Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 149 Is Akainu Worth 100 Billion?

Chapter 149 Is Akainu Worth 100 Billion?

Lin Luo put his hand on Lu Fei's body, and the omnipotent power of the world was activated instantly, and according to his wishes, the special ability in Lu Fei's body was copied.

Suddenly, a mysterious ball of light appeared in Lin Luo's palm.

The light sphere is light green in color as a whole, and some bright white silver lights will flash from time to time.

"This is the ability to control the energy of Pokémon?"

Lin Luo, who was speeding up his Devil Fruit ability for the first time, curiously gathered a large circle of light spheres. He didn't see any clues, and threw the light spheres into the small vault with special abilities that he carried with him.

Here, there is also the experience of two-color domineering provided by Karp at the beginning and the way of using the six-style navy.

Seeing the sudden decrease in the points balance in the system, Lin Luo nodded in relief, and murmured:
"It only costs 1000 points to make a copy? It's much cheaper than I imagined."

"That's right, after all, it's only part of the ability of a Devil Fruit, no matter how expensive it is, how expensive it can be."

While speaking, Lin Luo directly copied a special ability again, and then applied it to himself.

As the light green ball of light entered his body, Lin Luo seemed to have a feeling of instant enlightenment.

But this feeling is fleeting in a moment, and disappears in the blink of an eye.

"It's strange, I don't feel any changes."

Lin Luo used all the probing methods to observe the inside and outside of his body, but did not find the slightest change.

Neither the spirit nor the body has changed in any way.

After a moment of careful comprehension, Lin Luo couldn't help showing a little puzzled look on his face.

"It's really strange to be able to control the power of Pokémon without making any changes to yourself."

"It seems that this ability can only increase some tactical cooperation between the trainer and the Pokémon, and the evolution of the energy-connected fetters is still a lot worse."

Lin Luo shook his head again, copied ten copies of this special power, and began to update the product information in the mall.

"The ability to control the energy of various Pokémon attributes, plus this green light...

Call you Force of Nature! "

After picking up a random name, Lin Luo immediately asked Rotom to update the introduction about the force of nature in the shopping mall above VIP4 level.

This is the third product that Lin Luo has added to the system after Armed-colored Domineering and Knowledge-colored Domineering.

And it is also the first devil fruit ability he recorded in One Piece World.

The previous Devil Fruit abilities were either too replaceable or too cost-effective, making them completely unsuitable for sale.

Unlike the Force of Nature this time, because it only takes part of the ability of the Devil Fruit, the price can be accepted by many trainers.

The price of 1000 points is neither high nor low, and it is very suitable for some trainers who have the desire to fight.

"It's okay, at least it's a bit of a gain."

Lin Luo smiled, and the original power of the world was mobilized again. In the blink of an eye, he had returned to the different space in the body of the Roaring Whale King.

At the same time, the time between Luffy and the frog was restored again.

One person and one pet didn't notice anything wrong, and continued to jump high, cheering and celebrating the victory of this battle.



at the same time.

Another battlefield in the forest of Goa Kingdom.

"Cool Leopard, bark, then use Assault!!!"

Crowe, who was wearing a neat black suit, stepped forward suddenly, waved the long knife in his hand, and shouted at the back of a big tree.


In an instant, a purple moon-like figure suddenly appeared and flashed in the air.

I saw the cool leopard opened its mouth wide, releasing a piercing roar sound wave.

Behind the big tree marked by Crowe, a Commodore suddenly covered his ears and ran out from behind the tree in pain.

In the world of One Piece, there is currently no way to resist Pokémon's cry attack except for a firm will.

The commodore who lost his mind instantly revealed his figure.

A black silhouette flashed by.

I saw a leopard covered in purple with yellow spots bullying it...

The sharp claws swung out like lightning, and immediately knocked the Commodore to the ground.

If the Commodore hadn't just released his armed arrogance in time, this sharp blow would have been enough to tear his body apart!

But even with the domineering protection of some armed forces, the strength of this navy was still lost to the cool leopard, and he was severely suppressed.

Although Cool Leopard's innate talent is not as good as Nami's Pokémon, but with the supply of a large amount of supplies from Crowe, its current strength has reached the level of a rear admiral!

For Kubao, a mere brigadier general is nothing to worry about!
After a few minutes……

Crowe gave the Marine the Hailou stone bracelet wholesaled by the Revolutionary Army, then took out a phone bug, and began to report to the Revolutionary Army headquarters.

