Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 152 The Star Team and the Butterfly in the Disc

Chapter 152 The Star Team and the Butterfly in the Disc
Under the dark night sky, Sauron walked alone in an uninhabited battle zone.

Although he was alone, he was not afraid, but there was a little sadness on his face.

"Really, these guys are really going to cause trouble for me! They even got lost as soon as they landed on the island..."

Sauron sighed helplessly.


"Forget it, let's go around and find them as soon as possible, so we can go to the great route to participate in the qualifying competition!"

After the voice fell, Sauron turned around and was about to walk behind.

But at this moment, the single scabbard around his waist suddenly shook violently.


I saw a sharp long sword flying out suddenly, shaking it quickly in front of Sauron a few times.


Sauron was taken aback for a moment, looked at the single scabbard in astonishment and said:

"You say I'm going in the wrong direction?"

He frowned, looked carefully at the road ahead, and suddenly showed a relieved expression on his face.

"How could it be possible to go wrong, single scabbard, your sense of direction is so poor, don't bother me."

While speaking, Sauron grabbed the hilt of the single scabbard, put it back to his waist, and inserted it into the scabbard.

Feeling that the lone scabbard at his waist was still pulling his body backwards, Sauron immediately patted the hilt impatiently, that is, the head of the lone scabbard and said:
"Okay, okay, stop making trouble."

"We have to hurry up and find those lost guys, and go to the great route together!"

In the lonely moonlight, a green figure above his head gradually drifted away, and finally was completely swallowed by the darkness ahead and disappeared.



a few days later.

On the great route, in the middle of the connection between the Reverse Mountain and the Chambord Islands, a small island full of mythology quietly sits in this calm sea.

Baihua Island.

This is a small island created from beginning to end by Lin Luowan.

The overall shape of the island is like the sun in the comics, with a perfect circle in the middle and surrounded by jagged mountain cliffs like petals.

Because Lin Luo covered the island with countless flowers of different colors, the island looked like a colorful flower blooming from above.

Under the blessing of Lin Luo's original power, the flowers here will not wither or grow, and will maintain their current appearance forever and ever.

In the center of the island is a huge arena that is very similar to the shape of the island.

The slanted petals are the seats for the audience with a clear view, and the stamens in the center are the place where the contestants participating in the gorgeous competition will compete.

Right above the arena, there is a huge Rotom appliance that connects four screens in the south, east, west, and north, so that the audience sitting in all corners can clearly see the picture on the screen.

at this time.

The sky is clear and cloudless, and seagulls are flying around, sparkling.

Outside Baihua Island, a huge passenger ship broke through the sea and slowly docked at the island's port.

Robin walked out of the cabin slowly.

Today, she is wearing a casual blue shirt, and her long hair, which is usually scattered behind her, is combed into a playful ponytail, slowly falling down, and she wears a pair of youthful orange sunglasses on her face.

The bright sunshine shone on the smile on her face, and that beautiful picture instantly eclipsed everything around her.

Walking frivolously off the boat, Robin at this time is like a young girl who escaped from a big family to experience civilian life, full of curiosity about everything around her.

"Hey, hey~ Is that person Miss Robin!?"

"Hey! It seems to be true!"

Although the sunglasses have covered one third of Robin's face, the unique temperament and graceful figure still let the surrounding crowd detect Robin's identity at a glance.

In just a few tens of seconds, the deck of the passenger ship boiled instantly!
"Miss Robin! I'm your fan!!!"

"Miss Robin, please look here!!!"



One by one, LSPs or entertainment reporters immediately raised their cameras and started shooting at the youthful and energetic Robin.

And at this moment, a blond beauty in an OL uniform suddenly ran out of the cabin.

The tight-fitting hip-wrapping skirt wraps the figure in a bumpy shape, and it matches with the smooth black silk stockings, revealing the absolute domain that belongs only to girls.

The blond girl suddenly took a coat and covered Robin from the sun.

Immediately, he shouted to the noisy crowd around him:

"Hey! You guys, now is not your interview time, you are not allowed to take pictures here!"

