Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 154 The Gorgeous Point

Chapter 154 The Gorgeous Point

The voices of the two, under the rendering of the loudspeaker without dead ends, instantly spread throughout the venue and entered everyone's ears.

Even though the auditorium is far away from the battlefield, the expressions of the two are clearly visible on the high-definition screen of the Pokémon world.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were completely attracted by them.

"Prince Cavendish, you are the most handsome man in the world!!!"

"Miss Robin, get rid of that little boy on the other side!!!"

In the auditorium, the support group of the two was shouting frantically.

Ordinary passers-by and spectators also chose their own teams in this restless atmosphere.

The battle has not yet started, and the amount of rewards on both sides has already skyrocketed.

Call ~
The gentle breeze blew over the faces of Robin and Cavendish, blowing their hair, as if some kind of signal flashed in their eyes.

The battle is imminent!
I saw Cavendish instantly made an attacking posture, and instantly ordered to the Frome beetle beside him:
"Pherometis, use high-speed movement!"


The Frome beetle, like a princess, bowed gracefully, and at the moment of bowing, her slender figure shot out like a bullet.

And Cavendish's handsome white figure also activated at this moment!
The Frome Mantis moving at a high speed and the Cavendish whose movement speed is comparable to "shaved" form a "8" shape in the field like a hurricane.

In the blink of an eye, one person and one pet came to the sides of Robin and Sun Elf.

Cavendish's eyes froze, and he ordered again:
"Fromeri, use a double kick!"


The Frome Mantis stretched its graceful waist, and suddenly turned its body to the side and volleyed in the air, aiming at Robin with its slender legs like bamboo poles.

And Cavendish, who was dressed in white, also suddenly stabbed out the long sword in his hand, attacking the sun elf.

"Beautiful Sword Swan Lake!"

The two figures seemed to be dancing ballet, with graceful postures and graceful movements.


Seeing that Robin was indifferent to his attack, Cavendish suddenly pursed his lips and smiled.

Although the battle may end too quickly, this is the characteristic of his kendo.

Beautiful and fast.

As a handsome and handsome man who is extremely narcissistic but has not been beaten to death, Cavendish's strength is of course not only his appearance...

His swordsmanship is also extremely powerful!

It has been nearly a year since he went to sea, and Cavendish has not yet suffered a single defeat, and he has even been dubbed a "gorgeous supernova" by Dahai.

Because he has not been a trainer for a long time, he doesn't know much about the world of Pokémon.

As for Robin's identity, he only knew the extent of Miss Joy's introduction.

He has never been defeated, and he is extremely confident in his own strength. In his eyes, Robin at this time is full of flaws.


Facing the two swift attacks, the expression on Robin's face did not change at all, but a doubtful thought flashed in his heart.

"This Cavendish is indeed a novice trainer!"

Feeling the light and non-threatening attack of the Frome beetle beside him, a confident smile suddenly appeared on Robin's face.

As early as three days ago, after knowing that their first opponent was Cavendish, Robin and Khalifa conducted an in-depth investigation on this man who often reported.

After some deduction, they are sure that in this gorgeous match, this Cavendish is a formidable opponent!

The opponent's fan base, as well as the opponent's gorgeous moves, are the key points that Robin should pay attention to in the arena.

Indeed, before the battle began, Cavendish even faintly overshadowed Robin in terms of reward income by virtue of his long-term fan base and the madness of female star chasing.

Fortunately, for this first battle, Robin and the others also made a lot of preparations.

For example, today's gorgeous battle theme!

According to Robin and Karina's discussions, they decided that every gorgeous battle in the future should be like a stage play, designing a theme that runs through the entire battle.

For today's competition, Robin and the others set three themes with today's outfits:

If you are in the midst of a fierce battle with the enemy, plan A will be activated, militant and naughty princess;

If you lose to your opponent and retreat steadily, plan B will be launched, the unyielding and downcast queen;

And if the enemy is too weak, if you can play with the enemy in the palm of your hand, start plan C, the goddess form that controls everything and despises everything!
At first, Robin thought that Cavendish would be the same as her, and guessed that he wanted to take part in a performance battle with the theme of beauty and elegance...

However, it looks like he sprints as soon as he comes up, and the attack method that does not make the slightest decoration and focuses on victory.

Robin instantly understood that this Cavendish hadn't understood the true meaning of the gorgeous contest.

Looking at the person and pet who had already rushed in front of her, a light flashed in her eyes for an instant, and Robin immediately smiled.

At this moment, in her mind, the result of this battle has been revealed! ! !
"It seems that I am too nervous!"

Robin smiled confidently in her heart, stretched her slender hands forward, and first summoned a dazzling purple barrier to envelop her and the sun elves.

