Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 159 The Bald Phoenix King

Chapter 159 The Bald Phoenix King
As 2000 points were deducted from Kalifa's account balance, a red and white poke ball appeared in her hand.

"From now on, I'm also a trainer..."

Kalifa smiled lightly, and recognized her current identity without any gaps.

Especially after obtaining the Mare sheep, she has already begun to plan in her mind how to report to the world government to obtain greater gains.

Now, no one except the dimensional businessman knows about her betrayal...

Maybe you can take advantage of this and make some articles!
Who would have thought that a top agent trained by the World Government would suddenly betray the World Government! ?

Time passed slowly.

After exchanging some matters about the transaction with Khalifa, Lin Luo moved her fingers directly and sent her back to Robin's villa.

Although Khalifa still has 200 points left on his body, Lin Luo is no longer the former him.

It's not so hard to see traders accumulating some points.

after all……

In the current Pirate World, there are many value-added services that need to consume points.

One point and two points seem to cost little, but once you develop the habit of using point consumption and completing transactions with a light swipe of your finger, it will not be so easy to return to cash transactions.

Just as the currency of One Piece World was converted into the power of the world in large quantities, in order not to destroy the currency system of the world itself, Lin Luo had no choice but to create a bunch of programs that needed to use points in daily life.

For example, a cafeteria controlled by Rotom, a cinema controlled by Rotom, a large shopping mall controlled by Rotom...

These devices have already settled down in Baihua Island.

Anyway, ordinary resources in the system seem to be free of money.

The meals and ingredients are all frozen in the system, and there is no need to consider the problem of deterioration. A little point can be exchanged for a lot, enough to maintain Baihua Island for thousands of years or even longer.

In order to maintain the currency stability of One Piece World, to be able to continue to be exploited by himself, and to achieve a sustainable development strategy, Lin Luo really worked hard.

"I'm so great, hehe!"

After silently sniggering in his heart, Lin Luo activated his superpower again, teleporting back to Robin's player lounge.

At this time, both Robin and Olbia had accepted the fact of Olbia's resurrection.

After a short period of communication, the emotions of the mother and daughter gradually calmed down.

Although Robin still has a lot to say to Olbia...

But at this moment, she has more important things to do.



With a blur in front of his eyes, Lin Luo's figure appeared in front of Robin again.

I saw him smiling softly:

"Miss Robin, is there anything else I can help you with?"

Although he had read Robin's inner thoughts with mind reading skills, Lin Luo, who had just received the transaction application, still pretended not to know anything and asked.

Robin nodded, stepped forward, and bowed heavily to Lin Luo first.

"Thank you very much, Lord Lin Luo!"

"Your great kindness, Robin will never forget it! If you need anything, you can give me an order, and I will definitely do everything in my power to help you!"

At this moment, Robin is really grateful to Lin Luo and the dimensional transaction.

The pain of losing a loved one cannot be understood by those who have not experienced it.

That kind of emptiness, as if the lead wire connected to the world has been cut off by someone.

Even if you suddenly face death one day, you will not feel the slightest bit of reluctance.

But now, with the help of Dimensional Transactions, she once again regained the courage to live and connected with the world again.

Robin will never forget such kindness.


Facing Robin's thanks, Lin Luo just smiled lightly.

"Miss Robin, you don't need to be polite, this is just a reasonable transaction."

Although the two swaying hemispheres in front of him were very tempting, he still waved his hands and used his thoughts to support Robin's body.

Transactions are transactions, what about feelings?

Unless he wants to develop into an offline employee like Anilo, Lin Luo has always insisted on maintaining a close and distant relationship with every trader.

After all, if the relationship is too deep, he will be embarrassed when he makes money~
Faced with Lin Luo's seemingly friendly but indifferent attitude, Robin didn't feel that there was anything wrong with it. Instead, he felt that this was what a dimensional businessman should look like.

After organizing the language, Robin said straight to the point this time:

"I'm sorry to trouble Master Lin Luo again, but you have to come here specially."

"I wonder if I can buy another Phoenix King's Feather?"

"Oh?" Lin Luo looked at her with a slight smile and asked, "Is there anyone else you want to resurrect?"

