Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 150 Usopp sells medicine and gathers at Upside Down Mountain

Chapter 150 Usopp sells medicine and gathers at Upside Down Mountain
Time flies by like a horse.

In a blink of an eye, three months passed by.

And the world of One Piece has completely moved from 1519 to 1520.

During these three months, the sea seemed to have some kind of tacit understanding, and it was surprisingly quiet.

After the incident of the navy crashing in the East China Sea, there was no more eye-catching news.

For a while, this made ordinary people who are used to a world-sensational event from time to time feel a little uncomfortable.

Their chat after dinner has not been updated for a long time.

Perhaps the only thing that aroused their interest was the news that Admiral Akainu returned to the Navy headquarters not long ago.

It's a pity that because the navy is heavily guarded, even a media like the World Economic News, which is not afraid of the sky and the earth, only carried out a few written reports, and no one got final confirmation.

And in fact...

Akainu, indeed, has returned to the Navy headquarters, and has been back for quite a long time.

It's just that in order to save face, the world government directly hid him in the naval scientific research force and asked him to cooperate with Vegapunk in developing new combat weapons.

Two months ago, that is, a month after Akainu was captured by the revolutionary army.

After all, the Five Old Stars could not withstand the pressure of losing one-third of their naval combat power, and chose to conduct peace negotiations with the Revolutionary Army.

In the end, the world government redeemed all the admirals including Akainu at a price of 200 billion Baileys, and released all members of the Revolutionary Army imprisoned in the advancing city.

The Revolutionary Army also promised that it would never disclose the details of the transaction to the public, so as to save the last bit of face of the World Government.

In this way, a bizarre war of liberation finally ended with the complete victory of the revolutionary army.

The world government can never imagine...

This mere 200 billion Baileys actually increased the revolutionary army's combat effectiveness by 10 Shichibukai-level combat effectiveness, 20 vice-admiral-level combat effectiveness, and 100 rear-admiral-level combat effectiveness...

After this battle, the total combat power of the revolutionary army has finally reached the level where it can wrestle with the world government.

And all of this is due to the half-price BUFF they obtained after they occupied the Kingdom of Goa!

However, Long, the leader of the revolutionary army, is not short-sighted.

He is very clear that the reason why the current revolutionary army is able to occupy such a large advantage is all due to seizing the opportunity and the favor of the dimensional businessman.

Judging from the fact that the world government easily took out 200 billion Baileys, once the dimensional businessman makes a deal with the world government, the situation of the revolutionary army will return to zero again, or even lower.

Therefore, after receiving strong support, Long did not act ostentatiously. Instead, he sent a revolutionary army team to lead Pokémon to liberate one after another non-world government affiliated countries.

The Revolutionary Army must take advantage of this gap to obtain more generous returns, and strive to conduct another large-scale transaction before the half-price BUFF time expires.



Upside Down Mountain, the first elf center created by Lin Luo.

At this time, this place is no longer as desolate as it was when it was first established.

With the help of the battle area and the name of the Tenjin Gymnasium, more and more people from all over the world have achieved the sailing ship named "Dream" and come to the great route.

As a large number of people poured into the Inversion Mountain and climbed to this higher peak, the place has already become full of people and bustling.

Due to the geographical location and the architectural style of the foreign world, the people who passed by here gave it a nice nickname - [Starting Tribe]...

It indicates that this place will be the starting point for everyone who enters into the great Hangli and pursues their dreams!

Under the plan of the black girl Joey, the entire elf center has now been divided into three major sections: the living area, the battle area, and the trading area.

Because this is just a temporary place to stay, Joey didn't decorate the living area so luxuriously.

Mainly in order to prevent the tents or other shelters built by people passing by from being too ugly, the black girl Joey had no choice but to set aside a special area for this group of people to live in.

In order to unify the style with the tents in the Elf Center, the living area also adopted this style, and built a large number of tribal style tents.

As for the battle zone, as the name suggests, it is a place for people passing by to fight.

Most of those who can come to Reversing Mountain have some skills in their bodies.

This group of people are either pirates or bounty hunters, and it is impossible to get into a dispute if they are mixed together.

Although under the detection of Rotom, as long as someone is making trouble here, he will be severely punished immediately.

But people from Pirate World...

understand understand.

This group of people whose heads are stuffed with muscles can often even give up their lives for a little dispute.

Over time, Battle Zone came into being.

The black girl Joey chose a large open space in the mountains, and with the help of many Rotoms, planned this place into a battlefield for Pokémon battles one after another.