"Please respect the personal privacy of celebrities, thank you for your cooperation!"

After finishing speaking, the blond beauty continued to protect Robin with her coat and escorted him all the way off the ship.


After entering Baihua Island and showing his identity with Rotom on his mobile phone, Robin successfully obtained the privileges of Baihua Island as a VIP3.

Led by a guide, Rotom, they came to the residence they had booked in advance.

Although Baihua Island is a small island, its area is not comparable to that of the pyramid battle area.

Apartment-style accommodation that is different from the battle zone.

Here, as long as you are willing to pay certain points or Baileys, you can own a private villa.

As Robin who already has a large number of fans and is secretly photographed by countless paparazzi every day, of course he will not be stingy with these points and find a clean place for himself.

After approaching the villa, Robin immediately threw the salute in his hand to the corner, took off his sweaty shoes, sat on the sofa with bare feet and bent knees, and took out his mobile phone Rotom.

After checking in, Robin's mobile phone Rotom has been connected to the smart system of the entire villa.

At this time, she can already control every electrical appliance in the house with the mobile phone Rotom.

Skillfully turned on the TV in the living room, Robin found a TV series and watched it.

Although there are not many audiences for TV, in the world of One Piece, there are still some countries that will equip residents with TVs and shoot TV series for distribution.

These TV series were collected by Lin Luo, and some film and television works from the Pokémon world were added together to create the current film and television library.

As long as 5 credits per year, you can freely watch all works in the library.

The price is fair, no one cheats!
And this is also a new way for Robin to find a way to pass the time after finding out that he can no longer go shopping normally.

Watching the scene where the male number one and the second male number elope and the third male number runs away in tears, Robin couldn't help but look sideways, glanced at the life assistant who was busy, and couldn't help but say:

"Kalifa, come here and rest for a while, anyway, I have signed up for the competition with Rotom on my mobile phone, and then we just need to wait for the start of the competition in a week, so there is no need to be so anxious."

"What!? How can that be!?"

Kalifa, who was arranging the surrounding environment, immediately pushed her eyes when she heard Robin's words, as if she had heard some horrible words, with a serious expression on her face, she said:

"Sister Robin, you are going to participate in the opening competition of the Gorgeous Contest. This is a moment that will be recorded in history! We must stand up for it!"

"As your assistant, I must strictly demand myself, and I must not let you fall behind others during this critical period."

I saw Kalifa with her hands on her hips, her upper body leaning forward, and a white evil appeared on her chest, and continued:
"What's more, the promotion of this competition is very good, and it has already attracted a large number of tourists. But they come from all over the world, and most of them don't know the title of [Four Heavenly Kings] in the area where you are fighting!"

"If they all treat you as an ordinary contestant and compare you and your opponents on the same level, wouldn't we earn a lot less rewards!?"

Saying that, Khalifa suddenly took out a notebook, pointed to the plan on it and showed Robin:
"In the plan I set up yesterday, we must take advantage of the seven-day gap to spread your existing name again with the help of some people we know on this island, and establish a reputation in the hearts of everyone. Clear image!"

Kalifa closed the notebook and said seriously:


"Miss Robin, don't watch TV anymore! Change your clothes, let's go for a stroll around the shopping street of Baihua Island, and create some related news that you have come to Baihua Island."

"During the seven free days, maintain a certain degree of exposure and maintain your traffic, Sister Robin."

"Only in this way, the audience who come to watch the game will have a natural sense of expectation for you, and even have the idea of ​​coming to watch the game for you, and their eyes will unconsciously focus on you, Sister Robin... ..."

"This! This is the true meaning of the gorgeous contest!!!"


Seeing Kalifa's majestic aura, Robin's legs were a little numb, and Robin, who wanted to take a more indulgent and lazy posture, suddenly stopped, and was a little speechless in fright.

Although Robin also has his own plan in mind...

But her plan can never be as detailed as shown in Kalifa's book.

This reminded her of three days ago.

