Selling Pokémon from Pirates

× Imagine 156 × Resurrection × 60 Billion Baileys

× Imagine 156 × Resurrection × 60 Billion Baileys

boom! ! !
In the arena, the sun elf with eyes full of purple light and Cavendish with a gloomy face intertwined.

Relying on the support of teleportation and knowledgeable domineering, the sun elves fought back and forth with the blackened Cavendish.


Because of what Robin said just now, in the minds of the audience at this moment, what was supposed to be an evenly matched match turned into a guidance match.

The audience began to comment on Cavendish on the battlefield:
"What, Miss Robin didn't even participate in the battle, and that Cavendish is still fighting so hard?"

"It seems that Miss Robin has been giving way to that little boy from the beginning."

"After all, Ms. Robin is one of the Four Heavenly Kings in the battle area. How can you say that just a young person can mess with it!?"



As the battle gradually heated up, even the blackened Cavendish gradually showed a tired look.

Although the strength and speed of the sun elf are not as good as Cavendish, it has teleportation and domineering aura, and it is invincible before its physical energy is exhausted!

On the other hand, although Cavendish's second personality is extremely powerful, all this is because the second personality is even more crazy and can squeeze the body recklessly.

With the delay of time, his body had already started to show the sequelae of overclocking combat, and the movements of his limbs gradually became stiff.



"I didn't expect that this would get her back?"

In the main control room of the arena, Lin Luo watched the progress of the battle and the changes in the battlefield while staring at the progress of the battle. He could not help but praise Robin for his wit.

The reason why he chose Cavendish, who had just become a trainer, to participate in this first gorgeous competition was because he valued Cavendish's fan base and the strength of his second personality.

In fact, Lin Luo did not misread him.

At the very beginning of the battle, Cavendish received even more rewards than Robin.

This guy is indeed not small, but his reputation is even more prominent.

To a certain extent, his popularity in the sea is even higher than that of the big pirates such as the Four Emperors and Qiwuhai.

In any case, he is also a majestic traffic star. Compared with Cai Moukun on the earth, Cavendish's reputation has almost become a household name in the eyes of the people at the bottom.

There are more than 3000+ people in the support team who came to watch the game.

This group of brainless fans tipped rewards, but they all wanted their brothers and not their family members.

It's just that Robin is obviously more skilled.

Lin Luo, who was watching the tipping data in the background, could see that with Robin's step-by-step operations and performances, she turned against many of Cavendish's original fans, and even attracted a large number of new fans.

Although Robin's approach is a bit unsightly, but seeing her reward value as high as 30 billion Baileys in a short period of time, Lin Luo instantly thought...

This is the gorgeous contest in his mind! ! !

On the battlefield, Cavendish's second personality is still chasing the sun elf like a mad dog.

But his speed has visibly attenuated with the naked eye.

If he still has reason, with this strength, he will definitely be able to knock Robin down from the hands of the sun elves...

Unfortunately, as Robin said, his strength is still not at home!
Now he is nothing more than a slave to power and desire.

Seeing that Cavendish was about to lose, Robin standing on the giant palm suddenly stood up, with a look of great disappointment on his face, and ordered to the sun elf:
"Sun Elf, use mental force!!!"


The sun elf who had been prepared for a long time suddenly let out a soft cry, and after teleporting to avoid the flying slash, the ruby ​​on his forehead suddenly lit up, releasing a radiant light.

The air between the Sun Elf and Cavendish suddenly trembled.

The next moment, mysterious superpowers were released from the body of the sun elf, and the space between them seemed to be distorted, turning into illusory waves.

Cavendish, who was about to continue chasing, froze suddenly, and immediately a terrifying force imprisoned his body in place, and kept squeezing his body.

He wanted to struggle, but his exhausted body could no longer support him to continue fighting.

The sudden confinement immediately woke up Cavendish who was in an unconscious state.

The gloomy breath faded from his face.

But before he opened his eyes, an unforgettable pain suddenly emanated from all parts of his body.

"Damn! Can't even this guy do it?"