The rules here are very simple, as long as you report to Rotom, who is guarding the battlefield, you can do anything in the battlefield...

Including murder and robbery!
Compared with the battle area of ​​the Kingdom of Alabasta, this place is more like the stage of life and death used by sects in fantasy novels to deal with the hatred between disciples.

Just entering the great route, each of them is of course pretentious, so there will be bloody cases here every day.

The black girl Joey didn't stop too much from this kind of killing.

The kindness and softness in her heart have been worn out as early as when she greeted the first few guests who climbed to the top.

The faces of those pirates made the black girl Joey completely realize that he has come to a place completely different from the Pokémon world!

Since some people don't value life at all, why should she pretend to be affectionate and care for their lives?
After seeing the cruel world view of Pirate World, she fully integrated into it and became the queen in charge of everything in the starting point tribe!

of course……

Occasionally in the battle field, some simple Pokémon battles will also be seen.

Such battles in the starting tribe often attract a large number of onlookers.

Most of the onlookers were people from other three seas outside the East China Sea.

Because dimensional merchants have never appeared in Sanhai, these people can only watch the Donghai people in the battlefield with envious eyes.

And this is the main reason why they traveled thousands of miles to enter the great route from the other three seas.

The living area and the battle area can be said to be the rules that the black girl Joey forcibly established in the chaos, and everything is under her control.

Only the trading area is a place spontaneously organized by people passing by.

Everyone is from all over the world, and there is no chance to meet each other on weekdays. Just take this opportunity to exchange information or sell some items.

Slowly, it has gradually evolved from the small stalls and hawkers at the beginning to the current trading area.


"Come and have a look! Let's take a look! Freshly baked Konoha Star! Small in size, easy to hide, powerful and quick in effect! It is definitely a must-have hidden weapon for sea travel!"

"Today, the factory sells directly, and one is only sold for 10W Bailey!"

In the trading area, Usopp stood in front of a shop cut out of stones, yelling loudly.

And around him, there is a swordsman performing ball-throwing acrobatics on a unicycle, and an animal trainer who makes a huge lion go through a ring of fire back and forth.

Such a lively scene immediately attracted the attention of a large number of passers-by, who immediately gathered around to watch, and surrounded Usopp's shop tightly.

At this moment, a huge palm suddenly stretched out from the crowd, and a lady with a "stylish" figure walked up to the crowd, shouldering the mace in her hand, staring at Usopp and asking:
"Boy, is your gunpowder made of gold, or is the cartridge case made of gold, and a piece of ammunition costs 10W Bailey!?"

Hearing that someone came to inquire about his own products, Usopp immediately became interested, and regardless of the other person's outstanding appearance, he explained amiably:

"Hey, this beauty! Look what you're talking about!?"

It should be said that it is Usopp!
Even facing a face with a negative score, she opened her mouth as soon as she called out a beautiful woman.

He said with a smile on his face:

"Look, in this world, there is no one who sells ammunition like mine! Since I dare to sell it at such a high price, it certainly has its unique features!"

With that said, Usopp suddenly took out a green ammunition from the safety box behind him, opened the outer package, and showed it in front of Ms. "Feng Yun":
"Beauty, you don't know something. My ammunition is not ordinary gunpowder!"

"This is the exclusive ammunition that I, the great sea warrior Usopp, developed after ninety-nine and eighty-one days - Konoha Star!"

"Although it's only a small one, there is a powerful Pokémon move in this ammunition!!!"

"Pokémon moves!?"

Hearing such a sensitive word from Usopp's mouth, the surrounding crowd exclaimed for an instant, and immediately pushed and shoved one by one, wanting to have a closer look at what this Pokémon ammunition said.

When Ms. "Feng Yun" next to Usopp heard the words, a light flashed in her eyes immediately, and she was obviously interested.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost ready, the corners of Usopp's mouth suddenly rose.

Under the attention of everyone, he slowly took out the elf ball that threw Yuxiao from his pocket as if the BGM was playing behind his back.

And when the elf ball appeared in front of everyone, the crowd present instantly boiled!

Poké Ball! ! !
It's a real Poke Ball! ! !

Don't look at the Pokémon's homestead elf center here, but real trainers are actually really rare.

It's not bad to have one out of hundreds of people.

Looking at the Poké Ball in Usopp's hand, a group of people immediately believed what Usopp had just said.

At this moment, Ms. "Feng Yun" also showed an interested smile, and she asked quickly:
"You said that there is a Pokémon's skill hidden here. Could it be that this ammunition can be released into a Pokémon's move!?"

"Beauty, you are really talented!!!"