This barrier, of course, comes from the power of the sun elves.

It's just that Robbie cooperated with the sun elf just right, as if released by her.

And this is the beginning of the gorgeous show!
Cavendish's attack hit the sun elf's shield, and there was a crisp sound.

Robin smiled slightly, looked sideways at Cavendish with a disdainful expression, and said without any emotion:

"You are very strong, but unfortunately, you met me."

Through the efforts of several shooting equipment in the sky, Robin's complexion is revealed in the eyes of every audience.

"It's so sassy!!!"

The sassy face that suddenly appeared on the big screen stunned a group of passer-by women who were originally attracted by Cavendish's appearance. They looked away from Cavendish's face and began to observe this cold and cold goddess.

And another group of Cavendish's loyal female fans also suddenly stopped brushing gifts in their hands, and looked curiously at the situation in the arena.

"What... what's going on? Why didn't Cavendish's attack move?"

A group of little girls who only cared about their appearance immediately raised their doubts.

But in a second, their expressions suddenly changed!
I saw Robin crossing his hands in front of his chest suddenly, his eyes continued to look forward indifferently, taking advantage of the gap time when Cavendish was hanging in the air, he suddenly activated the power of Huahuaguo.

"Colorful Purple and Red Black Rose!!!"

In an instant, thousands of arms suddenly stretched out from the ground, spreading upwards like flower branches, instantly clasping Cavendish's body tightly, and then continued to stretch upwards.

Each arm is covered with a jet-black armed domineering color, and when all the arms come together, they actually form a huge flower pattern in the arena.

And Cavendish's body was suppressed in the center of the flower, in the stamen.

Because of the domineering rendering of armed colors, a huge black rose appeared in front of the audience in an instant. The scene was very spectacular and amazing!
Some people who saw Robin's abilities for the first time were instantly amazed.

For them, whether it is Pokémon or Devil Fruit ability, it is enough to make them sigh.

"Oh my god! Miss Robin actually restrained that Cavendish!"

"So this is the origin of the name [Thousand-Handed Succubus]?"

"Good job! Get rid of that little boy!!!"

The audience shouted loudly.

But Robin is still like a goddess overlooking the world, with a calm demeanor, putting all her attention on Cavendish.

As for the Fromei mantis next to it, according to Robin's observations, its level is only around 20, and it can't even break through the shield of thought power created by the sun elves, so it's nothing to be afraid of.


"This, what is this?"

The restrained Cavendish was stunned for a moment, and an extremely powerful force erupted from his body!

Being able to be offered a reward of [-] million Bailey by the navy, his strength is certainly not a joke.

A powerful aura instantly erupted from the stamen of the black rose, because the body was bound by the crossed arms.

Cavendish immediately exerted force with his limbs, breaking or crushing his arms one by one, and broke free from his body.

His strength is comparable to some weak Qiwuhai, and he is the real strong man in this sea.

Even though it was already covered with a layer of armed domineering, the arm that Robin summoned was still not able to match Cavendish's power, and was broken by his struggle one by one, turning into petals and disappearing in midair.

In the blink of an eye, the arms tied to Cavendish disappeared.


Just after he broke free from the restraints, he didn't notice that the smile on Robin's face had become even worse at this time.

"It's really not challenging at all."

Robin took the opportunity to look up at the reward PK posts of the two. Although the amount of rewards from both sides was still rising, Robin's reward amount had already surpassed Cavendish by a large amount.

"Splendid battles are not just as simple as defeating your opponent."

Robin continued to murmur softly with a smile.

Just now she did not hesitate to spend a lot of physical strength to create a gorgeous black rose, not just for the sake of looking good.

The magnificence and magnificence of the moves is of course important.

But in the gorgeous battle, making the opponent look ugly is also the key to victory!

In the bondage set by Robin just now, Cavendish had to make some strange movements in order to break free from these arms with less effort.

That action, in the black rose stamen, is like a maggot, constantly chrysalis, very funny.

Especially in the case of Cavendish in white, this scene is more obvious.

Therefore, when the audience at the scene saw that Cavendish failed to attack but was restrained, and even broke free with weird behavior, the people who rewarded Cavendish stopped their movements.

After all, the appearance of his idol at the moment is really not very elegant.

On the contrary.

Seeing that Robin was able to punish the big pirate Cavendish with one blow, the fans of Robin were instantly excited.

They feel that they are not fans of the wrong person!
Even the big pirate with a bounty of [-] million has been manipulated, the strength of the thousand-handed succubus Robin must be extremely powerful!

With this in mind, they quickly brushed up gifts for Robin, making her PK bar instantly surpass that of Cavendish, who was still on the same page just now.

