Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 153 Let's Bloom Gorgeously!Nicole Robin vs Cavendish

Chapter 153 Let's Bloom Gorgeously!Nicole Robin vs Cavendish

In the main control room of Baihua Island, Lin Luo looked at Robin, who was surrounded by a group of CP9s and was catwalking on the street, with a dumbfounding look on his face.

He really couldn't figure it out, how did these guys get together during the time he was busy with the gorgeous competition?

Seeing Gabra three people in black suits following Robin with a loyal look, Lin Luo felt an indescribable strange feeling in his heart.

It's just that after the last transaction, the strength of Robin and Sun Elf has been greatly improved. With the current level of CP9, it is still relatively difficult to hurt Robin.

After sending a secret order to Robin's mobile phone Rotom to notify him immediately, Lin Luo stopped paying more attention.

Now that the opening ceremony of the gorgeous competition is coming soon, he has devoted all his recent energy to this matter, and has long been tired of long hours of work.

After everything was finally arranged, Lin Luo wished to have a few days of rest and take a good rest.

"Before I knew it, I had already accumulated so many points..."

Lying on the soft and comfortable sofa bed, Lin Luo casually opened the system interface in his mind, looking at the 7-digit point balance, he couldn't help showing a sigh of relief on his face.

In the past three months, he has not been idle at all, traveling around the great route.

Because Enilo's new official took office, he was not yet very proficient in trading, so during this period of time, Lin Luo was still the main one when it came to finding new traders.

Now, the number of people who have conducted dimensional transactions in the entire One Piece World has reached 1200!
Although most of them are small traders with millions of dollars, they gathered together into towers and furs. Slowly, Lin Luo has completed one-fifth of the minimum requirements for crossing the world.

It's a pity that there is a long way to go, and it is almost impossible to gather the power of the world's origin to break the barriers of the world in a short period of time.

Now, it depends on whether this gorgeous competition can become a money-absorbing machine as Lin Luo thought.

Lin Luo doesn't want this gorgeous competition to earn millions in a few hours like the earth PK rewards, as long as it allows him to earn back the 12 points that made this island in a short period of time.

For this Hundred Flowers Island, Lin Luo has worked hard.

Because of the timeliness of flowers, in the Pokémon world, there is no such case as Lin Luo, who covered the entire island with flowers.

He can only enlarge the plans of some flower gardens, and then compare and test them one by one.

After all, the contestants in the Gorgeous Contest are all as beautiful as flowers, and they are all the various princely ladies or daughters of wealthy businessmen that Lin Luo met during this period.

In the world of pirates, any passer-by's wife can be as beautiful as a fairy, as long as the genes are a little normal, almost everywhere is beautiful.

Even Robin's appearance and figure are not even top-notch in this Hundred Flowers Island.

Lin Luo would feel bad if he didn't create a more gorgeous island to set off these players.

Fortunately, the final product looks pretty good.

And in a few days, it will be the official opening of the Gorgeous Contest.

Because Lin Luo had already given a lecture on the rules for the gorgeous contest in the Kingdom of Alabasta, so he didn't plan to make more complicated designs for the opening ceremony this time.

Instead, it opens the chapter of this world's gorgeous contest directly with a battle between beautiful contestants!

If it was a month ago, Lin Luo might not have had so many expectations for this match.

After all, judging from the situation at that time, the number of Robin's fans was almost one-sided. It was difficult for Lin Luo to pick out a candidate who had an idea for the gorgeous contest and had a lot of pink among many traders.


After meeting that person, Lin Luo's worries completely disappeared.



A few days passed by in a hurry.

In the blink of an eye, the opening time of the Gorgeous Contest has arrived.

In Baihua Island, countless crowds and tourists poured in from all directions and gathered in the huge sports tube in the center of the island.

The 2-seat arena was full of seats at this time.

Although Lin Luo has used the power of points to control the weather and sea in the waters of Baihua Island, so that it will not be as dangerous as other seas in the great route.

But he was extremely pleased that so many people were willing to come to this island to watch the opening ceremony of the gorgeous contest.

"It seems that the previous publicity for the Gorgeous Contest is very effective..."

