Selling Pokémon from Pirates

Chapter 160 The Navy's Secret Transaction

Chapter 160 The Navy's Secret Transaction

To be able to sit in this position today, Spandam is not only relying on his father who escorted him.

More importantly, he knows what those high-ranking people need.

A half-finished mission report is definitely not what the five old stars want to see, let alone show that they are well-mannered.

"We have to find a way to get the dimensional merchant to agree to make a deal with the world government..."

Spandam sighed, and couldn't help thinking of what Kalifa said just now that he wanted to trade more with dimensional merchants.

"Up to now, it seems that there is only one way to go." He thought about it.

As the chief of CP9, Spandam can control funds far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

But most of these funds are in his small coffers that he intends to leave to himself, and now he is really reluctant to say that they were spent due to business affairs.

"Forget it, forget it!"

Spandam slapped the table and made a decision.

"After being promoted, how much money is needed, and now it is the most important thing to facilitate the transaction between the dimensional merchant and the world government!!!"

From the beginning to the end, he never suspected that Kalifa would deceive him.

After all, they are agents trained by the World Government since childhood. If they cannot be trusted, then the World Government really has no one to trust.

three days later.

A ship disguised as an ordinary sightseeing group sailed from Judiciary Island.

On this ship, there are a lot of gold, silver and jewelry.

In order to be able to get promoted and make a fortune, Spandam spent all his money and collected more than [-] billion worth of supplies, which he planned to send to Baihua Island on the Great Route to support further transactions between Kalifa and the dimensional merchants.

of course……

These more than two billion materials are only part of the transaction.

Spandam didn't think that a mere two billion Baileys would be able to impress the dimensional merchants in another world.

He has applied for some financial support and some devil fruits from the higher authorities in the name of the CP9 chief.

I believe that with these materials, even if the dimensional businessman is hard-hearted, it should be enough to be moved!
At this moment, Spandam has even begun to inquire about the vacancies of high-ranking officials in the World Government Headquarters, planning his future path.



At the same time, the sky above Baihua Island.

Lin Luo, who supervised the gorgeous battles for several days, slowly flew into the sky.

After the battle between Robin and Cavendish ended, Baihua Island had another 6 gorgeous battles.

It's just that because the people participating in the battle are some little-known rich ladies or little pirates, the income in the past few days is even less than 1 million Berries.

But even so, the benefits of the gorgeous battle are enough to make many people jealous!
A total of 6 people participated in the 12 battles. On average, one person earned a full 1000 million Baileys!
This terrifying speed of making money instantly mobilized the other trainers on Baihua Island.

Regardless of whether you are suitable for the gorgeous competition, you must participate first!

Originally, many people just wanted to watch the excitement, but seeing how much money they made by participating in the Grand Competition, they immediately took out their mobile phones, Rotom, and signed up for the Grand Competition, directly pushing the schedule of the event to a month later.

But Lin Luo didn't expect too much from these people.

Now it's just because of the early days of the gorgeous competition, the contestants who came to participate enjoyed the start bonus. After a long time, after the audience got used to the gorgeous competition, this bonus will gradually disappear.

In the end, those who can stay in the arena of the gorgeous competition must be some people with real materials.

In order not to disturb the real contestants from the people he offends, Lin Luo actually set up a special area for star battles.

This star battle area is separated from the current arena, and it is specially used for those who have a certain fan base to fight.

Only the official differential treatment can help newcomers to better distinguish which one is a master and which one is a rookie.

This way they can choose the games they like to watch.

This gorgeous competition, to put it bluntly, is like the talent show and art test of the earth's stars, with thousands of troops crossing the single-plank bridge.

Only those who remain on the battlefield in the end are real money-making machines.

Here, the gorgeous battle between the two rookies is still in full swing.

However, Lin Luo, the founder of the game, has already gone deep into the bottom of the sea and is heading for the next destination.

Although with Lin Luo's current strength, his flying speed is almost several times faster than that of the Roaring Whale King in the deep sea...

But he still likes the feeling of being in a different space, drinking milk tea, eating snacks, playing games and waiting for the destination to arrive.

In this way, the Howler Whale King sailed at the bottom of the deep sea for seven days and seven nights.

Finally, on a moonless night with few stars.

