Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 151 Everyone's Path

Chapter 151 Everyone's Path


Sanji, who was admiring the unparalleled beauty of the two peerless beauties, suddenly felt a piercing sound piercing into his ears.

He immediately turned his head angrily, wanting to see which jerk was interrupting his sweet time.

However, after making him notice the pile of Pokémon surrounding Crowe, the anger in his heart suddenly subsided by more than half, and he just said angrily:
"Why are you in a hurry!? You don't have to be late for a good meal, do you know that!?"

After speaking, Sanji once again bid farewell to Nami and Karina in a gentlemanly manner, then turned and walked towards the kitchen.

"The chef in this restaurant is quite interesting~"

Looking at the Poké Ball on Sanji's waist, Karina suddenly had a bright light in her eyes, and said thoughtfully.

Nami smiled and blinked, picked up the gift drink that Sanji had just sent, took a sip lightly, felt the sweetness of the fragrance on her lips and teeth, and said slowly:

"After all, he is a person who can open a restaurant here. If he doesn't have some means, he probably won't be able to gain a foothold."

"Having said that, have you really decided, Karina?"


Karina's tone was low, but there was a smile on her face.

"The road of fighting itself is not suitable for me, but on the first day we entered the great route, the dimensional businessman announced the news of the gorgeous contest..."

"I think this may be God's will!"

Karina sighed faintly, but there was an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Because the work of the Revolutionary Army came to an end for the time being, the three of them bid farewell to Sabo, left the Kingdom of Goa, and headed towards the broader stage of the Great Airway.

After more than a month's journey in the East China Sea, they finally came to the entrance and exit of the great route, the legendary upside-down mountain.

Under Nami's superb navigation skills, the three of them easily boarded the Elf Center on the Upside Down Mountain.

And the moment they set foot on this land, the three of them received a new short message in unison on their mobile phones, Rotom.

It probably means...

Master Lin Luo, a dimensional businessman, sees more possibilities in the world. Apart from pure battles, he decided to create a new competition and qualifying competition, which is called - Pokémon Gorgeous Contest! ! !

Unlike the Pokémon League Conference, which is determined by battle, the outcome of this game is determined by how many rewards the players can get from the audience.

Even if you lose to your opponent in the battle, if you donate more than your opponent, you can still win the game.

That is to say...

In the battle of the gorgeous contest, it is no longer a single combat power that determines the outcome. The charm of the contestants and Pokémon, the number and stickiness of fans, and the outstanding effects displayed in the battle are what determine the outcome of the gorgeous contest. key!

Karina, who didn't have much interest in fighting in the first place, after reading the rules of the gorgeous contest, tossed and turned all night, and finally this morning, she asked Nami to participate in the gorgeous contest.

Although Nami has revived her adoptive mother, Bermel, and sent her back to Cocoyasi Village, it seems that there is no reason to continue to struggle.

But she did not give up the pace of progress.

She couldn't calm down when she thought that countless islands and towns in the world were being persecuted and squeezed just like the former Cocoyasi Village.

Maybe as Sabo said...

Like those thousands of revolutionary fighters, she is a born revolutionary and a destined liberator!
And to achieve the world she wanted in her heart, she couldn't do it with her current strength.

The Pokémon League Conference is a perfect training ground for Nami.

So, she came to the great route.


Two elegant goblets collided in the air, making a crisp sound.

The drink in the cup has layers of waves, exuding bright and charming brilliance in the sun.

"I didn't expect that the first thing to do when I came to the great route would be parting."

With a smile on her face, Nami said with a chuckle pretending to regret.

And Karina raised her brows lightly, snickered and said:

"There is no way, who said that the gorgeous contest is different from the alliance conference, it can only be held at a fixed location."


Karina retracted the wine glass and handed it to her mouth. The cold brim of the glass touched her pink lips, forming a circular arc.

She continued:
"Don't forget, I, Karina, will always be the chief of staff of your bandit group! When you reach the top of this world, don't deny me~"

After lightly savoring the lemon-flavored drink, Karina swung the glass and drank it down.