Robin nodded vigorously, with a flash of determination in his eyes, and said seriously:
"I have a dream……"

"If my ability allows, I will resurrect all the victims of the O'Hara Island that was wiped out by the navy in history!"

"Although my ability is limited now, I will, through my own efforts, let those innocent people who died under the gunfire return to this world and make their voices again!!!"

Robin's voice was firm and powerful.

Obviously, this idea has not appeared in her mind for a day or two.

It's just that her mother's successful resurrection made her more determined in her belief.

All O'Hara's victims...

When Robin uttered these words, it meant that she would resurrect the children who had bullied her, as well as the aunt's family who had oppressed her.

No matter how unsatisfactory her life in O'Hara was, that wasn't the reason for the navy to wantonly slaughter lives!
It has to be said that although he has been living in darkness, Robin's character is still as holy and bright as an angel.

Even Lin Luo, who had just sensed Robin's heart, couldn't help but glance at the turbulent girl.

However, although O'Hara is not considered a large island, there are still thousands of people.

I don't know if King Feng would be so angry that he jumped out of the system after hearing Robin's dream.

But it would be great if it could be done like that!
At that time, Lin Luo didn't need to exchange the Phoenix King's Feather from the system, and let Feng Wang directly gather the power of life to create the Phoenix King's Feather, and then sell it outside.

Without the system, the middleman earns the price difference, he can only earn more!

Although the demand for resurrection is high, its price is also high. There are only a few people who can afford the resurrection qualification.

Creating a production line of [Phoenix King's Feather] for the sake of a few customers in need is really not worth it.

After silently complaining in his heart, Lin Luo immediately put on a praiseful smile, and said approvingly:

"That's really a great dream..."

"Then, according to Miss Robin's current point balance, you should be able to resurrect two people. I don't know who do you want to resurrect this time?"

"I want to resurrect Vice Admiral Saron who died in O'Hara, and Dr. Kuroha, the librarian of O'Hara's Omniscient Tree!!!"

Robin gave two names instantly without any hesitation.

At the same time, two phoenix king feathers immediately appeared in Lin Luo's hands.

Because the time of death is not much different, the points required to retrieve the soul from the underworld are also the same as Olbia's.

The 7000 points were instantly removed from Robin's account.

In an instant, two mysterious rays of light exuding the breath of life appeared in the player's waiting room together.

Lin Luo waved his hand, and before the two of them were resurrected, he conjured up two sets and put them on.

For a beautiful woman like Olbia who still has charm, he will slow down a few times before transforming into clothes.

And the nude bodies of a big man with a foot-pick and a bad old man...

just forget it.

In the blink of an eye, the former Vice Admiral Saron and O'Hara's principal, Dr. Kuroha, were resurrected.

Like Olbia, the two have just returned from resurrection, and they feel very strange to the real world.

Lin Luo doesn't need to think about it, he knows that what follows will be another emotional drama of reunion after a long absence.

Lin Luo, who had no interest in the private lives of the traders, gave a slight signal to Robin, then teleported and disappeared into the players' lounge.

Leave the rest of the time to them.



at the same time.

Robin's villa.

Kalifa, who came back one step earlier than everyone else, immediately took out a deeply hidden box from her salute.

And in the box, there is a special phone bug stored impressively.

This is the phone bug that the world government specially provided her before participating in the operation. It has the advantages of being easy to hide and easy to preserve. It is a mutated variety of the phone bug.

Because the number is too rare, the world government will only equip agents with such phone bugs when performing particularly important tasks.

Before anyone else came back, Kalifa immediately dialed the phone.

All of a sudden!
A sharp, harsh voice came from the other end of the microphone:

In the tower of justice, in the commander's office, Spandam excitedly held up the phone bug, using his years of intelligence agency chief's mansion to force himself not to make too much noise.

As Kalifa's chief, he knew very well that when the phone bug rang, it meant that either Kalifa's mission had a further breakthrough, or Kalifa failed and the phone bug was taken away.

And when Kalifa's voice came through the phone bug, Spandam's face immediately showed an extremely excited smile.

"Sir, I have obtained the information of the dimensional merchant!"

