Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 158 Kalifa's Backstab

Chapter 158 Kalifa's Backstab
In order not to attract unnecessary attention, Lin Luo deliberately mosaiced the images of the Straw Hat Pirates.

At this time, in Kalifa's eyes, they were like the pixel people in the game world coming to the world, making a big fuss in Judicial Island.

As time progressed, Kalifa finally found a figure she was familiar with, and she was also the only member of the original Straw Hat Pirates in Linluo who did not have a mosaic treatment.

This person was the son of the devil who had just won a gorgeous battle and was in the players' lounge making love to his revived mother——Nicole Robin.

Looking at Nico Robin who was arrested and brought to justice, Khalifa not only did not have any doubts at this time, but even more convinced that this is the image that will appear in the future.

After all, Robin's special identity is here, and now she has resurrected the famous archaeologist Olbia. It is impossible for the world government to watch such a character continue to survive on the sea.

No need to think about it, when they report the resurrection of Olbia to the world government, what fate will the Robin mother and daughter usher in.

Along with Kalifa's thinking, everything in the illusion is also proceeding rapidly.

But as the Straw Hats moved forward, Kalifa couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

That group of unidentified people first broke through the gate of Judicial Island, then burned the flag of the World Government, and finally defeated their group of CP9 elite agents one by one in the Tower of Judiciary!

Amidst the roaring artillery fire, Judiciary Island was reduced to ruins and completely reduced to the dust of history.

"Lu Qi, he actually lost the battle!?"

Seeing the figure she had been looking up to since the beginning of the training camp collapsed amid the mutilated arms, Kalifa's heart suddenly trembled.

With an expression of disbelief on her face, she questioned in her heart:
"Who are they!? Is it the Revolutionary Army?! Could it be said that the Revolutionary Army two years later already has the power to contend with the World Government?"

One thought after another emerged in Kalifa's mind.

However, the question for which there was no answer could only make her feel more at a loss.


The illusion created by Lin Luo did not give her much time to think.

Then the screen changed again.

All members of CP9 were defeated, and Judiciary Island was reduced to ruins.

It has to be said that this is a rare case in the history of the world government that a political institution was breached.

However, what makes Kalifa angry is...

The chief of CP9, Spandam, even after waking up, put all the blame on himself and others, and used "incompetence" as an excuse to ask the world government to wipe out all CP9 members!

And the operation of the world government is even more amazing...

They actually started chasing and killing themselves and others for no reason just because of Spandam's one-sided words.

Looking at herself and others who were seriously injured in the illusion but still wanted to escape from the pursuit of the world government, Kalifa couldn't help clenching her fists.

The dignified CP9 agent, the world's top espionage officer, was betrayed by the world government and hunted down all over the world for such absurd and ridiculous reasons.

Their lifetime dedication and dedication are like a joke, being trampled on by others to their heart's content.

The illusion ends here.

With a flash in front of her eyes, Kalifa's consciousness returned to the real world again.

But at this moment, her heart is completely different from a few minutes ago.

"The World Government..."

Khalifa murmured with hatred in her eyes, apparently she had entered the future self in the illusion.

Seeing this, the corners of Lin Luo's mouth turned up slightly, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes, as if a trick had succeeded.

In the illusion just now, he deliberately added a little super power when the members of cp9 were hunted down, so that Kalifa felt the feeling of being betrayed by the world government.

From now on, it seems that this beautiful blonde beauty has been successfully instigated by herself!

Thoughts flashed by, Lin Luo suddenly coughed lightly, and after waking Kalifa out of a daze, he cast some sympathetic gazes at her.

"How, after watching the future scene, do you still choose to continue working for such a world government?"

Lin Luo asked in a persuasive tone.

That look is like a person who cherishes talent seeing a piece of uncut jade, but for some reason can only watch the uncut jade fall into the mud pit.

Needless to say Kalifa can feel it too...

In the eyes of the dimensional businessman, the world government at this time is an extremely dirty mud pit!


Kalifa's chest rose and fell, as if she was doing some kind of resistance.

After a while, she suddenly raised her head, and there was a cold sparkle in her winking eyes behind the glasses.