Nami's eyes narrowed into a half-moon shape, and after a playful smile, she followed Karina's example and drank all the drinks in the cup.

The warm light shone down, shining on Nami and Karina's white skin, reflecting a different kind of breath.



At night, darkness falls.

The bright moon selflessly sends light to the entire sea.

The starting point tribe at this time is still very lively.

For this group of newcomers who are about to embark on a great voyage, even every breath of air here is more intoxicating than the four seas.

Inside Usopp's arms shop.

"Finally sold out!"

After finishing the day's work, Usopp and Bucky slumped on the ground back to back, and the two showed exhaustion on their faces.

And the other pirates of Bucky Pirates, although in better condition, are also listless.

In the whole room, there is the petite and lovely Miss Ke Ya, who is still full of energy at this moment.

She easily pulled several boxes full of cash to her front, and quickly counted today's gains.

Under Ke Ya's regulation, the Baileys quickly turned into bundles of banknotes, which were put into the other two boxes by Ke Ya.

After a while, Keya smiled and clapped her palms, and handed one of the boxes to Bucky.

"Today's total turnover is 2 million Berries..."

"According to the agreement, this is your [-] million Berries, thank you for your hard work, Captain Bucky!"

Kaya said with a smile.

And after hearing the word "[-] million" in Ke Ya's words, the ears of Bucky and his group suddenly moved, and they regained their energy in an instant.

"It's not hard, it's not hard!"

Bucky hugged the box full of Bailey, as if he had found a treasure!
In just one day, he actually earned [-] million Baileys. With this achievement, no one can feel tired if it is put on it!

Sure enough, there is development following this long-nosed boy!

With this earning speed, it may not be long before he can revive Captain Roger...

Bucky thought secretly in his heart.

Don't look at him always looking mercenary and selfish.

But in Bucky's heart, he also has an inseparable pain, that is his captain who was executed by the navy—Roger, the pirate king!

As a trainee crew member of Roger's Pirates, Bucky has been by Roger's side since he was very young.

At that time, he was just a kid who was ridiculed by the people around him because of his red nose, fled to the sea in a fit of anger and decided to become a bad guy.

And Roger was the first person in the world to accept his red nose.

After many adventures, Roger has already become an irreplaceable figure in Bucky's mind.

Unlike the red-haired Shanks who has a certain mission on his body...

Bucky he's just a selfish guy.

He couldn't understand why Captain Roger sacrificed himself to start a so-called era of great pirates.

In his opinion, being able to be with everyone is the most important thing.

So when Usopp and Kojiro made a deal last time, Bucky specifically asked about the resurrection.

After confirming that Captain Roger could still be resurrected, he immediately made up his mind and decided to run an arms business with Usopp to save enough Bailey to resurrect Captain Roger.

And this is why the Bucky Pirates are with Usopp and Kaya.


"What? [-] million Baileys!?"

An exclamation suddenly interrupted Bucky's recollection of the past.

I saw that Usopp, who heard today's harvest, became interested in an instant, and shouted in surprise:

"I didn't expect to be able to make so much money when I first came to the Great Airline!?"

"It seems that this great route is really a good place to make money!"

Regardless of how powerful the Konoha Star made by Usopp is, in fact, its actual cost is only a few hundred Baileys.

With their exorbitant price of 10W Bailey per piece, the money seems to be picked for nothing.

The only pity is that the manufacture of this kind of ammunition is extremely complicated, and so far only Usopp and Bucky can do it.

Even if two people are making it at the same time, the number of Konoha stars that can be made in a day is limited.

In addition, Tou Yuxiao, who is in charge of the most important process, does not have unlimited stamina buffs. After making a certain amount, Tou Yuxiao has to rest for a while.

At the end of a day, they make at most about 500 pieces.

If they hadn't brought some inventory before, they wouldn't have such a high profit today.

However, from the enthusiasm of today's customers, it can be seen that there is definitely a market for this Konoha star!

