Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 155 Rommel's Weasel!Robin's show!

Chapter 155 Rommel's Weasel!Robin's show!

Robin waved abruptly.

Two domineering arms covered in armed colors suddenly protruded from Cavendish's back.

Cavendish, who sensed the movement behind him, suddenly flashed and took half a step back.

But the moment his toes just landed on the ground, the muscles in his legs burst out with terrifying strength.

A deep pit suddenly appeared on the ground under Cavendish's trampling.

"It's not over yet!" Cavendish shouted loudly.

The long sword that shone with cold light was swung out again, and the beautiful sword energy enveloped the sword body, attacking Robin again.


Even a sneak attack that didn't succeed, how could it be possible for the sun elves to break through the protection after they were prepared.


The sun elf groaned softly.

The protective shield quantified by superpowers wrapped Robin's whole body, ensuring that she would not be harmed by the slightest amount of sword energy.

At this time, countless sword lights flashed across the air like lightning, and the air let out a loud exclamation as if frightened by the lightning.


No matter how Cavendish slashed Durandal in his hand, there was no trace on the protective shield transformed by the sun elf except for little ripples.

For a while, the sound of ping -pong ping pink was endless in the battlefield.

This is a confrontation between sword energy and super power.

On the battlefield, while slashing with all his strength, the cloak behind Cavendish was gradually contaminated by sweat and dust, showing a muddy black color.

Robin, who was being attacked, still had his arms folded around his chest, standing gracefully amidst thousands of sword qi, his face was as usual, and he didn't pay attention to Cavendish's attack at all.

Finally, with Cavendish's final blow, thanks to the efforts of the sun elves, the lavender shield still persisted, showing no sign of being broken.

At this moment, Cavendish finally chose to give up and continue the attack.

Although the clothes are stained with dust, the figure still retreats gracefully, as if this elegance has been carved into the bone.

But this retreat, not only Cavendish himself, but also those girls who supported Cavendish became in a dilemma.

Although Master Cavendish is handsome and handsome, but the elder sister Robin who stands tall in the terrorist attack is equally handsome! ! !
Some Cavendish fans with a broad X orientation were instantly fascinated by this heroic queen of the battlefield.

It turns out that women can be so powerful too!

A large number of fans defected at this moment.

And seeing Cavendish's embarrassing look when he failed to attack and was forced to retreat by Robin...

The rest of the audience at the scene believed even more that Cavendish was not Robin's opponent!

In the gorgeous competition, strength is not an important factor in judging the outcome.

But overwhelming strength can still explain a lot of things.

Even though his physical strength was running low, Robin at this moment was a gorgeous goddess on the battlefield in the eyes of the audience.

Relatively speaking, Cavendish, who is not used to hiding himself in battle, has instead become the little guy who is played in the palm of his hand.

In an instant, the auditorium was full of cheers towards Robin:

"Robin! Robin! Robin!"

The audience shouted loudly.

Being able to easily deal with a big pirate with a bounty of [-] million, Robin's strength was recognized by the audience.

"Tch, it's really noisy!"

The shouts from those surroundings reached Cavendish's ears, and immediately made him spit secretly in his heart.

As a most beautiful man in the world, he has been enjoying the cheers and shouts around him since he came out of the sea.

Today, it was the first time that someone took away everything that should belong to him from his eyes.

What makes him even more uncomfortable is...

After several confrontations, it was obvious that his physical energy was not exhausted, but it was Robin's strength, which should be running out now.

Cavendish could feel that Robin was supporting himself, but the other party looked like "everything is under control", which made him feel very uncomfortable.

But even though he was upset, there was nothing he could do.

Although Robin's strength is not strong, the strength of the Pokémon that calls the Sun Elf is much better than him.

It is by no means an easy task to win this battle.

Although Cavendish is narcissistic, he is not a fool.

Looking at the tip amounts of the two people above the battlefield, he already realized what Robin wanted to do.

Although Robin's eyes and applause had been taken away, he still did not give up the final victory of this battle.

The slender Durandal was held tightly in the palm of his hand. He raised his handsome face and looked at Robin.

"You're right, Miss Robin."

Suddenly he said with a sigh:
"It's me who underestimated the beauty contest!"