The bright moonlight shone on the boiling sea, and the island-like Howler Whale King slowly popped out a round forehead from the bottom of the sea.

Under the moonlight, a vague figure suddenly appeared above the head of the Howler Whale King.

Looking at the people below, Lin Luo chuckled, stepping on the air, as if walking on stairs, and slowly came to the mouth of the coast.

After looking around at today's customers with a smile on his face, Lin Luo turned his gaze to the tall man who was facing him, and said:

"Long time no see, General Aokiji."

"Long time no see, Master Lin Luo."

Aokiji looked serious, but his eyes betrayed him, showing a flustered expression.

This time, he is not alone.

Behind the green pheasant, there are hundreds of naval soldiers with the ship.

As an admiral of the navy, before Lin Luo arrived, he always wanted to behave neither humble nor overbearing.

It's a pity that when he sensed Lin Luo's strength as vast as a starry sky with his informative arrogance, he suddenly became nervous again.

Lin Luo, who had seen through Qingzhi's inner thoughts, suddenly showed a meaningful smile on his face, and immediately restrained the aura that naturally emanated from his body, turning into an ordinary person.

At this moment, the few people who had been putting their domineering arrogance on him heaved a sigh of relief.

Making customers feel at ease is Lin Luo's consistent trading purpose.

What's more, he had a hunch that today's deal might give him a little surprise.

Because he had already seen Admiral Sengoku and Vice Admiral Tsuru among the navy hiding behind Aokiji.

After glancing at them from afar, Lin Luo turned his gaze to Qingzhi again, and said with a light smile:

"It seems that General Aokiji hasn't had a very good life recently, and he chose such a hidden island for trading."

Qingzhi's eyes trembled slightly, and then he sighed helplessly:
"There is no way. To tell you the truth, Lord Lin Luo, the world government has always been unwilling to allow our navy to have too much contact with you, so I have no choice but to meet you secretly in this way."

"Is that so..."

Lin Luo nodded lightly and said with a smile:
"Speaking of which, not long ago, people from the world government came to me, wanting me to conduct dimensional transactions with the world government."


Aokiji screamed in shock, his expression suddenly became tense.

Even Sengoku and Crane, who were hidden behind, instantly showed the same expression.

If the world government had conducted a dimensional transaction and knew the transaction rules, then they would have discovered that the Navy deliberately concealed information! ?

Although they are not far away from the bright card, but this kind of thing, the longer it is hidden, the better it will be for them!

Aokiji hurriedly asked in a panic:

"What happened after that?"


Lin Luo smiled, and did not deliberately tease the tense hearts of the sailors, but replied:
"Of course I rejected it."

He also shook his head while speaking.

"The Wanjie Chamber of Commerce advocates that the diversity of the world is created by the diversity of life."

"But the concept of the world government wants to control the world in the hands of a small number of Tianlong people."

"Such a ruling concept is too restrictive, and it is easier to bring the world into an uncontrollable crisis."

"It's impossible for me to make a deal with such a world government."


"They are willing to give up the so-called Draco rule."

Lin Luo said softly, but when the words fell into the ears of Qingzhi, Sen Guo and He, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhan Guo and He immediately looked at each other.

They were right.

Although the dimensional businessman has always been aloof, he rarely intervenes in worldly affairs.

But judging from his style of doing things, he is indeed a kind-hearted dimensional businessman, and he doesn't like the behavior of Tianlongren very much.

In this way, they should have made the right move with this move!
After Lin Luo's voice fell, Qingzhi immediately said in a slightly guilty tone:

"What Master Lin Luo said is absolutely true!"

"The existence of Tianlong people is indeed the biggest evil in our world!"

"Let the adults laugh!"

"That's why we have only recently planned how to get rid of the control of the Tianlong people and make our world a better place."

As a dignified admiral of the navy, seeing his own world being called the world of pirates by others, he must feel very uncomfortable in his heart.

But the reality is that.

After coming into contact with the world of Pokémon, Aokiji has vaguely understood what a healthy and normal world should look like.

At the same time, he also understood how abnormal the rule of the world government in the world of pirates is.

That's why he came here secretly.

"Hehe, it's okay, there are also many interesting things in this world."

After comforting Qingzhi a few words, Lin Luo began to care about today's business.