The starting point tribe is just a transit point for the great sea route from all over the world.

People leave here every day, and people come in every day.

It can be said that the passenger flow is absolutely guaranteed.

Coupled with the non-replicating characteristics of Konoha Star, as long as Usopp and the others stay here, they can earn more than tens of millions of income almost every day.

One month, that's a billion Bailey's income! ! !

Just enjoying it, Usopp has a feeling of ecstasy.

Sure enough, knowledge is the most precious wealth.

After splitting the money with the Bucky Pirates and agreeing on tomorrow's work time, everyone left the Usopp arms store and walked towards the living area.

Strolling on the moonlit path, Usopp only felt that the future was bright.

Perhaps it is the courage given by the future...

Before he knew it, he and Ke Ya's little hands touched each other.

Usopp's miraculous hand suddenly grasped Kaya's small and delicate palm.

A burst of charming breath suddenly rose.

The two blushed but cuddled each other and returned to the temporary residence in the living area.



at the same time.

On the opposite side of Usopp's munitions store, Sanji also closed the door of the restaurant, looking at the burly Klick and Akin with a gloomy face.

Although the three of them had also had a tiring day, there was no trace of exhaustion on their faces at this time.

On the contrary, Creek and Ah Jin even showed joyful smiles at this time.

Unlike Usopp and the others, Sanji and the others came to the starting tribe half a month ago.

At that time, they had no idea that there was an island serving the trainers on the peak of the Upside Down Mountain.

With Tetsuo's affirmation, Sanji, who finally became a teacher, led the well-behaved Klick and Ajin to set sail, preparing to open a new restaurant on the Great Route, and conquer more diners with his own cooking skills.

Unexpectedly, before they entered the great route, they first set their sights on the land of the starting point tribe.

When they saw that the people who came here were still eating the leftovers and dry food brought from the sea, Sanji immediately realized...

Here, a restaurant is missing!
Therefore, a peak branch of Bharati restaurant came into being here!

Because the location of the tribe is remote and the ingredients are difficult to obtain, the price of their restaurant is also very high.

Fortunately, almost all those who were able to climb upside-down mountain held some gold, silver and jewels in their hands. In addition, these people saw the novelty of the great route for the first time, and they were newcomers, so spending money was considered extravagant.

After half a month of operation, their restaurant is finally open today, the restaurant is full and customers are waiting in line!
And this also indicates that it is time for them to open a second branch in the starting point tribe!
Although it is only a few months of practice, a famous teacher produces a great apprentice.

Under the joint teaching of Zeff and Sanji, the current Klick and Akin are enough to be called "chefs".

Although it can't be as brilliant as Sanji, it can be regarded as passable.

Especially Ah Jin, maybe because he has cut too many people, his knife skills are already comparable to Sanji at this time.

So Sanji has decided that all the matters of the second branch will be handed over to the two of them!

"Everything is left to you."

On the way back to the place of residence, Sanji patted the shoulders of the two earnestly after explaining all the precautions.

Regardless of his young age, he is the life mentor of the two of them when it comes to cooking!

After receiving Sanji's approval, Klick and Ah Jin immediately showed excitement on their faces. The two stood up straight and said loudly:

"Don't worry, Chef!!! We will not let you down!!!"

"Well, I like you guys!"

Sanji smiled, already eighteen years old, while walking forward, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit them in his mouth.

"Cough cough..."

Just after taking the first puff of smoke, Sanji immediately let out an uncomfortable cough.

He quickly picked up the cigarette with an unskilled technique, and said doubtfully:

"It's weird, seeing them smoking makes me want to die, why can't I feel the joy of cigarettes?"



Three in the morning.

As the last group of people taking advantage of the moonlight returned to the living area, the entire tribe finally became completely quiet.

At this time, in the battle zone.

Sauron stood alone in the middle of a battle leader, scratching his head in doubt:
"Where did these guys get lost!?"

 Thanks to Xxxxzo for the monthly ticket reward! ! !
  Thanks! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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