In the sky above the stadium, Lin Luo smiled and nodded, expressing his satisfaction with the results of his work.

Of course, he knew that this had a lot to do with the attractiveness of Pokémon itself.

Looking at the audience who were already looking forward to it, Lin Luo had a premonition...

The results of this magnificent competition are likely to exceed his expectations all along!

The sun was high, and a piece of golden light sprinkled the earth like mist.

Bang bang bang! ! !

As if receiving some kind of order, a burst of gorgeous fireworks sounded suddenly over the venue.

The gorgeous and colorful fireworks instantly turn the sky into colorful colors.

"It's started! It's started!!!"

The long-awaited audience immediately waved the support props in their hands and cheered loudly!

At this moment, even the BGM specially selected by Lin Luo could not suppress the cheers of the audience present.

The atmosphere at the scene reached its climax and tide at this moment!

"Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon everyone!"

At this moment, in everyone's ears, a mild and passionate sweet voice suddenly appeared.

I saw Miss Joy, who was entrusted with an important task by Lin Luo, slowly appeared from the elevator platform in the middle of the battle area.

Joy in a gorgeous dress instantly became the focus of all audiences.

At the same time, Joey's graceful figure also appeared on the big screen above the arena.

Joy, with pink twin ponytails, took a quick step forward, shook hands with the microphone, and smiled:

"The long-awaited Pokémon Contest will finally officially start at this moment."

"I believe everyone can't wait for this moment!"

"I'm the commentator for this game—Joy."

"The game is about to start..."

"Then I won't waste too much time for everyone, and I will directly invite the protagonists of our gorgeous contest today, two powerful Pokémon trainers to officially debut!"

Joey, who has hosting experience in the Pokémon world, is not stage frightened in the face of [-] people, and still uses the most beautiful voice to fully mobilize the emotions of the audience.

The moment Joey finished speaking, bursts of cheers erupted from the scene.

There are male voices and female voices in the cheers...

The two seem to be as distinct as the Chu River and the Han Dynasty, and they shout two different names.

Of course, there are also some different voices mixed in.

"Miss Joy, don't look at the players, I want to watch you!!!"

"Miss Joy with twin tails is so cute! Mom, I'm in love!"

"Miss Joy, although I am a woman, I want to say: I want to give birth to you!!!"



It has to be said that after taking off the conservative nurse uniform and putting on the special performance costume, Miss Joy's charm instantly attracted a large number of fans.

This made Lin Luo, who saw everything in his eyes, waved his hand instantly, and opened the reward channel in advance.

And before the players came out, the reward target at this time was of course Joey in the field.

"Ten hundred thousand million million..."

Seeing the tipping share that broke through [-] million Baileys in an instant and continued to soar, Lin Luo immediately burst into a hearty smile.

Miss Joy was his own.

In other words, he didn't even need to give a fifth to the lady who tipped Joey, but could take it all.

In the no-holds-barred atmosphere of the Gorgeous Contest, everyone expressed their voices as if venting.

Perhaps, this is the charm of the gorgeous contest.

It's different from the life-or-death tension between Pokémon battles.

In the gorgeous contest, every gorgeous battle is an exquisite performance!

The audience who came here mostly had a mentality of watching the show, so they were all very relaxed.

Here, they can use the loudest voice to shout out what they are usually embarrassed to say anyway.

Joey in the field did not change the progress of the session because of the cheers of the audience.

She smiled sweetly, as if she was responding to the audience who supported her, but her mouth continued to guide the progress of the game.


"Let us welcome Miss Nicole Robin, one of the Four Heavenly Kings in the battle area, who has the title of Thousand-Handed Succubus!!!"


As soon as Joey's voice fell, there was a loud roar at the scene.

I saw Robin wearing a light purple dress, like a violet princess walking out of a violet bush, mysterious and elegant, and like Her Majesty the Queen of the ancient kingdom, exuding a dignified and elegant atmosphere.

Beside her is a sun elf that also exudes a mysterious atmosphere, like a cat raised by the Egyptian people. The delicate face and the shining ruby ​​give people a noble visual impact.

Under the super power of the sun elves, Robin's long skirt gracefully floats 5cm from the ground. As Robin steps forward, it sends out natural waves, but it will never touch anything on the ground. a speck of dust.