Kalifa looked at Lin Luo with a complicated expression, and asked in a sigh-like tone:
"Master Lin Luo, I want to know, is this really what happened in the future?"


Lin Luo immediately gave an affirmative answer.

Although the direction of the future will definitely change because of his arrival, he didn't lie, did he?
Because that is indeed a scene that will appear in the future of Pirate World.

It's just another parallel world without him.


Kalifa took another deep breath.

In fact, there is no need for Lin Luo's answer, she already has the answer in her heart.

With an exquisite heart, she knows better than anyone else that whether it is Spandam or the World Government, they will indeed do things like in the illusion.

Coupled with the repeated affirmation of the dimensional businessman...

Khalifa already believes that in the future, the world government will betray their loyal agents because of a useless one-sided statement.

"Damn it!"

At this moment, Khalifa just wanted to go back to Judiciary Island immediately and give her good-for-nothing boss a hard punch.


If she really did that, then the situation that appears in the picture is likely to appear earlier.

She clenched her fists and raised her head resolutely.

"Master Lin Luo, am I still qualified to trade with you now?"

She asked Lin Luo, with a strong taste of request in her tone.

When Lin Luo heard this, he just nodded lightly, and there was a little smile in Gu Jingbubo's eyes, and he nodded and said:
"Of course, Miss Khalifa."

"You are the person I recognize, no matter what time, place, or identity, you are qualified to conduct dimensional transactions."

Lin Luo's words once again injected strength into Kalifa's heart.

She took a step forward full of gratitude, turning her hatred for the world government into thunder, and accumulated it in her heart.

"Thank you for your appreciation!"

She straightened her full chest and said:

"My lord, please make a dimensional transaction with me!"

"I, too, want to become a trainer!!!"

"Haha, this is a wise decision!" Lin Luo smiled gratifiedly.

Waving the point exchange system projected into Kalifa's mind.

With a wonderful sense of epiphany, Kalifa instantly understood the use of the system and the rules of the transaction in her mind without Lin Luo's excessive introduction.

Don't look at her appearance of being alone all the time, in fact, Kalifa's savings add up to quite a lot.

In the Ming Dynasty, she was the assistant secretary to the mayor of the City of Seven Waters, and helped Bingshan manage the operation of the entire city for five full years.

The capital of Seven Waters has never been short of funds, and the wages and benefits for employees are very superior. Coupled with Kalifa's own outstanding ability, the salary of these 5 years alone has accumulated more than 3 million Baileys.

And in the dark, she is the top secret agent of the world government. Although she has no salary, the funds and materials that can be transferred arbitrarily under her name are not a small number!
She couldn't give a clear judgment on the value of these materials.

But at least, it's much, much more than her five-year salary!
And all of this, but in Kalifa's thought, instantly turned into nothingness, turned into points, and entered her system account.

Anyway, it's all the money of the world government, so she doesn't feel bad about spending it!
When Kalifa closed the trading system in her mind and opened her eyes again, she suddenly found a strange creature with the same hair color as her, floating in front of her.

After following Robin for a while, she of course knows that this creature is called Rotom Mobile, and it is a special Pokémon that can only be obtained after the point transaction reaches more than 2000 and becomes a VIP2 member of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce.

"Congratulations, Miss Khalifa."

At this time, Lin Luo suddenly snapped his fingers and said with a smile:

"Now you have become a VIP2 member of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce, please keep your mobile phone Rotom away."

"Thank you, Master Lin Luo!"

Kalifa politely returned the salute, reaching out to grab the phone Rotom in her hand.

On the dimly lit screen was her personal information interface.


【VIP level: 2】

【VIP experience: 2200/10000】

【Current points: 2200】

"2200 points!?"

Seeing her point balance, Kalifa raised her eyebrows suddenly. According to the ratio of 50 bery points per point, these 2200 points are worth 11 billion beli!
That is to say, one of my own thoughts actually spent seven or eight billion dollars of the world government's funds in one go! ?
As if letting out a bad breath, Kalifa's face instantly melted like an iceberg, showing a happy smile.

At this moment, she seemed to have found something that would make her truly happy!

It turns out that the World Government has given her such great authority.

In the past, she might thank the world government for trusting her, but now...

A plan called "Backstab" quietly appeared in Kalifa's heart.

