Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 157 Poaching the Corner of the World Government

Chapter 157 Poaching the Corner of the World Government

"mom, Mom, Mom……"

Looking at the white-haired woman in front of him, Robin couldn't help murmuring softly.

It was hard for her to imagine that the figure that had only appeared in dreams would come back to her again.

For a moment, Robin couldn't tell whether this was reality or a dream.

With trembling hands, she quickly wiped away the wet tears lingering in her eyes.

And right now.


Olbia, who had just been revived, let out a sigh.

The tightly closed eyes trembled suddenly, then slowly opened.

In an instant, a pair of clear and bright eyes, as if there was no trace of dust, appeared in front of them, staring blankly at the world in front of them, as if they were coming to this world for the first time.

"Where is this...?"

The memory of those who returned from the underworld will stay at the moment before they died, but their consciousness will have a strong sense of frustration with reality.

Olbia tried her best to open her eyes wide, and suddenly saw a girl who looked very similar to her, looking at her with tears in her eyes.

And behind the girl stood a mysterious man and a beautiful blonde.

"This is Baihua Island."

Lin Luo spoke suddenly, actively answering Olbia's question.

He smiled slightly and waved his palm slightly.

All of a sudden, on top of Olbia's graceful body, there was a slightly redundant layer of fabric, which was Olbia's clothes before her death, which completely blocked the beautiful scenery.

Even though Olby is a mother, her skin is still extremely smooth, just like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, with slender legs...

This situation always makes Lin Luo wonder where to put his eyes.

So it's better to cover it up.

As the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind.

Lin Luo smiled softly: "Welcome back to the material world, Miss Olbia."


Robin yelled suddenly.

At this moment, she finally confirmed the fact that her mother was really resurrected.

At the age of twenty-six, she wrapped her arms around Olbia's neck like a little girl,
"Mum, that's great! It's great to have you back!"

Nearly twenty years of strength vanished at this moment, and tears were vented freely, as if to make up for all the missing feelings for many years at this moment.

"Ro... Robin? You, you are Robin!?"

Looking at the crying girl in his arms, a feeling of blood connection rushed into Olbia's heart instantly.

Although she hadn't been with Robin for a long time, at this moment, she miraculously recognized Robin's identity.

The mother and daughter embraced each other, as if there were endless words to say and endless tears to shed.

A moment of reunion is worth a thousand dollars.

It's a pity that although the scene in front of him is very touching, Lin Luo, who is an outsider in the world, can't empathize with it.

Just feeling a little bit, he immediately shifted his focus to another goal.

Looking at Kalifa who was stunned by the resurrection, Lin Luo smiled lightly.

The super power was activated instantly, and a voice was sent to Kalifa's mind:
"follow me."

That simple sentence made Kalifa wake up instantly.

She was at a loss for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, and turned her gaze to Lin Luo.

A meaningful smile instantly appeared in her bright eyes.

"He knows my identity!?"

Kalifa was startled, but suddenly felt that it was not surprising that someone who could even resurrect the dead knew his identity.

After taking a deep breath.

Seeing that Robin and Olbia still seem to be immersed in the joy and surprise of their reunion, Khalifa nodded, showing a cute appearance, silently leaning against the wall, and followed Lin Luo out of the room.

Arriving at the door, just stepping out, the scene in front of Kalifa changed suddenly.

In a daze, she was actually taken to a well-decorated office.

At this time, the dimensional businessman Lin Luo was already sitting on a chair, looking at her with a half-smile.

It's over, he definitely knows my identity!
The terrified Kalifa stepped forward shyly, and said anxiously:

"Master Dimensional Merchant, may I ask you..."

"The world government is directly under the secret intelligence agency CP9, Miss Khalifa."

Before Kalifa could finish speaking, Lin Luo spoke first and interrupted her inquiry.

"You hid by Miss Robin's side, the purpose should be to find me?"

Lin Luo's voice exploded in Khalifa's mind like a thunderbolt.

Although she had expected it, Lin Luo was stunned when these words came out of her mouth.