At that time, I secretly left the Kingdom of Alabasta and went to Baihua Island to participate in the gorgeous contest.

With this aura, Khalifa suddenly found her hidden self in the crowd, and said that she is her loyal fan, and she wants to get closer to the idol, so as to give herself the idea of ​​being an economic agent.

In order to show her strength, Kalifa planned a lot of things for Robin on the spot.

At that time, Robin was also intimidated by Kalifa's aggressive attitude, so she agreed involuntarily.

Unexpectedly, Kalifa thought so much for herself in a place she couldn't see.

Robin finds it hard to believe...

The Kalifa in front of her, who is several years younger than herself, has a deeper understanding of the gorgeous competition than herself, the trainer and contestant.

As an equally shrewd and intelligent beauty, Robin instantly understood what Kalifa meant.

In the gorgeous contest, the important thing is not the competition in the arena at all.

This is a competition where traffic wins!
So from the moment they set foot on this island, the real contest has already begun!

After a while, the enlightened Robin smiled mischievously.

"It seems that it is really a wise decision to let you be my manager!"

"Of course!"

Khalifa pushed her glasses again, and responded proudly. Matching her OL uniform at this time, she exuded an intellectual beauty.

But Robin didn't notice it, at an angle she didn't notice...

The white light reflected by the elliptical lens perfectly blocked Kalifa's slightly changed eyes.

At this moment, Khalifa stared at Robin closely as if seeing a prey, completely out of the usual respectful look.

As a member of CP9, the intelligence organization of the world government, Khalifa certainly didn't come to be an economic agent for Robin because he had nothing to do.

Her real purpose is actually to obtain a way to contact the dimensional businessman through Robin!
Not long ago, Kalifa, who searched all over the sea for the dimensional businessman to no avail, accidentally ran into Gabra and his party who were following Robin.

After exchanging information with Gabra, Kalifa unexpectedly discovered that she seemed to have traced the news about the dimensional merchant.

From Gabra's mouth, she learned that not long ago...

Robin, who was still a bit of a hindrance to the sun elves, unexpectedly showed his ability to control the energy of Pokémon in a battle with Cobra, who is also the Four Heavenly Kings.

It is said that the phantom light beam that had been distorted at that time suddenly rebounded after passing through the palm of the hand transformed from the Robin Fruit ability, and attacked the slow beast from the back!
This sudden change instantly made the sensitive CP9 people realize that Robin definitely had a secret transaction with the dimensional merchant during this period of time.

And this also made Kalifa understand that 100% of Robin has a way to contact the dimensional merchant.

After finding no results for the dimensional merchant, she finally thought of this method of being Robin's agent, lurking by her side, so as to obtain a way or opportunity to contact the dimensional merchant.

As for the order from the world government to arrest Robin, after a brief analysis of the importance of the missions of the two parties, the three of Gabra decisively postponed their own missions and began to help Kalifa instead. .

"By the way, Miss Robin."

Kalifa suddenly remembered something, and suddenly said to Robin:

"Since we want to create a star image for you, it is obviously not enough for me alone..."

"We must have a team to advise you."


Robin pondered for a moment, her eyes showed a look of approval, but immediately she said a little worriedly:

"But in Baihua Island, apart from the tourists, there are only contestants who have come to participate in the gorgeous competition. It is obviously too late to start looking for people now."

At this time, Robin has begun to regret not meeting Khalifa, the agent, earlier.

Indeed, since he has decided to participate in the gorgeous competition as an idol or star, he really needs a team behind him to help him operate.


Because Robin has always been used to being alone, she has never had the idea of ​​seeking help from others in her subconscious mind.

This also caused her to be bewildered, and only after Kalifa reminded her did she understand the importance of these things.

But now that the world is changing rapidly, if I want to stand out and fulfill my unfinished wish, I must choose a path that makes me stronger faster.

She must make a change.


It is only now that I understand this, it seems a bit late no matter how I look at it.

Just when Robin felt remorse, a mysterious smile appeared on Kalifa's face.

She took a step forward, suddenly took out three resumes from the notebook, and said:

"Miss Robin, don't worry."