The clear sound was transmitted to the ears of everyone at the scene through the broadcast on the big screen.

The sudden change in Cavendish's demeanor, when the excitement of the audience also suddenly stopped, the boiling atmosphere was suddenly reduced again.

The cheers at the scene suddenly became much quieter.

All eyes were on Cavendish's handsome face on the big screen, wanting to see what this guy wanted.

Robin's eyes froze, and he looked at him inexplicably.

Although he didn't know why he suddenly showed such an expression, it was impossible for Robin to let Cavendish interrupt the rhythm of his rising popularity.

"You only realize now? Don't you think it's too late?"

Robin chuckled suddenly, put one hand on his hips, lifted his right leg lightly, stretched his body into a beautiful curve, and said calmly:

"The Pokémon Contest organized by the dimensional businessman is a major event that is destined to affect the whole world. You insist on going your own way, and you still use the old way of thinking to treat this game..."

"From the very beginning, you have been disqualified from this victory!"

Robin raised his head proudly and waved at Cavendish.

"You'd better go backstage and repent for your arrogant behavior."

"Sun elf, use phantom light!"

Following Robin's order, a bright and mysterious light suddenly released from the ruby ​​on the sun elf's forehead, flying towards Cavendish.


At this moment of lightning and flint, Cavendish suddenly raised his head, staring at the impacting phantom light with sharp eyes.

I saw him with a certain expression, as if he had made up his mind, and murmured:
"Although I really don't want to let him out, but in this gorgeous arena, I will never allow myself to lose so thoroughly!"

It's not that Cavendish didn't investigate at all.

At the very least, he knew that Robin's Pokémon was a sun elf of the super power system.

And as the representative attack move of the super power system, phantom light, he must have known it for a long time.

The powerful light beam formed by the power of super power has a certain probability of causing the hit person to fall into a state of dizziness and confusion.

The probability of confusion is determined by the strength of the attacker and the hit.

But in the real world, of course all moves have more flexible applications.

such as……

boom! ! !
The powerful phantom beam instantly hit Cavendish's whole body, pierced through his body, and flew towards the sky behind him.

He could have used his speed advantage to dodge this attack, but he chose to give up any defenses and welcome this attack with all his heart.

when lang...

A crisp sound came out, and the rapier that Cavendish held tightly in his hand suddenly fell to the ground, and his body was also covered with scars, and he fell to the ground with a plop.


Robin frowned, a little uncertain about the reason for Cavendish's behavior.

At this time, the audience all stared at the center of the battlefield without knowing why.

"This...Miss Robin, did you win like this?"

The sudden end made everyone feel a little dazed.

But just when they reflected and were about to start cheering to welcome the winner...

A strange evil wind suddenly blew Cavendish's clothes.

"Hey, wait!?"

Someone in the audience suddenly shouted:

"That little boy, actually stood up again!?"


The cheering stopped suddenly, and everyone's eyes were once again focused on the battlefield.

Cavendish, who was hit straight by the phantom light, suddenly picked up Durandal beside him and stood up.

He lowered his head so that everyone could not see the expression on his face clearly, but even so, everyone shuddered unconsciously at this moment, as if they had seen something terrifying.

A strange breath lingered around Cavendish.

Robin, who has turned on the knowledgeable domineering, is now facing a big enemy, and even the image of the goddess he has always maintained is a little loose.

Fortunately, everyone's eyes were focused on Cavendish at this time, and no one noticed Robin's strangeness.

"This... what is this situation? Is it some kind of devil fruit ability?"

Robin asked curiously in his heart.

Just at that moment, her knowledgeable domineering sensed a terrifying aura that was nearly twice as powerful as Cavendish just now.

At this time, Cavendish's strength has definitely surpassed the power of the sun elves.

Robin quietly stepped back half a step, giving way to the sun elf's figure.

Facing the Cavendish just now, she can still act, but against the current Cavendish, Robin dare not take it too seriously.

And at this very moment, Cavendish suddenly let out a dull growl from his throat.

He looked up sharply.

All of a sudden!
A terrifying gloom suddenly emerged, attacking Robin like a terrifying wave.

"This, this is!?"

Looking at Cavendish's gloomy face, Robin was about to ask questions, but under her sight, Cavendish's figure had suddenly disappeared!