It's over, it's over.

Before taking action, Kalifa had no idea that the existence of the dimensional businessman would bring such great pressure to her.

But just after seeing Lin Luo resurrecting a dead person with a wave of his hand, in her mind, Lin Luo instantly became a "god" existence.

But I was playing tricks, trying to get closer to God...

Khalifa opened her mouth in a panic, and was about to say something, but Lin Luo interrupted her again, as if seeing through her nervousness, and said with a smile:
"It doesn't matter. The reason why I appear in front of you means that you are qualified to meet me."

A special energy was injected into Kalifa's body, which calmed her panic a little bit.

But before she could completely calm down, Lin Luo suddenly threw another blockbuster.

Lin Luo clasped his hands together, put them on the table, looked at Khalifa with a smile and asked:

"Miss Khalifa, I wonder if you are interested in making a deal with me to become a trainer like Robin?"


Khalifa's expression changed again, and she looked at Lin Luo in amazement.

Obviously she didn't expect that Lin Luo would send her an invitation to trade.

At this moment, Kalifa suddenly fell into deep thought.

Over ten years of spy courses have never taught her how to face "God".

But fortunately, she knows how to deal with the group of Celestial Dragons who are called "Descendants of God".

Kalifa changed her mind, and immediately stood up straight. The cute and cute temperament disappeared instantly at this moment, and her body exuded a sassy and calm unique to a female agent in a natural state.

Although a little cold, this is her original face.

"Sorry, Master Dimensional Merchant!"

Khalifa knew that in the face of this kind of existence, all her small thoughts were extremely ridiculous, so she quickly admitted her mistake.

"I am indeed an agent sent by the world government. The purpose is to contact you, my lord, and facilitate the world government to conduct dimensional transactions with you."

"My lord, please believe that this move by the world government has absolutely no malice towards you, it's just because the sea is vast, and looking for your figure is really like looking for a needle in a haystack..."

"As a last resort, I will take such a method to get close to adults."

Kalifa, who finally came into contact with the dimensional merchant, seemed to bet her own life, and spoke out all the mission demands on her body in a very tragic tone.

After finishing speaking, she immediately bent down deeply, revealing a deep and mysterious gully on her chest with full sincerity.

Recalling that before she took part in this mission, Spandam specifically instructed her to use special means when necessary.

Seeing that Lin Luo didn't care about Olbia's body just now, Kalifa couldn't help laughing bitterly in her heart:
"How can such a terrifying existence be regarded as a mortal body with naked eyes..."

After Kalifa finished speaking, a mysterious smile appeared on Lin Luo's face.

An invisible force suddenly appeared in front of Kalifa while waving her hands, and slowly straightened her body again.

"Miss Khalifa, there is nothing to worry about."

Lin Luo smiled lightly and said:
"I said, if you can stand in front of me, you are my destined person."

"You have the qualifications to trade with me."


As soon as Lin Luo's tone changed, Khalifa's mood also changed instantly.

Lin Luo sighed softly:

"At this moment, you don't seem to have the intention to make a decision for yourself."

Lin Luo shook his head, as if feeling sorry for Khalifa.

Although it was a very inexplicable sentence, Kalifa understood Lin Luo's meaning in an instant.

Because of being trained and brainwashed by the world government since childhood, Kalifa at this time is just a person who is willing to sacrifice everything for the mission.

In other words, in her subconscious mind, her life belongs to the world government, and everything about her also belongs to the world government.

This is obviously not what Lin Luo wants to see.

Sure enough, after understanding the meaning of Lin Luo's words, Kalifa opened her lips slightly and replied cautiously:
"I'm sorry, Master Dimensional Merchant, I have no plans to conduct a transaction at present."

"If it is possible, I wonder if I can transfer the opportunity of this transaction to the world government."

"Please believe me, my lord! The World Government will definitely meet all your requirements!"

After speaking, Kalifa bowed again.

She knew that her request was a bit bold, and she dared to arbitrarily change the will of [God].