"Speaking of which, I don't know how many points are you going to redeem this time, General Aokiji?"

"this time……"

Aokiji's tone froze, and he glanced back unconsciously. After receiving the nod of approval from Sengoku and Crane, he said firmly:
"This time, I have prepared materials worth 300 billion Baileys to trade with adults!"

Although Sengoku and Crane didn't say it clearly, Aokiji could feel that they intended to train themselves to be the next successor of the navy.

Otherwise, the Marshal of the Warring States Period would not have proposed that all the transactions related to the navy should be carried out by himself, so as to help him improve the VIP level of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce.

To be honest, after learning about Sengoku's thoughts, Aokiji was actually taken aback, and even fought ideologically for several days.

But fortunately, he has been with Garp since he was young, and has received a lot of influence from Garp. Unlike other people in the navy, he naturally accepted the domineering rule of the Celestial Dragons and fought to maintain this rule.

Since he pressed the [Transaction Application] button, he has been tied to this thief ship.

Whether it is for the justice in my heart, or for the position of admiral of the navy.

In short, his current task has changed from maintaining the peace of the sea to leading the navy and overthrowing the rule of the Tianlong people!
And before the showdown, they must of course accumulate a strong force and win over enough people to fight against the world government's long-standing control over the navy.

Dimensional trading and Pokémon are the confidence for him to dare to do so.


On the other side, after hearing Qingzhi's words, Lin Luo was overjoyed for a moment.

It had been a long time since he had encountered such a large transaction. He waved his hand deftly and introduced the trading system into Aokiji's brain.

Because the remote trading function hadn't been turned on during the previous transaction, so this time Aokiji actually packed all the money and materials into the warship and brought them here together.

With the movement of Aokiji's mind, a large amount of supplies disappeared from the cabin in an instant.

And Aokiji's account also has 6 extra points.

Seeing that there were more than 500 points in the balance, Lin Luo suddenly burst into laughter, and he was one step closer to the [-] million points needed to cross the world.

He said to Aokiji:

"Congratulations, General Aokiji, you have now successfully become a VIP5 member of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce, and all products in the mall system will also be open to you."

Lin Luo lightly waved his hand and used the privileges for the new VIP5 level customers.

In an instant, information about the items in the mall suddenly appeared in Aokiji's mind.

Items that increase the power of Pokémon, ever-changing skills, powerful and extraordinary abilities...

A large amount of information suddenly appeared in his mind like a memory.

As long as he moves his mind, he can immediately find the prop information he needs, which is very convenient.

In just a moment, Qingzhi discovered a special feed for the evolution of carp king.

Last time he bought 5000 carp kings from Lin Luo, and now half a year has passed, only a dozen of them have successfully evolved.

Although the evolved Gyarados are very powerful, each one has the strength comparable to that of a rear admiral, and with the strange skills, the effect in battle is even more extraordinary.

It is enough to make him believe that when these 5000 carp kings are fully evolved, what a powerful force it will be!


Although half a year has passed, they still haven't grasped the law of the carp king's evolution.

According to the reports of the dozen or so navies, some of their carp kings evolved suddenly while eating, some evolved suddenly while swimming, and some of them evolved suddenly after being hit on the head by a wooden plank accidentally flying over...

All in all it's confusing.

And this is the magic of the carp king race.

Even the system can't judge which carp king will evolve for what reason.

Therefore, in the system, even if it is a carp king with 1 point, there will often be individuals with extraordinary talents.

And the feed that Aokiji discovered was precisely a scientific research product that could allow King Carp to evolve into a Tyrannosaurus within three months.

If it is fed with water energy cubes, this progress can be accelerated.

With just a glance, Aokiji's gaze is hard to leave.

With the lessons learned from the weak Dingyu, Aokiji believes that the quantitative changes of Pokémon can definitely produce qualitative changes!
If those 5000 carp kings can all evolve into Gyarados...

That scene must be very disappointing!

Thinking about the scene of an army of 5000 Gyarados pressing down on the territory, even Aokiji himself felt a little scary.

He was certain in his heart, and immediately said to Lin Luo:

"Master Lin Luo, I want to buy feed that can make the carp king evolve!"

 Thanks to La Vie en Rose, Crack the Sky, and the monthly ticket support that promises to last a lifetime! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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