It is impossible for the world government to guess that Kalifa has already peeked into the future and knows what will happen in the future.

In other words, in the eyes of the world government, she is still the loyal top agent.

In this way, taking advantage of the world government's trust in her, she can definitely get a lot of materials and money from the world government to train herself!
Use the enemy's money to strengthen yourself...

Nothing beats this!
And it would be even better if it could be said that Lu Qi and Gabra stabbed the world government together!

Thousands of thoughts flashed through Kalifa's mind.

But now, what she is most looking forward to is what kind of Pokémon she will get.


As if guessing what she was thinking, when Kalifa turned her gaze to Lin Luo again, she happened to meet Lin Luo's half-smiling eyes.

Only this time, Khalifa did not panic at all, but showed the same meaningful expression together with Lin Luo.

"Please trouble Master Lin Luo to help me choose a Pokémon that suits me!"

After becoming a member of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce, Carly seemed to have found a new harbor. Even Lin Luo, who possessed the power of [God], was so kind in her eyes at this moment.

"A Pokémon that suits you..."

Hearing Kalifa's question, Lin Luo suddenly smiled.

Well prepared, he summoned a virtual light screen with a wave of his hand and projected it in front of Kalifa.

Lin Luo laughed and said:

"I wonder if Miss Kalifa likes this Pokémon?"

A Pokémon image covered with fluffy hair appeared on the screen instantly.

On one side is the property interface of this Pokémon.

[Pokémon: Mali Sheep]

[Attribute: Electricity]

[Characteristic: Static electricity (When fighting in close quarters, there is a certain probability of paralyzing the opponent. The specific probability depends on the strength of both parties.)]

【Level: 12】

【Price: 2000 points】

Under Lin Luo's powerful ability to pry into the heart, he has already seen through Kalifa's favorite animal, which is sheep!

So he specially chose this sheep Pokémon, I believe that Kalifa, who loves sheep, will never refuse such a deal!
"What kind of sheep?"

Sure enough, looking at the furry Pokémon on the screen, Kalifa's heart trembled suddenly.

I saw a flash of joy in her eyes, and after thinking for a moment, she said in an instant:
"I want this Pokémon, Lord Lin Luo!"

Looking at the furry shape and fluffy body, Kalifa fell in love with this Pokémon almost instantly.

Of course, as a pragmatist, she would not make such an important decision just because of the sheep's appearance.

In the past few days, Kalifa has obtained a lot of information about dimensional transactions from Robin's insinuations and conversations with other trainers on Baihua Island.

She knows very well...

The greater the difference between the price and level, the more powerful the Pokémon's talent has been.

Under normal transactions, 2000 points can be exchanged for a Pokémon with ordinary talent and a level of about 40.

But this Mali sheep, which is obviously only level 12, can be priced at this price...

This is enough to show that its talent is no small matter! ! !

For a moment, Kalifa even felt like being reused by Lin Luo.

You know, judging from the information she obtained, the dimensional merchant will not just hand over the gifted Pokémon to others.

All of this is Master Lin Luo's appreciation for her!
Lin Luo, who spied Khalifa's inner monologue again, smiled slightly.

However, although Kalifa had already guessed a lot, he still took the trouble to explain again:
"Mali Sheep, a very common Pokémon in the Pokémon world, most of them appear in pastures or power plants, and are used to produce wool, goat milk and electricity..."

"Although due to a large number of domestication, there are very few Pokémon with fighting talents in the Mali sheep group..."

"But this Mali sheep is exactly the existence of a different kind in the ethnic group. With its talent, as long as it has enough resources, it can grow to the level of 80 without any problems,"

"The specific strength is probably at the same level as the general of the Navy headquarters."

Lin Luo's seductive voice echoed in Kalifa's mind.

Kalifa, who had already made up her mind, couldn't wait even more after hearing that Maliyang could grow into an admiral-level combat power.

There was a look of eagerness between his brows and eyes.

"Needless to say, Lord Lin Luo, let's trade quickly!!!"

Kalifa stepped forward and spoke urgently.

 Thanks to Yueshuai's mooncakes, coffee brother, perjury, and Xiaoの宝゛'s monthly ticket support! ! !

  thank you all! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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