Cavendish, who woke up from his sleep, realized everything in an instant, realized that he had lost the game, and couldn't help but sighed from the bottom of his heart.

And at the same time.

The huge palm turned into petals all over the sky, fluttering in the sky.

Robin crossed his arms, and two huge wings appeared out of thin air from his back, and his body was stagnant among the flying petals.

The lights in the venue shone down at the right time, setting off Robin at this time as holy and beautiful as an angel.

The audience at the scene was stunned.

Even Cavendish, whose body was controlled by thoughts, was stunned at this moment.

I saw Robin reaching out his hand, and said coldly and flatly:
"It's a pity, but this battle is over."

"Sun Elf, Shadow Ball!"

boom! ! !
With a loud noise, a small mushroom cloud suddenly appeared in the venue.

Smoke and dust filled the surroundings, completely covering Cavendish's body.

But at this moment, everyone knew that everything was settled.

Because Miss Joy, who was serving as the referee, had already descended from the sky on a fire-breathing dragon and arrived at the center of the venue.

After half a sound, the dust and smoke dissipated.

In a huge pothole, Cavendish collapsed to the ground in a scorched state, having already lost the ability to fight.

After entering the arena, Joey first used Cavendish's elf ball to collect the Fromei beetle, and then put Cavendish's body on the fire-breathing dragon, and asked him to take the injured to the arena infirmary for treatment.

After everything was quickly taken care of, Joey, who had attracted much attention, looked at Robin and smiled approvingly.

A microphone Rotom appeared in front of her as if appearing out of thin air.

Joey grabbed it and announced to the audience in that sweet but high voice:

"I announce!"

"The winner of the first round of the Pokémon Contest is..."

"Nicole Robin!!!"

A huge projection appeared in the center of the arena, and above it were the rewards that Robin and Cavendish received in this gorgeous competition.

It's just that in the competition, this number has a better name - [gorgeous value]!
Among them, Robin's gorgeous value is 35 billion Baileys.

And Cavendish's gorgeous value is 15 billion Baileys.

It is clear at a glance who wins and who loses.

As Joey made a long sound, the scene immediately burst into loud cheers, and everyone began to call out Robin's name.


"Robin! Robin! Robin! . . . "

Bursts of cannons erupted again in the sky. Amidst the sound of salutes, this gorgeous battle officially came to an end.

of course.

According to the regulations of the gorgeous contest, after the battle, the audience has 10 minutes to continue to reward the winning players.

This time is exactly when the audience is on top.

Some wealthy people who were addicted to watching the game immediately waved their hands and gave Robin various gifts again!

Under the special effect of projecting Rotom, these gifts fell from the sky one after another.

There are white feathers, beautiful flowers, big diamonds and crowns.

Although they are all illusory images, this is a gift display function that only appears after the battle, and it immediately arouses the desire of a group of curious people to reward.

It can be said that in order to empty the fans' money, Lin Luo really used everything, and copied all the procedures from the live broadcast room.

And at this moment, Lin Luo, who was in the background, was about to burst into laughter seeing Robin's still skyrocketing tipping value.

"Not bad!"

Ten minutes later, Lin Luo couldn't help clapping his hands when he saw Robin, who had won 10 billion gorgeous points again, and the total gorgeous points reached 45 billion Baileys.

In one game, 60 billion Baileys were harvested. Sure enough, it is much faster to become a star than to rob a bank!



"Thank you, Robin!"

Backstage, Kalifa, who was the life assistant, immediately brought a glass of water and handed it to Robin.

"Thank you."

Robin panted slightly, and thin beads of sweat flowed down from her smooth and tender neck, all the way to the roundness, soaking the skirt of her clothes, making it firmly adhere to Robin's fragrant body.

At this time, Robin's state was obviously not as relaxed as she had shown before.

In order to do a good job in this performance, after showing several big moves one after another, Robin's physical strength has already been depleted.

Fortunately, in the end, she still confirmed her [strength faction] personality.

It won't be long before the news that she easily defeated the gorgeous supernova Cavendish will spread throughout the sea.

And her fame will take advantage of this opportunity to spread from the Kingdom of Alabasta to the whole world.