"Actually, in Baihua Island today, there are three suitable candidates."


Robin groaned suspiciously, and immediately shifted his gaze to the resume.

And Kalifa suddenly said at this moment:

"I'm dissatisfied with Sister Robin, but the three of them are fans of you, Sister Robin, just like me."

"Long ago, we agreed to assist you together, so that you can become an even more dazzling star!"

"It's just that the three of them look a little weird, and I don't know if Sister Robin really needs them, so I have been secretly following you as a fan to Baihua Island."

"my fans?"

Robin looked at the names and photos of the three on the resume...

Gabra, snuggle, owl.


Three familiar figures instantly appeared in Robin's mind.

These three people have indeed been watching their own battles from the very beginning, and they have never missed it!

Robin was surprised at first.

After listening to Kalifa's introduction, Robin realized that these three weirdos turned out to be his loyal fans! ?

No wonder they care so much about their game.

Robin thought.

Kalifa stepped forward and introduced to Robin:

"Miss Robin, look..."

"This Gabra is a powerful martial arts expert. After he joins the team, he can serve as your martial arts instructor, allowing you to make more brilliant and professional fighting moves in battle."

"The second one, don't look at his weird looks, but he is a senior opera lover! He also has a unique understanding of stage plays. Although Sister Robin is very knowledgeable, you have a specialization in art. With the professional guidance provided by you, your lines skills and typhoon ability will definitely be greatly improved in the future."

"No matter how beautiful a person is, the audience will get tired of watching it one day. We must constantly change our style to bring freshness to the audience."

"With the addition of Snuggle, we can design some gorgeous performances with historical themes or stage plays in the future, and bring a visual and auditory feast to the audience during the battle."

"The last one..."

Kalifa stretched out her delicate pointers and said on the owl's resume:

"This is a comedian with superb skills! Mr. Owl has the characteristics of being able to make funny remarks in a very serious atmosphere..."

"What's even more amazing is that he was able to make others feel that he was serious, not funny..."

"This is a very advanced skill! If Sister Robin can master this advanced sense of humor, it can be used to create a cute character, or to shorten the distance with the audience, the effect will definitely explode!"

"I don't know..." Khalifa looked up at Robin and asked, "Sister Robin, what do you think of these three people?"


Robin fell silent suddenly, with thoughts in his eyes.

At this time, she has already substituted herself into the picture that Kalifa just said.

Martial arts, typhoon, sense of humor...

It's like finding all the people I need most at the moment!
At this moment, Robin had no doubts in his heart, but instead recalled a picture of him.

What Saron said to her came out of memory at this moment, echoing in Robin's ears:

"Right now you are indeed alone, but sooner or later you will definitely find a companion. The sea is very vast. Sooner or later you will find a companion who is willing to protect you... Find your companion and live with them!!!"

Although Robin's mentality has changed a lot after the arrival of the dimensional merchant, but at this moment, she seems to have become that lonely and helpless little girl again.

Robin raised his head slowly, stared at Kalifa with moist eyes shining with stars, and suddenly chuckled:
"Kalifa, you are really amazing!"

"Having such a support team, I suddenly felt that it would not be difficult to win this year's Gorgeous Contest!"

While speaking, Robin stood up from the sofa, quickly approached Kalifa, and suddenly hugged Kalifa, his tone choked up slightly.

"Thank you, Kalifa! It turns out that this world is really vast, so vast that there will be such a good partner like you."

"Partner? I..."

Kalifa, who was hugged tightly by Robin, felt a warmth that she had never experienced before.

Robin was alone, so why wasn't she?
She was an orphan who was more miserable than Robin since she was a child.

In the secret training camp, she had to constantly force herself to break through the limit.

Everyone around her is her competitor.

parents?loved ones?partner?

It was a luxury she had never expected.

But today, she suddenly wanted to look forward to it...

An inexplicable gleam flashed in Kalifa's eyes.

After hesitating for a moment, she slowly raised her hand and hugged Robin gently, but said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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