luffy, who has been trained countless times by Sabo's armed forces in this month, already knows what kind of fists can be accepted and what kind of fists can't be accepted.

He kicked hard on the ground with his feet in sandals, and his body flew backward like a cannonball.


Xi Wei's unbelievable look appeared on Xi Wei's face as he punched the air in a sneak attack.

What surprised him even more was that...

The boy in front of him suddenly took out an elf ball from his waist.

No... no?

Xi Wei's eyes widened, dumbfounded.

After going through the battle just now, he is sure that he is now suffering from Pokémon phobia.

At this moment, he very much hoped that he was hallucinating because his mind was too tight.

But reality gave him a slap in the face.

"Frog, get ready to fight!"

Luffy pressed the button of the Poké Ball in front of him.

Suddenly, a handsome Pokémon suddenly emerged from the poke ball.


The croaking frog landed on three limbs, stretched one hand backwards, posed a classic poss, and immediately looked at Xi Wei.

Croaking frog, the evolution of the croaking frog.

Compared with the cute croaking frog, the croaking frog is like a cute boy who has grown into a young handsome boy.

The long limbs are full of agility, and the eyes without desire and desire are gazing at the whole world indifferently, and the white foam like a scarf around the neck is flowing with the wind, extremely chic.

Seeing the Pokémon appearing in front of him again, Xi Wei really became furious.

"Damn it! What are the top leaders of the World Government doing!? Why do the Revolutionary Army already have so many powerful Pokémon, but we are still unarmed!"

Although only a few people know that the world government does not support the navy's dimensional transactions, there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

Even a Commodore like Xi Wei has heard a lot of rumors from various gossip.

In the past, he didn't care much about it.

What dimensional transactions, what Pokémon...

How can this kind of external thing be more practical by the strength obtained through self-exercise! ?

But today, reality gave him and many navies a resounding slap in the face.

Obviously that Sabo and those two little girls, their real strength is not that strong...

But their Pokémon is an eye-opener for the Navy!

Since Xi Wei joined the navy, he has never fought such an embarrassing battle!
As the revolutionary army's Pokémon appeared one after another, their navy retreated steadily like a bereaved dog.

Now, in front of another Pokémon, he can only fight with his back!

"Little devil, I don't know what your status is in the revolutionary army!"

"But today, I will bring you to justice!!!"

Shaking off all the burdens in his heart, Xi Wei began to face up to the enemy in front of him.

The fifteen-year-old boy Lu Fei has lost the immaturity of his childhood. On his sharp and delicate face, there is a pair of eyes that are always full of confidence.

That strong self-confidence comes from all his love for life.

"Revolutionary Army?"

Luffy shrugged his nose with a chuckle, and immediately said to Xi Wei:

"I'm not a revolutionary army!"

"I'm the man who wants to be the One Piece!!!"

"Go! Croaking Frog!"

The figure of Luffy who shouted out a classic quotation suddenly disappeared in place, and came towards Xi Wei with a punch.

"Become the Pirate King?" Xi Wei narrowed his eyes and said firmly, "Then I can't let you go!?"

Xi Wei swung his fist, and instantly collided with Luffy's fist.

boom! ! !
A dull loud noise resounded in the dense forest instantly.

Luffy's face froze, and then twisted in pain.

Although he had undergone a month of special training from Sabo, Luffy's body was only fifteen years old after all.

Facing some ordinary pirates is no problem.

But at this time, his opponent is a Commodore who has truly experienced countless battlefields!
What's more, Xi Wei has also mastered the armed domineering that restrains Luffy.

It was just a confrontation, and Luffy instantly understood...

The strength of the opponent is above oneself!

Can't beat it.

Luffy admitted his weakness very frankly.

However, he is not fighting alone!

At the moment when Xi Wei and Luffy collided, a bright water ball suddenly appeared from Xi Wei's side, and charged towards him with unparalleled strength.

Waves of water!

This is a trick that has been used badly by countless water-type Pokémon.

But the reason why it is used badly is precisely because this trick is easy to use.

After the evolution, the strength of the frog has been greatly improved, and the level has reached level 28.

Although it is still not strong, it is enough to deal with Xi Wei, a brigadier general!

The high-speed spinning water polo rushed towards Xi Wei.

It's just that Xi Wei, who is experienced in the battlefield, certainly won't forget that he has more than one enemy.

Xi Wei, who had been staring at the croaking frog with a sidelight, reacted instantly, quickly retracted his strength, and with the help of the reaction force from wrestling with Luffy, his body flew backwards.

But the water polo, which condensed the fluctuation of water, continued to impact towards Luffy's body because of the angle problem.


Xi Wei snickered, and meditated in his heart:

"Didn't expect that, brat? Fighting with me, you're still too young!"

"Enjoy the damage your Pokémon can do to you!!!"