Kalifa's cold voice came from the phone bug's microphone:

"The dimensional businessman is currently in Baihua Island, watching the Pokémon Contest."

"I have now joined Gabra and the others, and I am lurking by her side as Robin's assistant..."

"Those insignificant things, you can report to me later!"

When the eager Spandam heard that Kalifa wanted to say something, he quickly made a bad tone and said forcefully:
"Now immediately! Immediately! Tell me everything about the dimensional merchant!!!"

Thinking that he was about to become the first officer of all intelligence departments to grasp the information of dimensional merchants, Spandham had already begun to fantasize in his heart that he would go one step further and become a high-level world government.

As for the attitude towards his subordinates?

He's about to be promoted soon, so why should he bother with these guys with high eyesight and low hands.

Originally, he was very dissatisfied with the attitude of CP9 and the others, but now he was even more dissatisfied. Even the breath he gave to the phone bug seemed to be greedy at the moment.


What he didn't know was that after hearing Spandam's voice, Kalifa on the other end of the phone bug let out a piercing sneer.

However, she quickly adjusted her status. As an excellent agent, controlling her tone and status is simply a matter of routine.

She immediately expressed her dissatisfaction, and said to the phone bug in a colder voice:
"In short, after the gorgeous contest ended, the dimensional businessman came to ask me if I would like to become a trader."

"I took the opportunity to ask the World Government to trade with it..."


"Just what?"

Spandam choked out nervously, as if heaven and hell were in Kalifa's next sentence.

Kalifa continued:
"The dimensional businessman said that after learning about the behavior of several Tianlong people, he has no plans to make a deal with the world government..."

"But he obviously doesn't want to cut off the opportunity to deal with the world government."

"The dimensional merchant said that he intends to select a few people from the world government to conduct transactions first, and then test and investigate..."

"Through the actions of a few of us, it is time to make a deal with the world government."

Speaking of this, Kalifa suddenly paused, as if to give Spandam some time to think, and then continued:

"In order to keep getting rid of this clue of the dimensional merchant, I made a transaction with the dimensional merchant without authorization, and I have already obtained a Pokémon..."

"According to my observation, although the dimensional merchants care about the behavior of several Tianlong people, they obviously pay more attention to the effect of the transaction!"

"Through continuous transactions, the other party must be able to obtain some kind of benefits that we cannot understand."

"So I'm wondering if the dimensional merchant is reminding us that we need to do more business with them and show some sincerity before making direct transactions with the world government."

In a few short sentences, Kalifa reported the real situation to Spandam with embellishments.

After listening to Kalifa's report, Spandam fell into deep thought for an instant.

In addition to contacting the dimensional businessman, he heard two important messages from Kalifa's report:
One, the behavior of Lord Tianlongren disgusted the dimensional businessman, which made him not want to do business with the world government.

For the reason Kalifa made up, Spandam didn't have any doubts.

Not to mention a dimensional businessman with a good reputation in the sea, even he, the ultimate licking dog of the Tianlong people, sometimes can't stand the behavior of the Tianlong people.

Therefore, the dimensional merchant is unwilling to deal with the world government, and he can understand it.

But the second point...

Kalifa guessed that the dimensional businessman could get some benefits from the transaction, so a large number of transactions can be added to the relationship with the dimensional businessman.

For this, Spandam did not have the slightest doubt.

There is nothing good in the world without a reason.

Before the world government proposed to conduct a transaction, the five old stars actually analyzed for a long time, wanting to know what the dimensional merchants could gain from the transaction.


No matter how they use their brains, they can't imagine that everything that Lin Luo has exchanged for points has completely disappeared from their cognition.

How could they think of things that don't exist...

After several fruitless meetings, the revolutionary army defeated the navy.

This also made the world government aware of the urgency of time.

Now is clearly not the time to ponder these questions.

In any case, in the current sea, trading is the kingly way!

If you don't trade, you will fall behind, and if you fall behind, you will be beaten!

So dimensional transactions are extremely important to the world government!
This is especially true for Spandam at this time.

It's just that the progress of the task is half completed, of course he can't submit it to the world government like this.

"Think of a way to get the dimensional businessman to agree to a deal with the world government..."

Spandam clicked his tongue secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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