However, in Kalifa's view at this time, in order to complete the task, she can give everything.

This is CP9, the world's best espionage organization cultivated by the world government!

"You think so..."

Lin Luo sighed softly, but didn't say anything about the transaction, but shook his head regretfully and said:

"Sorry, Miss Khalifa, the current world government is not qualified to conduct dimensional transactions."

Although the world government has a lot of funds and can almost instantly meet the points requirements for traveling across the world, Lin Luo does not want to make a transaction with the world government so early.

One is that it will cause the world government to dominate and once again firmly control the world in its own hands. Such a scene is not what Lin Luo wants to see.

In a world without disputes, people will lose the motivation to move on.

And once there is no such driving force, whether it is combat skills, scientific research results, weapons and famous knives, things created by humans that can be regarded as the original power of the world will sooner or later be exhausted and cease to exist.

To be sustainable, what Linlo needs is a changing world.

Only in the midst of changes can the power of the world's origin have the possibility of growth, which is similar to Lin Luo's random fabrication of the "Purpose of the Ten Thousand Worlds Chamber of Commerce".

Secondly, Lin Luo, who is a fan of pirates, doesn't like the style of the World Government himself.

Now that he has become a god-like existence, of course he has to choose to make the world what he likes.

What kind of world government, he will not trade with it until other forces in the Pirate World have the power to contend with it.

Lin Luo's refusal was like a sharp knife, cutting off the expectations in Kalifa's heart.

She froze in place for a moment, not knowing what to say.

But she, who was bowing deeply, didn't see it. At this time, there was a meaningful smile on Lin Luo's face again.

"Miss Khalifa is the first person who refused to trade with me after I came to this world."

"May I ask Ms. Kalifa to tell you, is there anything wrong with the dimensional transaction that makes you unwilling to make the transaction?"

Lin Luo's slightly apologetic voice suddenly appeared in Kalifa's ears, asking cordially like a motivated employee.

And this humble tone immediately made Khalifa panic.

She waved her hands repeatedly and said in panic:
"No! No!"

"Please believe me, my lord, it's not that I don't want to conduct dimensional transactions."

"It's just that everything below is given by the world government. If I make a transaction, I will definitely trade with the adults as the world government."

"But if this is the case, it will violate the wishes of the adults just said, so in order not to anger the adults, I dare not make any transactions with the adults before the adults agree to make transactions with the world government."

After finishing speaking, Khalifa lowered her head again in shame, as if she was ashamed of Lin Luo's appreciation and did not dare to look directly at Lin Luo.

But at this moment, Lin Luo showed a smile.

"So that's the case." He murmured softly:

"Miss Khalifa is indeed a top agent of the world government, but if you do this, your future will be a bit too sad."

Lin Luo sighed softly, his tone full of regret.

Khalifa blinked in confusion, and said, "My lord, what do you mean?"

"Hehe." Lin Luo sighed and sneered, then snapped his fingers and said softly:
"You should come and see for yourself."

With the appearance of a snap of her fingers, Kalifa felt her eyes dim for an instant, and she came from the office again to a place she was extremely familiar with.

Justice Island.

Standing in the sky above Judicial Island, Kalifa could tell at a glance that this was the headquarters of the CP9 department.

Just when she was wondering, Lin Luo's voice appeared in her ears again.

"This is Judicial Island two years later. It is the future scene projected by me using the power of the dimensional merchant."

"Of course, because the law of time is too strong, the projections of some characters may be a little blurred."

"Judicial Island two years later!?"

Khalifa directly ignored the second half of Lin Luo's words, that is, after being resurrected, she was once again shocked by Lin Luo's godlike means.

Her eyes widened, but she never doubted the truth of Lin Luo's words.

Because there is such a terrifying existence as a dimensional merchant, there is really no need to lie to her.

But it was because of this that she was even more shocked.

In the future projection in front of us, Judiciary Island will be breached by a group of pirates with blurred faces and no identity...

 Thank you for the monthly ticket support of Jiaping [-] y and C Super League! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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