Xi Wei stared intently at the water polo, which contained mighty wave power, looking forward to the moment when Luffy was hit hard by the frog.


The next scene made the confident Xi Wei pale again.

After seeing the fluctuation of the water flying towards him, Lu Fei was stunned for a moment, but immediately, a look of doubt suddenly filled his eyes.

In this dazed state, Luffy stretched out his hand and took the initiative to meet the frog's skill.

next second.

The world seemed to shake violently at this moment.

It's just because the water wave with terrifying energy is like a ball, which is firmly held by Luffy.



At this moment, whether it was Xi Wei who was fighting Luffy, or the Rockets trio and Lin Luo who were secretly watching Luffy, they were all shocked by the scene in front of them.



"Pokémon's move!? Caught!?"

The great route, in the different space within the body of the Roaring Whale King.

Lin Luo suddenly stood up from the recliner, and the lemon tea next to him fell to the ground because of his excessive work.

"This... how did you do it?"

Lin Luo was confused!

Even he couldn't grasp the skills of Pokémon like Luffy and control them in the palm of his hand.

At this moment, he was sure that Luffy had not entered the bond evolution state he expected.

But Lu Fei's behavior is more puzzling to him than the evolution of fetters.

"No matter! Go and have a look first!"

After hesitating for a moment, Lin Luo decisively drew a sliver of the world's original power, and directly made a super long-distance teleportation, teleporting from the great route directly to the top of Luffy and Xi Wei.

And below the battlefield, after experiencing a brief period of confusion, Luffy seemed to have an epiphany, and suddenly mastered the use of Pokémon's moves.

I saw that the originally sparkling water wave suddenly violently rotated in the palm of Lu Fei!
It's left-handed! ! !
Luffy, he's making this water wave spin wildly to the left!

Lin Luo in the sky has a panoramic view of all this.

I saw Luffy's palm controlling the fluctuation of the water stretching back suddenly.

"Rubber rubber..."

In the dark, there is God's will.

In the eyes of the observer Lin Luo, Lu Fei called out the name of the different time and space in a flash:

"Spiral Pill!!!"

With the help of the rebounding force, the long-stored arm quickly pushed the high-speed rotating water wave towards Xi Wei.

Peng! ! !
The wave of water mixed with the power of rotation exploded instantly, and the mighty energy contained in it also poured out at this moment, like a vortex, knocking Xi Wei out in a spiral.

Xi Wei, who thought he had plotted against Luffy, shot himself in the foot at this moment.

Next, under the double-sided attack of Luffy and the frog, the Commodore had no room for a comeback.

In just a quarter of an hour, he collapsed under the combined force of Luffy and the frog.


Seeing the enemy finally fell to the ground, Luffy immediately showed a look of joy on his face.

This is the first time he has encountered such a difficult opponent.

Navy six-style plus two-color domineering...

If it weren't for the croaking frog's several calls and tongue-licking paralysis, it would be impossible for Luffy alone to defeat a Commodore at this time.

And just when Luffy turned his head to the frog, ready to celebrate the victory of this battle...

Lin Luo, who had been waiting in the sky for a long time, suddenly snapped his fingers.

With a crisp finger snap, Luffy and the frog on the ground suddenly became motionless, as if time had been stopped.

And in fact, it is.

In order to explore the secrets of Lu Fei, Lin Luo did not hesitate to spend a lot of points to fix the time between Lu Fei and the frog at this moment.

"Let me take a look, what power is hidden in your body..."

Lin Luo put his hands on Luffy's shoulders curiously, and at the same time activated the power of the world's origin, and began to investigate.

Soon, with the help of the world's original power, Lin Luo learned the answer to all this.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen?"

Lin Luo slowly withdrew his hand, with a look of surprise on his face.

Just now, through the investigation of the world's original power, he was surprised to find that there is another kind of power hidden in Luffy's body...

And this power actually comes from Luffy's Devil Fruit ability!

Lin Luo is lucky.

Before crossing, he didn't know that Luffy's rubber fruit turned out to be such a nonsense thing as the human fruit, phantom beast, and Nika form.

In the feedback from the origin of the world, Lin Luo only knew that this was just a wonderful power hidden in the rubber fruit.

It was amazing that Lin Luo couldn't describe it in words for a while.

But one thing is for sure...

This kind of power has certain life characteristics, and it has a high degree of fit with the Pokémon energy that also has life characteristics.

So even if Luffy has not developed this power, he can still freely control the attribute power that belongs to Pokémon alone.

At this moment, Lin Luo just wanted to sigh with emotion:
Worlds, full of wonders!
Unexpectedly, there is such a secret hidden in the body of the Destiny Child of One Piece World.

This power is, well, very strong.


A smile appeared on Lin Luo's face:
"It's mine now!!!"

 Thank you for being a red monthly ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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