The corners of Robin's mouth were slightly raised, and with a half-smile face, he walked out of the player's passage on the left side of the venue lightly and stood on the player's seat.

At this time, Joey continued to introduce:

"Nicole Robin, the Bronze Rank of the Pokémon League Tournament, once led her Pokémon Sun Elf to defeat hundreds of outstanding trainers, she is an out-and-out strong female middle class!"

"Miss Nicole Robin has a large fan base due to her wonderful performance in the battle area. I believe she will continue her previous splendor on the stage of the Pokémon Contest and bring you wonderful performances! !!"


A group of Robin fans arranged by Karina in advance had an instant effect. They were scattered all over the venue in batches, and when Joey introduced Robin, they used the most sincere roar to arouse the atmosphere of the surrounding audience.

At this moment, even the passers-by and the audience, who didn't know Robin well, became interested in such an atmosphere.

What's more, Robin under the spotlight at this time is so glamorous.

As long as he is a normal male, it is impossible not to cast more eager eyes on Robin.


This gang of male hormone-filled roars made the female audience envious. They all puffed out their cheeks and looked at the men around them.

Fortunately, at this time, after finishing the introduction to Robin, Joey immediately stretched out his hand to the right side of the venue, guiding the audience.

"Then, let's invite Miss Robin's opponent, Mr. Cavendish, with warm applause and cheers..."



A scream that was more piercing than before suddenly resounded through the sky.

When a woman goes crazy, she is [-] times more powerful than a man!
Amidst the sharp shouts, even the clouds above the arena trembled and drifted away into the distance.

I saw Cavendish in white, riding his exclusive white horse, slowly walking out of the player passage.

Elegant, gorgeous, noble...

Cavendish, a man who seems to be born for the stage!
His demeanor and temperament will not make other men feel cowardly and sissy, but can also exude a graceful and luxurious atmosphere that attracts women.

But on the white horse, snuggling in front of Cavendish is a humanoid Pokémon.

Very slender limbs, the ends of which are like topaz-like magnificent long tentacles, and under the neck like a bamboo pole is a four-layered skirt that spreads out like a body.

Pherome, a creature located in the ultimate space of another dimension in the Pokémon world, is also considered a legendary Pokémon by people in the Pokémon world.

Because of his noble temperament and extraordinary eyes, Cavendish took a look at him and saved him from the system.

Joey said:
"Cavendish, the navy is offering a bounty of [-] Baileys! He is also known as [Gorgeous Supernova] with Fire Dragon Knight Ace, who is also the Four Heavenly Kings in the battle area! He is a noble and elegant pirate son!"

"And his Pokémon is also the legendary Ultra Beast—Pherometa!"

"Although there is no official record of the battle between Cavendish and Philometis at present, I believe that this combination of gorgeous supernovas and legendary Pokémon will definitely bring us an extremely gorgeous visual feast!"


After introducing the information of the two players, Joey suddenly raised his voice:
With his hands wide open, he directed towards the two contestants, and shouted inspiringly:
"I announce that the first round of the gorgeous battle [Nicole Robin VS Cavendish]! Officially begins!!!"


As Joy's voice fell, her figure suddenly moved to the host's exclusive commentary stand, and gave the scene to the two contestants.

And at this moment, the cheers on the scene reached their peak in an instant.

Cavendish got down from the white horse, and the Pheromy beetle also leaped gracefully and came to the center of the battlefield.

The slender sword Durandal was pulled out from his waist by Cavendish, and there was a beautiful smile on his face, as if enjoying the atmosphere of the scene, he yelled at Robin extremely narcissistically:

"Have you heard the voice of the audience, Miss Robin!?"

"This suffocating shout seems to be born for me!"

"In order to respond to the audience's wishes, I will not show mercy in the next battle!!!"

Robin, who was standing gracefully with his hands on his waist, raised his winking eyes slightly, and stared at the extremely gorgeous Cavendish opposite with eyes that could make thousands of men lose their souls. The smile on his face remained the same dignified and elegant as before.

Robin responded softly to Cavendish's provocation:
"That's true, it's what I wish for!"

(End of this chapter)

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