Cavendish, who fell back to the ground, waved his long sword, and with a gust of sword wind, his wrinkled white cloak immediately became tidy.

to be frank……

He didn't understand Robin's operation just now.

He just became a trainer, but he really didn't fully understand the main points of the gorgeous competition.

In his opinion, not only did Robin's attack just now not have any flamboyance, but it was also a bit ridiculous.

Just to restrain him for a few seconds, it consumes so much energy?
Isn't this sick?

On the real battlefield, exhausting physical strength for no reason is simply the biggest taboo.

As an excellent fighter, Cavendish did not understand Robin's behavior.

He could feel that Robin's aura had begun to become chaotic.

Obviously after the attack just now, her physical strength is already running low.

And in fact, it is.

At this time, Robin has no strength, and he can't even make a high-intensity attack.


Her face still glowed with confidence, as if everything was sure of winning, and she didn't take her opponent seriously at all.

And this kind of expression instantly infected the audience present through the big screen.

"Oh my god! Miss Robin, she smiles so beautifully!"

"Looks like the winner has been decided! In the hands of Miss Robin, a little boy can't make any waves."

Some foolish viewers turned their backs in an instant and joined the camp supporting Robin.

And at this moment, Robin suddenly ordered to the sun elf:

"Sun elves, use fantasy light!"


The sun elf yelled in response, and a dazzling light suddenly flashed in the bright ruby.

In the next moment, a colorful and mysterious light suddenly flew out, but Cavendish's expression suddenly changed drastically!
I saw a sun elf who was staring at him suddenly turned his head, and the terrifying power on his forehead was changed at the moment it was emitted. From Cavendish who was getting ready, he was still struggling with the shield of thought power. The Frome Beetle!

But this time, it wasn't Robin, a "weak scholar", who made the attack.

"Not good!" Cavendish yelled, but as a rookie trainer, he obviously hadn't mastered the magical skills yet. Quickly avoid it.

The light with the mysterious and chaotic atmosphere suddenly came to the body of the Frome mantis, and vented it heartily towards its slender body.


The Frome beetle let out a scream of pain, and was in a trance for a while.

Under the attack of the 48th-level sun elves, the young Frome beetle instantly lost its fighting power.

There is no way, the level difference is too big, and Cavendish ordered this kind of melee attack again.

Under the mysterious super-type moves, even though Frome Mantis is a legendary Pokémon from a different time and space, it is still not the opponent of the Sun Elf at this time.

In just one confrontation, Robin and Sun Elf beheaded one of the opponent's generals! ! !
This sudden change made the atmosphere on the scene even more excited.

They chanted Robin's name one by one, as if extending her name in the battle area to the stage of the gorgeous contest.

Cavendish's popularity suddenly dropped a lot again because of the attack from the Frome beetle.

And all of this is actually under Robin's control.

After investigating Cavendish's situation, both Robin and Kalifa believed that the other party must not have too many points to buy powerful Pokémon.

And this is the key to Robin winning the match point!
As long as the opponent's Pokémon is hit first, the opponent's popularity will inevitably be affected.


Seeing his Pokémon fall, Cavendish suddenly yelled in concern.

At this moment, he also seemed to realize that there seemed to be a mistake in his decision-making.

After all, he has only been a trainer for about 20 days, and his understanding of Pokémon battles is indeed too shallow.

This is especially true for the rules of the gorgeous contest.

I originally thought that with my beauty and fan base, plus the elegant figure of Fromeimantis, I would be the most suitable person for the gorgeous contest.

But watching the confrontation in just a split second, the other party put his audience at a disadvantage, and he realized...

Gorgeous contest, not as simple as I imagined!
But it was too late to say anything now, and he had already fallen into the other party's trap.

What he can do now is to show off his beauty in a way he is familiar with, and then...

Beat each other!

"Beautiful Sword Blue!"

Cavendish jumped up suddenly, the long sword in his hand refracted a blue beam of light under the light, and hit Robin hard.

Now that the opponent had let Frome Beetle go first, Cavendish also made the same choice, wanting to let Robin, who was weaker on the opposite side, withdraw from the battle first.


At this time, the difference between the strong favoring the weak and the weak favoring the strong is fully reflected.

The sun elf turned around instantly after hitting the Fromei beetle, and without Robin's order, a psychic shield appeared in front of Robin again.

The long sword stopped five centimeters away from Robin's body.

Robin, who was attacked, continued to perform, pretending to be able to do his job with his exhausted body, and looked at the long sword in front of him calmly.

Along the blade, I saw Cavendish's impatient face all the way.

Robin chuckled suddenly, and said slowly:

"On the road to gorgeous battles..."

"You are still far away!"

(End of this chapter)

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