Robin, who was exhausted, didn't even have the strength to speak. After seeing Kalifa, he directly revealed the real scene, lying weakly on his side on the sofa.

As the complicated long skirt was taken off by her, a graceful figure in a tight shirt was instantly revealed.

The sun elf had just been handed over to Miss Joy by her.

Taking advantage of the time when the sun elf was recovering, she could just take a good rest.

But at this moment, an unexpected figure suddenly walked over from the player passage.

clap clap clap...

"Congratulations, Miss Robin."

Accompanied by bursts of applause, Lin Luo slowly walked into the player's lounge with an unchanging kind smile on his face.

"Lord Lin Luo!?"

Seeing the person coming, the weak Robin immediately braced himself up, stood up from the sofa, and wanted to salute.

After hearing Robin's voice, Khalifa on the side trembled even more, and instantly turned his gaze to Lin Luo.

"No need to be polite."

Lin Luo smiled lightly, and injected a force of life into Robin's physical energy with a wave of his hand.

All of a sudden!
Robin only felt a numbness coming from his body, as if countless pairs of small hands were caressing his body, giving him a full body massage.


Robin couldn't hold back the sudden refreshing feeling, and let out an intriguing moan.

But immediately, she realized her gaffe, and covered her mouth with a shy expression.

"Yes... I'm sorry..." Robin apologized softly, as if he had done something very rude.

"a ha ha ha……"

Lin Luo let out a burst of hearty laughter again, and waved his hand indifferently.

"no problem, no problem."

Although she got Lin Luo's forgiveness, Robin was still extremely shy, and the posture of Xiaojiabiyu was as good as the queen's form on the field before.

Robin, who had fully recovered his strength, took a step forward hesitantly, and thanked Lin Luo:

"Thank you, Master Lin Luo. May I ask what orders Master Lin Luo has for coming this time?"

"I didn't order it," Lin Luo continued with a smile:

"I came here this time just to remind Ms. Robin that your current points can already buy the resurrection item [Phoenix King's Feather]..."

"I don't know if you need to revive the person in your heart right now?"


Robin looked surprised, and quickly picked up his mobile phone Rotom
Because she was physically weak and a little distracted before, she never paid attention to this.

Now, after hearing Lin Luo's reminder, she finally came to her senses and quickly checked her points balance.

"Ten hundred thousand... ten thousand!!?"

"My points have already exceeded [-] points!?"

Robin was taken aback.

Before participating in the Gorgeous Contest, she had already accumulated more than a thousand points, and now with the rewards after the Gorgeous Contest, her point reserve broke through [-] points in one fell swoop!

It has to be said that the benefits of the gorgeous contest stage are even more terrifying than she imagined.

Of course, part of this must be because this is the first game, so the enthusiasm of the audience is also relatively high.

But anyway...

Her wish at this time has already begun to take a big step forward!

"I want I want!"

Robin yelled excitedly.

She clenched her fists tightly, her eyes sparkled with starlight, and she seemed a little unsure whether all this was reality or a dream.

But Lin Luo laughed.

As a dimensional businessman who never let customers have spare money, he immediately waved his hand and exchanged a phoenix king's feather from the system, and handed it to Robin.

"Then..." Lin Luo asked:

"Please tell me the name of the person you want to resurrect, and then I will use your points to extradite this person's soul from the underworld to you."

Robin took a deep breath, and immediately replied:

"I want to resurrect my mother, Nicole Olbia!!!"

"as you wish!"

Lin Luo waved again and erased 1000 points from Robin's account.

In the blink of an eye, a ball of light with a chilly aura suddenly appeared from the void.

In the next second, the ball of light and Phoenix King's Feather suddenly floated into the midair like a magnet with positive and negative poles, and merged together.

Under the surging power of life, a seductive body that was not inferior to Robin suddenly appeared in the player's waiting room.

Delicate baby-like skin, S-shaped curve with protruding front and back, plus that rare white hair.

Robin's mother, Nicole Olbia...

At this moment, come back to the world!

(End of this chapter)

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