Usopp's eyes trembled. If he didn't know that Keya must still be working in the living area at this time, he would have suspected that the fat girl in front of him was brought by Keya for help.

Usopp secretly laughed in his heart, seeing that the surrounding atmosphere was in full swing, he immediately showed everyone the ammunition in his hand.


"There is indeed a Pokémon skill hidden here!"

He laughed:

"Since everyone is here, I will make a sacrifice, take a Konoha star, and set off fireworks for everyone to see!"

While speaking, Usopp suddenly took out a slingshot from his pocket, and pinched Konoha Star to the rubber band of the slingshot.

"The way of using Konoha Star is very simple. You can put it in the musket, or you can trigger its explosive device by throwing and launching it vigorously..."

"like this!"

Under the eyes of everyone, Usopp smiled arrogantly and shouted:
"Bloom! Konoha Star!!!"

A green light suddenly flashed in front of everyone's eyes and hit the sky in the distance.

Just when the ammunition was about to disappear from everyone's sight, an explosion sound suddenly came from the sky.

In an instant, thousands of leaves fell from the sky like knives.

The sharp blades were easily inserted into the hard rock, instantly piercing the ground into a thousand holes.


Everyone immediately choked up and stared at the astonishing scene in front of them.

And in the next second, their eyes looked at Usopp like seeing a beautiful woman in silk and satin, and they instantly became crazy.

In the sea, there is never a shortage of battles!
The emergence of dimensional merchants is like a catalyst, making the battles on the sea more frequent.

In today's world, no one can guarantee that they will have smooth sailing and not encounter strong enemies, so a life-saving weapon has become a crucial issue.

And this easy-to-hide, powerful Konoha star is simply a life-saving artifact in the eyes of everyone.

"Give me ten Wooden Leaf Stars!!!"

Suddenly someone in the crowd shouted.

And this shout seemed to ignite the fuse, which immediately made the scene explode.

"Me too! Me too!!!"

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! I want to buy 20!!!"



Attracted by the Konoha star, the crowd boiled instantly.

10W Bailey can be exchanged for a chance to save his life. This deal is simply too worthwhile!

Looking at the excited customers, Usopp's face was also full of joy, while shouting "Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, everyone has a share", while stuffing a lot of Bailey into his pocket.

The acrobats and animal trainers who were performing just now also turned into salespersons at this moment, serving every customer with a smile.

At the back of the shop, Bucky couldn't be happy when he heard the sound of sales outside.

He looked at Tou Yuxiao beside him with compassion, and couldn't help saying angrily:

"Damn it! Next time I will win the boxing game! Whoever likes to make this broken ammunition!!!"

Although he said so, Bucky's hands were split into several sections, and he skillfully loaded the materials into the ammunition, and then handed it over to Tou Yuxiao to inject energy into it.

And the other side.

"Get out of the way for my old lady!"

Arita, who bought the Konoha Star, held it in her arms as if she had found a treasure, and made a way out of the crowd.

Breathing fresh air again, she couldn't help laughing:

"Although the lost Mr. Zoro was not found, it is worthwhile to buy so many special ammunition."

"Hmm... When I go back, I can share a few of them. I'm about to enter the great route. Let's find some life-saving means for that little bean sprout."

As Alita said, she swayed her fat body and walked towards the living area.


at the same time.

Opposite Usopp's arms store, in a restaurant that has just opened for a short time.

Nami gracefully cut off the steak in front of her and put it in her mouth, but her gaze was staring at the bustling ammunition store opposite through the window.

"I didn't expect that someone could store Pokémon's skills and moves in the ammunition. It's really amazing!"

"That's it."

Karina, who was opposite Nami, immediately agreed.

On the table next to the two, Pikachu, Ba Dahu, Firefox, Long-tailed Firefox, and Cool Leopard also made a table, eating energy cubes of their respective attributes under the care of Crowe.

At this moment, a black figure suddenly flew out of the back kitchen.

Sanji in a suit turned his legs into hot wheels, his eyes turned into pink hearts, and quickly came to Nami and Karina.

"Two beautiful ladies, it's a great honor to be your chef today. This glass of lemon ginseng is specially dedicated to you two."

Sanji put down the double drink in his hand gentlemanly, and guarded the side of the table extremely flatteringly.

Seeing that Nami and Karina were about to finish eating, Kloe next door couldn't bear it anymore, and he quickly reprimanded:
"Hey, stinky cook! The dishes we ordered together, why haven't mine arrived yet!?"

 Thank you book friend 20190403085439982 for your support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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