Soon, Karina's joyful voice came from the phone bug:
"Thank you, Captain Crowe!"

"I just confirmed with Nami that all the commodores have been captured, and you can come back now."

"What, have you caught it? How could it be so fast!?"

Crowe, who still had a lot to say, had a look of surprise on his face.

It was less than an hour from when the group of them dispatched to the end, and all the commodores who fled into the forest were all caught?
This might be a bit too efficient.

On the other side of the phone bug, Karina immediately smiled and answered Crowe:

"The main reason is that Miss Krall handed Nian Meier to Nami."

"Within the range of Zombie's biological radar, no one can escape its perception."

"It can only be said that the lives of those marines are not good..."

"Um, so that's how it is."

Clomon nodded clearly, and couldn't help feeling the power of Pokémon in his heart.

And at this moment, a deafening explosion suddenly came from the sea.

Crowe looked up immediately.

I saw that in the high sky not far from Goya Kingdom, it was already covered with dark clouds and thunder and lightning intersected.

From time to time, in the clouds, there will be a few birdsongs that resound through the sky.

All of a sudden, all the revolutionary troops stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to the final battlefield.



At this time, it was filled with the icy white mist above the sea.


With a hoarse roar, the red dog who turned into a magma giant suddenly stepped forward.

The endless heat and death radiated outwards, but the moment it touched the white mist, it turned into snow and dripped down.

Suddenly, Akainu exerted force upwards, and the huge lava fist separated from the body, flying towards the front.



A sharp bird song suddenly sounded above Akainu.

I saw a wisp of icy cold air suddenly erupting from the white mist, enveloping the giant fist of lava.

In the blink of an eye, the hot magma turned into an ordinary boulder and fell towards the sea.

"Give up, General Akainu!"

At this moment, a voice came from the white mist.

Although his eyes were covered, Akainu's domineering look clearly "saw" the person coming.


He widened his eyes instantly, showing an unbelievable expression, looking at Sabo who appeared in his perception.

Questions keep coming up in my mind:
what happened! ?
Shouldn't he be fighting the lieutenants! ?

Just when Chiquan was puzzled, the white mist that filled the sky began to slowly dissipate at this moment.

Only then did Akainu realize that in the distant battlefield, all the naval sergeants who followed him to fight had long since disappeared.

But above his head, there is Rogia who is as holy as a sea elf, and three big birds staring at him.

Only then did Akainu understand...

It turned out that the icy white mist just now was not used to limit the temperature of his magma, but to block his sight, so that he had no time to pay attention to the outside world.

"Revolutionary Army! You...!"

He, who has always believed in the victory of justice, has an embarrassing look on his face at this moment.

Originally, one Rogia was already difficult for him to deal with, but now there are three more strange Pokémon in the sky.

Under the powerful knowledge and arrogance, he can clearly perceive the breath strength of the three holy birds.

Although each of them is inferior to him, but when the three are added together, even Chinu cannot guarantee that they can defeat them.

What's more, beside the three holy birds, there is another Rogia who is not weaker than him.

At this moment, Akainu only felt that the sky covered with dark clouds was not as dark as his heart at this time.

Am I going to fail for the second time in the East China Sea?
A thought that had never been thought of before flashed through Akainu's mind.

But in the next second, he yelled ferociously:
"Justice must win!!!"

Seeing that Akainu seemed to have exhausted all his strength, the magma in his body roared instantly like a furnace, releasing terrifying high-temperature heat, which spread out to the surroundings.

The long-prepared Lugia and Sanshengniao were also unwilling to show weakness, and showed their respective housekeeping skills, and fought fiercely with Akainu.

that day.

The people of the Kingdom of Goa felt the tremor of the earth and saw the tsunami in the sky...

Even if they are hiding at home, they can feel the temperature in the air that is sometimes hot and cold.

That strangeness lasted for a long time, from day to night.


Darkness swallows the sky completely.

The world suddenly fell silent.

Ordinary residents of the Kingdom of Goa were unaware of what was happening in the sea, and only some of the nobles who escaped the net were still praying for the arrival of the navy at home.


The next day, the sky was just clear.

A series of eye-catching headlines made the whole world start to boil.

[The fleet led by the admiral crashed into the East China Sea, 30 ships fled, and all the admirals headed by Akainu were captured. 】

[The revolutionary army will clearly mark the price and sell naval officers to the world government! 】

[Pokémon Battle Gods!Defeat the Admiral again! 】

【Shock!The Navy was completely defeated, and the Revolutionary Army was completely victorious!Is this the weakness of the navy or the strength of the revolutionary army? Read the detailed report in this newspaper to take you closer to the Pokémon era! 】



As the ink-smeared newspapers were freshly released, the news of the navy's defeat spread across the sea in an instant.