"not good!!!"

A thought appeared in her mind, and Robin spoke instantly:
"Sun Elf, use teleportation!"

Fortunately, the bond between Robin and the sun elf was strong enough, almost before Robin spoke, the sun elf was ready.

With a swish, the figures of one person and one pet disappeared instantly.

And the next moment, almost at the same time, a swift and violent slash suddenly appeared at the position where Robin was just now.

boom! ! !
The battlefield made of rocks was instantly torn apart.

Different from Cavendish's meticulous sword energy before, this time's slash is wilder and faster!
After missing a single hit, Cavendish's gray-white figure also instantly disappeared in place, attacking in the direction of Robin and the sun elves again.

But this time, without Robin speaking, the sun elf had already used teleportation in advance, avoiding Cavendish's attack again.

With the current strength of the Sun Elf, the consumption of several teleportation is already nothing.

But Robin is very clear...

If she continues to dodge like this, all the advantages she created before will be wiped out!
At this time, the faces of the audience around the battlefield had already shown blank expressions.

They looked at Cavendish who seemed to have suddenly changed into a different person, and for a moment they didn't know what expression to show.

In less than ten minutes of fighting, there were reversals one after another.

At first they thought it would be a close battle between Robin, the four kings of the battle area, and Cavendish, the gorgeous supernova of the pirates.

As a result, in the first ten seconds of the game, Cavendish gave the opponent a head for nothing.

Then Robin's side showed crushing strength again, paying no attention to Cavendish's attack, and finally a strange beam attack hit Cavendish.

Not waiting for the audience to react.

The unconscious Cavendish stood up again, and then broke out at an even more terrifying speed, chasing Robin and slashing all over the field.

Although that gloomy face has frightened many of his female fans, so many of them left the group on the spot.

But it is undeniable that...

This dramatic scene and powerful visual impact still brought indescribable satisfaction to many passers-by.

What's the point of an unchanging game! ?

This is what it means to meet opponents in chess and meet good talents in general! ! !

On the battlefield, Cavendish's figure seemed to be invisible, completely disappearing from the audience's sight.

The only time people can see his location is when he strikes.

Another powerful slash fell, and the ground was smashed with spider web-like cracks by the terrifying slash.

And Robinton, who appeared a little far away from Cavendish, narrowed her eyes, and she thought quickly before the other party found her.

After several staggered pursuits, although I don't know why Cavendish suddenly became stronger, Robin has already discovered...

At this time, Cavendish seems to be a little abnormal.

Reminiscent of his reaction and words before being hit by the phantom light, a bold idea suddenly appeared in Robin's mind:

"Could it be that this Cavendish has the ability to increase his strength unconsciously!?"

Although this is not the real answer, Robin has successfully grasped the most crucial point...

At this time, Cavendish is not rational! ! !

Robin breathed a sigh of relief for a moment.

If the opponent really has such a strong strength, she really doesn't know how to deal with it.

After trying to understand a little bit, Robin's thoughts turned quickly.

Just after avoiding Cavendish's attack again, Robin suddenly let out a long sigh:

This sigh was incomparably cold and indifferent, yet one could hear endless regret mixed with it.

I saw Robin showing disappointed eyes, and sighed softly again:

"I've given you enough time."

"But you still can't control this power rationally after all, it's really disappointing..."

With a sigh, a huge palm transformed from thousands of arms suddenly rose from under Robin's feet, slowly dragging her to the sky.

That posture, that appearance, is still as indifferent as before, as if he is tired of this meaningless battle, and chose to be on a high place, overlooking everything below.


Only Robin himself knows.

At this time, she has successfully pulled herself out of the range of Cavendish's hatred.

Seeing the crazy Cavendish suddenly swiping his sword at the Sun Elf, Robin immediately understood...

My guess is correct.

At this time, in Cavendish's consciousness, the only target of his attack was the sun elf who was staring at him.

I saw Robin waving his hand lightly in the sky, like a queen giving orders to soldiers, and said indifferently:

"Go, Sun Elf, this is the last chance!"

"If he can't grasp it well, don't blame us for being ruthless."

 Thank you for your love, Swimsuit Chiyo!reward! ! !

  grateful! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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