At the same time, some well-informed newspapers also reported that the Revolutionary Army intends to exchange prisoners with the Navy and sell prisoners.

Although there are various theories, there are no waves without wind.

At the same time when the news of the navy's defeat came out, a report was also presented to the meeting table of the Five Old Stars.



Holy Land, Mary Joa.

"Are you kidding! How dare the revolutionary army demand a ransom from us!? Don't they think we really have nothing to do with them!?"

Wulaoxing, who was holding a generation of ghosts, smashed the scabbard on the ground heavily, and roared with fire in his eyes.

And the faces of the other four five old stars also showed the same expression.

The navy was defeated by the revolutionary army! ?

This is something they can hardly imagine.

The World Government formed by the Celestial Dragons has ruled the Pirate World for eight hundred years.

During this period, forces such as the Revolutionary Army emerged one after another, but in the end they all disappeared into ashes under the power of the world government and disappeared into the long river of history.

But today, they were defeated so thoroughly in a battle that they should have been absolutely sure of winning!
Losing a battle is not terrible.

But this defeat made them vaguely feel a sense of powerlessness.

And all of this is because of the three bold and bold words on the information - [Pokémon]!
Now that things have happened, Wu Laoxing can no longer deceive himself and others.

They have to admit that the power of Pokémon has surpassed their imagination.

Although defeating an admiral is nothing, but once such power gathers together and becomes a tower...

Then the rule of their world government will face a real threat!
All threats must be killed in the cradle.

"What's going on!? Has no one from the intelligence department found the trace of the dimensional merchant!?"

"Why are traders popping up one after another in the sea, but the people on our side don't even have any news!?"

"Could it be that the dimensional merchant is deliberately avoiding our world government!?"

The blonde Wu Laoxing frowned and began to guess emotionally.

At this time, another five old star shook his head and retorted:

"The sea is vast. The probability that the hundreds of people we sent out would encounter a dimensional businessman in the sea is too low. It's normal not to find a dimensional businessman."

"What's more, at least in the navy of the East China Sea, many traders have appeared."

"This is enough to show that the other party is not deliberately avoiding the World Government."

"That's right!" Another five old star answered:
"I just heard from the navy a few days ago that it seems that there is a person who has obtained the qualification to communicate with the dimensional merchant."

"What!? Who is that person!?"

The other five old stars all cast shocked glances.

But the five old stars who received the attention sighed:
"It's the Captain, Smoker, who has been captured by the Revolutionary Army."


The door of hope, which had just been opened, was tightly closed again as the five old star's voice fell.

"Which idiot took Smoker to go to the Kingdom of Goa back then!? This person is definitely an undercover agent placed by the Revolutionary Army in the World Government!"

Perhaps because he was too angry, the five old stars holding Guiche had already started talking nonsense.

Which one of the government officials who can order Smoker is not an absolute confidant they personally promoted.

If such people can be undercover agents of the Revolutionary Army, doesn't that mean that some of them may also be undercover agents of the Revolutionary Army?
Facing Guiche Wulaoxing's complaints, the meeting room fell silent again.

After a while, someone suddenly let out a long sigh:

"Let's put aside the dimensional businessman's question first, let's discuss the next question."

While speaking, he unfolded the report handed over by the navy, reached out and clicked on one of them and said:
"The Revolutionary Army asked the World Government to provide [-] billion Baileys before they would release Akainu..."

"So, for the [-] billion Baileys, do we want to pay out!?"

The meeting room fell silent again.

The five old stars frowned one by one, and slowly began to think.

If 100 billion Baileys were exchanged for a character with the strength of an admiral, they would definitely agree to it immediately without blinking an eye.

An admiral, definitely one-fifth of the high-end combat power of the Shanghai Navy!
And the world government allocates more than 500 billion peli to the navy every year.

100 billion Baileys is really a small number for Wulaoxing, just find any Tianlong who is not pleasing to the eye, and deduct his pocket money and it will come out.

But the problem is...

Once they choose to make a deal with the Revolutionary Army, they will lose more than 100 billion Baileys...

And the face of the world government for eight hundred years! ! !

They must think carefully about this issue.

Is a red dog worth 100 billion Baileys, and the face of the world government...

 Thanks for the support of the monthly ticket of the Deep Sea Titan! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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